WWC0103 3 Divers to Sites Footer4
!" "!# $% ## & ' ( ) $% " & #* ( Total numbers of Red-throated Divers recorded respectively) (Webb et al in prep b). Subsequent by WeBS in Great Britain in 2001/02 were surveys (WWT data) have suggested that this notably high, and very close to the highest yet mid winter peak may be a regular occurrence, recorded by Core Counts (1,361 in December but that the divers at this site may be very 1995), primarily as a consequence of a large mobile, distributions changing markedly over count in Cardigan Bay in December 2001. short periods. Aerial surveys of Liverpool Bay Counts in 2002/03 were unexceptional. British (covering a strip extending 20-25 km from shore totals during these winters showed a similar between Anglesey and Morecambe Bay) in pattern, with a marked increase in numbers 2001/02 and 2002/03 recorded counted maxima from September reflecting the southward of 226 divers (presumed all to be Red-throats) in migration of British and Scandinavian breeding January 2003, when 130 were recorded in birds. Numbers peaked in December/January Colwyn Bay; application of distance analysis though the decline to small numbers in summer suggests that peak numbers were 1,599 in the varies in its timing, and moderate numbers may first winter (with 95% confidence intervals of be recorded as late as May, particularly on the 1,063 to 2,405 birds) and 1,210 (901-1,626) in the Scottish east coast. Given that British-breeding second (Cranswick et al 2004, Webb et al in birds are already on territory by early spring prep a). Aerial surveys off the Norfolk/ (Migration Atlas), these are likely to be birds Lincolnshire coasts, the eastern Scottish Firths, from Fenno-Scandia or Greenland.
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