2021 SEASON SCHEDULE 5/1 Dominion Raceway - Thornburg, VA 5/15 Midvale Speedway - Midvale, OH 66/5/5 SShenandoahhenandoah SpeedwaySpeedway - Shenandoah,Shenandoah, VAVA 66/18/18 UMIUMI MotorsportsMotorsports PParkark - ClearClearfi eeld,ld, PAPA 66/19/19 JennerstownJennerstown SSpeedwaypeedway - Jennerstown,Jennerstown, PAPA 7/10 Jennerstown Speedway - Jennerstown, PA 7/24 Salem Speedway - Salem, IN 8/6 Motor Mile Speedway - Radford, VA 8/21 Jennerstown Speedway - Jennerstown, PA 99/11/11 SSalemalem SpeedwaySpeedway - Salem,Salem, ININ 99/12/12 KKentuckyentucky MMotorotor SSpeedwaypeedway - Whitesville,Whitesville, KYKY 10/2 Dominion Raceway - Thornburg, VA (Schedule subject to change without notice.) TTouringouring seriesseries formedformed inin latelate 20072007 asas anan aff ordableordable aalternativelternative toto existingexisting full-bodiedfull-bodied stockstock carcar racingracing tours.tours. 33,300,300 lb.,lb., 660000 HP,HP, shortshort tracktrack “RRacin’acin’ thethe WayWay ItIt UUsedsed TToo Be!”Be!” FForor iinquiriesnquiries pleaseplease contact:contact: JJoeoe SchmalingSchmaling atat
[email protected]@gmail.com supercupstockcarseries.com Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter: @SCSCSRacing Follow us on Instagram: scscs_racing HHISTORYISTORY OFOF THETHE SUPERSUPER CUPCUP STOCKSTOCK CARCAR SERIESSERIES Discussion about an aff ordable stock car touring alternative started during the 2007 racing season as a result of costs escalating out of control from major changes year aft er year. Th e time had come to get back to the basic idea of running the cars that teams already had. In the autumn of that year, two 50-lap exhibition trophy dashes were held in North Carolina with drivers coming from as far away as Pennsylvania, Iowa, Florida, Mississippi, and Indiana to participate with their steel-bodied stock cars.