D Onion River Reviewd
Completely Casey Lendway My mother always told me that there would come a day when the plot of my own life would not make sense to me anymore. She never told me about boys who are godless with their mouths, or the ones who sit like cicadas on your doorstep screaming about the ghosts who inhabit their brainstems. d Onion River Review 201 6 d D Onion River Review d 2016 dd Onion River Review d 2016 river run by Briana Brady Agi Chretien Lily Gardner Victoria Sullivan Cory Warren Cody Wasuta Editors’ Note As we put together this year’s Onion River Review, we tried our very best to produce another weird little book of which we could be proud. Every year, the Onion takes a new shape, filled with the imaginations of its submitters and pieced together by a changing group of editors whose only common denominator is that they’re as fantastic (read: bizarre) as it gets. This year, as we sifted through submissions, we found work that made us think stuff, feel stuff, move stuff, pick stuff up and put it back down. We loved stuff, fought for stuff, ate way too many Double Stufs, and, in the end, managed to stuff this book with some pretty great stuff. So what is all this stuff? In the process of compiling the pieces that make up this year’s issue, we dove into some of the Big Questions: art, politics, relatability, perspective, lighting, birds, vegetables, and, most usefully, how to correctly identify and eradicate the plague of our time, lizard people.
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