Page 3BJuly THE 22, NORTH 2020 THEGEORGIA NORTH NEWS GEORGIA July 22 NEWS 2020 Page 3B GHSA approves use of football helmets; NASCAR 2020 Board of Trustees weigh options for fall By Gerald Hodges/the Racing Reporter Childress Teams Finish 1-2 At Texas By Todd Forrest high school football season un- Sports Editor til the spring, but the remaining FT. WORTH, TX - Aus- tin Dillon came out of the pits
[email protected] fall sports are still on schedule. Meanwhile, other southern first in the last round of pit stops then held off rookie team- states like Florida and Tennes- mate Tyler Reddick on Sunday Thomaston - The Geor- see have delayed the start of at Texas to get his first victory gia High School Association football until September. of the NASCAR Cup Series (GHSA) continues to inch According to Hunter, season, and give Richard Chil- forward, approving helmet she is unaware of any talks to dress Racing its first 1-2 finish use during summer football swap fall and spring sports in in nine years. workouts beginning Monday, Georgia. Moreover, she doesn’t “Not bad for a silver July 20. believe asking kids to com- spoon kid,” said Dillon. “We The decision followed plete two football seasons, and knew a win was coming. This the July 15 meeting between playoffs, within 9-10 months is team has been getting better the GHSA and the Sports Medi- logical or safe. and better. We could just feel As for a delayed open- it. Now, that we’ve made the cine Advisory Council.