Planning Statement Proposed Residential, Supermarket & Open Space Land at Yarmouth Road, Postwick with Witton, Yarmouth Road/ Berryfields, Brundall Broom Boats Limited & Norfolk Land Limited CONTENT 1 Introduction 2 Site Description & Context 3 The Proposed Development 4 Relevant Planning Policies 5 Site Specific Considerations 6 Appropriateness of the Site for Development 7 Material Considerations 8 Five Year Housing Land Supply 9 Summary & Conclusions: Section 38 Balance Prepared Status Authorised for Release/Date Prepared by: Simon Wheatman BSc (Hons) MRTPI Final SW 19.8.2016 Digital Version Checked by: Deirdre Linehan BA MRUP MRTPI Report Ref. 339 – Planning Statement Wheatman Planning Limited Beacon Innovation Centre, Beacon Park Gorleston, Tel: 01493 656835 Norfolk NR31 7RA Email:
[email protected] 1. Introduction 1.1. Wheatman Planning have been appointed by Broom Boats Limited and Norfolk Land Limited to provide planning consultancy services in respect of the proposed development subject to this application. 1.2. This Planning Statement supports an outline planning application for the development of land located to the north east of Brundall adjacent the A47 trunk road and the C485 Yarmouth Road to accommodate up to 192 dwellings and for the erection of a retail supermarket (no more than of a 2500 sq. m) with about 150 car parking spaces. The application includes vehicular access, but all other details are to be dealt with under reserved matters. 1.3. The application is also supported by the