Business and the Gold Coast 2018

Expectations, outcomes and the future

June 2019

Joan Carlini and Andrew O’Neil The size of the event does not matter. What matters most is the integrity of the outcome.[1] FOREWORD

Our aim as ‘Friends of Griffith Business School’ is to increase the collaboration between the School and the business community to help build a sustainable, diverse and prosperous Gold Coast.

We seek to combine the School’s strengths in cutting This report, which draws on the views of Gold Coast edge, rigorous, and independent research, with the private enterprises and businesses, is our way of passion and ‘can do’ attitude of our local entrepreneurs understanding what really happened and use these to drive better outcomes for business on the Gold findings to assist Gold Coast businesses when dealing Coast. With a particular focus on private enterprises, our with other large ‘all of city’ events. It is our way of vision is to provide research that will be a vital resource continuing our journey of collaboration between for Gold Coast businesses in driving improvement and Griffith Business School and the business community sustainability in a manner that is practical, and easy to to drive long term success for our Gold Coast. understand, implement and access. Janelle Manders In our collaboration, we once again focused on the Gold Chair, Friends of Griffith Business School Coast (GC2018) and now look back after the event to consider the impact, legacy and opportunity Gold Coast businesses experienced. Image by stephenk1977, available at, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 SNAPSHOT

During GC2018 business faced many challenges, including having reliable and accurate information on which to base their preparations. Disrupted market forces and increased costs contributed to a negative business impact.

Did the information you have regarding 58% GC2018 meet your business needs? DISAGREE The cost of business planning 20% for GC2018 was a lot. DISAGREE

If the Gold Coast hosted a similar event to GC2018 in the future, I would prepare my business in the same way. 64% DISAGREE Business I understood how I could leverage opportunities 44% from GC2018 to benefit my business. DISAGREE Holding GC2018 during the Easter 69% trading period was a good choice. DISAGREE Financially, GC2018 provided 72% our business with a boost. DISAGREE Overall, the return on investment from 77% GC2018 on our business was good. DISAGREE Which best describes how your business 74% was impacted by GC2018? NEGATIVE

Businesses agree that GC2018 has contributed to developing the Gold Coast as an appealing world-class city with capacity to attract future sporting events.

GC2018 has contributed to the Gold Coast growing into a world-class city with distinct strengths. 42% AGREE GC2018 will aid in attracting more sporting events to the Gold Coast. 62% AGREE Overall, GC2018 has contributed to urban

23% City infrastructure that will build the city’s image. AGREE

GC2018 enhanced the ability of the Gold Coast to offer attractive cultural, artistic and recreational resources. 57% e.g. events, arts and culture, sporting facilities, open space AGREE GC2018 increased awareness of the 61% Gold Coast city internationally. AGREE How would you rate your overall experience 65% of attending GC2018 event/s? GOOD TO EXCELLENT CONTENTS

Overview 1

GC2018—Amplifying expectations 2

Why host a Commonwealth Games? 2

GC2018—The view from business 3

Business impacts 3

Customer numbers, behaviour and sales volume 4

Vehicle and pedestrian access 6

Personal wellbeing and work hours 6

Work atmosphere and staffing 7

Supply chain interruption 7

Reputation 8

GC2018 media, information and inflated estimates? 9

Information accuracy and predictions 10

Business planning 11

How did businesses plan for GC2018? 11

Efficacy of planning 12

Cost of planning 13

Event timing 13

Commonwealth Games event planners 14

Feedback 15

Centralisation and authority 15

City-level impacts 16

Gold Coast city image 16

Business operating environment 17

Government and leadership during GC2018 18

Recommendations 19

Conclusion 21

References 21

Appendices 22 ’s Commonwealth Games history 1938 1962 1982 2006 2018 Gold Coast

GC2018 in numbers

6,600 71 11 1.2m 1.5b athletes countries days of tickets to global and officials represented sport sport events audience

GC2018 event Our research locations 39 150 face-to-face survey responses interviews hard copy and online

Majority survey respondents

Cairns business 1–19 $200,000+ owners employees annual turnover



Image by Jan Clewett, available at OVERVIEW

The highly anticipated Gold Coast 2018 The research contained in this report seeks to Commonwealth Games (GC2018) was held understand the impact of GC2018 from the from 4 to 15 April 2018. This was the fifth perspective of Gold Coast business. It is not the time Australia had hosted a Commonwealth report’s objective to evaluate the overall success Games and more than 6,600 athletes, and legacy-impact of the Games. We do not aim to including 300 para-athletes, from 71 verify or ‘fact check’ government claims regarding economic benefits, but instead to report how Commonwealth countries took part. businesses perceived the impact of the Games. Sporting and related events occurred at Our objective is to provide insights into the key venues on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, challenges confronting small and medium enterprises [2] and Townsville . GC2018 was the Gold with a view to promoting better future outcomes for Coast’s first experience hosting a mega- Gold Coast businesses. The report makes a number sporting event, and the Games provided of constructive recommendations for the planning, key insights into the costs and benefits implementation and evaluation of future mega- associated with doing so. events, which should mitigate risks and failure for the Gold Coast and future host cities.

In this report we focus on the impact of GC2018 on Against this background, the research underpinning the Gold Coast business community and the broader this report was framed around two stages, the regional business environment. There is no doubt that first consisting of 39 face-to-face interviews the Games raised the Gold Coast’s profile nationally with businesses, academic experts and industry and internationally, while public benefits flowing associations. This stage explored the impact of from major infrastructure initiatives—most notably GC2018 on business and the general operating the light rail—were significant. Furthermore, net environment on the Gold Coast, which subsequently economic gains were noteworthy. informed the development of the stage two survey. In the year prior to the Games, the State government Stage two comprised a detailed survey targeted published several reports underscoring the once- at business owners and managers with questions in-a-generation economic opportunities that concerning business impacts, GC2018 information would from GC2018. This included analyses sources, business planning, event planning, and more contained in the ‘Economic Impacts of the Gold Coast general city impacts. Commonwealth Games’, which forecast a $2 billion Invitations to participate in the online survey were boost to ’s Gross State Product, including disseminated through email dispersal via chambers a $1.7 billion injection for the Gold Coast. In the of commerce, industry associations, and promotion wake of the Games, the Deputy Mayor of the Gold via social media and traditional media channels. In Coast announced that the event had delivered $2 addition, 550 hard copy surveys were distributed [3] billion to the local economy alone . across the Gold Coast (from Mount Tamborine to Yet one of the enduring puzzles of GC2018 is the ). This yielded 98 online and 52 hard disconnect between the overall success of the copy surveys (150 in total). The majority of survey Games in attracting revenue to the Gold Coast and respondents were business owners, had operated a persistent sentiment on the part of Gold Coast their business for more than ten years, had between business operators that they received little, if any, 1–19 employees, had an annual turnover greater direct benefit from GC2018. Indeed, during the than $200,000, were located on the central Gold Games, reports emerged that a number of Gold Coast, and were in the retail and accommodation and Coast businesses had incurred significant loss of hospitality sectors (see Appendix A). revenue due to the disruption caused by the event and also because event organisers had miscalculated planning estimates which businesses had used to guide their activities during the period of the Games.


Unlike other events held on the Gold Coast, Why host a GC2018 was a one-off event that involved unprecedented investment in the region’s Commonwealth Games? infrastructure and enormous planning, The cost of hosting a large-scale sporting event is coordination, and execution specifications. significant. This is typically justified by reference to The Queensland State government spent the anticipated economic outcomes and associated $1.5 billion on the event, which was nearly benefits for local communities, especially local double the amount that was spent on the business. However, in sections of the academic in [4]. literature, concern has emerged over the exaggerated foreshadowed benefits to private enterprise and the disparity between promised and actual outcomes. The project was overseen by the Gold Coast 2018 Some analysis has juxtaposed what they identify Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), as the limited benefits for local communities with a not-for-profit organisation, which partnered prioritising interests of non-local stakeholders such with the Major Sporting as corporate sponsors[7]. events Committee, the State Government Office of Commonwealth Games (OCG), Queensland Police In the lead-up to GC2018, messaging from the State Services (QPS), Queensland Fire and Emergency government underscored the expected economic Services (QFES), the Department of Transport and benefits for the region. The report, ‘Ahead of the Main Roads (DTMR), and the Games’, focused on the positive estimated outcomes (CoGC)[5]. that would lead to businesses converting this into profit: With event increasingly competitive globally, there is an obvious need to examine not just the ‘Overall, GC2018 will help to deliver planning, coordination, and execution of events but also the impact of these events on stakeholder billions of dollars worth of positive communities. Interestingly, the impact of mega- economic impact for Queensland sporting events on businesses local to where they and support more than 30,000 full- are held is often overlooked, which is paradoxical time, part-time and temporary jobs. given that a key justification for holding these events Tourism will be taken to a new level is the benefits they yield for business—from small with an estimated 1.1 million visitors and medium enterprises to the top end of town. Lessons for jurisdictions hosting future mega-events predicted in the lead-up to, during are often lost in the afterglow when the event and after the Games—spending more concludes. In our 2017 study, we found that the than $870 million in Queensland.’ [8] various impacts of mega-sporting events on business are seriously under-analysed, and that rarely, if at Media messages used prior to GC2018 amplified all, are the lessons transferred to future host cities[6]. the expectation that businesses would see a strong For stakeholder communities in , learning influx of tourists, both overseas and interstate, which the lessons of GC2018 will be important in their would lead inevitably to enhanced bottom lines and preparation for the . an unprecedented ‘win’ for business [9,10].


Business impacts Description of business impact The central aim of the research underpinning The preeminent factor identified for the negative our analysis was to understand how Gold Coast impact on businesses was a change in customer businesses were impacted by GC2018. In our survey numbers (57%), with reduced sales volume coming therefore we asked a variety of specific questions in a close second (52%). Other significant factors that relation to the effect of GC2018 on demand, supply, negatively affected business were vehicle (42%) and and business activity more generally. At the broadest pedestrian (41%) access, and changes to customer level, half of respondents (51%) reported that behaviour (40%). Two out of five (40%) reported their business was impacted very negatively; 23% their personal wellbeing had been very negatively somewhat negatively; 16% felt no impact; and 9% of affected. respondents were somewhat positive with only 1% Business impacts we asked about: very positive.

Which best describes

how your business was Customer Customer Sales impacted by GC2018? numbers behaviour volume

1% 9% Pedestrian Vehicle Opening access access hours 16%

Very negative Staffing Resource Supply chain Somewhat negative expenses interruption 51% No impact Businesses agreed that the GC2018 worked on multiple factors to improve the Somewhat positive attractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally. Very positive Discretionary Working Work spending hours atmosphere 23%

The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, Personal Business mainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was wellbeing reputation reported as not accurate by 41% of business

60% Which best describes how your business 100% If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how 50% business? e ective was your planning?


Businesses did not agree that the GC2018 had a positive eect 30% 50% on the City’s business environment Business considers customer

20% numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as

10% the most significant negative impacts of GC2018.


Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 When planning the GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. There was transparency in the planning of the GC2018. 3

The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018. The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Customer numbers, behaviour and sales volume Most businesses reported that the change in Three out of five (58%) businesses reported that customer numbers provided the most significant there was a severe decrease in the number of negative impact, which explains the reduced sales local residents on the Gold Coast in the lead-up to volume. Business were expecting an increase in and during GC2018. An accommodation and food customer numbers with a flow-on effect to sales. service operator stated, ‘Local customers left the However, several factors contributed to the reduced city afraid of the high volume of tourism affecting all customer numbers. Firstly, the Gold Coast’s leisure areas of the city (traffic, shopping, hospitals, etc).’ tourist was displaced by a budget conscious and A respondent from the first stage of the research sports focused tourist who generally did not frequent explained to us that she had stocked up on groceries retail or food service outlets (outside of sporting for her family prior to the Games to avoid the venues). This study’s sample included retail trade inconvenience of congestion and disruption, but as a (38%) and accommodation and food services (24%) result resisted going out for the Games period. Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your industrieswas impacted which by mayGC2018? explain the importancepopulation, how of did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how customer numbers as an impact. business? e ective was your planning? ‘I’m not dealing with that. I’m not going into Woolworths to buy milk ‘I think there was an expectation and dealing with 10,000 tourists. that we would see a strong influx of So, I went in and spent $200 the day tourists, both overseas and interstate before the Games.’ Arts and culture and that didn’t eventuate.’ Food service

‘…those people [GC2018 visitors] aren’t on holidays, and so they then don’t go down into the precinct and Rate the impact of GC2018 buy an ice-cream, do some retail on your business

shopping.’The cost of business planning Accommodation for the and foodHolding service the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed When asked about theunanticipated inuences impact of GC2018 Customer numbers on business, change in customer numbers (57%), sales volume Sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were Customer behaviour rated as having a very negative impact. Very negative Relatively negative No impact Relatively positive Very positive When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.


Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Almost half of businesses (46%) commented that The GC2018 disruption has had what might best residents leaving the Gold Coast affected them very be termed a hangover effect for many businesses negatively. Noting reports that many locals holidayed in the region and it is taking the city a long time away from the Gold Coast resulting in a reduction of to get back to normal trading levels. Within the local patronage, a food service operator commented, survey, businesses have stated that they are ‘We lost all our regulars for two to three weeks and experiencing an extensive recovery time, longer than gained no extra revenue.’ One survey respondent they anticipated. In the survey, some businesses observed: commented that the patronage has not returned to pre-Games volume with consumers going elsewhere. ‘I operate car parks on the Gold Coast and the visitor numbers were down ‘Because our business relies a lot 90%, I didn’t expect many visitors on annual return visits we are now to drive, but I didn’t expect all Gold feeling the impact again with low Coast residents to leave town for two numbers as clients that we normally weeks.’ Transport, postal and warehousing see at this time of year, [because last year they have] chosen to go elsewhere and have not returned this year.’ Retail

3% 2%

Very negative If you noticed a decrease in Relatively negative 33% the local population, how did 46% No impact it impact on your business? Relatively positive Very positive


Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your 5 was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning?

The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning? Vehicle and pedestrian access Restricted vehicle access was a major impediment to Restricted road access and alternate routes made business. Affected firms made arrangements to have it difficult for customers to visit businesses; as a deliveries during the night, which also carried the consequence, patronage by locals and tourists was added burden of increased costs as expressed by a down, as reflected by this survey respondent: survey respondent: ‘The road was cordoned off and all ‘All deliveries were at night between public sent via an alternate route by 1 and 6 am because of road closures. signage. Not even our regular clients WeThe cost had of business to planning stay for at the our shop allHolding night the GC2018 during the Easter cameHave youthey provided all feedback went about overseas.’ the RetailMost business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in to receive goods to enable us to trade. real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences Tourists did not visit so we had very Similarly, increased security and closures of normal few customers for weeks before the routes forced foot traffic away. Restricted parking Games started. We lost over $80,000 times at park and ride stations meant that spectators Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local returningDid theto information their vehicles you have regarding did not stay in Basedthe onarea, what actually happened to your throughwas impacted lack by GC2018? of trade.’ population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? instead returning to their accommodation. e ective was your planning? Accommodation and food service ‘We were expecting so much traffic and even foot traffic and people and stuff, and that never came to When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Rate the impactCustomer numbers of (57%), GC2018 sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour fruition.’ Retail on your business(40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Pedestrian access Restricted vehicleBusinesses (42%) reported that their reputation was and pedestrian accessnot impacted (56%) by the GC2018 Vehicle access (41%) very negatively impacted business. Very negative Relatively negative No impact Relatively positive Very positive

The cost of business planning for the Restricted vehicle (42%)Holding and the pedestrian GC2018 accessduring (41%)the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? very negativelytrading impacted period business. was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

Personal wellbeing

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) and work werehours very negatively impacted by the GC2018. The negative effect on personal wellbeing and work In short, we went from over 200

hours featured in the Whenlist ofasked impacts. about the impact Two of the out GC2018 of on business - change in customers a week to ZERO for the five (40%) respondentsCustomer stated numbers that (57%), theirsales volume personal (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact. duration of the Games. wellbeing had suffered. A combination of negative Accommodation and food service business impacts and long work hours (e.g. due to overnight deliveries) has most likely resulted in this Businesses reported that their reputation was Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere not impacted (56%) by the GC2018 adverse effect. (40%) or stang (39%) A very negative impact and our worst trading period in the 9 years we have been in business.

Rate the impactRestricted of vehicle GC2018 (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) Accommodation and food service on your business very negatively impacted business.

My personal wellbeing Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working My working hours hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by Very negative Relatively negative No impact Relatively positive Very positive GC2018. Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

6 For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning?

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning?

The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Work atmosphere Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018 and staffing Most businesses reported that GC2018 had no impact ‘Customer numbers and staff access on the work atmosphere (40%). During an interview, impacted numbers of staff rostered Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) one retail business commented veryon negativelyan improved impacted business. work on, but all staff are permanent so had environment due to athletes using the facilities and to provide alternative hours for them associating with normal customers. Interestingly, and some forced annual leave which most survey comments on this impact discussed it negatively, using examples of ‘imposing leave on staff, impacted staff morale.’ Retail mandating staff work from home, and making them work extra shifts, with the disruption to normal work Rate the impact of GC2018 schedule negatively impacted staff morale’. Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018. on your business

Work atmosphere Most business were not impacted by work Staffing atmosphere (40%) or staffing (39%). Very negative Relatively negative No impact Relatively positive Very positive Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

Supply chain interruption The real estate and property market were affected by ‘In the building industry, most infrastructure inflated expectations of sellers, with owners holding development work was completed prior to the off listing property prior to GC2018. This shortfall Games. As a result of this accelerated work program, resulted in a peak prior to the Games from lack of a survey respondent suggested that no new stock. A real estate proprietor commented that contracts were tendered for many months, thus ‘People who were trying to get a higher price thought creating a boom in the market leading to difficulty to they’d do it after the Games. Then the market hasn’t Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actuallyFor what purpose happened did you use tothe informationyour in your business planning? find suitable subcontractors.’ was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? come off businessafter the during Games, the because GC2018, therehow wasn’t the business? exposure. I guesse ective it was was bityour of planning? a dampener, a lot of ‘ the building industry, we negative press over the Games.’ were busy until the end of March…, everyone went away. The State Government spent all their money 0.7% 1.4% on the Games… New projects did not start to [be] sent out to price until 31% November 2018. There is so much 35% [work] to price now, that we will have Very negative trouble getting subcontractors to do Relatively negative No impact the work, if everything starts around Relatively positive the same time.’ Construction Very positive

32% Most business were not impacted by supply chain interruptions (35%). However, Rate the impact of GC2018 examples in real estate and the building The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the onMost your business business were not impacted by supply industry showed unanticipated influences. GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences 7

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning? Reputation The reputational effect of GC2018 was varied. Some That said, the benefits were not uniformly businesses experienced major reputational benefits in experienced. In terms of reputation and financial their association with the Games. In particular, some impact, one arts and culture business stated that the businesses felt an enhanced status associated with disruption to their business and lack of customers servicing the Games. For others it provided a lift to caused damage. Looking to save loyal customers, the their business reputation and image. business gave vouchers to disgruntled clients.

‘Servicing the Games, there was a ‘Our core customer base did not attend certain ‘prestige’ being a locally based our premises during the Games. Our business.’ Construction venue was forced to cut hours due to lack of numbers, which caused Major structural improvements for businesses that reputation damage and additional ‘doubled’ as venues also helped to improve the cost as we gave out vouchers to people business’s international reputation. For example, the who tried to attend but could not.’ film industry’s Village Roadshow’s Oxenford studios scored a partly Government funded super stage to Arts and culture host some of the competition events. Soundstage The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter 9 has already had Havefilms you such provided as Marvel’s feedback Thor, about and the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. Warner Brothers Aquaman.GC2018 Forimpact another on your business, business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in their venue hosted a sporting event which provided real estate and the building industry showed a great opportunity to distinguish them from their unanticipated inuences competitors internationally.

‘It stood us out from the rest of 4% 8% other [sporting venues like ours] worldwide.’ Sport 19%

Very negative Relatively negative No impact 13% Relatively positive Rate the impact of GC2018 Very positive on your business

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour Businesses reported that their (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact. reputation was not impacted (56%) 56% by GC2018.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018 8

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? GC2018 INFORMATION, MEDIA AND INFLATED ESTIMATES?

The most frequent information sources used were: the State government’s ‘Get Set for the Games’ documentation (12%), traditional Most used information media (7%) and social media (9%).

The choice of information used, in hindsight was problematic, as businesses reported that the most inaccurate information sources were ‘Get Set for the 12% 9% 7% Games’, government agencies, mainstream media ‘Get Set for Social Traditional the Games’ media media and industry associations. While the most accurate were their professional and personal contacts, and social media.

How often did you use these information sources? How accurate would you say the information was?

Social media The information sources most used Websites by businesses were ‘Get Set Subscription for the Games’, news mainstream media and social Government media. However, ‘Get Set for the Community Games’ was hearsay reported as not accurate by 41% Media of business. mainstream Industry associations Businesses agreed that the GC2018 worked on multiple factors to improve the attractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally. Professional contacts

Personal Not accurate contacts Very accurate ‘Get Set for Used most the Games’ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, mainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was reported as not accurate by 41% of business

60% 100%

50% 9


Businesses did not agree that the GC2018 had a positive eect 30% 50% on the City’s business environment




Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 When planning the GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. There was transparency in the planning of the GC2018.

The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018. Information accuracy and predictions In the survey, many respondents commented that The Government’s information aimed at locals the information they received from the ‘Get Set for to reduce traffic and congestion was blamed for the Games’ documentation was inaccurate, with reduced customer volume and for locals departing businesses told they could anticipate high volumes of the Gold Coast. In the campaign, businesses were foot traffic and mass arrival of tourists. But instead, urged to have their employees work from home or businesses experienced the opposite. take leave. Similarly, residents were instructed to stock up on groceries to avoid unnecessary car trips. ‘We were led to believe business would With this in mind, many locals departed the Gold Coast, as suggested by this survey respondent: be strong, many people would attend [the Games]. Change operations to ‘It was a very strong campaign to suit traffic conditions, etc. There were convince the locals to stay home (or to few travellers, roads were deserted, close the business) and others to avoid and no-one was spending money.’ Gold Coast during the Commonwealth Accommodation and food service Games. My observation [is that] this caused a large Gold Coast population The notable gap between predictions and actual outcome has caused discontent within the local [to] travel interstate or overseas. We business community. In trying to understand the experienced the worst Easter holiday significant miscalculation of numbers, an art and period ever in our last 25 years of culture interviewee stated: ‘Someone is responsible trade.’ Tourism for getting the numbers so wrong. And is it an administrative error? Did someone accidentally put another zero on the end? That happens.’ Did the information you have The optimistic estimates provided to business, coupled with the publicised disruption and media regarding GC2018 meet your campaign aimed at local residents, meant that most business needs? business considered the information supplied as inaccurate and unhelpful in planning for GC2018. 4% ‘What should have been a wonderful opportunity for Gold coast business 38% 14% was ruined by negativity and misinformation.’ Retail and manufacturing Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree 24%


Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning?


The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning?

The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

BUSINESS PLANNING When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact. How did businesses plan Businesses reported that their reputation was for GC2018? not impacted (56%) by the GC2018 The Gold Coast has never hosted an event at the size ‘We used documentation on traffic and scale of GC2018. Many businesses took on board flow, public transport flow, advice from the possibility that their firm could face challenges that Comm Games organisers and Festival would require altering normalRestricted activities. vehicle Most (42%) and managers pedestrian access (41%) 2018 organisers, all ‘Get Set for the realised that such a large-scale eventvery negativelycould have impacted business. unforeseen results and took the planning seriously as Games’ advice on Games preparation noted during an interview: including meetings which all advised to purchase a lot of stock in advance and ‘Businesses had it [their Games make delivery and transport plans that strategy] 85% planned, they took it were more expensive to the business very seriously. They were expecting big than usual processes. Our trading hours crowds, they were expectingPersonal wellbeing significant (40%) and my working hours (37%) were determined directly in response were very negatively impacted by the GC2018. outcomes…’ Hospitality to advice from organisers in upper management positions in the Comm Games organising committee.’ Arts and culture

For what purposeMost business did were you not impacted use bythe work atmosphereinformation in your business planning? (40%) or stang (39%) Finance



Risk assessment


Did not use Used a bit Used moderately Used often Always used For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning?

In planning for GC2018, most businesses used information for operational decision-making (27%) (e.g. change operating hours, predicting customer demand), and risk assessment (25%) (e.g. whether changes such as road closures would affect business). To a lesser extent, businesses referred to information for finance (16%), marketing 16%), and least of all, investment decisions 11%).

11 Efficacy of planning In determining successful future business strategy, ‘GC2018 was a huge disappointment accurate information is indispensable. When and cost our business enormously, we reflecting on their GC2018 strategic planning, most would have been better off to close our businesses (36%) said that their business planning 5 retail stores for the entire GC2018. was not at all effective. In contrast, 12% reported that their business planning was very effective. The tourists didn’t spend any money One retail business remarked on mismanagement except for accommodation and in planning resulting in an immense economic cost GC2018 events. Locals were so scared associated for their five retail stores: they deserted the whole city or stayed at home.’ Retail

Based on what actually ‘We were only affected two days so to happened to your business be totally honest we could’ve just run during GC2018, how effective business as per usual but because it was your planning? was so hammered into us, it would be so busy on the roads and all that stuff, 12% we ended up cutting back our business hours.’ Tourism 36%

17% Not at all effective Somewhat ineffective Three in five business (64%) disagreed Neutral with the statement: ‘If the Gold Coast Somewhat effective held a similar event in the future that Very effective they would prepare their business in the same way’. Numerous businesses criticised GC2018 information inaccuracy that led them to implement 18% changes that were inappropriate and 18% adversely affected firm performance.

Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how business? e ective was your planning?


The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Cost of planning Event timing The sum total of 49% (agree and strongly agree) of In the survey, many businesses strongly urged against businesses agreed that planning for GC2018 ‘cost a holding GC2018 during the Easter break. Easter is lot’. Business mentioned that they undertook detailed normally a very busy time when school is on holidays Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your scenario plans to get ready for the Games. and tourist and locals alike take full opportunity of was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how the Gold Coast amenities. Holding the event during business? e ective was your planning? The cost of business planning the holidays resulted in the displacement of local, for GC2018 was a lot? domestic, and international leisure visitors. When asked what time of the year would be best for holding a major sporting event in the future, 9% comments included ‘non-peak periods for tourism (i.e. not during the school holidays, such as February, 11% 25% September or October)’. Another popular option was the ‘December Christmas holidays when business is generally quiet’.

Strongly disagree Many respondents preferred that that the Gold Disagree Coast not host a mega-event in the future, stating Neither agree nor disagree that the ‘cost to business, and the disruption made it Agree untenable’. Strongly agree ‘Preferable not to happen [ future mega-events on the Gold Coast]. If really need to, May after the Labour 32% 23% Day could be a better option as we will not losing too much of the business as this is normally a quiet month.’ Tourism

‘We spentWhich a best lot ofdescribes time creating how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your The cost of business planning for the HoldingHolding the GC2018 GC2018 during during the Easter the Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply logistics aroundwas impacted how staff by GC2018?are going to population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how GC2018 was a lot? Eastertrading trading period was perioda good choice. was a GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in get here, then working from home and business? e ective was your planning? real estate and the building industry showed costs. Then there was no traffic on the good choice. unanticipated inuences roads, so it all went out the window. Day one we went with our plan, and 2% then we didn’t need it from day two 7% onwards.’ Real estate 20% Many businesses also attributed their failed 58% planning attempts and increased costs to incorrect information received from Government agencies. For example, a hospitality business said that they ‘were Strongly disagree told 6,000 people in the queue at any one time’. Disagree With this in mind, the business extended operating Neither agree nor disagree hours and increased staff, but the expected customer Agree demand did not materialise. Strongly agree

For another business, the expected disruption (such as road closures) led them to shut down for the 13% two weeks. When in reality, the professional service When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in provider discovered that their planning was based on Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour incorrect information and pronounced, ‘We closed (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact. the business as we were told we would be unable to access. This was entirely incorrect.’

The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? Businesseschain interruptions reported that(35%). their However, reputation examples was in realnot estate impacted and the (56%) building by the industry GC2018 showed unanticipated inuences


Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact. Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business. Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%) For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning?

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? Specators gather along the GC2018 course in Burleigh

COMMONWEALTH GAMES Businesses agreed that the GC2018 worked on multiple factors to improve the EVENT PLANNERSattractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally.

Event planners were deemed responsible for a Planning a Commonwealth Games is an number of miscalculations that included inaccurate enormous task with detailed coordination traffic information —‘The traffic ‘management’ and execution required for a multitude was rubbish’ (accommodation and food service)— of activities. When asked about the inaccurate forecasting of visitor numbers—‘Better consideration of local business by GC2018 The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, forecasting of number of visitors’ (accommodationmainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was event planners, most businesses did not and food service)—and using ‘scare tactics reported as not accurate by 41% of business sense that local experts were listened to frightened people away’ (Professional services). seriously or well represented during the planning process. 60% 100%

For example, when asked if those who planned When planning GC2018,50% did the GC2018 helped to stimulate flow-on benefits for your organisers consider the needs of business (e.g. increased customer demand, increased exposure to new markets), three out of five (57%) business; listened40% to local experts. strongly disagreed, one in five (20%) somewhat There was transparency in the

disagreed, 15% remained neutralBusinesses and did 8%not agree agreed. that the GC2018 had a positive eect planning of GC2018.30% 50% on the City’s business environment


Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 When planning the GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. There was transparency in the planning of the GC2018. 14

The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018. Feedback Centralisation and Receiving and acting upon feedback is pivotal for authority improvement in any organisation. In realising the Commonwealth Games’ potential for future host city A common theme from the survey comments businesses, including Birmingham 2022, we asked if concerned the centralisation of power in, and businesses provided feedback about their experience. authority exercised by, the event organisers and Of the 37% businesses that provided feedback government. This approach triggered frustration on how their business was affected, venues used among Gold Coast business, evident in one to provide feedback include: GC2018 team, local respondent’s observation: council, State government, industry associations, various surveys, media and shopping centre ‘It could have delivered better management. outcomes if organisers had been less involved in trying to control For those who did not provide feedback, we asked why not. Their responses varied: visitors to the area and just focused on the job of organising events. The ‘No avenue/opportunity to provide strategic planning and impacts on feedback, event organisers and hospitality venues was myopic. Event government don’t care, it won’t make organisers were more concerned any difference, they weren’t affected, with the execution of the Games with and, they did not want to waste any insufficient consideration of local more time.’ residents and businesses who suffered loss and damage as a result of the One business suggested a formalised feedback loop: Games. The traffic ‘management’ was rubbish. Com Games attract ‘I would have thought the [organisers] nationally and all the negative would have held debriefing sessions, publicity about traffic just stopped but those groups dissolved.’’ Retail people from coming to the GC.’ Retail Which best describes how your business If you noticed a decrease in the local Did the information you have regarding Based on what actually happened to your was impacted by GC2018? population, how did it impact on your the GC2018 meet your business needs? business during the GC2018, how Businesses reflected concern regarding the business? Have you provided feedback e ective was your planning? about GC2018 impact on your accuracy of information and the way in which it was promulgated by government and organisers. Many business? businesses frequently scrutinised the limited and linear process of information dissemination and what some regarded as the somewhat high-handed nature of issuing advice:

‘…they should of been up front with all of the planning. We were told we 37% would be real busy; this was not the 63% case. They shouldn’t have exaggerated Yes the benefits.’ Retail No

The cost of business planning for the Holding the GC2018 during the Easter Have you provided feedback about the Most business were not impacted by supply GC2018 was a lot? trading period was a good choice. GC2018 impact on your business? chain interruptions (35%). However, examples in real estate and the building industry showed unanticipated inuences


When asked about the impact of the GC2018 on business - change in Customer numbers (57%), sales volume (52%), and customer behaviour (40%) were rated as having a very negative impact.

Businesses reported that their reputation was not impacted (56%) by the GC2018

Restricted vehicle (42%) and pedestrian access (41%) very negatively impacted business.

Personal wellbeing (40%) and my working hours (37%) were very negatively impacted by the GC2018.

Most business were not impacted by work atmosphere (40%) or stang (39%)

For what purpose did you use the information in your business planning? CITY-LEVEL IMPACTS

Gold Coast City image With destination image playing a major role in the One of the key features of GC2018 was the competitiveness for travel destinations such as the opportunity it provided to strengthen and further Gold Coast, businesses agreed that GC2018 did showcase the Gold Coast’s image by promoting it improve the city’s appeal. Results show that the nationally and internationally as an attractive and livable influence of GC2018 contributed to the Gold Coast’s city with the capacity to host mega-sporting events. city image in the following ways: ‘[GC2018] portrayed the Gold Coast ƒƒ GC2018 increased awareness of the Gold Coast as a safe, enthusiastic wonderful city nationally (63%*) ƒƒ GC2018 will aid in attracting more sporting events to be in.’ to the Gold Coast (62%*) Retail ƒƒ GC2018 increased awareness of the city internationally (61%*) ‘With better planning and less scare ƒƒ GC2018 enhanced the ability of the Gold Coast to mongering from the media, I believe the offer attractive cultural, artistic and recreational GC is the perfect place to hold future resources (57%*) similar events and I think this could be ƒƒ GC2018 contributed to urban infrastructure that will build city image (53%*) very beneficial to the Coast.’ ƒƒ GC2018 has contributed to the Gold Coast Retail growing into aworld-class city with distinct strengths (43%*) ƒƒ GC2018 improved Gold Coast’s ability to meet the needs for public services (42%*)

(*sum­—agree and strongly agree)

Increased awareness—city nationally

Businesses agreed Aid in attracting more sporting events that GC2018 worked on Increased awareness—city internationally multiple factors to improve the attractiveness Enhanced cultural, artistic and recreational of the Gold Coast city image nationally and Contributed to urban infrastructure to build city image internationally.

Contributed to world-class city with distinct strengths

Improved ability to meet public service needs

Strongly disagree DisagreeBusinesses agreed Neitherthat the GC2018 agree workednor disagree on multiple factors Agree to improve Stronglythe agree attractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally.

The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, mainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was 16 reported as not accurate by 41% of business

60% 100%



Businesses did not agree that the GC2018 had a positive eect 30% 50% on the City’s business environment




Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 When planning the GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. There was transparency in the planning of the GC2018.

The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018. Business operating environment In terms of the impact that GC2018 had on the Gold The impacts discussed earlier in Section 3 illustrate Coast city business environment, the results show that businesses were generally hit hard by GC2018. that many businesses saw no benefit in the factors With this in mind, business did not agree that and forces that allow a business to build and maintain a GC2018 had a positive impact on the City’s business successful operation. Survey results show that business environment with commentary in the survey did not agree that GC2018 had a positive impact on including: the following: ‘What a huge expense that costs local ƒƒ GC2018 positively impacted the Gold Coast from an economic perspective (55%*) jobs and business thousands of dollars ƒƒ GC2018 improved the chances of businesses to in lost trade and workers losing lost seek funding, finance and investment (50%*) hours!’ Retail ƒƒ GC2018 has enhanced job prospects for workers ‘The GC2018 was for the greater good on Gold Coast (48%*) of all. We LOVED the Games. Sadly ƒƒ GC2018 has contributed to Gold Coast image as a business was turned on its head.’ good place to do business (44%*) ƒƒ GC2018 has improved the city’s ability to attract Accommodation and food service workers from outside the Gold Coast (36%*) ƒƒ GC2018 has assisted the Gold Coast in becoming ‘A lot of the locals went overseas more attractive to international trade and which took money out of our economy. investment (33%*) The cost of funding the Games was (*sum—disagree and strongly disagree) horrendous.’ Professional services

Businesses agreed that the GC2018 worked on multiple factors to improve the attractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally. Positively impacted Gold Coast—economic

Businesses Improved the chances of businesses to seek did not agree funding, finance and investment that GC2018 had a positive effect on the Enhanced job prospects for workers on Gold Coast City’s business The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, environment.mainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was Contributed to Gold Coast image as a good place to do business reported as not accurate by 41% of business

Improved the city’s ability to attract workers 60% 100% from outside the Gold Coast

50% Assisted Gold Coast to become more attractive to international trade and investment 40%

Strongly disagree DisagreeBusinesses Neither did not agree that nor the disagree GC2018 had a positive Agree eect Strongly agree 30% 50% on the City’s business environment




17 Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 When planning the GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. There was transparency in the planning of the GC2018.

The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018. Businesses agreed that the GC2018 worked on multiple factors to improve the attractiveness of the Gold Coast city image nationally and internationally.

Government and leadership during GC2018 The information sources most used by businesses were “Get Set for the Games”, mainstream media and social media. However, “Get Set for the Games” was The government takes many roles during the bidding, Incorrect and inaccurate information combined reported as not accurate by 41% of business planning and execution of a sporting mega-event. accompanied by a perceived high-handed and Considerable negotiation is required between levels distant approach gave rise to a sense of ‘us versus as well as with the hosting communities. The results them’ among some respondents.60% This left a negative 100% reveal that business did not feel supported by impression as to the genuineness of the consultation government or informal leadership networks in civil process: society. 50% ‘From what seemed like a great ƒƒ The state/federal government assisted businesses during GC2018 (66%*) opportunity it turned40% into an awful ƒƒ Local council assisted businesses during GC2018 nightmare, made worse by the lack

(62%*) Businesses did not agree that the GC2018 had a positive eectof support, lies and insults30% made 50% ƒƒ ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. communityon the City’sgroups, business environment by our [local government] and [the industry associations) assisted businesses during organising committee]. The Gold 20% GC2018 (40%*) Coast is still suffering economically as (*sum—disagree and strongly disagree) a consequence thereof.’ Accommodation and food service10%

Did the state/federal government; 0% NUMBERS CUSTOMER VOLUME SALES ACCESS VEHICLE ACCESS PEDESTRIAN BEHAVIOUR CUSTOMER WELLBEING PERSONAL HOURS WORKING ATMOSPHERE WORK STAFFING CHAIN SUPPLY INTERRUPTION DISCRETIONARY SPENDING RESOURCE EXPENSES OPENING HOURS BUSINESS REPUTATION 0% local council; and ‘informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, Business consider customer numbers, sales volume, access and customer behaviour as the most signi cant negative impacts of the GC2018 industry associations)When planning the assist GC2018, the organisers - considered the needs of business; listened to local experts. businesses duringThere GC2018? was transparency in the planning of the GC2018.

State/federal government assisted businesses

Local council assisted businesses

Informal leadership assisted businesses

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. ‘Informal leadership’ (e.g. community groups, industry associations) assisted businesses during the GC2018.


The key takeout from this report is that In large part, the negative themes underlying the overwhelming number of survey respondent feedback appear to stem from a respondents and interviewees felt that perception that business was provided with GC2018 delivered little in the way of information from government and GC2018 tangible business benefits. Indeed, a major organisers that was inaccurate. A closely related theme is that outcomes during GC2018 did not align theme was that the Games was actually with anticipated outcomes envisioned by organisers counterproductive in advancing the and government agencies. Put bluntly, a significant interests of Gold Coast businesses. This is proportion of businesses participating in the survey starkly at odds with the broader narrative believe the Games over-promised and under- from government and event organisers that delivered. GC2018 provided a significant boost to the Gold Coast economy. Looking ahead to future events on the Gold Coast and how business can benefit, at least three issues need to be addressed. Future research recommendations are discussed.

Authentic engagement Businesses themselves with business is required need to be critical The sense that business was spoken at, rather than There is a sense that business respondents tended to consulted with, in the planning phase surfaced in the be passive recipients rather than critical consumers survey and interviews as a recurring theme. For the of information from GC2018 organisers and majority of respondents, government engagement government. Exhibiting scepticism towards authority was too little in the lead-up to the Games. And many is a long-standing trait of Australian democracy, so felt that GC2018 organisers, particularly GOLDOC, it is somewhat surprising that respondents seem were unwilling to hear about business concerns, high- to accept uncritically most (if not all) of the pre- handed in their approach, and disconnected from event advice with little hard-edged analysis. There the day-to-day impact of the Games on business is no doubt that small and medium enterprises operations. are seriously strapped for time, but it is important they actively source information and data that is In future planning, event organisers and government independent from governments and even peak need to be much more attuned to the micro-level industry bodies including chambers of commerce. concerns of business in the run up to their being Relying on information from providers whose held. This requires working meaningfully with small interests do not necessarily align with those of and medium enterprises—as well as the top end of individual businesses is risky. The impacts of GC2018 town—at a grass roots level to identify threats and were not uniform in terms of traffic flows, loss of opportunities arising from events and ensuring that customer flow, and supply chain disruption. This businesses feel they are part of the planning cycle. was foreseen prior to the Games[6], and individual Put another way, event organisers and government businesses could certainly have been more curious should focus their efforts on collaborating with in exploring alternative information sources to those businesses as strategic partners. This must not be provided by government and event organisers, which faux collaboration that merely aims to ‘tick a box’ for in turn were often filtered through mainstream and the multitude of stakeholders involved, but rather a social media. process that incorporates a well-defined feedback At the end of the day, accessing rigorous and loop whereby businesses1 can play a direct role in independent2 research—including from universities event planning, not just a service provision role for and independent think tanks—is crucial for delivering the event. State government and local businesses to enable strategic planning ahead of council must provide the partnership frameworks major events, and businesses themselves must be that ‘democratise’ opportunities for small and proactive. medium enterprises to not only have their say but also to influence key decisions in the planning phase.

19 Businesses need to be Future research active in distributing Learning the key lessons of GC2018 for business is crucial, but this goes beyond the impact of the information Commonwealth Games per se. Inevitably, there will be future mega-events on the Gold Coast and Comparing and exchanging notes with like-minded business must prepare for these at a firm level businesses can help to circumvent information but also in collaboration with major stakeholders. bottlenecks. Yet, competition among businesses in Research will be crucial in preparing business for this, the same sector is often relentless and the notion and further analysis of the impact of GC2018 that of collaborating with rivals is not instinctive. Small goes beyond the scope of this report is necessary. In and medium enterprises are frequently too busy particular, the following areas merit closer research focusing on detailed operational challenges to think scrutiny: about how they might play a role in information exchange. But if these same businesses are to ƒƒ The context in which businesses did prosper capitalise on opportunities arising from major events during GC2018. What were the conditions? And and avoid inevitable costs, comparing notes with peer can these be replicated in future across different competitors is a must. This, combined with accessing sectors? a wide variety of reliable information channels, has ƒƒ The impact of government investment. This the potential to yield valuable intelligence that can was particularly apparent in the arts, culture then be integrated into firm strategic and operational and sport; what have been the payoffs for Gold planning. After the experience of GC2018, there must Coast businesses? be questions about whether the various formalised ƒƒ Ways in which the Gold Coast business Gold Coast business networks have the capacity environment has benefited from public sector to act as effective clearing houses for information investment associated with GC2018. Can this be and intelligence exchange. At the very least, small further leveraged to benefit others? and medium enterprises should not rely on industry ƒƒ Quantifying the impact on the Gold Coast associations and chambers to do their work for flowing from GC2018, such as destination them. There is certainly scope for deeper information image, tourism, and trade and investment. distribution 3and additional forums for business to 4 facilitate this exchange; universities with a presence on the Gold Coast can play a more active thought leadership role in assisting business in this area.


Four months after GC2018 concluded, the formally ruled out using There is also a sense in which small and medium the $35 million surplus generated by the Games enterprises feel they were not taken seriously in to compensate Gold Coast traders who had lost the preparation phase and that their concerns income as a result of GC2018[3}. This was not were downplayed or dismissed by government and unexpected—the State government argued that it organisers. had already invested significant amounts in Games Our report recommendations underscore the need infrastructure—but coming at the same time as for a more proactive endeavour on the part of future event organisers were hailing the event overall as an event organisers and government to engage business unqualified success, the ‘optics’ of this decision were across the board in the planning stages; this includes not positive. an integrated post-event assessment process. Planning and executing mega-sporting events is Genuine strategic collaboration between businesses, highly demanding. It is difficult enough ensuring organisers, and government is not only preferable for that sporting and related events go according to future event planning on the Gold Coast, it is crucial. plan. But it is even harder for organisers to balance But businesses too need to be more proactive competing agendas among multiple stakeholders in seeking out reliable sources of information to across government and industry. In the case of underpin their operational planning. Avoiding a GC2018, while the organisers can be commended situation where they are merely passive recipients of for executing a well-planned event, our research information from government and corporate entities shows that the impact of GC2018 on Gold Coast is a critical first step. As this report has shown, the business was far more mixed. In particular, inaccurate impact on business arising from major events endures information from government and organisers after the caravan moves on. regarding disruption as well as inflated forecasts around customer numbers and benefits exercised many respondents and interviewees.


1. Getz, D. and S. Page, Event studies: Theory, research and 6. Carlini, J. and A. O’Neil, Gold Coast business and the policy for planned events. 2016: Routledge. Commonwealth Games: Impact, legacy and opportunity. 2017, . 2. Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation, Annual Report 2017 - 2018. 2018. 7. Kirby, S., M. Duignan, and D. McGillivray, Mega-Sport Events, Micro and Small Business Leveraging: Introducing 3. ABC Gold Coast. Commonwealth Games: Looking back at the. Event Management, 2018. 22(6): p. 917-931. Gold Coast 2018 as organising committee calls it a day. 2018 [cited May 2019]; Available from: 8. State of Queensland, Ahead of the Games: Evaluation report for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games legacy one-of-best-as-organisers-call-it-a-day/10179072. program. 2017. 4. Miller, A. The organisers of the 2018 Commonwealth 9. Emery, L. Gold Coast will become Australia’s next hub for Games on Australia’s Gold Coast are making the sums add major international events following the Commonwealth up for this month’s festival of elite athletics. 2018 [cited Games. 2017 [cited May 2019]; Available from: May 2019]; Available from: hk/en/member/member/accounting-business/2018/04/ coast/tourism-counting-on-a-major-events-boom- insights/commonwealth-games.html. following-the-commonwealth-games/news-story/ c5efc0790c941f5202e06cf6244e2d2a. 5. Mosadeghi, R., D. Barr, and R. Moller, The Use of GIS in Major Sport Events Management; the Host City’s Lessons 10. Pierce, J. Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games leads Learned from Gold Coast 2018, Commonwealth Games. to $17 billion investment boom. 2017 [cited May 2019]; Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2019: p. 1-17. Available from: queensland/gold-coast-2018-commonwealth-games- leads-to-17-billion-investment-boom/news-story/905b6 ab25847e48bad711c7897b4c1c1.


A—About the sample

Survey responses Annual turnover Online 98 < $50 000 6.3% Hard copy 52 $50 000–$200 000 20.1% Total 150 $200 000–$2 M 47.9% Indigenous business > $2 M 25.7% Yes 2% Main type of customer No 98% Business to business 12.7% Respondent position Consumers 87.3% Owner 59.3% Primary business location by region CEO 6% North Gold Coast 16% Manager 28% Central Gold Coast 54% Other 6.7% Southern Gold Coast 14% Age (years) Avg 48 Hinterland 2% Min age – Max age 19–79 Other (multiple locations) 14% Gender Industry classification Male 47.3% Accommodation and food services 24.3% Female 50.7% Administration and support services 2.7% Prefer not to say 2% Arts and recreation services 3.4% Years operating Construction 1.4% < 2 years 6.1% Education and training 0.7% 2 to < 5 years 19.6% Finance and insurance services 0.7% 5 to < 10 years 17.6% Health care and social assistance 8.1% 10 years + 56.8% Information, media and telecommunications 2.0% FTE employees Manufacturing 1.4% 1–19 83.2% Professional, scientific and technical services 6.1% 20–149 13.4% Sport 2.0% 150–200 1.3% Rental, hiring and real estate services 3.4% >200 2% Retail trade 37.8% Industry Sector Tourism 3.4% Profit 95.3% Transport, postal and warehousing 1.4% NFP 3.4% Wholesale trade 1.4% Public and Gov. 1.3%



You are invited to participate in a research project being conducted by the Griffith Business School.

Why is the research being conducted? In April 2018, the Gold Coast hosted the XXI Commonwealth Games (GC2018). Questions remain about the impact of this mega-event on the city’s business community. The aim of this project is to learn more about how GC2018 impacted local businesses, and the city. We are seeking owners, operators, and/or managers of Gold Coast businesses to complete the survey. A better understanding of key issues facing private enterprise can assist with designing future strategies and agendas aimed at supporting businesses in the city.

What you will be asked to do: You will spend about 20 minutes answering survey questions about; 1) The business, 2) Business impacts resulting from the GC2018, and 3) Impacts on the Gold Coast City.

Your participation is voluntary, by completing the survey you consent to participate in this research. Your responses are confidential, and you will not be identified. This project has ethics approval from Griffith University #2018/791

For further information please contact.

Prof Andrew O’Neil Phone: (07) 5552 8472, Email: [email protected] Dr Joan Carlini Phone: (07) 5552 9094, Email: [email protected]

Page 1 of 19






More than 20 km

 (Select only one) 20 km

Strongly agree

Other, please specify______

enced growth over the past the year? growth over enced

Gold Coast Hockey Centre Metricon Stadium (mountain biking) Oxenford Studios Park and ride station Queen Elizabeth Park (beach )

      


018 venue is: location? primary

Manufacturing Marine Mining Professional, scientific and technical services Tourism Transport, postal and warehousing Sport Rental, hiring and real estate services Retail trade Between than 6 – Wholesale trade

 

   

  

 Government  

5 km

Prefer not to say


No Consumers Between 2

  

fy ______Disagree


ectricity, gas,and water services waste Yes Less than $50 000 Between$50 000 and$200 000 Between $200 000 and $2 million Accommodation and food services Other, please specify ______Manager Over $2 million Owner CEO Administration and support service Agriculture Broadbeach Club Arts and recreation services Health care and social assistance Other businesses Construction Education and training Finance and insurance services Information, media and telecommunications Other, please speci El Commonwealth Games Village Coomera Sport and Leisure Centre Elanora/Currumbin (road Valley cycling) Gold Coast Aquatic Centre Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre Less than 1 km Male Which figure best represents this business’ annual turnover in the last financial financial year: last the in annual turnover business’ this best represents figure Which    What industry classification best describes the business? (Select one)  Strongly disagree

   is: business this in My position     Which GC2018 venue is closest to this business’     or services? products of user your main the Who is  business? an indigenous this Is  has this business experi that agree you do whatTo extent            GC2 closest the to business this of The proximity  What is birthyour year? ______gender? is your What 

Hinterland over 200 



South Gold Coast 150 –

 

this business employs?


– business that you own/ manage/ operate  Central Gold Coast 20


 


19 -

Sole trader Partnership Company Other, please specify ______Charity Club Association Other, please specify ______tell us a bit about

 of for

19         -

2 – Profit Not Public and Government North Gold Coast Under 2 years 2 to under 5 years 5 to under 10 years 10 years and over 1 Other, please spe cify ______Please Significantly decreased Slightly decrease d Significantly decreased Remained the same Slightly increased Significantly increased in? operate business does your sector industry What Page  FIRMOGRAPHIC   business? your of location the primary is Gold the of Coast region Which  How many years has this business been operating?     What employees is FTE of the number  has: the in business employees of number the past year, the Over  What is the postcode of the primary location of the business? ______


) 19



Page             

valuable NA (did use) not NA valuable

            

            


aluable Above average value Very valuable NA (did not use) (didnot NA Very valuable value average Above aluable

in email newsletters

            

Moderatelyvaluable Above average Veryvalue valuable NA use) (did not study

            

Somewhat valuable Moderately valuable Above average value Very valuable NA (did use) not NA Veryvaluable value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable

did findyou these information sources to base your business decisions for the

all Somewhat valuable Moderately valuable Above average value Very valuable NA (did not use) (did not NA Very valuable valueAbove average Moderately valuable valuable Somewhat all information you used for the GC2018 the for used you information

            valuable

Get Set for the Games the for Set Get network) business (e.g. contacts Professional Commerce) of Chambers (e.g. associations industry/business Formal Mainstream media (e.g. online and paper newspapers, television news) Various websites Personal contacts (e.g. friends) community within the ‘hearsay’ General Government agencies and associated publications - opt and news services Subscription . . . . . Thinking about the business that own/manage/operate,you please answer the following questions about the ) (did use not NA Veryvaluable value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable Not valuable all at valuable Somewhat Moderately v Not valuable all at ) (did use not NA Veryvaluable value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable Not valuable all at Not valuable all at Very value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable Not valuable all at ) (did use not NA Veryvaluable value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable Not valuable all at ) (did use not NA Veryvaluable value average Above valuable Somewhat Moderately valuable Not valuable all at ) use (did not NA Very valuable valueAbove average Moderately valuable valuable Somewhat all Notat valuable ) use (did not NA Very valuable valueAbove average Moderately valuable valuable Somewhat all Notat valuable Notat valuable ) use (did not NA Very valuable valueAbove average Moderately valuable valuable Somewhat all Notat valuable use (did not NA Very valuable valueAbove average Moderately valuable valuable Somewhat all Notat valuable

Notvaluable at Somewhatall valuable

How GC2018? 1 2. 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9 Games: Commonwealth the and Coast Gold Business School, Business Griffith 10. The 2017 Impact, Legacy and Opportunity 11. My own observations 12. Social media 13. Other, please specify ______

             wer thewer following questions Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used Always used

             sed often

. ? Used often Used U

Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used

in email newsletters

            


Used moderately Used Used moderately Used

Used moderately Used moderately Used moderate Used ly moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used

             Used bit a Used bit a

information you used for the GC2018 the for used you information


             of

4 often didoften useyou these information sources

Social media Get Set for the Games the for Set Get Personal contacts (e.g. friends) network) business (e.g. contacts Professional Commerce) of Chambers (e.g. associations industry/business Formal Mainstream media (e.g. online and paper newspapers, television news) General community within the ‘hearsay’ Government agencies and associated publications - opt and news services Subscription Various websites ...... Thinking about the business that own/manage/operate,you please ans about the

How 1 at use not all Did 2. bit Used a at use not all Did 3 bit Used a at use not all Did 4 bit Used a at use not all Did 5 bit Used a at use not all Did 6 bit Used a at use not all Did 7 at use not all Did 8 bit Used a at use not all Did 9 bit Used a at use not all Did Games: Commonwealth the and Coast Gold Business School, Business Griffith 10 . The 2017 Impact, Legacy and Opportunity bit Used a at use not all Did 11 . My own observations bit Used a at use not all Did 12 . bit Used a at use not all Did 13 . Other, please specify ______bit Used a at use not all Did Page


19 of



            

            

urate Very accurate NA (did not NA use) Very accurate urate

.             

in email newsletters

Neutral Relatively accurate Very accurate NA (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutralaccurate


            

            

Somewhat accurate Neutral Relatively accurate Very accurate NA (did not use) (did NA Very accurate Relatively accurate Neutral Somewhat accurate

would you saywouldthe you information was? information you used for the GC2018 the for used you information

 

           accurate

Get Set for the Games the for Set Get network) business (e.g. contacts Professional Commerce) of Chambers (e.g. associations industry/business Formal Mainstream media (e.g. online and paper newspapers, television news) Various websites Personal contacts (e.g. friends) community within the ‘hearsay’ General Government agencies and associated publications - opt and news services Subscription . . . . . Thinking about the business that own/manage/operate,you please answer the following questions about the Not at all accurate Somewhat accurate Neutral Relatively accurate Very accurate NA (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relative ly Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at Relatively Neutral acc Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at (did not NA use) Very accurate Relatively Neutral accurate Somewhat accurate accurateNot all at 1

How 2. 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9 Games: Commonwealth the and Coast Gold Business School, Business Griffith 10. The 2017 Opportunity Legacy and Impact, 11. My own observations 12. Social media 13. Other, please specify ______

Not all at accurate

             Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very easy

            


in email newsletters

             Neutral Relatively easy Relatively Neutral


Neutral Relatively easy Relatively Neutral Neutral Relatively easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral easy Relatively Neutral

t used for the GC2018 the for used

            

information you you information was it to get information to make business decisions for the GC2018?


             of

6 easy Very difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficulVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Somewhat difficultVery difficult Personal contacts (e.g. friends) network) business (e.g. contacts Professional Commerce) of Chambers (e.g. associations industry/business Formal Mainstream media (e.g. online and paper newspapers, television news) community within the ‘hearsay’ General Government agencies and associated publications - opt and news services Subscription Various websites Get Set for the Games the for Set Get . . . . . Thinking about the business that own/manage/operate,you please answer the following questions about the

How 2. 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9 Games: Commonwealth the and Coast Gold Business School, Business Griffith 10. The 2017 Opportunity Legacy and Impact, 11. My own observations 12. Social media 13. Other, please specify ______Page




of .




      

Always used Always used Always used Always used Always Always used Strongly agree more)

meet your business needs ? business your meet        Agree

Used often Used often Used often Used often Used often Used

Used often Used

information influenced your business decisions business your influenced information

      

Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used moderately Used

Used moderately Used Neutral

making (e.g. change operating hours, predicting client demand, client demand, predicting hours, operating change (e.g. making -        did you use the information in your business planning?

Used a bit Used


       what

Did not use at all Used a bit Used Did not all at use Risk assessment (whether changes from the GC2018, such as road closures, would affect business) your a bit Used Did not all at use etc.) activities, business, your (promoting Marketing a bit Used Did not all at use produce to expenditure capital (e.g. decisions Investment a bit Used Did not all at use GC2018) the by produced demand in changes for as (such catering budgeting and Finance Did not all at use a bit Used Did not all at use Other, please specify ______Operational decision etc.) staffing, and rostering Now, we would like to know about how the

For 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GC2018 regarding the have theDid you information Disagree Strongly disagree GC2018? for the business your would assisted have information other What information? and GC2018 about general comments any have Do you 1.

            

Very credible

Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible Very credible

            


in email newsletters

             Neutral Relatively credible Neutral the GC2018

of the following information sources?


edible Neutral Relatively credible Neutral edible


            

information you used for for used you information


             of

8 Personal contacts (e.g. friends) network) business (e.g. contacts Professional Commerce) of Chambers (e.g. associations industry/business Formal Mainstream media (e.g. online and paper newspapers, television news) community within the ‘hearsay’ General Government agencies and associated publications - opt and news services Subscription Various websites Get Set for the Games the for Set Get . . . . . Thinking about the business that own/manage/operate,you please answer the following questions about the How would rateyou the

Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 2. Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 3 Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 4 credible Somewhat credible all at Not 5 Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 6. Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 7. Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 8. cr Somewhat credible all at Not 9 Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not Games: Commonwealth the and Coast Gold Business School, Business Griffith 10. The 2017 Opportunity Legacy and Impact, Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 11. My own observations Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 12. Social media Relatively credible Neutral credible Somewhat credible all at Not 13. Other, please specify ______Relatively credible tralNeu credible Somewhat credible all at Not Page 1




NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA        NA    of



positive impact

    

   

Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact

Verypositive Strongly agree

          , please rate the following:

Agree Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact

Somewhat positive Somewhat

         

No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact

culty receiving stock, products, or services) 

No impact Neutral

etc.) equipment, hiring (e.g. expenses             Relatively negativeRelatively impact Relatively negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact

            visit) of in length/time change behaviour (e.g. customer in Change volume sales in Change Change in pedestrian access to business Change in vehicle access to business hours opening business to Change (availability/rostering) Staffing Change in resource diffi (e.g. interruption chain Supply Change to business opening hours opening business to Change Change in customer numbers customer in Change

Very negative Somewhat negative Very negative

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. If the Gold Coast were to hold another large event like the GC2018, what time of the year would the of whatyear the GC2018, time like event werelarge Coast to Gold another the hold If etc.) period, holiday month, (e.g. business suit your best Disagree Strongly disagree Which best describes how business your was impacted by GC2018? Thinking business on about your GC2018 impact the of the was good. GC2018 business the our on from investment on the return Overall, 1.

Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact


effective was your



by the 2018 Gold

, how effective          Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree impacted

Somewhat effective

GC2018 to benefit my busi my benefit to GC2018

  

     Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

   Neutral     

Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral

        


what actually happened to your business during the GC2018 the during business to happened your what actually

of         

10 GC2018 contributed to value creation in this business (e.g. new processes, technology, technology, new processes, (e.g. business this in to creation value contributed GC2018 In this section, we want to know about how this business has been Coast Commonwealth Games (GC2018). Based on planning? Somewhatineffective all at effective Not was lot. GC2018 a the for planning business of The cost Disagree Strongly disagree my Iprepare would future, the in GC2018 the to event similar a hosted Coast Gold the If business in the same way. Disagree Strongly disagree from the opportunities leverage how could I understood I Disagree Strongly disagree decreased or increased in change unexpected the to quickly to was able adapt My business period. GC2018 the during demand Disagree Strongly disagree The Disagree Strongly disagree its to compared market the in distinct being The to business this GC2018 contributed competitors. Disagree Strongly disagree wit boost. a h business our provided GC2018 the Financially, Disagree Strongly disagree choice. period good was a trading Easter the during GC2018 the Holding Disagree Strongly disagree Page consumers, premises, knowledge).

28 19




     

Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree

of the Gold Coast Commonwealth

      of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games

Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

satisfaction al

      business expectations


Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutr

     

      benefits to this business from the GC2018 met my expectations. met my GC2018 from the business this to benefits Now,toknow we want about your Games (GC2018). areNow, asking we about your (GC2018). Would you like to make any other comments about how the GC2018 affected this business? this affected about how comments GC2018 other the make to any like you Would The Disagree Strongly disagree Overall, the GC2018 benefits to this business were worse than expected. Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 benefits to this business were better than expected. Disagree Strongly disagree Overall, I was satisfied with how the GC2018 impacted this business. Disagree Strongly disagree for GC2018 this the to in made Iresponse decisions am with happy business the Overall, business. Disagree Strongly disagree business. for this consequences outweigh the GC2018 the of The benefits Disagree Strongly disagree

NA NA NA NA NA     NA  

positive impact positive impact

     

 Very positive impact Very Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very positive impact Very

  Coped very very Coped well


Strongly agree

       , please rate the following:

 


: Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Relatively positive impact Moderate


      

in thein local population (residents leaving)?

No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact No impact

 


No impact No


       

 Very mild

Relatively negativeRelatively impact Relatively negativeRelatively impact Relatively negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact negativeRelatively impact

Did not cope well Did not 19

of        


12 Change in my working hours my working in Change atmosphere work in Change My personal wellbeing Other, please specify ______spending discretionary in Change Business reputation Business

12. 13. 14. 16. the in were that selected ways the in impacted business was this why opinion, In your question? previous GC2018? the during with pressures work cope you did well How  11. Did theDid decrease residentsin impact on your business? Thinking business on about your GC2018 impact the of the 15. all at Not In the lead a decrease up, notice did you question above the in ‘none’ did select not you If was good. trading period GC2018 the trading, Easter typical to Compared Disagree Strongly disagree Page

Verynegative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact Very negative impact

29 19



Page cincts, zones of

           

Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree


e (e.g. technology, technology, (e.g. e

            Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Gold Coast City Gold Coast

on the

ral GC2018 events? GC2018             the Gold Coast city nationally. city Coast Gold the

being of the Gold Coast community. Coast Gold the of being -

Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neut Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral

GC2018 impact

           

cy services and education).

      

     , why didwhy not attendany you , ofthe No

This section is about the

transport). communications,  The GC2018 increased awareness of the Gold Coast city internationally. Disagree Strongly disagree new businesses. attracting for Coast Gold the of the reputation improved The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 increased awareness of Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 improved the Gold Coast’s ability to meet the needs for public services (e.g. health, emergen Disagree Strongly disagree and artistic cultural, attractive Gold offer to the of Coast the ability enhanced The GC2018 open space). facilities, sporting recreational culture, and arts events, (e.g. res ources Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 improved the well Disagree Strongly disagree The state/federal government assisted businesses during the GC2018. Disagree Strongly disagree The local council assisted businesses during the GC2018. Disagree Strongly disagree businesses assisted associations) industry groups, (e.g. community leadership’ ‘Informal GC2018. the during Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 improved my business’s access to infrastructur Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 improved my business’s access to suitable and affordable commercial property/ space). studio buildings, office warehouse, (e.g. estate real Disagree Strongly disagree hubs, pre clusters, layout (e.g. spatial the Coast’s Gold improved The GC2018 activity) for businesses.

     


Excellent Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Gold Coast Commonwealth

on benefits for my business (e.g. (e.g. business for my benefits on -

for the

     

Agree Agree Agree Agree planning



     


Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral

     


any GC2018 sports or trade events?

customer demand, increased exposure to new markets). 19

of how would rateyou your overall experience of attending the GC2018 event/s?      

, why didn’twhy , provide you feedback? 14 Very poor attend you

Yes , who did provideyou feedback to? No Yes ,

Now, we want to know what thinkyou about the Games (GC2018).   Those who planned the GC2018 helped to stimulate flow to helped stimulate the GC2018 whoThose planned Disagree Strongly disagree GC2018. the of in planning the was transparency There Disagree Strongly disagree experts. local to listened organisers the GC2018, the planning When Disagree Strongly disagree business. of needs the considered organisers the GC2018, the planning When Disagree Strongly disagree process. planning during GC2018 the represented well were businesses Coast Gold Disagree Strongly disagree bus on impact your GC2018 the about feedback provided Have you help to been have improved be could planning how on GC2018 any comments the have Do you business outcomes? Did Page

increased 



of .








. ss city with distinct with city distinct cla ss              -

. Very positive Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Stronglye agre Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree


             Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree how the GC2018 affected the Gold Coast City?

Somewhat positive Somewhat

            

No impact

Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neu tral Neutral

             Disagree

in relation to the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and Gold Coast City Gold and Coast Commonwealth Games to Coast Gold the relation in


             . Coast Gold the to events sporting more attracting in aid will GC2018

Whenanswerng the following questionsabout the 2018 CommonwealthGames, please think about your answers Very negative Somewhat negative Very negative Overall, the GC2018 has contributed to the Gold Coast’s image as a good place to do do to place good as a image Coast’s Gold the to has contributed GC2018 the Overall, business . Disagree Strongly disagree image the city’s build will that infrastructure urban to has contributed GC2018 the Overall, Disagree Strongly disagree The Disagree Strongly disagree world growing a into Coast Gold the to has contributed The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree the GC2018? by was impacted city Coast how Gold the which describes best opinion, In your Disagree Strongly disagree Coast Gold the to were benefits GC2018 the worse thanOverall, expected Disagree Strongly disagree expected this better were Coast Gold the to benefits The GC2018 Strongly disagree Overall, I was satisfied with how the GC2018 impacted the Gold Coast Disagree Strongly disagree the GC2018 hosting Coast with Gold the I happy am Overall, Disagree Strongly disagree consequences the outweighed GC2018 the from Coast Gold the to The benefits Disagree Strongly disagree future the in the to GC2018 events similar hold should The Coast Gold Disagree Strongly disagree . Coast Gold the on businesses for ongoing benefits provided The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree Would likeyou to make any other comments about

The benefits to the Gold Coast City from the GC2018 met my expectations met GC2018 from the City Coast Gold the to The benefits



y agree y           

. Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongl Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree Strongly agree

Coast City

           Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Gold Gold

on the

th the GC2018 has improved the skill of Gold Coast Coast of Gold skill the improved has GC2018 the th

          

Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral GC2018 impact

residents’ support of local local of business. support residents’           

19 almost at the end!

of   

       

16 You are This final section is about the Strongly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Gold the Coast. outside from workers attract to ability the city’s improved The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree wi associated training and The education workers. Disagree Strongly disagree Coast. Gold the on workers for prospects job has enhanced The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree and investment. finance funding, seek to businesses of the chances improved The GC2018 Disagree Strongly disagree Overall, the GC2018 positively impacted the Gold Coast from an economic perspective. Disagree Strongly disagree trade international to attractive becoming more in Coast Gold the has assisted The GC2018 investment. and Disagree Strongly disagree The GC2018 improved Disagree Strongly disagree has become embedded GC2018 the during behaviour their changed which locals in ways The . entertainment) shopping, public/transport, of use (e.g. Disagree Strongly disagree businesses, (e.g. sectors different between relationships has improved The GC2018 . governments) s, institution Disagree Strongly disagree of sharing (e.g. Coast Gold the on businesses between relationships improved The GC2018 resources such as knowledge,. technology) and supplies Disagree Strongly disagree information business and reliable relevant of supply the has improved The GC2018 Disagree Strongly d isagree Page




19 Page

No No

 

forfuture events in the city.


planners 

Coles Myer vouchers



mail below: mail below: ! survey this finishing Thank you very much for for much very you Thank help inform businesses

our answers will Yes , please provide your e - Yes , please provide your e - Yes , please provide your contact stal address: ______

You have made it to the end! the it to made have You Y

useful provide that may activities Gold future research City Coast in participate to wouldI like community. business Coast Gold the to information  win 1 of to draw the two into go to $500 wouldI like  project. the of the at completion the of research with updated summary a be to wouldI like 

Name: ______Phone number: ______Po


19 of

18 Page

32 Joan Carlini Joan Carlini is a lecturer in the Department of Marketing at Griffith Business School. Her scholarly work specialises in the intersection of business, government and society. She chairs the Gold Coast Health Consumer Advisory Group, whose members actively work with Gold Coast Hospital to provide a consumer voice in the design, delivery, and planning of health services. Joan has significant industry experience having worked extensively in marketing and hospitality. Andrew O’Neil Andrew O’Neil is Professor of Political Science and Dean (Research) at Griffith Business School. He is the author of a range of scholarly publications and a regular contributor to international and national media outlets. Andrew is the recipient of a number of grants, including from the Australian Research Council, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Japan Foundation. Prior to entering academia in 2000, he was a Commonwealth Public Servant. Griffith Business School Griffith Business School is committed to high-quality business and public sector education and research, with a special focus on sustainable business development and responsible leadership. Griffith Business School is an accredited member of AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. It is also an active partner in the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education and the UN Global Compact. This engagement demonstrates the School’s strong commitment to sustainable enterprise development and corporate responsibility. Acknowledgements The authors would like thank the study participants, and acknowledge the research assistance of Amelia Green during the first phase of the project, as well as the assistance and advice of Helen Perkins with the survey development and analysis. The authors are also grateful to Laura Phoenix at Griffith Business School for production copy of the final report. Finally, the authors thanks Janelle Manders and David Grant for their ongoing support for the project. Any errors or oversights in the report are the authors’ alone. CRICOS No. 00233E CRICOS