Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2021 No. 17 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Allard, Mr. Bishop of Georgia, Ms. Lee of called to order by the Speaker. United States of America, and to the Repub- California, Ms. McCollum, Mr. Ryan, Mr. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Ruppersberger, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Mr. f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Cuellar, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Kil- PRAYER f mer, Mr. Cartwright, Ms. Meng, Mr. Pocan, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, Mr. Aguilar, Ms. The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF Lois Frankel of Florida, Mrs. Bustos, Mrs. Grun Kibben, offered the following COMMITTEE ON RULES Watson Coleman, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. prayer: Torres of California, Mr. Crist, Mrs. Kirk- O Lord, our God, how majestic is The SPEAKER laid before the House patrick, Mr. Case, Mr. Espaillat, Mr. Harder Your name in all the Earth. When we the following resignation as a member of California, Ms. Wexton, Mr. Trone, Ms. look at Your heavens, the work of Your of the Committee on Rules: Underwood, Mrs. Lee of Nevada. fingers, the moon and the stars that CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES: Mr. Lan- You have established; what are human HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, gevin, Mr. Larsen of Washington, Mr. Coo- per, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Garamendi, Ms. beings that You are mindful of them, Washington, DC, January 27, 2021. SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI, Speier, Mr. Norcross, Mr. Gallego, Mr. mortals that You care for them? Capitol Building, Moulton, Mr. Carbajal, Mr. Brown, Mr. Standing before Your magnificence, Washington, DC. Khanna, Mr. Keating, Mr. Vela, Mr. Kim of we repent of our dependence on our SPEAKER PELOSI: I write to inform you that New Jersey, Ms. Houlahan, Mr. Crow, Ms. own power and wisdom. Who are we, O I hereby resign from the Committee on Slotkin, Ms. Sherrill, Ms. Escobar, Mr. Gold- Lord, but politicians and patriots, Rules. en, Mrs. Luria, Mr. Morelle, Ms. Jacobs of mere mortals attempting to manage Sincerely, California, Mr. Kahele, Ms. Strickland, Mr. the bounty of this Earth? And even so, DEBBIE LESKO, Veasey, Mr. Panetta, Mrs. Murphy of Flor- ida. despite our feeble efforts, our bouts of Member of Congress. The SPEAKER. Without objection, COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET: Mr. Jeffries, pride and prejudice, You yet charge us Mr. Higgins of New York, Mr. Brendan F. with dominion over Your handiwork, the resignation is accepted. Boyle of Pennsylvania, Mr. Doggett, Mr. and entrust us with the governance of There was no objection. Price of North Carolina, Ms. Schakowsky, this Nation. f Mr. Kildee, Mr. Morelle, Mr. Horsford, Ms. In response to Your mercy on us, we Lee of California, Ms. Chu, Ms. Plaskett, Ms. ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN Wexton, Mr. Scott of Virginia, Ms. Jackson pray that our deliberations would re- STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE flect Your mindfulness, that our deci- Lee, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Sires, Mr. Peters, Mr. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Moulton, Ms. Jayapal. sions would share Your eternal vision, COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR: Mr. and that our decrees would be worthy Mr. SHERMAN. Madam Speaker, at Grijalva, Mr. Courtney, Mr. Sablan, Ms. Wil- of Your faith in us. In all that we do, the direction of the Democratic Cau- son of Florida, Ms. Bonamici, Mr. Takano, may we magnify Your name and de- cus, I send to the desk a privileged res- Ms. Adams, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mr. Norcross, clare Your majesty over all the Earth. olution and ask for its immediate con- Ms. Jayapal, Mr. Morelle, Ms. Wild, Mrs. We offer ourselves to You and pray in sideration. McBath, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Levin of Michigan, the strength of Your holy name. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Ms. Omar, Ms. Stevens, Ms. Leger Amen. lows: Fernandez, Mr. Jones, Ms. Manning, Mr. Mrvan, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Pocan, Mr. Castro H. RES. 62 f of Texas, Ms. Sherrill. Resolved, That the following named Mem- THE JOURNAL COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE: Mr. bers be, and are hereby, elected to the fol- Rush, Ms. Eshoo, Ms. DeGette, Mr. Michael The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section lowing standing committees of the House of F. Doyle of Pennsylvania, Ms. Schakowsky, 5(a)(1)(A) of House Resolution 8, the Representatives: Mr. Butterfield, Ms. Matsui, Ms. Castor of Journal of the last day’s proceedings is COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE: Mr. Costa, Florida, Mr. Sarbanes, Mr. McNerney, Mr. approved. Mr. McGovern, Mr. Vela, Ms. Adams, Ms. Welch, Mr. Tonko, Ms. Clarke of New York, Spanberger, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Delgado, Mr. Mr. Schrader, Mr. Ca´ rdenas, Mr. Ruiz, Mr. f Rush, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Sablan, Ms. Kuster, Peters, Mrs. Dingell, Mr. Veasey, Ms. Kuster, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mrs. Bustos, Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Ms. Barraga´ n, Mr. New York, Ms. Plaskett, Mr. O’Halleran, Mr. The SPEAKER. The pledge of alle- McEachin, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Soto, Carbajal, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Lawson of Flor- Mr. O’Halleran, Miss Rice of New York, Ms. giance will be led by the gentleman ida, Mr. Correa, Ms. Craig, Mr. Harder of Craig, Ms. Schrier, Mrs. Trahan, Mrs. Fletch- from California (Mr. SHERMAN). California, Mrs. Axne, Ms. Schrier. er. Mr. SHERMAN led the Pledge of Al- COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS: Ms. Kap- COMMITTEE ON ETHICS: Ms. Wild, Mr. Phil- legiance as follows: tur, Mr. Price of North Carolina, Ms. Roybal- lips, Ms. Escobar, Mr. Jones. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H235 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:35 Jan 29, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JA7.000 H28JAPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2021 COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES: Mrs. Auchincloss, Ms. Bourdeaux, Mr. Kahele, Ms. COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR: Mr. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Ms. Strickland, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Ms. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. Thompson of Vela´ zquez, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Meeks, Mr. Newman. Pennsylvania, Mr. Walberg, Mr. Grothman, Green of Texas, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Perlmutter, COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS: Ms. Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Allen, Mr. Banks, Mr. Mr. Himes, Mr. Foster, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. Brownley, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Levin of Cali- Comer, Mr. Fulcher, Mr. Wright, Mr. Keller, Vargas, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Vicente Gon- fornia, Mr. Pappas, Mrs. Luria, Mr. Mrvan, Mr. Murphy of North Carolina, Mrs. Miller- zalez of Texas, Mr. Lawson of Florida, Mr. Mr. Sablan, Ms. Underwood, Mr. Allred. Meeks, Mr. Owens, Mr. Good of Virginia, San Nicolas, Mrs. Axne, Mr. Casten, Ms. COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS: Mr. Dog- Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Greene of Georgia, Mrs. Pressley, Mr. Torres of New York, Mr. David gett, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. Larson Harshbarger, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mrs. Scott of Georgia, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Adams, Ms. of Connecticut, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Kind, Spartz, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Cawthorn, Mrs. Tlaib, Ms. Dean, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Mr. Mr. Pascrell, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Steel. Garcı´a of Illinois, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Ms. Ms. Sa´ nchez, Mr. Higgins of New York, Ms. COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE: Mr. Williams of Georgia, Mr. Auchincloss. Sewell, Ms. DelBene, Ms. Chu, Ms. Moore of Upton, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Scalise, Mr. Latta, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Mr. Sher- Wisconsin, Mr. Kildee, Mr. Brendan F. Boyle Mr. Guthrie, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Kinzinger, man, Mr. Sires, Mr. Connolly, Mr. Deutch, of Pennsylvania, Mr. Beyer, Mr. Evans, Mr. Mr. Griffith, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Johnson of Ms. Bass, Mr. Keating, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Schneider, Mr. Suozzi, Mr. Panetta, Mrs. Ohio, Mr. Long, Mr. Bucshon, Mr. Mullin, Bera, Mr. Castro of Texas, Ms. Titus, Mr. Murphy of Florida, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Horsford, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Walberg, Mr. Carter of Lieu, Ms. Wild, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Omar, Mr. Ms. Plaskett. Georgia, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Curtis, Mrs. Lesko, Mr. Pence, Mr. Cren- Allred, Mr. Levin of Michigan, Ms. Mr. SHERMAN (during the reading). Spanberger, Ms. Houlahan, Mr. Malinowski, shaw, Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania, Mr. Arm- Mr. Kim of New Jersey, Ms. Jacobs of Cali- Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- strong. fornia, Ms. Manning, Mr. Costa, Mr. Vargas, sent to dispense with the reading. COMMITTEE ON ETHICS: Mr. Guest. COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES: Mr. Mr. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Mr. Schnei- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Lucas, Mr. Posey, Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mr. der. the request of the gentleman from Huizenga, Mr. Stivers, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY: Ms. California? Jackson Lee, Mr. Langevin, Mr. Payne, Mr. Barr, Mr. Williams of Texas, Mr. Hill, Mr. There was no objection. Emmer, Mr. Zeldin, Mr. Loudermilk, Mr. Correa, Ms. Slotkin, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Green The resolution was agreed to. of Texas, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Budd, Mr. A motion to reconsider was laid on Kustoff, Mr. Hollingsworth, Mr. Gonzalez of Swalwell, Ms. Titus, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ohio, Mr. Rose, Mr. Steil, Mr. Gooden of Miss Rice of New York, Mrs. Demings, Ms. the table. Texas, Mr. Timmons, Mr. Taylor. Barraga´ n, Mr. Gottheimer, Mrs. Luria, Mr. f COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Mr. Smith Malinowski, Mr. Torres of New York. ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN of New Jersey, Mr.
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