Security Analysis of Encrypted Virtual Machines Felicitas Hetzelt Robert Buhren Technical University of Berlin Technical University of Berlin Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany fi
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract 1. Introduction Cloud computing has become indispensable in today’s com- Cloud computing has been one of the most prevalent trends puter landscape. The flexibility it offers for customers as in the computer industry in the last decade. It offers clear ad- well as for providers has become a crucial factor for large vantages for both customers and providers. Customers can parts of the computer industry. Virtualization is the key tech- easily deploy multiple servers and dynamically allocate re- nology that allows for sharing of hardware resources among sources according to their immediate needs. Providers can different customers. The controlling software component, ver-commit their hardware and thus increase the overall uti- called hypervisor, provides a virtualized view of the com- lization of their systems. The key technology that made this puter resources and ensures separation of different guest vir- possible is virtualization, it allows multiple operating sys- tual machines. However, this important cornerstone of cloud tems to share hardware resources. The hypervisor is respon- computing is not necessarily trustworthy or bug-free. To mit- sible for providing temporal and spatial separation of the igate this threat AMD introduced Secure Encrypted Virtu- virtual machines (VMs). However, besides these advantages alization, short SEV, which transparently encrypts a virtual virtualization also introduced new risks. machines memory. Customers who want to utilize the infrastructure of a In this paper we analyse to what extend the proposed fea- cloud provider must fully trust the cloud provider.