
Definitions A is any change in the DNA. A chromosome mutation is a change in the structure or arrangement of the w Numerical Changes

{ Euploidy -- Excess or Defficiency in the number of the entire chromomosomal complement. { -- Excess or Defficiency in a single chromosome. w Structural Changes Numerical Chromosome Mutations Euploid -- “True Number” The (s) have the same number of copies of all the chromosome. 1. Monoploid (Haploid if a ) 2. Diploid (Often is not considered a Euploid) 3. Triploid 4. Tetraploid Euploidy

Chromosomes shown at metaphase







Euploidy is an excess or deficiency for the entire complement of chromosomes. Euploidy Organisms w Plants, amphibians, lower reptiles w Some cells in other organisms (liver, midgut, etc.)

Root Causes w w Autoreduplication Euploidy

(continued) Origins w Autopolyploidy

{ Often involving individuals within the same species. { Infertile. Propagation by cloning. w Allopolyploidy

{ Often involving individuals from different species. { Fertile. Dosage Concerns Examples Numerical Chromosome Mutations Aneuploidy Excess or Defficiency in a single chromosome. 1. 2. Disomy (only if normally cell is not diploid) 3. 4. Aneuploidy

Chromosomes shown at metaphase







Aneuploidy is an excess or deficiency for fewer than the entire complement of chromosomes. Aneuploidy Organisms w All organisms w Variability in how they deal with it

Root Causes w Nondisjunction w Results of Chromosome Structure Mutations Aneuploidy -- Examples Plants w Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium)

Animals w Drosophila: Triploid are viable & fertile. Trisomy flies are not! w Human (autosomal):

{ Trisomy 13 () 1:20,000 { Trisomy 18 () 1:10,000 { Trisomy 21 () 1:700 { Other rare ones (7, 9, 12, 14, & 22) Aneuploidy Examples w Human Determining Chromosomes

1. Monosomy { 45,X () 1:2000 births 2. Trisomy { 47,XXX (Triplo-X) 1:1200 female births { 47,XYY 1:1000 male births { 47,XXY () 1:800 male births 3. Tetrasomy & above { Klinefelter Syndrome 48,XXXY & 49,XXXXY { 48,XXXX & 49,XXXXX