Federal Register/Vol. 85, No. 62/Tuesday, March 31, 2020/Notices
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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 62 / Tuesday, March 31, 2020 / Notices 17855 IV. Request for Comments Dated: March 25, 2020. Dated: March 25, 2020. Andrew McGilvray, Jeffrey I. Kessler, Comments are invited on: (a) Whether Executive Secretary. Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and the proposed collection of information Compliance, Alternate Chairman, Foreign- [FR Doc. 2020–06637 Filed 3–30–20; 8:45 am] is necessary for the proper performance Trade Zones Board. BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P of the functions of the agency, including [FR Doc. 2020–06636 Filed 3–30–20; 8:45 am] whether the information will have BILLING CODE 3510–DS–P practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE agency’s estimate of the burden DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (including hours and cost) of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board proposed collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and International Trade Administration [Order No. 2094] clarity of the information to be [A–570–106] collected; and (d) ways to minimize the Approval of Subzone Status; Frank’s burden of the collection of information Wooden Cabinets and Vanities and International, LLC, New Iberia and Components Thereof From the on respondents, including through the Lafayette, Louisiana use of automated collection techniques People’s Republic of China: Corrected Notice of Final Affirmative or other forms of information Pursuant to its authority under the technology. Determination of Sales at Less Than Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18, Fair Value Comments submitted in response to 1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a–81u), this notice will be summarized and/or the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the AGENCY: Enforcement and Compliance, included in the request for OMB Board) adopts the following Order: International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce. approval of this information collection; Whereas, the Foreign-Trade Zones SUMMARY: On February 28, 2020, the they also will become a matter of public (FTZ) Act provides for ‘‘. the Department of Commerce (Commerce) record. establishment . of foreign-trade published its final determination in the zones in ports of entry of the United Dated: March 25, 2020. sales at less-than-fair-value investigation Sheleen Dumas, States, to expedite and encourage of wooden cabinets and vanities and foreign commerce, and for other Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of components thereof from the People’s the Chief Information Officer, Commerce purposes,’’ and authorizes the Foreign- Republic of China (China). However, the Department. Trade Zones Board to grant to qualified notice was not printed in the Federal [FR Doc. 2020–06597 Filed 3–30–20; 8:45 am] corporations the privilege of Register as Commerce intended. This establishing foreign-trade zones in or BILLING CODE 3510–13–P notice corrects the resultant punctuation adjacent to U.S. Customs and Border errors in company names that occurred Protection ports of entry; in the publication. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Whereas, the Board’s regulations (15 DATES: Applicable March 31, 2020. CFR part 400) provide for the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Foreign-Trade Zones Board establishment of subzones for specific Rachel Greenberg, AD/CVD Operations, uses; Office V, Enforcement and Compliance, [B–73–2019] Whereas, the Port of South Louisiana, International Trade Administration, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone 124, has U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 18—San made application to the Board for the Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, Jose, California; Authorization of establishment of a subzone at the DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482–0652. Production Activity; Tesla, Inc. facilities of Frank’s International, LLC, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: (Electric Passenger Vehicles and located in New Iberia and Lafayette, Background Components), Fremont, Livermore, Louisiana (FTZ Docket B–69–2019, On February 28, 2020, Commerce and Oakland, California docketed October 29, 2019); published the Final Determination.1 On November 26, 2019, Tesla, Inc. Whereas, notice inviting public However, the Federal Register notice submitted a notification of proposed comment has been given in the Federal stating the names of the producer- production activity to the FTZ Board for Register (84 FR 59351–59352, exporter combination rates was not its facilities within Subzone 18G, in November 4, 2019) and the application printed as Commerce intended. Various Fremont, Livermore, and Oakland, has been processed pursuant to the FTZ company names contained inadvertent California. Act and the Board’s regulations; and, punctuation errors. Commerce is hereby correcting the Final Determination to The notification was processed in Whereas, the Board adopts the include the correct punctuation in accordance with the regulations of the findings and recommendations of the certain company names. FTZ Board (15 CFR part 400), including examiner’s memorandum, and finds that notice in the Federal Register inviting the requirements of the FTZ Act and the Scope of the Investigation Board’s regulations are satisfied; public comment (84 FR 66651, The scope of this investigation has not December 5, 2019). On March 25, 2020, Now, therefore, the Board hereby changed from that stated in the Final the applicant was notified of the FTZ approves subzone status at the facilities Determination. Board’s decision that no further review of Frank’s International, LLC, located in of the activity is warranted at this time. New Iberia and Lafayette, Louisiana 1 See Wooden Cabinets and Vanities and The production activity described in the (Subzone 124U), as described in the Components Thereof from the People’s Republic of notification was authorized, subject to application and Federal Register notice, China: Final Affirmative Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, 85 FR 11953 (February 28, the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board’s subject to the FTZ Act and the Board’s 2020) (Final Determination), and accompanying regulations, including Section 400.14. regulations, including Section 400.13. Issues and Decision Memorandum. VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:01 Mar 30, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\31MRN1.SGM 31MRN1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES 17856 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 62 / Tuesday, March 31, 2020 / Notices Correction to Final Determination The corrected producer-exporter combination rates are as follows: Estimated Cash deposit weighted- rate Exporter Producer average (adjusted for dumping margin subsidy offsets) (percent) (percent) The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd .............................. The Ancientree Cabinet Co., Ltd ............................. 4.37 0.00 Dalian Meisen Woodworking Co., Ltd ...................... Dalian Meisen Woodworking Co., Ltd ..................... 262.18 251.64 Foremost Worldwide Company Limited .................... Rizhao Foremost Woodwork Manufacturing Com- 101.46 90.92 pany, Ltd. Foremost Worldwide Company Limited .................... Henan AiDiJia Furniture Co., Ltd ............................. 101.46 90.92 Foremost Worldwide Company Limited .................... Suzhou Weiye Furniture Co., Ltd ............................ 101.46 90.92 Foremost Worldwide Company Limited .................... Changsha Minwan Furniture Manufacturing Co., 101.46 90.92 Ltd. ANHUI JIANLIAN WOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD ... ANHUI JIANLIAN WOOD PRODUCTS CO., LTD .. 48.50 37.96 Anhui Swanch Cabinetry Co., Ltd ............................. Anhui Swanch Cabinetry Co., Ltd ........................... 48.50 37.96 ANHUI XINYUANDA CUPBOARD CO., LTD ........... ANHUI XINYUANDA CUPBOARD CO., LTD .......... 48.50 37.96 Beijing Oulu Jinxin International Trade Co., Ltd ....... Beijing Oulu Jinxin International Trade Co., Ltd ...... 48.50 37.96 Boloni Smart Home Decor (Beijing) Co., LTD .......... Boloni Smart Home Decor (Beijing) Co., LTD ......... 48.50 37.96 BRENTRIDGE HOLDING CO., LTD ......................... ZHOUSHAN FOR–STRONG WOOD CO., LTD ...... 48.50 37.96 Caoxian Brothers Hengxin Wood Industry Co., Ltd Caoxian Brothers Hengxin Wood Industry Co., Ltd 48.50 37.96 Changyi Zhengheng Woodwork Co., Ltd .................. Changyi Zhengheng Woodwork Co., Ltd ................ 48.50 37.96 CHAOZHOU YAFENG BATHROOM EQUIPMENT CHAOZHOU YAFENG BATHROOM EQUIPMENT 48.50 37.96 CO., LTD. CO., LTD. China Friend Limited ................................................. Dongming Sanxin Wood Industry Co., Ltd .............. 48.50 37.96 Dalian Jiaye Wood Products Co., Ltd ....................... Dalian Jiaye Wood Products Co., Ltd ..................... 48.50 37.96 Dalian Xingsen Wooden Products Co., Ltd .............. Dalian Xingsen Wooden Products Co., Ltd ............. 48.50 37.96 Dandong City Anmin Wooden Products Group Co., Dandong City Anmin Wooden Products Group Co., 48.50 37.96 Ltd. Ltd. Dandong Laroyal Cabinetry Co., Ltd ........................ Dandong Laroyal Cabinetry Co., Ltd ....................... 48.50 37.96 DEHK LIMITED ......................................................... DIAM DISPLAY (CHINA) CO., LTD ........................ 48.50 37.96 Deqing China-Africa Foreign Trade Port Co., Ltd .... Suqian Welcomewood Products Co., Ltd ................ 48.50 37.96 Dewell Wooden Products Haian Co., Ltd ................. Dewell Wooden Products Haian Co., Ltd ................ 48.50 37.96 Dongguan American Parts Supplier Co., Ltd ........... Dongguan American Parts Supplier Co., Ltd .......... 48.50 37.96 Dongguan Niusaiqu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ............ Dongguan Niusaiqu Wood Industry Co., Ltd ........... 48.50