Parishes of -w-; Crown East,; ; Leigh & ; Lower Teme Valley; ; ; Clifton; Harpley; the

Pew Sheet for 30tht May 2021

30th May— Trinity Sunday 10.30am Martley— Please note that this will now be a YouTube recording rather than being live-streamed. 10.30am Shelsley 10.30am Alfrick—Hymns and Pimms

6th June—First Sunday after Trinity Shelsley—Morning Worship 10.30am Leigh– CW Holy Communion 10.30 am – Martley CW HC 10.30 am - Morning Worship 10.30 am – Harpley Morning Worship via Zoom (tbc) 6.00pm Alfrick—Evensong

Wednesday 9th June (please note change of date) 10.00am Suckley—Midweek Communion

13th June—Second Sunday after Trinity 9.00am Bransford—BCP HC 10.30am Crown East—All Age Service 10,30am Wichenford Holy Communion 10.30am Clifton Holy Communion 3.00pm

20th June—Third Sunday after Trinity 9.00am Alfrick—CW Matins 10.30am Suckley– Morning Prayer 10.30am Martley— Morning Worship Worship this week on WWRT live stream: Wed 2nd June - Holy Communion led by Rev Jennifer Whittaker Friday 4th June Thought for the Week by Jill Smith

Collect for Trinity Sunday Holy God, faithful and unchanging; enlarge our minds with the knowledge of your truth, and draw us more deeply into the mystery of your love, that we may truly worship you, Father Son and Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Readings: Isaiah 6: 1-8, Psalm 29, Romans 8: 12-17, John 3: 1-17

Sunday Churchyard Cream Teas from 3-5 at Leigh Every Sunday from 30th May to 29th August Sunday Churchyard Cream Teas will be available at Leigh between 3 and 5pm. Also available on Bank Holiday Monday 31st May.

Leigh’ Churchyard Fete Leigh’s Churchyard Fete with cream teas will take place on Sunday 18th July again from 3pm to 5pm.

Change of date of Midweek Communion in June Please note that June’s Midweek Communion at Suckley will take place on the 9th June at 10am rather than on the 2nd as previous advised.

Bishop John’s Lent Appeal The Diocese have given their thanks to to everyone who has donat- ed to Bishop John’s Lent appeal for the Diocese of Peru, which has raised almost £10,000 for our partner diocese.

Called to Action: Eco Church The latest edition of Called to Action on the Diocese’s website puts a spotlight on Eco Church. More details can be found here: church.php The I am sayings of Jesus Zoom Monday Bible Study con- tinues each Monday at 7.30pm. To receive the Zoom link please email Sally on [email protected]

We continue to pray for those who are sick. We pray for those who are mourning the loss of loved ones es- pecially the families of: Alan Tisdale, David Dallow, Neil Parkinson, Margaret Petrie, Roy Costello Russell Edmonds and Janet Edmonds if you would like someone prayed for in the coming week please let Rev David or Rev Anne have their name by Wednesday morning.

Opening times of church buildings for private prayer Crown East - not open Suckley– Every day except Tuesday between 10 am - 5 pm Clifton - opening seven days a week Alfrick - Sunday and Wednesday 10 am - 4 pm Leigh - Sunday and Wednesday 10am - 6pm Broadwas - Sundays 10am - 4pm - Sundays 9am - 5pm Shelsley - Sundays 10am—4pm Wichenford Sundays 10am—2pm and Wednesdays 2pm— 6pm Harpley - not open while repairs are undertaken Martley - Sundays 10am –12 noon

Contact details for the Clergy:- Rev David Sherwin (Team Rector) 01886 888664 [email protected] Rev Anne Potter (Team Vicar) 01886 832355 [email protected] Rev Jennifer Whittaker 01886 833897 [email protected] Rev Jen Denniston [email protected]

If you have an administration query or would like something added to A Church Near You please contact Alison Khan on 07984 748059 or [email protected] or Liz Edwards on [email protected]

For those of you with computers, IPads or other such ‘modern technology’ you will continue to find worship through our youtube wwrtlivestream Other information can be found on individual church pages on A Church Near You and our Facebook pages www; Worcesterwestruralteam