The Pace Setter
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February 2013 Publication of Hudson-Mohawk Road Runners Club FEBRUARY 2013 Vol. 34 No. 2 Editors: Daniel Gracey, Kristina Gracey ([email protected]) Production Editors: 4 President’s Message Kathleen Bronson, Mike McLean, Robin Nagengast, John Peters, Daniel Gracey Kristina Gracey 5 What’s Happening in February Advertising/Business Director: Robin Nagengast ([email protected]) 9 Short Circuits Photo Coordinator: Bill Meehan 11 Been There, Done That Photography Staff: Tom Adams, Phil Borgese, Nancy Briskie, 13 Hamlet – A Celebration of Life Donna Davidson, Ray Lee, Bill Meehan, by Vince Juliano Gerri Moore, Paul Turner Proofreader: 15 Off The Road: The Four Levels of Sport Daniele Cherniak 17 Kopac’s Korner: Running For Hardware Contributing Editors: Jim Moore — Grand Prix Update 19 Why I Run – KeyBank VT City Marathon Al Maikels by Kelly Sullivan — What’s Happening Dr. Russ Ebbetts — Off The Road 21 Average DNA: Blessing or Curse? Nancy Clark by Norman Dovberg — Athlete’s Kitchen Dr. Tim Maggs — The Running Doctor 23 The Athlete’s Kitchen: Dr. Robert Irwin — For Your Health Insured Runners: Nutrition Tips to Hasten Healing Mike Becker — Been There, Done That 24 New HMRRC Members Jim Tierney & Ken Orner — Senior Running Editor Needed: 25 Minutes of the HMRRC General Meeting, December 12, 2012 — Profile of a Runner Joe Hein — Short Circuits 30 Grand Prix Update Bob Kopac — Kopac’s Korner Photos in this issue by Bill Meehan, Neil Sergott, Jack Berkery, Ray Lee HMRRC Mission Statement The Pace Setter is the official monthly news-magazine of the Hud- The Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club (HMRRC) is dedicated to promoting the sport son-Mohawk Road Runners Club. Membership in the HMRRC au to matically entitles one to receive The Pace Setter. Advertise- of distance running through education and training to promote running as a part of a ments, race announcements and entry forms are paid for at the healthy lifestyle, promoting personal fitness and community through organizing and following rates: full page ($150). Cont ract rates are available on a half year and a full year basis. Advertisement questions and managing running events, providing means of communication among club members space reservations should be directed to Advertising Director at and creating opportunities for social activities. We believe in encouraging participation [email protected]. After contacting the advertising director, in running events for individuals of all levels of running abilities and acknowledge that material can be mailed to: C Allen, [email protected] or 179 Hollywood Ave., Albany, NY 12209. All other matters should be volunteer participation is a foundation upon which HMRRC exists. directed to the editors. 2013 HMRRC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in The opinions expressed by the authors are their own and not representative of or endorsed part without written permission is prohibited. by The Pace Setter staff or HMRRC. The Pace Setter – 3 HUDSON MOHAWK ROAD RUNNERS CLUB President’s Message President JON ROCCO by Jon Rocco 862-9279 • Executive Vice President Although February is the shortest month I want to share some comments posted on MAUREEN COX on the calendar, it is quite a busy month on the site from the past two 281-6575 the HMRRC calendar with three events tak- years regarding our volunteers and marathon • ing place over a two week period. It is also a that we put on: Vice President for Finance month that produces a few of our longer races. -‘HMRRC members and volunteers could The club’s annual banquet once again takes CHARLES TERRY not have been nicer.’ place at The Desmond. On this night, we will -‘For $25, even less in advance, this race 482-5572 honor the induction of Nancy Briskie and can’t be beat.’ • Vince Juliano into the HMRRC Hall of Fame. -‘The volunteers take care of making sure Treasurer They will become the 25th and 26th club you cover the rather complex loops correctly MARY IBBETSON members to garner this honor. The night will and cheer you at each pass.’ 376-6077 also honor the recipients of President’s Out- -‘A very well organized run that showcases • standing Service Awards and the Race Com- how hearty volunteers and a simple setting Secretary mittee’s “Extra Mile Awards” which honor can work wonders.’ members for contributions made at club races. BARBARA LIGHT -‘Everyone from HMRRC couldn’t be nicer There will also be recognition to the top 3 age in putting out coffee, bananas, juice, banana 326 - 0313 group winners in the club’s Grand Prix Series. bread, cookies, and the like.’ • Congratulations to Nancy and Vince and to all -‘I think that because of the smallness of the Race Committee Treasurer who will be recognized on February 9. race and experienced volunteers, the registra- JONATHAN GOLDEN February 17 marks one of the club’s two tion is always fast and efficient.’ [email protected] annual marathons (along with the unique 3 -‘The volunteers get to know you as you person marathon relay- celebrating year 27). It complete the five loops around the campus. will be the 40th running of the HMRRC Win- They never stop cheering you on.’ ter Marathon. On the entrant list is New Jer- These comments certainly shed positive sey’s Jessica Kennedy. She is the only female light on the HMRRC and our volunteers who HMRRC COMMITTEE to break three hours in the event when she ran make it all happen. If you are available to vol- CHAIRPERSONS 2:58:33 last year. She is also vying for her third unteer, we can certainly use your assistance consecutive victory. The course is USATF certi- and as always, greatly appreciate your time Membership Committee fied and is perhaps the most affordable mara- and energy. DIANE FISHER thon in the country. The 2012 26.2 miler saw Just prior to our banquet, February 3 brings [email protected] a record number of finishers with 129, which the last of the season’s Winter Series races • surpassed the prior record of 90, set in 2010. In (4M,10M,20M) making the 20M the club’s sec- Race Committee last year’s Winter Marathon, twenty-six percent ond longest race on the calendar, and the 10M of the finishers came from beyond the Empire MARK WARNER, 464-5698 distance our second Grand Prix race of the State, while more than half (fifty-three percent) young 2013 season. We can then say another • traveled from outside the 518 area code to run Winter Series is ‘in the books.’ Enjoy your Feb- Public Relations the interior roadways of the UAlbany Campus ruary. March is around the corner and thus, so ROBERT MOORE and New York State Office Campus. is the Runnin’ of the Green. r 227-4328 • [email protected] • HMRRC Web Page Submissions for the DIANE FISHER [email protected] April Issue of The Pace Setter • Articles: Clocks & Van Equipment Deadline is February 25. Submit to: Editor, [email protected] TOM ADAMS 366-5266 Advertisements: • Deadline is March 1st. Contact Advertising Director at Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] to reserve space MARCIA ADAMS 356-2551 Ads should be sent to: [email protected] or C Allen, 179 Hollywood Ave., Albany, NY 12209 High resolution black & white files or greyscale required (no compression). Full page ad size MUST be 7-5/8” wide by 10” high. Contact Cyndy Allen at [email protected] for further info. 4 – The Pace Setter What’s Happening Hangover Half in February by Al Maikels The Winter Series ends in February with Marathon was billed as a last chance to qualify races of 4 miles, 10 miles and 20 miles on Sun- for Boston; now it can be a first chance to qual- day, February 3. The 10-mile race is a Grand ify for next year’s Boston. The relay consists of Prix event and usually draws a strong field. three legs of 9.2, 5.7 and 11.3 miles and there Many use the 20-mile race as a good long run are various team categories based on age and in preparation for a spring marathon, while the gender. This race has a five hour limit for the 4-mile race is popular with those runners just sake of the volunteers and as always, volun- looking to get in a short workout. teers are needed. Quite often the race distance chosen is The HMRRC Club Banquet will be held on factor of the weather, as is often the case with February 9 at 6 p.m. at the Desmond Hotel in Col- Winter Series races. The coldest Winter Series onie. The banquet features the Grand Prix awards race in my memory was this February race in as well other club recognition awards, and this 1987, as temperatures were below zero all day. year features the induction of Nancy Briskie and As always, volunteers are needed to help put Vince Juliano into the HMRRC Hall of Fame. these races on in the style to which we all have The club business meeting for February is become accustomed. set for Wednesday, February 13 at 7:30 p.m. The 40th Winter Marathon and 27th An- at the Point of Woods clubhouse at the end of nual 3 Person Relay will be held on Sunday, the Washington Avenue Extension in Albany. February 17 at 10 a.m. at UAlbany. Back in the Club members are welcome and are encour- day, when running was running, the Winter aged these meetings. r The Pace Setter – 5 Winter Series #3 6 – The Pace Setter Winter Series #3 The Pace Setter – 7 THE ADIRONDACK RUNNERS 27th ANNUAL MARCH 24th, 2013 - 11:00 AM GLENS FALLS HIGH SCHOOL TO BENEFIT WARREN-WASHINGTON COUNTIES SPECIAL OLYMPICS CORPORATE SPONSORS AWARDS WARREN TIRE SERVICE Male & Female GLENS FALLS NATIONAL BANK & TRUST ROSE & KIERNAN INSURANCE, INC.