V&A Innovative Leadership

2015/16 Programme

14th October 2015 - 20th July 2016

What participants say:

“The innovative course is an excellent opportunity to take time out from usual hectic schedules to take stock and focus on vital leadership and management self-development. It also provides tools and material that have immediate value in terms of supporting solutions for organisational challenges, and long term sustainability.”

“The programme provided the opportunity I had been looking for – time away from the day job to think hard about my practice as a museum professional, and in turn for my teams. I have come away from the programme inspired.”

"In just a year I feel I have come a long way which is what I had hoped when I started the course. The course helped build my confidence and has made me realise my potential. It gave me the confidence to go for a promotion which I have since got."

"This programme is refreshingly different from other offers in the UK in going beyond bite-sized management information: management and leadership are explored through inspirational lectures by leaders who provide an authentic insight into their work; several real-life assignments at the V&A and other culture institutions gave my fellow participants and me ample opportunity to practice and gain experience. I have met extraordinary people from institutions across the country, and formed strong links. The action learning sets have been one of the key ingredients in my opinion. My action learning set continues to meet: we learn from each other, and grow together."

“It has improved my confidence which has in turn improved my effectiveness in dealing with challenging situations. While I have always wanted to ‘make things work’ I now have a clearer vision of the motivation of others, how best to harness their skills, what makes a successful team and how to ‘get the job done’. Since completing the course I have asked to chair our fortnightly section meetings, something I would not necessarily have embraced (or expected) before, but do now!”

"I appreciated the value of that fluidity and the sessions felt much more collaborative, rather than being lectured at. The use of external speakers was great"

"I found many of the speakers very inspirational.”

“Steve Chapman was a genius”

“Steve Chapman, Nik Joshi, Dawn Austwick, Henry Stewart, Kasper Holten. They all gave me something to think about and were inspiring speakers.”

“I thought the session by Steve Chapman [was] excellent. James [Wilson] is a great group facilitator, organiser, sounding board and leader!”

“I loved the format, and the guest speakers.” “I loved the combination of play and theory”

"The contacts I made through the course have been excellent"

“[Working with colleagues from different organisations, helped] an enormous amount. It was extremely useful to chew over ideas with different people, listen to advice and opinion, visit different venues and laugh hysterically and similar holes we have fallen in to!! “

“The month after the course finished I took on the new role of Acting CEO [ ]. Learnings from the V&A course have been essential in giving me the confidence to take this on” V&A Innovative Leadership Programme

What is V&A Innovative Leadership?

V&A Innovative Leadership is a 12 month Masters level development programme for the Creative, Cultural Heritage and Arts Sectors, that recognises and builds upon the passion, expertise and experience of its participants.

It is aimed at arts professionals, middle and senior managers with proven experience and expertise in their own field looking to broaden their leadership potential and take the next step in their career.

V&A Innovative Leadership has been helping people develop new skills, new insights and new opportunities for more than a decade. In that time we have welcomed over 200 participants. We have seen many move on take up leadership roles in institutions across the sector and beyond. Our illustrious of alumni continues to grow.

What are we interested in?

- How do you lead innovatively in the creative sector? - How does expertise talk to expertise? - How do you balance the passion and curiosity that got you to this point in your career with the roles and responsibilities of leadership? How do you honour both without losing yourself?

What do you get?

- 12 one and two day workshops - Action Learning - Individual coaching, career development support and mentoring - Online learning resources through Ashridge Business School’s awarding winning Virtual Ashridge.

The programme provides:

- A firm grounding in traditional management & leadership theory - Active Engagement in new theoretical frames and models presented by their practitioners - A rigorous process of self-development based on the principles of action inquiry.

What can you hope to gain?

- A heightened awareness of yourself as an individual and how you engage with, and impact on others in the organisational context, and in your role as a manager and leader - An enhanced sense of personal presence and confidence - An increased ability to work effectively with group and power dynamics in organisations A tight knit supportive network of peers with whom you will have shared significant moments of your development.

For more details and to apply, contact James Wilson, V&A [email protected] or call 0207 942 2955. Alumni

Over 200 leaders and managers have participated over the last 12 years Here is where some of the alumni have gone:

Achim Borchardt-Hume Chief Curator, Alex Bayley Director of Marketing, National Alison Richmond Chief Executive, Institute of Conservation Anna Dejean Head of Major Projects, Science Museum Cathy Putz Head of Touring Exhibitions, V&A Charlotte Wilkinson Head of Creative, The Body Shop Emmajane Avery Director of Learning & Visitor Experience, V&A Francesca Vinti Director of Development, British Film Institute Gareth Williams Senior Tutor in Design Products, Jo Hornsby Head of Planning, National Theatre Jo Thwaites Project Sponsor, Palace and The Banqueting Hall, for HRP Kara Wescombe Head of Education, Watts Gallery Kate Branson Head of Marketing, Watts Gallery Katie Town General Manager, National Theatre Learning Lisa Caughey Chief Executive, Cardboard Citizens Luisa Mengoni V&A Curator, Shekou Museum China Matt Thompson Director of Learning and Collections, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust Michael Casartelli Head of Contracts, Nino Strachey Head of Conservation, & South East, Rob Moye Director, Museum Sarah J Murray Head of The Studio, National Theatre Sarah Nicholson General Manager, Sheffield Sue Ridley Director of Conservation and Collections Management, V&A Tony Spence Head of Collection Services,

Participants have come from the following organisations

 National Sikh Heritage Centre  British Museum  National Trust  Cardboard Citizens Theatre  Nottingham City Council  Geffrye Museum  Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich   Royal College of Art  Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust   Leicester City Council   Museum Libraries and Archives Association  Sir John Moore Foundation   Tate  National Museum Directors’ Council 

The Team

James Wilson, Programme Director [email protected]

James is a people and organisation consultant working for world renowned companies in the not-for- profit, arts & charities sector, both nationally and internationally. He joined the V&A in July 2000 where he has specialised in organisation development through staff engagement and leadership development.

He has written for, amongst others, HM Treasury, Ashridge Business School, Strategic HR Review, DialogueReview and the CIPD. He works regularly as an external consultant in the cultural and public sector and as a coach in both the public and private sectors.

He gained Masters Accreditation for the V&A Leadership Programme in 2010. He holds a Masters in Organisation Consulting, a Bachelors (Hons) in Drama, is an accredited Member of the Professional Mediators Association and a QCF Assessor.

James’ interest is in how expertise talks to expertise, particularly across functions, sectors and cultures. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a school governor and an overly keen cyclist.

John Higgins, Executive coach and Research Consultant

John has been an active organisational consultant, researcher, tutor, and coach for nearly 30 years. His particular focus covers organisational and individual change; leadership and leadership development.

His work draws on a mix of practical experience, academic rigour, ongoing research, and intensive psychoanalytic conditioning ‐ for John believes that for leaders to understand the way they lead, they need to gain awareness of the shadows of their past – otherwise they will meet these shadows again and again.

To go with his many years of leading, designing, and supporting complex organisational engagements, John has worked extensively with leading practitioners and researchers in the field of consulting and leadership to produce an important number of books. John is passionate about the poetry of T.S. Eliot

Steve Chapman, Chief Adventurer, Can Scorpions Smoke? Ltd

“My main role in life is as a Daddy and a Husband but when not doing that I’m consultant, writer and speaker on change, creativity, imagination and innovation. I’m fascinated as to how life (particularly in organisations) really work versus how it is supposed to work and I believe that, at their core, an organisation is simply a bunch of flawed but willing human beings in complex process of relating that is as predictable as it is unpredictable. I continually ask myself and others why life in organisations is generally talked about as ordered, predictable, neat and tidy whereas life just the other side of the office doors or factory turnstile is accepted as unpredictable, spontaneous and messy.

My mission is to ‘lift the curtain’ on organisational life and to help others realise that they are simply taking part in one big corporate improvisation experience. In helping others realise this I hope that people will start to become less anxious and more resilient and able to thrive from the far more lively, imaginative and creative environment they find themselves in.

“I have worked in industry for over 22 years and am perpetually curious. I’ve worked on both sides of the fence as a Senior Leadership and Organisation Development Director for a large multi-national blue-chip and as an independent/associate consultant working in pharmaceuticals, telecoms, FMCG, financial services, retail, airlines, utilities, design, digital, engineering, energy, third sector and arts and culture.

My work is heavily informed by Gestalt Psychology, the Complexity Sciences and performance improvisation.”

Kay Scorah, Founder. havemorefUnlimited

“I started my working life with a degree in Biochemistry (, King's) and a job at the prestigious Max Planck Insititut fur̈ Biophysik in Frankfurt. Here I quickly realised that I wasn’t cut out to be a biochemist, so I ran off to run a bar in the South of France. Returning to London I spent another year at uni, studying psychology and sociology, and then took a job at NOP market research. It soon became clear to me that advertising was a much sexier business to be in, so I joined BMP London as an account planner. By the time I was 30 I had been on the board of 2 ad agencies; BBDO(UK) as planning director and Ted Bates London as Executive Head of Planning. Around that time I appeared in several TV shows on advertising and society, as well as assistant producing on the BBCTV series “Washes Whiter”.

I left advertising in 1988, my interest having shifted from communicating about brands to communication between people. Most of my work in business and the arts is in helping diverse groups of people to communicate more clearly, co-operate more effectively and co-create solutions to knotty problems. I've worked with teams from a multi-national group of senior corporate executives in Korea, through scientists trying to explain technology to marketing people, to homeless people in Dublin. I'm supported by a talented network of artists, performers and scientists around the world, as well as by my own ongoing study of performance and movement. Along the way I've studied acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse, gained a diploma in yoga therapy, have started a neighbourhood food and recipe project near my in London and occasionally co-create and perform dance/theatre shows.

Owen Valentine Pringle, co-founder of Therein.

Owen is, a boutique consultancy practice specialising in the organisational impacts of digital and technological transformation.

Owen was Director of Digital Communications at the London-based headquarters of international NGO, Amnesty International, where he led on development and implementation of a global digital strategy for the organisation as well as its use of technology and open innovation for social change.

Prior to this, Owen was Brand Director for New Media & New Product Development at BSkyB, Commercial Director, New Media, ITN and more recently, at , as Head of Media Services.

Alexandra Stubbings, Co-Founder and Director, Talik & Co

Alexandra consults and coaches at the intersection of sustainability, strategy and change. She has spent over 15 years facilitating cultural change that fosters responsibility and participation, environmental sensitivity and social impact across organisations and networks. She has worked in Europe, MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa, US and Asia-Pac and with leading PLCs, social enterprises, foundations and governments. Her work ranges from designing and leading large multi-stakeholder engagement processes (action labs, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry summits) through strategy evaluation and design to coaching CEOs. Her action research based doctoral thesis was concerned with stakeholder-led approaches to shared value strategy and provided the theoretical grounding and action research field- testing for the Talik model.

She is a trustee of TreeSisters, the charity promoting sustainable behavioural change and reforestation

Joe Townsend, Creative Producer of CoLab at Trinity Laban Conservatoire

Co-Lab is where a thousand music and dance students work together to create new work and develop the skills that are valued in the creative industries. He also leads Engaging Audiences, a module that connects students with professional work in its many forms.

Initially a self-taught musician he later trained in Jazz on the violin at the Guildhall in the 1980s and then at Community Music with John Stevens, using improvisation as a tool for social change.

His work in Education has ranged from leadership training with LPO, Serious, Welsh National and Opera North to developing pedagogical training programmes and contributing to the development of schools music making in the National Curriculum and course design in the conservatoire.

Joe is a cultural commentator and academic at Trinity Laban and speaks at conferences on collaboration, pedagogy, audience development and social entrepreneurship. Since 2012 he works as a career advisor and creativity mentor for both students and professional artists

Adrian Deakes , Programme Manager for Theatre and Performance V&A

Adrian has a BA (Hons) Degree in Theatre Arts from the University of Leeds and a PGCE in Secondary Drama and Contextual Studies from the University of Reading. He taught Drama, English and Media Studies at three Essex schools including three years as Head of Department.

He was Education Manager at the in for seven years before transferring to the V&A as Programme Manager for Theatre and Performance where he runs the schools’ programme of workshops, events and activities that support Performance exhibitions and collections.

Recent projects include work with Ravenswood School on ‘ is…’ and he has recently written the Teachers’ Resource for teachers of Key Stage 5 Performance Studies.

Nik Joshi, Director, Principal Consultant at NJMCONS

Nik has 30 years’ experience with the UK government, the petrochemical industry and the insurance industry as an economist, marketing director and management consultant.

After several years working as an economist with the Department of Employment, Nik joined the petrochemical industry as Marketing Manager before becoming a management consultant in 1991. In this capacity he has undertaken projects in the financial services sector in the UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa, working for business enterprises, regulatory authorities and governments.

How we learn together

A typical schedule for a topic

 Pre-reading of “curated” topic material - the intent is to allow you to be part of the conversation rather than expect you to be expert in that field of knowledge.

 Workshop - 1-2 days - New or current theory presented/facilitated by a practitioner - Guest speaker - e.g. a Director, CEO or COO - Case study or activity to explore and apply the theory discussed.

 Post Reading

 Action Learning before the next workshop, to bring actual work to the table and to apply learning from the previous workshop

 1 to 1 coaching session at the end of each module.

Methodology The programme is based upon an Action Inquiry approach. What it encourages you to do is:

1. Inquire into your own assumptions to inform your thoughts and behaviours in the moment and going forward.

2. Generate mutuality in your relationships, firstly with your fellow participants, and then in your own workplaces. This encourages the development of trust and honest communication which is in turn necessary for building shared purpose, action and vision.

3. Engage with your wider organisation, sector and economy with a value-explicit purpose to generate sustainability in your work and in your professional development.

How do we do this? The programme has three modules that reflect this approach

Module 1 - Self: This challenges your assumptions with three sessions re-thinking leadership, creativity and learning.

Module 2 - Us: This engages you with the practice of leadership, focusing on some key topics. In 2015-16 these are Finance, Team Dynamics, Professional Communication & the Presentation of Self, and Conflict Resolution.

Module 3 - Others: This looks forward and beyond, focusing on strategy and change, before reflecting on creativity and leadership as the bridge between the programme and your desired next step.

How does it work in practice?

We make “the work” as important as the theory. So, particularly in modules 2 & 3, we ask you to bring your own projects and work-based issues to the learning as the subject matter on which we can all work.

Additionally, there are Action Learning sessions between each workshop where you will “work on your work”. Action learning is a process which involves working on real challenges, using the knowledge and skills of a small group of people combined with skilled questioning, to re-interpret old and familiar concepts and produce fresh ideas.

We recognize that learning takes place, makes sense and becomes significant & useful for each individual at different points - sometimes during, sometimes after the workshops and programme as a whole.

And if you need help or a specific topic before it comes up - for example, you have a presentation to give before we get to the workshop on presenting - we can arrange appropriate support to meet that need.

The programme is planned in a linear manner to provide an understandable process of development, but more importantly it acts as a safe holding frame in which you can experiment, make mistakes, gain learning as and when it is needed.

What questions inform this approach?

Uncertainty The higher one goes, the more seniority one achieves, the more uncertain the terrain becomes. The traditional hero model for leadership suggests the leader has all the answers to their followers’ questions and demands. Can anyone know it all? Probably not. Therefore, we ask how you can develop your comfort with uncertainty. And pose the question “What do you do when you don’t know what to do?”

Creativity Everyone is creative. The divide between “creatives” and non-creatives”, we suggest, is a construction. In a sector that thrives on creativity, how do you manage your own as well as others’ creativity in an innovative manner?

Expertise For many participants, passion and expertise have been the defining reasons for their current position. As you gain seniority, how do you regard, hold onto or relinquish those aspects? And, how do you engage with other experts collaboratively rather than hierarchically? How does expertise speak to expertise with passion and mutuality?

Going Beyond As we move from the post-industrial age to a more connected and complex world, how do we engage beyond the walls of our organisations to create value-based relationships and collaborations for sustainable development for ourselves, our organisations and our sector? PREVIOUS SPEAKERS have included

Dr Martin Roth, Director V&A Di Lees CBE, Director General, Marcus Davey MBE, Imperial War Museum CEO, The

Jose Ortiz, Deputy Director, Janet Vitmayer CBE, Director, Paul Anderson MBE, CEO The Bronx Museum Black Police Association Charitable Trust

Roy Clare CBE, Lisa Burger Alex Beard CBE, Chief Executive, Director, Tamaki Paenga Hira - Auckland Chief Operating Officer, War Memorial Museum National Theatre

Amanda Schofield, formerly Director of Deyan Sudjic Dr Rita McLean, formerly Head of Strategy and Partnerships, Nottingham Director, the Museums and Heritage Services, City Homes Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery

Sir , Dame Fiona Reynolds, Anthony Kasozi, Director, Tate Master of Emmanuel College CEO, Quilibra Consulting,

Anupam Ganguli, Sarah Alexander, Chief Executive & Artistic Nick Starr, Director Finance, IT & Special Projects Director, National Youth Orchestra formerly Executive Director, Royal Greenwich Museums National Theatre

David Hutchison Dawn Austwick OBE, Sandy Nairn CBE, CEO, Social Finance Chief Executive, Big Lottery Fund Chair of the Clore Leadership Programme

Kasper Holten Bridget McKenzie, Henry Stewart, Head of Opera, Royal Opera House Director, Flow Associates Founder and CEO, Happy Ltd

Programme Schedule 2015-16

Session 01 - Induction 14th October 2015 V&A South Ken

Session 02 - Re-thinking leadership – John Higgins 23rd October 2015 V&A South Ken

Session 03 - Re-thinking creativity – Steve Chapman 25th November 2015 , Olympia

Session 04 - Re-thinking learning - Kay Scorah 11th December 2015

Session 05 - Business finance - Nik Joshi 21st January 2016

Session 06 - Group & Team dynamics - Joe Townsend 11th & 12th February 2016 A collaboration with Co-Lab, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance

Session 07 - Presenting Your Self - Adrian Deakes 9th &10th OR 16th & 17th OR 23rd & 24th March 2016 This session is conducted in small groups, so there is a choice of dates.

Session 08 - Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution 19th April 2016

Session 09 - Strategy - Owen Valentine Pringle 10th May 2016

Session 10 - Change - Dr Alexandra Stubbings 16th June 2016

Session 11 - Re-flecting on Innovation - Steve Chapman 7th July 2016

Session 12 - Re-flecting on Leadership - John Higgins 20th July 2016 V&A South Ken

Programme Price: includes all materials, lunch and refreshments £3,000 + VAT


In addition, you may choose to take a Diploma in Management.

This Level 5 Diploma qualification is competence-based. This means that it is linked to a person’s ability to competently perform a range of tasks connected with their work. Attendance on the programme provides the knowledge element of the qualification as accredited learning.

Assessment is by production of a professional portfolio which comprises of a number units matched to the National Occupational Standards (NOS).

Qualification Fee: includes registration, assessment and certificate £4,000 + VAT.

For more details and to apply, contact James Wilson, V&A [email protected] or call 0207 942 2955.