Corrado Goi_s- Almas River/ 1 Createa protected area; management 1,264,252.129 Barro Alto-GO, -GO, '_ and HighTocantins River Ceres-GO, Goian(}sia-GO, 'Heitoraf-GO, · Pantanal -GO, Itaguari-GO, -GO, ' -GO, ]aragu_-GO, ]es6polis-GO, Nova

; Glbria-GO, Pilar de Goias-GO, Pirenbpolis-G0, '_ -GO, Rian_polis-GO, RubiatabaiGO, Santa Isabel-GO, Santa Rita do Novo Destino- _' GO, S_o Francisco de Goi_s-GO, S_o Luiz do Norte-GO, Uruacju-GO, -GO, Vila Propicio-GO _7 _ Cerrado Valleyof AraguaiaRiver i Createa protected area; management 3,016,626.557 Araguac;u-TO, Araguaiana-MT, Aruan§-GO, and and Pantanal of Brit_nia-GO, Cocalinho-MT, ]ussara-GO, _,'_ < Pantanal MortesRiver Mozarl_ndia-GO, Nundo Novo-GO, Nova _' Crix_s-GO, Sandol§ndia-TO,S_o Migue} de _'Y<_7' Araguaia-GO _'; Corrado PosseRegion- 1 Create a protected area 271,137.042 Buritin6polis-GO, ]aborandi-BA, Mambaf-GO, _' '_ "_ and e S_o Posse-GO Pantanal Domingos I Cerrado Valley and Serra do 1 Biological inventories 680,628.231 -GO, Divin6polis de Goi_s- ,>_,,_? and Paran_ GO, Flores de Goias-GO,Formosa-GO, - _ ._ Pantanal GO, Monte Alegre de Goi_s-GO, Nova Roma- GO, S_o Domingos-GO, Vila Boa-GO _ Cerrado Piren6polis 2 Createa protected area; management 416,820.290 Abadi_nia-GO, Alex_nia-GO, Ao_polis-GO, _ and Corumb_ de Goi_s-GO, Damol§ndia-GO, _ Pantanal -GO, Itau(;u-GO, Ou_oVerdede Goi_s- GO, Petrolina de Goi_s-GO, Piren6poli§-GO, _1_ Santa Rosa de Goi_s-GO, S§o Francisco de

_/. '_ Goi_s-GO, Taquaral de Goi_s-GO it [i_i__[_' Cerrado Goi_nia, Silv_nia, 1 Createa protected area; management 737 281.551 Abadia de Goi_s-GO,An_polis-GO,Aparecidade and Aparecida de Goignia, Goignia-GO, Aragoi_nia-GO, Bela Vista de Goi_s- Pantanal i GO, Bonfin6polis-GO, -GO, _ : -GO ! CaturaFGO ! Damolgndia-GO ! Goian_polis-GO, Goi_nia-GO, -GO, _1_ ; Hidrol_ndia-GO, Inhumas-GO, Leopoldo de I_

Bulh6es-GO, Ner6polis-GO, Nova Veneza-GO, '_ ' Ouro Verde de Goi§s-GO, Santo Ant6nio de GokSs- _ GO, S_o Miguel do Passa Quatro-GO, -GO, Silv§nia-GO, Terez6poils de Goi_s- ...... GO, ¥dndade-GO _;-_ Cerrado Distrito Federal and 1 Management 1,159,501.606 Aguas Lindas de Goi_s-GO, Brasilia-DF,Cabeceira x, and neighbouring regions Grande-MG; -Go, Cidade Oddental- Pantanal GO, Cocalzinho de Goi_,s-GO, -GO, · Formosa-GO, -GO,- GO, Planaltina-GO, Santo Ant6nio do Descoberto- * _ GO, Valparaiso de Goi_s-GO '_ Cerrado Serra Dourada (Mato 1 Create a protected area; 526,094.068 Adel§ndia-GO, -GO, - _ _,_ and Grosso de Goi_s) management GO, Auril_ndia-GO, de Goi_s-GO, _. Pantanal C6rrego do Ouro-GO,Firmin6polis~GO,rVloipor_- ._ GO, Mossgmedes-GO , Palmin6polis-GO, Parafna- GO,Sanclerl_ndia-GO,S_o]o_o da Parafina-GO, ._ S_o Luis de Montes Belos-GO, ¥urvgnia-GO _ _ Cerrado Cristalina 2 Create a protected area 40,944.481 Cristalina-GO * and Pantanal CP,,_OS Cerrado Pouso Alto 1 Create a protected area; management 196,876.992 Alto Para[so de Goi_s-GO, S._oJo_o d'Alian_a-GO and Pantanal CP:506 Cerrado- ParanA- Jaguariaiva, 2 Createa protected area; management 780,400.224 AbatiS-PR,Andir_-PR,Arapoti-PR, Bandeirantes- and Seng_s PR,Barrado Jacar_-PR,Cambar_-Pl_,Carlbpolis- Pantanal PR, Conselheiro Mairinck-PR, Guapirama-PR, Itambarac_-PR, Jaboti-PR, Jacarezinho-PR, Jaguarialva-PR,Japira-PR, Joaquim Tavora-PR, Jundia[ do SuI-PR, Pinha_Eo-PR,Quatigu_-pR, RibeirEo Claro-PR,Salto do Itarar_-PR, Santana do Itarar_-PR, Santo Antbnio da Platina-PR, S_o Jos_ da Boa Vista-PR, Seng_s-PR, Siqueira Campos-PR,Tomazina-PR,Wencesiau Braz-PR ¢P-507 Cerrado Patroc[nio Paulista 3 Createa [)rotectedarea; management 75,307.464 Altinbpoiis-SP,Franca-SP,Itirapu_-SP, Patrocinio and Paulista-SP Pantanal CP-508 Cerrado Valley of Para[baRiver DD Management 181,938.073 Ca(_apava-SP,Jacarei-SP,Jambeiro-SP,Natividade , ano da.Serra-SP,Paraibuna-SP,Pindamonhangaba-SP, Pantanal Reden_o da Serra-SP,Roseira-SP,Santa Branca- SP, SEo Jos_ dos Campos-SP, S_o Luis do Paraitinga-SP,Taubat_-SP CP-5§9 Cerraoo Itarar_ DD Createa protected area; management 343,532.646 Ttaber_-SP,[tapeva-SP, Itaporanga-SP ,Ttarar_- and SP, NovaCampina-SP,Riversul-SP,Taquariva[-SP Pantanal CP-810 Cerrado Itapeva 3 Biological inventories 55,760.744 Buri-SP,Ita[-SP,Paranapanema~SP ano Pantana CP-511 Cerrado Botucatu 3 Biological inventories 67,775.009 Aguas de Santa B_rbara-SP,Iaras-SP,Oleo-SP ano Pantanal CP-512 Cerrado Bauru i Create a protected area 132,628.027 Agudos-SPBauru-SP,, Borebi-SPCabr_lia, Paulista- [I_ and SD,Duartina-SP,PaulistAnia-SP,Piratininga-SP _1 Pantanal Ct_513 Cerrado Mar[lia 2 Management 96,835.676 Assis-SP,Campos Novos Paulista-SP,Echapor_- '_' and SP,Ocau_u-SP,Platina-SP Pantanal o

[_i_ Cerrado Presidente Prudente 2 Management 92,578.677 IepeiSp,]oEo Ramalho-SPMaraca[, -SP,Paragua(;u and Paulista-SP,Rancharia-SP _ _ Pantanal ._S Cerrado Ara(;atuba 3 Biological inventories 50,957.789 Avanhandava-SP,Barbosa-SP,Promiss_o-SP '__ _ and ' _ _"_ Pantanal ,_ Cerrado S§oJos_ do Rio Preto 1 Create a protected area 76,621.687 Am_rico de Campos-SP, Cosmorama-SP, and Palestina-SPTanabi, -SP _1_ ? _ _ Pantanal Cerrado Barretos I Create a protected area 26,636.546 Colbmbia-SP and _. , Pantanal : Cerrado Northeast of SEoPaulo i Create a protected area 55,023.092 Cristais Paulista-SP,Pedregulh0-SP, Rifaina-SP ?_, , and

i_'_ix . _ Pantanal i_9' Cerrado Araraquara 3 Biological inventories 123,153.302 Cravinhos-SP, LugsAnt6nio-SP, Santa Rita do and PassaQuatro-SP,S§o SimEo-SP _ _ Pantanal

i_._ Cerrado Campinas 3 Biological inventories 121,927.357 Anal&ndia-SP, Corumbata[-SP, Descalvado-SP, and Itirapina-SP_S_o Carlos-SP _ '_'_ Pantanal Cerrado Ribeir_o Cascalheira 1 Createa protected area; management 1,187,742.916 Agua Boa-MT, Campin_polis-NT, -MT, _,_ and and Quer_ncia Ga_cha do Norte-MT, Paranatinga-MT _ _ Pantanal Cerrado Serra do Cachimbo 1 Create a protected area 4,587,189.765 Alta Floresta-NT,Jacareacanga-PA,NovoMundo- _ _. and MT, Novo Progresso-PA,Parana_ta-MT __. Pantanal Cerrado Campo de Humait_ 1 Create a protected area 1,986,404.347 Canutama-Al, L_brea-AM, Porto Velho-RO _'_ _,_, and _ Pantanal '_ Cerrado Alta Boavista DD Biological-inventories 2,383,071.541 _,gua Boa-MT, Canarana-MT, Cocalinho-M'[ and Ribeir_o Cascalheira-MT Pantanal CP-525 Cerrado Headwaters of the DD Create a protected area 2.104.683,372 Nobres-MT, Nova Brasil§ndia-MT,Nova Mutum- and Xingu River MT, Nova Ubirat_-MT, Paranatinga-MT, Planalto Pantana da Serra-MT, RosarioOeste-MT :ZP-526 Cerrado PapagaioRiver DD Create a protected area 1,878,894.505 CampoNovodo Parecis-MITCampos, de ]0Ilo-MT, - ano ]auru-MIT, Nova Lacerda-lvlT,Pontese Lacerda- Pantanal MIT,Sapezal-MT,Tangar_ da Serra-MT CP-527 Cerrado Corridor Paca_s- I Create a protected area 986,848.044 Alvorada d'Oeste-RO, Castanheiras-RO, and Guapor_-RicardoFrance da Serra-RO,Nova Brasil_ndiad'Oeste-RO,Novo Pantana Horizonte do Oeste-RO,S_o Mligueldo Guapor_- RO, Seringueiras-RO,Urop_-RO CP_$28 Cerrado Nova Xavantina 1 Createa protected area; management 22,641.880 Barra do Garbs-MT, General Carneiro-MT and (MtonodominantForest) Pantanal £P--529 Cerrado Camposde Mlonte DD Createa protected area; management 1,910,721.215 Alenquer-PA, Almeirim-PA, Monte Alegre-PA, and Alegre Obidos-PA,Prainha-PA Pantanal CP-530 Cerrado Serra dos Caraj_s I Createa protected area; management 230,324.932 Novo Repartimento-PA, Pacaj_-PA ano Pantanal CP-5,3/ Cerrado Savannahsin the Paru DD Create a protected area 1,466,159.761 Alenquer-PA, Obidos-PA and Region Pantanal CP-_2 Cerrado Roraima Savannahs 1 Createa protected area; management 2,381,824.491 Alto Alegre-RR, Amajari-RR, Boa Vista-RR, ano Bonfim-RR, Normandia-RR, Pacaraima-RR Pantanal CP_$]3 Cerrado Northern savannahs of 2 Create a protected area 692,177.644 Amap_-AP, Cal_oene-AP, PracuOba-AP,

and Amap_ Tartarugalzinho-AP t

CP-534 _PantanalCerrado Savannahsof IVlaraj6 3 Biological inventories 660,942.005 CachoeiradoArari-PA, Chaves-PA,Curralinho-PA, and Island i Muan_-PA,Ponta de Pedras-PA,Salvaterra-PA CP-535 CerradoPantanal Central and southern 2 ! Create a protected area 627,138.657 Ferreira Gomes. -AP,Itaubal-AP,MacapP-AP,Porto il_' i

anoPantanal savannahs'of Amap_ Grande-AP,Santana-AP ._ /'[i'i.__ e

Cerrado Serra da Santa B6rbara 3 Management 125,706.846 _Porto Esperidi[o-MT _ _, and "_ _ Pantanal _37 ; Cerrado Western border of 1 Biological inventories 226,496.297 GSceres-MT, Corumbi_-MS, Pocon_-MT _' '_ _-_ and Pantanal A _ Pantanal m _ Cerrado Western border of i Management 126,954.036 Lad_rio-MS _ and Pantanal B _¢__ _ Pantanal _"'_;t Cerrado Bodoquena 3 Createa protected area 406,671.623 B0doquena-MS, Bonito-MS, Miranda-MS __ _,_ and _ Pantanal _ Cerrado Chaco (Pantanal de 2 Management 334,444.468 Porto Murtinho-MS ,_ and Porto Murtinho) %, _ Pantanal _4_; Cerrado Negro River and 1 Create a protected area 300,083.337 Aquidauana-MS _ '_ _ and Nhecol_ndia _¢_ Pantanal i_j_ Cerrado Taboco i Management 237,361.012 Aquidauana-MS, Corguinho-MS, Rio Negro-MS _¢_'_ _ and , _ , _,_,Pantanal _-_ Cerrado Emas - Headwaters of 1 Management 236,863.935 Al¢in6polis-MS, Camapu_-MS, Costa Rica-MS _ and Jauru River _¢_. Pantanal (_'_,? Cerrado Emas/ Taquari I Management 62,800.766 Alto Taquari-MT '_,_, and · _, Pantanal _:: Cerrado Taquari DD Biologicalinventories 150,469.186 Coxim-MS _**_ and _ _ Pantanal _-_ _ Cerrado Chapada dos 2 Biological inventories 208,250.840 BarEo de Melga_o-MT '_' _ and _,_'"'u:mar'_es_°ar=a /o de0 Pantanal Melga_o CP-547 Cerrado Paraguaizinho 3 Management 142,785.795 C_ceres-MT,Pocon_-MT and Pantanal CTP-548 Cerrado Mouth of Ivinhema i Management 374,168.168 Bataipor_-MS,Itaquirai-MS,]atef-MS, Naviraf-MS, ana River Porto Rico-PR,Quer_nciado Norte-PR,S_o Pedro Pantana do Paran_-PR,Taquarussu-MS CP-549 Cerrado Headwatersof the 3 Management 108,283.096 Alto Araguaia-MT,Alto Gar_as-MT and Piquiri/Itiquira Rivers Pantanal CP'550 Cerrado Headwatersof the i Management 140,926.338 Diamantino-MTNortel_ndia, -MTNova, Madl§ndia-MT ane Paraguai- Sepotuba - Pantanal ]auru Rivers CP-551 Cerrado ]auru DD Biological inventories 2,041,590.056 Agua Clara-MS, Aparecida do Taboado-MS, and Cassii_ndia-MS,Chapad_odo SuI-MS,Costa Rica- Pantanal NS, Inoc_ncia-MS, Paranaiba-MS,Rubin_ia-SP CP-552 _ Cerrado Sucuri_ 1 Create a protected area 168,363.800 Itiquira-MT ano Pantanal CP-5S3 Cerrado Baixada Cuiabana/ 2 Biological inventories 570,561.061 Chapada dos GuimarEes-MT,Cuiab_-MT,V_rzea and ChapadadosGuimar[es Grande-MT Pantanal National Park CP-554 Cerrado' Serra das Araras DD Biological inventories 37,650.116 Porto Estrela-MT eno Pantanal MA-555 Atlantic Camocim/]ericoacoara 3 Create a protected area 81,729.677 Barroquinha-CE, Camocim-CE,ChavaI-CE Forest and Southern Grasslands MA-556 Atlantic Mouth of AcaraORiver 2 Createa protected area 124,446.488 Itapipoca-CE,Paracuru-CEParaipaba, -CETraid, -CE _1 Forest and Southern Grasslands e

Atlantic Serra de Uruburetama 3 Biological inventories 93,805.836 Itapag_-CE, Itapipoca-CE, Mirafma-CE,Tururu- Forest and CE, Umirim-CE, Uruburetama-CE Southern

Grasslands _1_ Atlantic Serra da Meruoca 2 Create a protected area 67,143.771 AIc_ntaras-CE,Corea_-CE, Sobral-CE I_ Forest and Southern Grasslands _._ _ _ Atlantic Forest and Mouth of Cear_ River 3 Management 39,840.116 Aquiraz-CE,Caucaia-CE,Eus_bio-CE,Fortaleza-CE Southern _. _ Grasslands _' _ Atlantic Forest and Serrade Maranguape/ I Create a protected area 19,107.269 Guai0ba-CE, Maracana0-CE, Maranguape-CE, Southern Aratanha Pacatuba-CE Grasslands Atlantic' Forest and. Chapada Ibiapaba 1 Increase size of protected area 300,506.786 Croat_i-CE,Grac.,a-CEGranja, -CE,Guaraciaba do Southern Notre-CE, Ibiapina-CE, Ipu-CE, Ipueiras-CE, Grasslands Mucambo-CE, Reriutaba-CE, S_o Benedito-CE, Atlantic 'Tiangu_-CE, Ubajara-CE,Vic_osado Cearci-CE Forest and Serra de Baturit_ 1 Change protected area category 81,368.752 Aratuba-CE, Baturit_-CE, Caridade-CE Southern Guaramiranga-CE, Mulungu-CE, Pacoti-CE Grasslands Palm,cia-CE, Redenc_o-CE Atlantic Forest and Low Jaguaribe River 2 Management 133_178.094 Aracati_CE,Beberibe-CE,Cascavel-CE,Fortim-CE Southern Grasslands Atlantic North Coast of Rio 2 Biological inventories 147,683.140 Areia Branca-RN,CaiGarado Norte-RN,Galinhos- Forest and Grande_doNorte RN, Grossos-RN,Guamar_-RN,Macau-RN,Porto Southern do Mangue-RN,S_o Bento do Norte-RN, Serra Grasslands do MeI-RN,Tibau-RN MA-_'_ Atlantic Quixad_/Estev_o 3 Biological inventories 63,572.320 Banabui6-CE,Quixad_-CE _ _ ?:_ Forest and _ __ Southern _._ Grasslands i

_' ._, AtlanticForest and Natal / Tibau do Sul 2 Create a protected area 95,932.899 RNCear_Natal-Nirim-RN-RNN[sia, ExtremozFloresta--RN,RN Pamamirim-RNMaxaranguape- ._:_ Southern Rio do Fogo-RN,S_oGon_alo do Amaranta-RN Grasslands _-_'_ Atlantic Serra de S§o Miguel 1 Createa protected area 35,226.356 FranciscoDantas-RN,Martins-RN,Portalegre-RN, Forest and Riacho da Cruz-RN, dos Pintos-RN, Southern UmarizaI-RN, Vi_osa-RN ' _Grasslands ,._ Atlantic Mamanguape/ ]. _ncreasesize of protected area and 131,834.111 Ar_s-RN,Ba_aFormosa-RN,Ba_ada Trai_o-PB, '_' Forest and Formosa Bay ecological corridor Canguaretama-RN,-Curral de Cima-PB, Esp[rita Southern Santo-RN, Goianinha-RN, IViamanguape-PB, Grasslands IVlarcar_o-PB,Nataraca-PB, Rio Tinto-PB, Tibau ' Atlantic do SuI-RN,Vila Flor-RN ._56'_ Forest and Areia I Biological inventories 88,770.951 Alagoa Grande-PB,Alagoa Nova-PB,Alagoinha- "' Southern PB, Arara-PB, Areia-PB, Cuitagi-PB, Ing_-PB, . Grasslands .]uarezT_ivora-PB,Pilbes-PB,Serra Redonda-PB, . _ ,. Serraria-PB, Sol_nea-PB _:; Atlantic Forest of Santa Rita/ 1 Ecological corridor 134,367.119 Bayeux-PB, Cabedelo-PB, Capim-PB, Cruz do _ Forest and Sap_ Esp[rito Santo-PB, JoEo Pessoa-PB,Lucena-PB, , ; _ Southern Pedrasde Fogo-PB,Rio Tinto_PB,Santa Rita-PB, · Grasslands S§0 Miguel de Taipu-PB,Sap_-PB _-_/_t Atlantic Pico do Jabre ]. Increase size of protected area 20,930.508 IVi§ed'hgua, -PB,Matur_ia-PB,S_o]os_ do Bonfire- . Forest and PB, Teixeira-PB _*_ _ _ ,, Southern _,'_'__ Grasslands '_ _,tlantic Chapadado Araripe 1 Createa protected area 245,628.714 Barbalha-CE,Brejo Santo-CE, Crato-CE,Exu-PE, Forest and Plateau .]ardim-CE, Niss_o Velha-CE, IVioreil_ndia-PE, ,%_ .. Southern Porteiras-CE,Santana do Cariri-CE ._ Grasslands Atlantic Timba,_ba/Forestof 1 Ecological corridor 135,156.734 Bom .lardim-PE, Ingci-PB, Itatuba-PB, Forest and Estado Macaparana-PE, Machados-PE, Mogeiro-PB, Southern Natuba-PB,Orob6-PE,Riach§odo Bacamarte-PB, Grasslands Salgadode S_o F_Iix-PB,S§oVicente Ferrer-PE, Timba._ba-PE,Vic_ncia-PE Atlantic Abiaf/Goiana 1 Management 249,600.297 Abreu e Lima-PE, Alhandra-PB, Alian(;a-PE, Forest and Aragoiaba-PE,CaaporE-PB,Camaragibe-PE,Ch_ INJ Southern de Alegria-PE, Condado-PE, (_0nde-PB,Goiana- Grasslands PE, Igarassu-PE, Itamb_-PE, Itapissuma-PE, Itaquitinga-PE, .laboat§o dos Guararapes-PE, Moreno-PE, Nazar_ da Mata-PE, Paudalho-PE, Paulista-PE, Pedras de Fogo-PB, Pitimbu-P8, Recife-PE, S§o Lourenc_o da Mata-PE, Tracunha_m-PE Atlantic Montane Forest of i Create a protected area 40,349.318 Manafra-PB,Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde-PE,S_o Forest and Triunfo Jos_ de Princesa-PB,Triunfo-PE Southern Grasslands Atlantic Montane Forest of i Create a protected area 22,384.230 Taquaritinga do Norte-PE,Vertentes-PE Forest and Taquaritinga Southern Grasslands Atlantic Serra Negra/Bezerros i Create a protected area 34,749.186 Bezerros-PE,Cumaru-PE,Riacho das Almas:PE Forest and Southern Grasslands -_ Atlantic Montane Forest of 1 Create a protected area 98,434.354 Belo .lardim-PE, Brejo da Madre de Deus-PE, Forest and Madre de Deus Pesqueira-PE,Por_o-PE, Sanhar6-PE Southern _:_ Grasslands Atlantic Gurja0/CamaGari DD Biological inventories 71,679.978 Cabode SantoAgostinho-PE,Escada-PEIpojuca, - Forest and PE,.laboat_o dos Guararapes-PE,Moreno-PE Southern Grasslands Atlantic Montane Forest of 1 Forest Recovery 23,151.598 Agrestina-PE, Altinho-PE, Caruaru-PE, S_o Forest and Cavalos Caitano-PE _'_ Southern _. Grasslands !_i Atlantic . i Ecological corridor 17,457.188 Floresta-PE,Inaj_-PE, Petrol_ndia, Tacaratu-PE ....;_ _ Forest and Serr: Negra/Floresta Southern _ , _ Grasslands ,_ Atlantic i Ecological corridor 99,9S4,330 _,gua Preta-PE, Barreiros-PE, ]acu[pe-AL, _.¢ _ i, Forest and Saltinho/Barreiro Ribeir_o-PE,Plo -PE,S_O.]os_ da Coroa Southern Grande-PE,Sirinha_m-PE,Tamandar_-PE ._,_ _ Grasslands Atlantic DD Biological inventories 447,097.357 Alvorada do Gurgu_ia-PI, Canto do Buriti-PI, _ Forest and Serra das Confusbes Cristino Castro-PI, Guaribas-PI, .lurema-PI, i ¢_ Southern , Tamboril do Piau[-PI _' Grasslands' _-_ Atlantic I Biological inventories 113,674.031 Bel_m de Maria,PE, Catende-PE, Colbnia ._, Forest and Catende Complex LeopoldJna-AL, ]bateguara-AL, 3aqLJeJra-PE, i_i_ Southern Lagoa dos Gatos-PE, Maraial-PE, Palmares-PE, _ . Grasslands S_o Benedito do SuI-PE,Xex6u-PE _;_ Atlantic I Biological inventories 50,962.909 8rej[o-PE, Caet_s-PE, Garanhuns-PE, ,_-_': Forest and Garanhuns Paranatama-PE

3 Biological inventories 44,542.157 Canhotinho-PE, Palmeirina-PE,Quipap_-PE,S§o, _ Quipap_/Agua Preta 3os_ da -AL Southern

; _ Grasslands _tj At antic 2 Biological inventories 11,807.132 Matriz de Camaragibe-AL,Novo Uno-AL ,_ Forest and Novo Uno ,_ _ Southern _'_ ' Grasslands ¢ _.· ForestAtlanticand Inaj_ DD Biological inventories 63,321.673 Inaj_-PE, ]atob_-PE, Petrol§ndia-PE,Tacaratu-PE! ._ ' Southern _'_' *' Grasslands ._ Atlantic Murici 1 Create a prote_ed area 56,854.899 Branquinha-AL,Flexeiras-AL,3oaquimGomes-AL, _._. Forest and Murici-AL, Unido dos Palmares-AL ..1 ' _._ Southern _ ii _i _'_ .... G_asslands i_ _ Atlantic Region of Camaragibe I Biological inventories 48,127.962 BarradeSantoAntbnio-AL,paSSode Camaragibe- ._ _ Forest and AL, Porto de Pedras-AL,S[o Lu[s do Quitunde- _. Southern AL, _o Miguel dos Milagres-AL Grasslands _: Atlantic Quebr_ngulo-Bom i Ecologicalcorridor 148,324.128 Bom Conselho-PE,Chi Preta-AL, Correntes-PE, _ Forest and Conselho Estrela de Alagoas-AL, Lagoa do Ouro-PE, Southern Palmeira dos IJndios-AL, Paulo ]acinto-AL, _' _ Grasslands Quebrangulo-AL, Terezinha-PE,Vi_:osa-AL Atlantic /i,gua Branca DD Biologica! nventor es · 19,394.702 ,_,guaBranca-AL,Delmiro Gouveia-AL Forest and _'_ Southern ,_"_ _'_ Grasslands

_; Atlantic Catol_ DD Biological inventories 38,795,936 Barra de Santo Antbnio-AL, Maceib-AL, _ Forest and Paripueira-AL,Rio Largo-AL Southern _ _._ Grasslands Atlantic 3equi_/Fazendado DD , Create a protected area 119,716.713 Barra de S§o MigueI-AL, Coqueiro Seco-AL, :_T_'_ Forest'and MatZo Coruripe-AL, Marechal Deodoro-AL, Pilar-AL, _ ® _, Southern Roteiro-AL, Santa Luzia do Norte-AL, S_oMiguel _'_'Grasslands _ _ dos Campos-AL,Satuba-AL

i_! Atlantic Corrente i 'Create a protected area 929,171.915 Avelino Lopes-PI, -BA, Curima_-PI, i_ _ _,_Forest and ]61io Borges-PI, Mansid§o-BA,Morro Cabec,a no Southern Tempo-PI, Parnagu_-PI, Pil[o Arcado-BA Grasslands I A-_96 Atlantic Pia_abu_u/Penedo 1 Management 45,365.871 Feliz Deserto-AL, Penedo-AL,PiaGabuGu-AL Forest and Southern · ? Grasslands _59_ Atlantic ]acobina 2 Create a protected area 44,792.742 -BA ": Forest and Southern _, ._ _ Grasslands _98 Atlantic Bonito 2 Create a protected area 30,965.996 Bonito-BA, -BA Forest and Southern , _ Grasslands _ - Atlantic Len[bis/Andaraf 1 Increase size of protected area 199,115.948 Andarai-BA, Len_:6is-BA, Mucug_-BA _._ _ Forest and _ ' Southern _'' _' Grasslands _0 _ Atlantic Caetit_s DD Biological inventories 617,310.868 -BA,Botupor§-BA,Caetit_-BA,- _' Forest and. BA, Erico Cardoso-BA, Igapor_-BA, - . ,_' Southern BA, Livramento do -BA, MacaObas-BA, ;._,_ ' Grasslands -BA,-BA ;_, > ][e' Atlantic Marac6s 2 Create a protected area 36,243.704 -BA _ Forest and Southern . Grasslands _ _ Atlantic Picode Barbado i Createa protected area 232,132.868 Aba[ra-BA,-BA, Itua_u-BA, ]ussiape-BA, _ Forest and Mucug6-BA,-BA Southern Grasslands _ Atlantic Palmasdo Monte Alto 1 Createa protected area 68,830.006 -BA _ _ _ Forest and _ _, . Southern _ Grasslands

f iff ? ii

B_ ..... '_ Atlantic i Create a protected area 622,357.071 Cocos-BA,Coribe-BA,Feirada Mafa-BA,Juvemlia- _ _:_ Forest and NG, Nontalv_nia-MG, Santa Maria da Vitbria-BA, _®_ Southern S_o F_lix do Coribe-BA _ _ Grasslands Atlantic . Perua(;u 1 Create a protected area 167,142.762 Cbnego Marinho-MG, Itacarambi-MG, ]anu_ria- __

_ Southern _ _'_ GraForessstlandands MG, Mirav_nia-MG,S_o.lo§o das Missbes-NG _/_' I Atlantic Santa Isabel Reserve 2 Create a protected area 9,476.316 Brejo Grande-SE,Ilha das Flores-SE,Pacatuba-SE ._ Forest _nd Ponta dos Mangues _ Southern Grasslands Atlantic Santo Amaro das i Create a protected area 104,852.488 Capela-SE,General Maynard-SE,Japaratuba-SE, Forest and Brotas and ]aparatuba Japoat§-SE,Nuribeca-SE,Pacatuba-SE,Pirambu- '_ Southern SE, S§o Francisco-SE Grasslands

_ Atlantic Serra de Itabaiana 2 Biological inventories ' 40,128.513 Areia Branca-SE, Itabaiana-SE, Itaporanga ; Forest and and Forestsof Areia d'Ajuda-SE, Laranjeiras-SE,Malhador-SE,Nossa Southern Branca Senhora do Socorro-SE,S_o Crist6v_o-SE _ Grasslands Atlantic Restingasof i Create a protected area 123,655.175 Arau_-SE,Boquim-SE,Est§ncia-SE,Indiaroba-SE, _,_ Forest and Itaporanga and Itaporanga d'Ajuda-SE, Pedrinhas-SE,Salgado- _ Southern Est_ncia SE,_anta Luzia do Itanhy-SE, Umba_ba-SE Grasslands Atlantic Northern Coast - DD Bio,logical inventories 273,265.541 -BA,Conde-BA,Cristin_polis-SE, Forest and Linha Verde Entre Rios-BA, -BA, Indiaroba-SE, _ Southern -BA, .]andaira-BA _'_ Grasslands _ Atlantic Forest from Joanes 3 Management 248,908.211 · Cama_ri-BA, Candeias-BA,-BA,Diasd'Avila- Forest and to BA, Itanagra-BA, -BA, Mata de Southern S_o]o§o-BA, S§oSebasti§odo Pass_-BA,Simbes _ _ Grasslands Filho-BA Atlantic Recbncavo Baianoand 3 Create a protected area 175,676.999 Aratulpe-BA, Cachoeira-BA,-BA, Laje-

_._ SouthernForest and Baytodes os Santos MargaridaBA, -BA, Santo-BA, AmaroNazar_-BA-BA, ,-BA,Salinas da Grasslands Valenr,a-BA, Vera Cruz-BA Atlantic Serra da Jib6ia DD Biological inventories 22,246.772 Amargosa-BA,Elfsio.Medrado_BA _ _ Forest and _ __ ®_ Southern Grasslands Atlantic Wencesiau Guimar§es 2 Biological inventories 78,968.120 CravolSndia-BA, -BA, -BA, Forest and Santa In_s-BA Southern Grasslands Atlantic Jequie 3 Sustainable use of natural resources 393,848.690 -BA, Iramaia-BA, ItiruGu-BA, Jaguaquara- Forest and BA, Jequi_-BA, -BA, Lajedo do _._ Southern Tabocal-BA, -BA, Marac_s-BA, Grasslands -BA Atlantic IIh_us-- 1 Create a protected area 686,486.065 Aurelino LeaI-BA, -BA, - Forest and Valen{;a BA,Camamu-BA, -BA, -BA, Southern -BA, Igrapi0na-BA, IIh_us-BA, Ipiafi-BA, Grasslands Itacar_-BA, Itajufpe-BA, Ituber_-BA, Mara0-BA, Nilo Pec;anha-BA,Piral do Norte-BA, Presidente _,_ Tancredo Neves-BA, Tapero_-BA,Teol_ndia-BA, -BA,UbatE-BA,Uru(;uca-BA,Valenca,-BA, Wenceslau Guimar§es-BA Atlantic 1 Create a protected area 240,289.472 Boa Nova-BA, D_rio Meira-BA, IbicuFBA, Igua[- Forest and BA, Itagi-BA, ][tagib_-BA,Po{;bes-BA Southern Grasslands _/_ Atlantic Una- 1 Ecological corridor 295,262.776 -BA,Canavieiras-BA,IIh_us-BA, - Forest and BA, Santa Luzia-BA,Una-BA Southern Grasslands Atlantic Vitbria da Conquista - DO Biological inventories 687,255.703 Aimenara-MG,Bandeira-MG,Barra do Cho(_a-BA, Forest and lord_nia Divis6polis-NG, -BA, Itamb_]-BA, Southern ]acinto-MG, .]ord_nia-MG, Nacarani-BA, Grasslands Naiquinique-BA, Mata Verde-MG, RibeirEo do Largo-BA, Salto da Divisa-NG, Vitbria da Conquista-BA _1_ Atlantic Forest remnants of 2 Ecolocjicalcorridor 247,516.564 -BA, Itap'ebi-BA, -BA, I_ Forest and Camac_ -BA, -BA, PoUragu_-BA Southern I _ iGrasslands Atlantic ]ord_nia i Create a protected area 81,740.497 Bandeira-MG,.]ord§nia-MG,.Salto da Divisa-MG Forest and Southern !_ Grasslands Atlantic -Belmonte 1 Create a protected area 208,086.294 Belmonte-BA, Porto Seguro-BA, Santa Cruz Forest and Cabr_lia-BA Southern Grasslands

Atlantic Salto da Divisa DD Create a protected area 323,199.029 GuaraUnga-BA,-BA, .lacinto-NG,Riodo Forest and Prado-MG,Rubim-MG,salto da Divisa-MG,Santa Southern , Mariado salto-MG, Santo Antbnio do ]acinto-MG Grasslands Atlantic Almenara i Createa protected areaand ecological 61,067.750 ]equitinhonha-MG Forest and corridor Southern Grasslands Atlantic Monte Pascoaland 1 Create a protected area 391,534.111 -BA_ -BA, -BA, Forest and Descobrimento ]ucuru(;u-BA, Porto Seguro-BA, Prado-BA Southern National Parks Grasslands Atlantic _ 3 Biological inventories 87,719.896 Alcobac,a-BA, Caravelas-BA Forest and Southern Grasslands _-627 Atlantic Forest remnants in the DD Biological inventories 546,937.127 Campan_rio-MG,Francisc6polis-MGFrei, Gaspar- _- Forest and Region of Te6filo Otoni MG, Itambacuri-MG,Ladainha-MG,Malacacheta-

,j t Southern MG, Ouro Verde de Minas-MG, Pescador-MG, ¥ _ _ _ Grasslands Pot_-MG,Teofilo Otoni-MG Atlantic Low and Medium i Management 105,120.328 -BA _;_ ,_-_..Forest and Mucuri River ...... Southern Grasslands

_ Atlantic Itafinas 2 Create a protected area and ecologiCal 71,712.675 Concei_o da 8arra-ES, Pedro Can_rio-ES Forest and corridor I_inheiros-ES ,_._, _., Southern Grasslands _ Atlantic Sooretama 1 Increase size of protect'edarea 101,875.086 ]aguar_-ES, Linhares-ES,Sooretama-ES Forest and Southern Grasslands _ Atlantic High Santo Antbnio 3 Biological inventories 531,474.156 Carm_sia-MG, Concei(_o do Mato Dentro-MG, _' _ _ Forest and River Congonhas do Norte-MG, Dom ]oaquim-MG, _ _ _ '_ Southern Doresde Guanh_es-MG,Ferros-MG,Itabira-MG, Grasslands Itamb_ do Mato Dentro-MG, ]aboticatubas-MG, _? _ ]oan_sia-MG,Morro do Pilar-MG,NovaUni§o-MG, Passab_m-MG, Santa Maria de Itabira-MG,, Santana do Riacho-MG, Santo Antbnio do RioJ AbaJxo-MG,S§o SebastiEodo Rio Preto-MG _ Atlantic Region of AJmor_s/ 3 Create a protected area 51,980.627 Aimor_s-MG, Itueta-MG, Resplendor-MG ._ Forest and Itueta _ _?_, _:_ Southern _"t:? ? Grasslands Atlantic Delta of the Doce 1 Createa protected area 146,493.875 ! Aracruz-ES, Linhares-ES , Forest and River Southern _;_- Grasslands Atlantic Rio Doce State Park 1 Biological inventories 45,412.866 Dionfsio-MG, Ipatinga-MG, IVlarli_ria-MG, Forest and Timbteo-MG ' Southern _ Grasslands

_'_i Atlanl_ic Caratinga Biological 2 Create a protected area 15,671.494 Santa B_rbara do Leste-MG,Simon_sia-MG _, _ SouthernForest and- iStation I_ ? '_ _. Grasslands _ AtlantTc Region of Santa 1 Create a protected area and 85,820.174 C.adacica-ES, Fund§o-ES, Santa LeopOldina-ES, _ _ '_,_, Forest and Teresa - Duas Bocas ecological corridor Santa Maria de Jetib_-ES, Santa ¥eresa-ES _, ; Southern _ _ _ , Grasslands _ Atlantic Forest of Sossego 2 Forest Recovery 21,262.005 Caputira-MG, Manhua_u-MG ,_,_ Forest and _> ?r Southern ' _'_' Grasslands _, Atlantic Region of Ouro Preto 1 Create a protected area and ecological 376,163.181 Belo Honzonte-MG, Brumadinho-MG, Caet_-MG, _ Forest and and Serra da Cara_a corridor CatasAltas-HG,Ibirit_-MG, Itabirito-MG, Mariana- _,_ _ Southern blG, Moeda-MG, Nova Lima-MG, Ouro Preto--MG, _ _ _ Grasslands Raposos-MG,Rio Acima-MG, Sabar_-MG, Santa % i_ '_ B_rbara-MG,Sarzedo-MG M_ Atlantic Farm Pindobas IV / 1 Create a protected area 37,665.215 Brejetuba-ES, Concei_o do Castelo-ES, Muniz _'_ Forest and Afonso Cl_udio Freire-ES _ Southern '__ ' Grasslands _-_ 'Atlantic a de Setiba 3 Management 16,829.590 Cadacica-ES, Guara_ari-ES, Vila ¥elha-ES _ _ _ Forest and _¢ _._ Southern Grasslands _ Atlantic $erra do Capara6 ' 1 Biological inventories 41,997.065 Alto Capara6-MG, Alto Jgquitib_5-MG, Capara6- _'_ Forest and, MG, Divino de S_o Louren_;o-ES,Dores do Rio _ Southern Preto-ES, Espera FOliz-MG,IbiUrama-ES, Ifina-ES _ _:_ Grasslands Atlantic PedraAzul/Forno 1 Biological inventories 46,757.423 Alfredo Chaves-ES, Castelo-ES, Domingos Forest and Grande Martins-ES, Vargem Alta-ES, Venda Nova do Southern Imigrante-ES Grasslands Atlantic Region of Domingos i Biological inventories 29,289.833 Alfredo Chaves-ES,Guarapad-ES Forest and Martins / Alfredo _;_-_ Southern Chavez Grasslands Atlantic Carangola 3 Biological inventories 43,810.436 Capara6-NG, Carangola-MG, Divino-MG, EsperaI Forest and Feliz-MG,Faria Lemos-NG, Pedra Dourada-NG, ® _._._ Southern S_o Franciscodo GI6ria-NG, Vieiras-MG Grasslands Atlantic Cofund6/Northem 2 Create a protected area 22,812.t34 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim-ES, Jer6nimo _._-_ Forest and Bananal Monteiro-ES '_ _ Southern Grasslands Atlantic Region of Vi_osa i Biological inventories 341,489.493 Alto Rio Doce-MG, Amparo do Serra-MG, Bras

_ Forest and Pires-MG, Cajuri-MG, Cipot§nea-MG, Diego de Southern Vasconcelos-MG,Divin_sia-MG,Dores do Turvo- Grasslands MG,Guaraciaba-MG,Lamim-MG,PaulaC_ndido- NG, Pedrado Anta-MG,Piranga-MG,Porto Firme- _'_'_® _ MG, Presidente Bemardes-MG,Rio Espera-MG, %_'_ S_o Miguel do Anta-MG, Senador Firmino-MG, Senhorade Oliveira-MG,Teixeiras-MG,Vi(_osa-MG '_,_ Atlantic Serra das Cangalhas 2 Create a protected area 30,615.781 Divino de S§o Louren(;o-ES,Gua_ui-ES, Varre- '_._ Forest and - Sai-PO :__ _ Southern , Grasslands Atlantic Serra do Brigadeiro i Biological inventories 66,553.410 Araponga-MG, Erv_lia-MG,Fervedouro-MG, Forest and Guiricema-MG,Miradouro-MG,PedraBonita-MG, _:_ _ Southern Rosarioda Limeira-MG,S§oSebasti_oda Vargem _:_ _ Grasslands Alegre-MG, Sericita-MG Atlantic Usina Paineiras 2 Createa protected area 12,281.510 Itapemirim-ES Fore_ and Southern Grasslands Atlantic Serra das Torres 2 Create a protected area 32,219.172 Mimoso do SuI-ES,Muqui-ES Forest and I_

GraSouthernsslands Atlantic Serra de S_o .los_ i Create a protected area 24,554.753 Coronel Xavier Chaves-MG, Prados-MG, Santa Forest and Cruz de Ninas-MG, S_o ]o_o del Rei-MG, Southern Tiradentes-MG Grasslands Atlantic Neves-Naroba Beach 2 Create a protected area 12,231.698 Marataizes-ES,Presidente Kennedy-ES Forest and Southern Grasslar)ds Atlantic Porci_ncula/Raposo/ 3 Forest Recovery 45,168.227 Itaperuna-RJ,Laje do Muria_-R.1,Miracema-RJ, Forest and Miracama Natividade-R3 Southern Grasslands Atlantic Forest of Carv_o , 2 Create a protected area 21,339.854 S_o Franciscode Itabapoana-R.1 Forest and Southern Grasslands Atlantic Serra de Carrancas 2 Biological inventories 73,016.339 Carrancas-MG, Ingai-MG, Itutinga-MG, Forest and Lumin_rias-MG, Minduri-MG Southern Grasslands Atlantic Ibitipoca 1 Biological inventories 22,999.375 Bias Fortes-MG,Lima Duarte-MG, Santa Rita de Forest and Ibitipoca-MG Southern Grasslands Atlantic Parana_a River DD Create a protected area 937,728.567 i AguaLimpa-GO,Araguari-MG,Arapor§-MG,Buriti Forest and Alegre-GO, -GO, Cachoeira Southern Dourada-MG, Can_polis-MG, Capinbpolis-MG, Grasslands Centralina-MG,Corumbafba-GOGouve, f_ndia-GC Inaciol_ndia-(_O, Ipia_u-MG, Ituiutaba-MG , -GO, Marzag_o-GO, Morrinhos-G0 -GO,Quirinbpolis-GO, - GO, S_o SimEo-GO,Tupaciguara-MG Atlantic Paulode Fada 3 Management 16,337.608 Paulode Faria-SP Forest and :_ Southern Grasslands Atlantic Furnas do Born Jesus 2 Management 51,911.965 BuritizaI-SP, Conquista-MG, Igarapava-SP, Forest and Pedregulho-SP Southern Grasslands

Atlantic Orl§ndia - Morro Agudo 2 Biological inventories 51,816.234 Ipua-SP, Morro Agudo-SP, S§o ]oaquim da ! Forest and Barra-SP Southern Grasslands Atlantic Serra dos Rosas 3 Management 37,217.593 Franca-SP,Itirapu_-SP, Patrodnio Paulista-SP Forest and Southern Grasslands Atlantic Serra da Bodoquena 1 Create a protected area 416,444.533 Bodoquena-MS, Bonito-MS, ]ardim-MS, Forest and Miranda-MS Southern

:Grasslands Atlantic Barretos 3 EcologiCalcorridor 207,509.415 Barretos-SP,Bebedouro-SPColina, -SP,MonteAzul Forest and Paulista-SP,Olimpia-SP,Sever[nia-SP,Taia(;u-SP, Southern Tai._va-SPTaquaraI, -SP Grasslands


Atlantic Valparaiso 3 Createa protected area 156,685.947 Andradina-SP, Ara_atuba-SP, Guara(;ai-SP, Forest and Guararapes-SP, Lavinia-SP, Mirandopblis-SP, Southern Murutinga do SuI-SP, Pereira Barreto-SP, Grasslands Valparaiso-SP Atlantic Aguape[ DD Createa protected area 348,933.621 Adamantina-SP,Arco-iris-SP, Bento de Abreu-SP, Forest and Castilho-SP,Clementina-SP,Fi6rida Paulista-SP, Southern Guara(;a[-SPGuararape, s-SP,Iacri-SP,Irapuru-SP, Grasslands ]unque rbpolis-SP, Lav_nia-SP, Luc61ia-SP, Luizi§nia-SP,Mirandopblis-SP,Monte Castelo-SP, Nova Independ6ncia-SP, Osvaldo Cruz-SP, Pacaembu-SPPaulic6ia, -SP,Piacatu-SPR, in6polis- SP,Rubi_cea-SPSalmourEo, -SP,SantaMercedes- i SI), Sant6polis do Aguape[-SP,S_o .1o_odo Pau d'Alho-SP,Valpara[so-SP Atlantic Novo Horizonte DD Create a protected area 111,597.084 Cafel_ndia-SP, Lins-SP, Novo Horizonte-SP, Forest and Sabino-SP,Sales-SP Southern Grasslands Atlantic Pogosde Caldas i Create a protected area 556,108.951 Aguasda Prata-SP,Andradas-MG,Arceburgo-MG, Forest and Bandeirado SuI-NG, Botelhos-MG,Cabo Verde- Southern MG, Caconde-SP, Caldas-MG, Campestre-MG, Grasslandsi Divinol_ndia-SPDi, visaNova-MG,Guaran_sia-MG, Guaxup_-MG,Itobi-SP, ]uruaia-MG, Mococa-SP, Monte Belo-MG, Monte Santo de Minas-MG, Muzambinho-MG,Po(;osde Caldas-MG,S_o.]o_o da BoaVista-SP,S[o ]os_ do Rio Pardo-SPS_o, Pedroda UniEo-MG,S_oSebastiEoda Grama-SP, Tapiratiba-SP,Vargem Grande do SuI-SP Atlantic MatZo 2 Createa protected area 53,356.826 Mat_o-SP_Nova Europa-SP,Tabatinga-SP Forest and [ Southern Grasslands 'MA-6691 Atlantic . Caetetus ,1 Ecological corridor 75,641.200 Alvinl_ndia-SP, G_Iia-SP,Gar_a-SP,Lup_rcio-SP, Forest and Marflia-SP,Ocau_u-SP,Vera Cruz-SP Southern Grasslands _ Atlantic ]acar_ - Pepira 2 Increase size of protected area 87,384.763 Barra Bonita-SP, Dois Cbrregos-SP, ]a_-SP, i

Forest and do Tiet_-SP i Southern I Grasslands i _57Z Atlantic Ivinhema DD Biological inventories 163,634.762 GI6ria de Dourados-MS, Ivinhema-MS, NovoIi Forest and Horizonte do SuI-MS Southern Grasslands i_7_ Atlantic Pontal do 1 Createa protectedareaandecological 322,626.110 Diamante do Norte-PR, Euclides da Cunha Forest and Paranapanema corridor Paulista-SP, Inaj_-PR, Marab_ Paulista-SP, Southern Presidente Epit_cio-SP,Rosana-SPSanto, Ant6nio Grasslands do CaiuS-PR,Teodoro Sampaio-SPTerra, Rica-PR _-673' Atlantic Barreiro Rico - i Create a protected area 119,614.753 Anhembi-SP, Botucatu-SP, Dois Cbrregos-SP, Forest and Serrade Botucatu Santa Maria da Serra-SP, S_o Pedro-SP, Southern Torrinha-SP Grasslands _4 Atlantic Forest of Mosquito i Create a protected area 14,940.757 Narandiba-SP ...... Forest and _. _ Southern _ _ .Grasslands _75'_ Atlantic Len(;bisPaulista 1 Create a protected area 47,720.915 AVar_-SP,Borebi-SP,Len_bisPaulista-SP ...... Forest and ..... Southern _ Grasslands _,_ _ Atlantic Parana(GrandeIsland) i Management 646,530.237 AIt_nia-PR,Bataipor_-MS,Diamantedo Norte-PR, r_ ...... Forest and Eldorado-MS,Guafra-PR,Itaquirai-NS, .latei-MS,

_ t Grasslands Rico-PR, Quer_ncia do Norte-PR, Rosana-SP, _-- ...... Santa Cruz de Monte Castelo-PR,S§o ]orge do ;_'_? _ ' Patrocinio-PR, SEo Pedro do Paran_-PR, Taquarussu-MS,Terra Roxa-PR,Vila Alta-PR W _-_'_ Atlantic Ipanema 3 ! Create a protected area 31,874.290 Ara(;oiabadaSerra-SP,Boituva-SPC, apelado Aito- ,_ .__ Forest and SP,Iper6-SP Southern Grasslands Atlantic Forest of Godoy 1 Ecological corridor 46,240.067 Camb_-PR,Londrina-PR Forest and _1_ Southern I_ Grasslands i Atlantic Vila Rica 3 Ecorogical corridor 232,916.8'98 Araruna-PR, Barbosa Ferraz-PR, Cianorte-PR, Forest and Engenheiro Beltr_o-PR, F_nix-PR, Japur_-PR, _,_ Southern .]ussara-PR, S§o 3ogo do Ivaf-PR, S_o Jorge do Grasslands Ivaf:PR, S_o Pedro do Ivaf-PR, S_o lomb-PR, Tapejara-PR,Terra Boa-PR,Tuneirasdo Oeste-PR Atlantic Iguagu i Management 224,923.513 Capanema-PR, Capit§o Lebnidas Marques-PR, Forest and C_u AzuI-PR,Foz do Iguac_u-PR,Lindoeste-PR, Southern Matel_ndia-PR,Santa U_cia-PR,Santa Terezado Grasslands Oeste-PR, Santa Terezinha de Itaipu-PR, S_o Miguel do Iguagu-PR,Serranbpolis do Tguagu-PR Atlantic Guarani River i Biological inventories 33,184.877 Catanduvas-PR, Quedas do [guac_u-PR,Tr_s Forest and Barras do Paran_-PR Southern _ _ Grasslands Atlantic Giacometti DD Createa protected area 65,315.192 Rio Bonito do Tguagu-PR,Saudade do Igua(ju- Forest and PR,Sulina-PR Southern Grasslands Atlantic Turvo i Management 38,077.018 Barrado Guarita-RS, Derrubadas-RS,Esperanca, Forest and do SuI-RS Southern Grasslands Atlantic Guarita DD Ecologicalcorridor 37,560.304 Gramado dos Loureiros-RS,Liberato salzano-RS,I Forest and Nonoai-RStPlanalto-RS,Trindade do SuI-RS i Southern Grasslands