The Ithacan, 1995-09-28

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The Ithacan, 1995-09-28 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1995-96 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 9-28-1995 The thI acan, 1995-09-28 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1995-09-28" (1995). The Ithacan, 1995-96. 6. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1995-96 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. OPINION ACCENT SPORTS INDEX Accent .......................... 13 Poor planning Close to heme Talking trash Classifieds .................... 20 Comics························· 21 Recruitment leaves out Ithaca residents rate going Players use verbal skills to Opinion ......................... 10 majority of majors 10 to College in Ithaca 13 gain a competitive edge 23 Sports ........................... 23 Thursday, September 28, 1995 The Volume 63, Number 6 28 pages ITHACAN Free The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community CHECKMATE Package proposed Unmarried partners to be considered for benefits By Alex Leary "We thought it was a very valid and important Ithacan Staff [ same sex] benefit package - but we felt it didn't College officials are examining go far enough. And by omitting one segment of the the possibility of expanding the benefits recently extended to same­ population [ unmarried heterosexuals] it was dis­ sex partners to non-married hetero­ criminatory. " sexual couples in the future. -Kris Colongeli, chair of the Until recently, the benefits, Staff Council benefits committee which include health, disability and life insurance as well as the use of one of the drafters of the same-sex als] it was discriminatory." the college facilities, were only policy, the proposal was an issue of Colongeli said the College is not available to married partners of equity for gay and lesbian domestic honoring its anti-discrimination College employees. partners because they could not le­ policy that is included in most offi­ Last week Staff Council passed gally marry. cial College documents. a motion to ask the Board of Trust­ But Kris Colongeli, chairwoman The policy states: "It is the policy ees to extend the policy they ap­ of the Staff Council benefits com­ of Ithaca College that discrimina­ proved last May. That' package, mittee, said a group of faculty and tion on the grounds of sex, sexual which was proposed by the Ithaca staff members felt the College's orientation, race, color, religion, College Faculty and StaffBIGALA decision to grant same-sex domes­ national origin, age, marital status, Concern Committee, will take ef­ tic partners benefits was discrimi­ disability or handicap will not exist fect June I, 1996. natory because it excluded unmar­ in any area, activity or operation of "If people would propose some­ ried heterosexual partners. the College." thing, we would consider it just as "We thought it was a very valid Colongeli said the College we did the [same sex proposal)," and important [same sex) benefit should stick to its statement. said Tom Salm, vice president for package - but we felt it didn't go "We're saying that when you business and administrative affairs. far enough," Colongeli said. "And put copy in a prominent location, According to Carla Golden, as­ by omitting one segment of the you give it an increased visibility sociate professor of psychology and population [unmarried heterosexu- See BENEFITS, next page The Ithacan/David Batt GIJo Mathew '98 ponders over a move while playing chess outside the Food Court on Tuesday. Salary increase smaller Promotions PROMOTION INCREASES Circle Apartments bring decreased Year Assoc. to Full Asst. to Aasoc 1995-1996 ........................ $2,000 .......................... $1,200 pay increments 1994-1995 ························ $3,000 ·························· $2,000 remain unpatrolled 1993-1994 ........................ $4,000 .......................... $3,000 By Amy Desson 1992-1993 ........................ $5,000 .......................... $3,000 1991-1992 ........................ $4,000 .......................... $2,500 or not, but only to the property Ithacan Staff By Mary Wilson 1990-1991 ························ $2,500 .......................... $1,500 line," he said. Getting promoted does not pay 1989-1990 ........................ $2,500 ................. :........ $1,500 Ithaca Staff Originally, Holt said officers like it used to. Faculty members 1988-1989 ........................ $2,500 .......................... $1,500 Students living in the College­ would be patrolling the Circles promoted.from assistant to associ­ 1987-1988 ························ $1,500 ·························· $1,000 rented College Circle Aparqnents daily. Now, however, the College ate professor status and from asso­ 1986-1987 ........................ $1,200 ........................... $800 who were expecting Campus Safety has decided the added patrol would ciate to full-professor status in the 1985-1986 .......................... $800 ............................. $600 to patrol the area may be surprised be outside the jurisdiction of the spring '95 semester received pro­ 1984-1985 .......................... $600 .... .-........................ $500 by the recent absence of blue cars leased properties. motion increases which were the and flashing lights. 'There is really nothing for them lqwest since the 1987-88 academic moted in the spring '95 semester "It wasn't very fair. I think it A change has been made to the to patrol; our lease is for the physi­ year. were made aware of the amount of should have been the same as it was original plans regarding Campus cal structure, the building itself. "[The promotion increment]1fas their promotion increases when they in the previous year," said Osman Safety's jurisdiction for the "on­ There are no common hallways or been different in different years, read their contracts, which went Yurekli, associate professor in the campus" students in the apartments. stairwells. Short of them driving up buthasnotbeensolowsince 1987," into effect in August, Longin said. department of mathematics and In a previous interview with The there and walking around, there said John Rosenthal, professor in For the I 994-95 academic year, computer science, who was pro­ Ithacan, Bob Holt, director of cam­ would be nothing for them to look the department of mathematics and a professor who moved from assis­ moted in the spring of 1995. pus safety, said officers would be at," said Bonnie Solt Prunty, assis­ computer science. "It's consider­ tant to associate status received a Yurekli was not the only pro­ providing services in the Circles. tant director of reisdential life for ably lower this year than it has been $2,000 increase, while an associate moted professor to express displea­ However, in a recent interview, he operations in recent years." professor being promoted to full­ sure with the amount of the in­ said they would not extend their Students living in the College­ Promotion increases, which are professor status received an increase crease. services !Jeyond the College's prop­ leased Circles have mixed feelings added to professors' base salaries of $3,000, Longin said. The in­ "I wrote to the Provost," said erty line. about Campus Safety's jurisdiction. at the time they are promoted, vary creases for the 1995-96 academic Lee Goodhew, associate professor "When students volunteered to Stefanie Pecker '97 said she is from year to year, said Provost Tho­ year are $1,200 for those promoted of performance studies. "I wrote a live in the Circles as an alternative not happy with the situation. "Cam­ mas Longin. to associate status and $2,000 for letter explaining how it affected me on-campus housing arrangement, pus Safety should patrol up here if Faculty members who were pro- those promoted to full professor. See SALARY, next page they knew what services would be we are 'on campus,"' she said. "I provided," he said. think the campus is confused as to Students have the option of be-, how off-campus we are because I ing escorted to the end of the assume they are ultimately respon­ Whalen's salary in top 10 College's property, however, Holt sible for us just as if we were in a Higher Education," Whalen is num­ which Ithaca College is classified, By Ithacan Staff said.· dorm on campus." ber 10 on the list of the 477 private Whalen ranked first, beating out his "It has always been our policy Kim Basile '98 said she feels Ithaca College President James colleges and universities surveyed. closest competitor by more than not to escort students past campus differently. "I think its good [cam­ J. Whalen has made it tci the top­ Whalen earns $368,211, according $60,000. property and we are just continuing pus safety doesn't patrol] because the top-IO highest-paid college and to the "Chronicle." This figure in~ The information .comes from our policy," he said. "I'd like to obviously we moved off campus," university presidents in the nation, eludes both salary and benefits. Internal RevenueServiceFonn990s cmphasizeJhat on campus we will she said. "The majoirty of the that is. \ In "Master's Universities and filed by the institutions. escort anybody, whether a student See CIRCLES, next page According JO the "Chronicle of . Colleges I and II," the category in i 2 TM Ithacan ~pteltlMr 28, 1995 BENEFITS College 9ffers studjr- i):1Sf airl. Continued from previous page

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