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The Anchor Newspapers Rhode Island College Digital Commons @ RIC The Anchor Newspapers 10-6-1964 The Anchor (1964, Volume 37 Issue 03) Rhode Island College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Rhode Island College, "The Anchor (1964, Volume 37 Issue 03)" (1964). The Anchor. 450. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RIC. For more information, please contact THE ESTABLISHED IN 1928 ANCHOR WEEKLY IN 1962 FREE ACCESS TO 10,EAS AND FULL FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION VOL. XXXVI I, No. 3 RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE TU'ESDAY, 0C,,0B 1EIR 6, 1964 "Act One" This evening alt 8:00 p.m. i1J1 Rhode Island Voters R01bfil'tls Ha1'1 ltJlre Fine Arbs COlffimrutJteewtl.11 preserrut O'll'e of the grea1t laidli!es oif the srtaige, To Decide For RI C Dame Jud'il1fu Anrd!erson. Dame Judith will read from "Mac­ The Booarrd '()If 'Ilrusl:ees of dents can now be rarooommod,at­ beth" and "Medea." State Oo!Jil~gesreporlJed tin June ed wilfil:1 a Slllllailll:erC01IToopood­ New York Times drama crit­ thalt tfill,es!Jaljje's ll!l"St puWc jun- ing a d d i It i o n of facilities, ic Brooks Altklin\S•on wro1Je of ~or <iollege woull.d lhiave ro turn RJhlode l!S1amd ~ayers a["e al­ Mi.s'sAnderson\s i'l11terprertatfo1J1 away 400 qUlail!ilfiJedsltnldenlts. ready over l!Jhie''hump" of pur­ of "Medea": "If 'Medea' does Previous itlo tis rallJ.IIllOUil'Clemenltdh!as'i'ng IIJhe iblalsfo 1/a'n.d and erut,:in,ely unrd1erstaind every as­ URI d1lsdos'ed ltJ}raJt!ilt "'<.lould no buiildti.rnigsriequii!red by lfJhe Col­ pect of her wb!iTJ.:in,g<ih:araoter, ~OIJllgerienrourage" •aippl!iloa!l:iiOIJlStege. On 1Jhe dtlh:er hmd, the she would do well IIJo comsullit iiI'om rresidoolt studenlts and Oofilege CJaill!DIOlt-O'OOJt:im.te 'VO ex­ Juditth And<erson, for Misrs Alll.­ RJhod,e fJJsfa1ntl OorJile~e ''SitJaltedP~ •aJDldm~bain .:tJh.e quality derS-On imdersit'and\S the <lharac­ 1JhialtU!Ild<er ltih;e press1.l!l'e of a Oif • ~ redu·ootli:oo wiltlhioUltsucll. ter more ~CJTOIUg!ruly rfua1J1 26% 'itnicrease !in lt!hlenltlmiber of fin!iislhinrgifuu:chles ~ IIJhe vdtlers Medea, Euripides, or vhe schol­ stulden/fJs IS'ee4dn'g ialc:IilillSISlionilt aote now bei'nlg ruskied :bo ap­ ars, •a.ind 'ilt W'O'llld be useless hiad ~ed. pr,OClelSsilng1a,ppJiica- prove. n'ow for ,anyone to aitmempt the 1Ji1ons. 'I1h:iJSis lt!hle~i.ltrualtiion a-s 'Forr e~e, 11fuecllassroom part." Rlhooe Is1and voters prepare Ito wing, vvlhlidh. will be a:n, ex:oon­ Ju.sit as laudaJtocy in it:s praiise go Ito ftlhle Ibo dieclkl'e tlle ~on of a buiildmg aulfillorized, of Dame Judlil1fu's performance :fiaJte of "'1.1he Slbalbe OolJ-eges tmdrer ,a prilor •bond .issue, will in "Medea" was Theatre Arts Deveiopmelnlt Bro,gram," !the pr-0'\li!d!e tllwee floors of viltal magazine: "Perhaps 'Medea' sixtfili libero :ial thie rli!gi!Jt hiand spaioe for 18 clrrusisrooms and ,a was never fully Cl"ea1Jedunltil ddlumn of lf:lhevolfiinlg mooh!ine. nlllllllber ·df ,flaJOUII.tyoffices. At Miss Anderson breaibhed fire A ltdtal of $6,100,000 lin bond Pl'E;senit siorn:e fu!cuUty are re­ iruto it ... " funid!s Wii:l!lmake iJt pos\Silblle for qm'red Ito doub4e-up on offi~ Theatre Arts termed Miss ail bee fustiltultli10111s Ibo admilt spa◊e, when lf:lhey deserve yn­ Anderson's "Medea" " ... pure more l!=lbudenlts. · Lt wliil piro,V'ide v:~be qurur!ters rflorr rc!orusulltJaltions evil, daTk, d•anger-OUS, cruel, Rlbrodre Mand Oolilrege w'i'!Jh •a wilfJh stlldle~ ia~d iI"eseairoh. raging, rubhless. From begin­ major claeSJ11oomaddiltii.lOil, £acil- Toe mooc deparitme'nlt has ni'll!g to •enrd "She mali.nttaiins an iftJiies:fior musl.ic, equiiplllienlt for only '0?1e. dassmom 'lllow, yet almost li.noredd!ble tintelllSilty, yet drin!ing hialll ,aJDld dioomi/lloriles, the maJQ,Iity oif undter~ura.Jbes sh'e varies her moOld'S so con­ Daine Judith Anderson •and ex!teru.sii.'onoif 1.1ltliilJil1:iesand a1:e reqmred Ito ~e e'.il!Jh!t;rmu­ starntly, she moves wilth such s,i)fjerdevelOIJl'Il'enit. IHC's lshm-e Sl.C. Qr oot <lOU!I"Ses.. Musa.c de­ skill through unexplored re-•--------------------------- of '!!he bond funds will he pa'lilmenlt orffitoes, w'hmh slh<ouJd $1 000 280 be liooalted ltogefJhler, aine now ' ' · • • soal!JtJeredaiwoss ,campus, wirfu Of pa.rltiicul:ar mtterest to one :fiacuity member O'clcUlpyi!llg !r:feitiLi~:nc{E Students 1 'ing." Rlh:Olde ]s1'and educraltm<s aire '!fue a liarge-isizedl broom cllioset. Vot­ p'l!aru; lfor odnltlinU!ed eJQPam'&ioner aipplioV1al df lf:he 1964 bond a:nKi deve1iopm!enlt ,Oif Rlh~·e. ls- issue will ,assure mooie worlcing since~ ~~ti~~ September ~~n30. bi;a~;:~:Sltudenits To We Icome A Ium nI , I ·, lanid Odl1:e~e, 1!11Je,. ~ncip,_al spooe 11orlbhe musliic 1i'epair1bment may 01b'ba<inifuetlr tickets upon tilnstiJtu/t.liJoo.. lin and in tturn ,a bel!Jber music preserutation of their 1964-1965 The third annual homecom­ in Roberts Hall. The popular IJhe •stJalbe. Ohtarr-ged wi.,fJh con- edu~on £orJltillie itlea!clhers of ID card. Prices for faculty ing weekend will take place on Paul Winter Jazz Sextet (who ·ex,paooiioo unltil it fJh,e slbalte. lf!]ckets have been set alt $1.00 Oct. 15, 16, and 17. Tickets for performed for the Kennedys at rea1dh'es a111•erurolhlmlenlt IOf 4,000 Speci!ficallly 1Jhie $1 280 000 fur the ,first if:wo, and Hckets the entire weekend activities the White House) will be ort stu,d>enllis 1i!r1. 1980--idoulJ)lre rtihe fior RIC w'ill 'lbe urflilllired' as 'ful- for the ,pu'b-lic wlil.l be sold for can be purchased in the stu­ hand. The Jazz and Jug Band enTolhlrm~t in 1964-65~RIC ris (Continued on Page 3) $1.50. 'Ilhe box office will be dent center, at a time to be an­ of Jim Kweskin will also be seek:ling $1,280,000 under the open unltil October 6 from nounced. Prices will be as fol­ there to entertain jazz lovers. bonrd IIB'SU'e. 11:30 A.M. to 12:50 P.M. and lows: For the entire week end, Mr. Kweskin has appeared on Under 1fu!e Oollege'ls 20-y,e>aJr from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. $10.00 a couple; Ball at King the Ed Sullivan Show. He has cam'Pllls devel,opm~ ip~run RIC To Pledge or - eaC'h day. On October 6, the Philip, $6.00 a couple; Concert, also appe•ared at the Newport already ha\5 ~pproxillnaltely day of the perf'()!rmance, 'ffu.e $3.00 per person. Folk Festival. t!hirlee-qU1airftlersof 'tfhe raJcill! box office will be open unltil The festivities will com­ Everyone is invited to partici­ i!t wli.11'11'eed 1980. by Boooause Not t-o Pledge rtJbretime of perfocm,ance. mence at 6 p.m. on Thursday (Continued on Page 3) an 'inorearsilllrg ruumiber of situ- '!1h!e members of lfJhe senioc when the Homecoming Queen cilass alt Rh 1ode Islliaind Odlfoge candidates will leave on floats will take •a seClr'et0 blallot oon­ for the Rhode Island College §tatr of lt~ohe 1fslanh oenrsuspOJll ltlhlis week ooncern.­ This Week at RICCampus from Mt. Pleasant Ave­ DEPAR'i('MENT OF EDUCATION inlg tftre conltroversilail Teachers nue. They will be accompanied PLEDGE OF LOYAL TY Loyalty Oalfu. TUESDAY, OCT. 6: by a motorcade. After the ar­ TEACHER'S SenTOJrs wifill first given be to the United States of Fine Arts Presentation of rival on campus, the floats will I, as a teacher and citizen pledge allegiance copies of ifJhe Loy,allty OaJth •as ilt Dame J u d i t h Anderson; America, oo the state of Rhode Islanru and to the American pu'b!lc School Roberts Hall Auditorium, be displayed and will remain on system. DJOW ~bands. After 'l'eadi!llg the campus until Saturday. On Sat­ I solemnly promise to support the constitution and laws of NatioDI and of lthe class 8:00 p.m. Tickets will be State, oo acquaint m:y,self with the laws of the Stlaite relating' to public edu­ OalfJh,11h:e meml!Jers sold until the time of per• urday at 1:00 there will be a cation, e.nd atso regulations the and lnstruct'ions of my official superiors, a,nd wi:li dedide by seCT'et ballot formance. motorcade with the floats to the falthfu,Uy oo c,arry them out. w!hetilrer ltJhey Wfiill or will not I furtb,er promise to protect the school rights of my pupils, to conserve WEIDNIEISDAY, OCT. 7: soccer game at Triggs Memorial the demooracy of school cltll,enshlp. to honor public educwtiO'Il as a princllpte slrgn lth!e 'Oialbh. Tire OOIJl'Seneu\5 Soccer at Fitchburg State Soccer Field. of free government, to respect the profession of education &S publk service, wilJ. be compJ.ii!sled of several st and to observe its ethical princlpl-es ancJJ rules of profess~onal condluct.
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