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Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 1 Followed by 2


Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 1 followed by 2

Prepared by : Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

1.0 Purpose: This document establishes the minimum acceptable mandatory requirements to remain safe while traveling by road and it also establishes the level of safety appropriate for achieving the goal of zero incidents on Road during traveling. This standard is intended to supplement, but not supersede, any applicable. Government Regulations

2.0 Scope: This standard applies to all Hired Travel Car/ Four wheeler used for Company’s Purpose.

3.0 References: TRF Road safety Standard.

4.0 Responsibility: Driver of the Vehicle & Passenger TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 2 followed by 3

Prepared by : Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

5.0 Pre driving checks and caution: To be done by Driver of the Vehicle Before taking the vehicles on road for its fitness and roadworthiness. Record to be maintained and to be kept in vehicle for last three days

 Conducts a pre-drive vehicle check - A least once in a day , preferably every morning (check sheet record to be available) e.g. See Annexure 1 for check List.

 Ensures there are no loose hazardous articles in the car – small loose objects have been the cause of injuries on braking or collision incidents!

 Conducts a pre-journey review to identify and plan to minimize journey risks e.g. Safest route, number of journey breaks etc. Break of at least 10 minutes for every two hour of driving

 Seat belts applied by everyone before moving off.

5.1 Safe Driving Habit For Drivers:

 Maintains safe speed (drive to the conditions yet not more than speed limit). Prescribed Maximum speed limit as displayed for inside Works, Less than 45 KMPH in Town/Local and Less than 60KMPH in Highway)

 Applies the two-second rule at all times (distance from the vehicle in front) and it should be Four-second during rainy season or during night  Applies brakes early and smoothly.

 At the turning give proper signal and slow down your vehicle

 Do not use mobile phone while driving whether hand free or hand held

 Keep your vehicle always at the left of the road

 Slow down the speed of your vehicle at Zebra crossing, Intersection, Turning , Public place TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 3 followed by 4

Prepared by: Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

 Do not overtake from left side and overtake only after getting proper signal from the vehicle ahead of you from right side.

 Do not park your vehicle at No parking Place

 Do not drive the vehicle in alcoholic condition

  Show your vehicle document on demand by the company’s officials

 Stop completely at lights and stop signs.

 When stopped leave space to see the rear wheels of the vehicle ahead.

 Give way to traffic coming from right side at intersection

 When stopped, watch rear view mirror to avoid being hit from behind.

 Be comfortable and alert (is fit to drive in all respects & not fatigued).

 Takes adequate rest breaks (at least every 2 hours).

 Checks mirrors regularly.

 Be cautious at all intersections and rail crossings (even more so when driving on site).

 Be cautious for pedestrians, especially children.

 Watch for vehicles leaving car spaces and parking areas (particularly motor bikes and bicycles).

 Driver and passenger(s) should limit conversation while driver is driving and focus is required.

 Avoids being in another’s vehicle blind spot.

 Uses the ‘inside’ lane(s) unless overtaking. TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 4 followed by 5

Prepared by: Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

 Maintains an appropriate firm grip on the steering wheel (both hands on the wheel).

 Give Signals well in advance to change lanes or turn.

 When waiting to turn “towards the side of the on coming traffic’ ensures their wheels are pointing straight ahead.

 Keep hair crack window glass open during heavy rain

 On corners and curves drives must slow down and turns slowly enough to maintain full control.

 Does not make telephone calls while driving.

 Must have in date driver’s license (both on and off site).

 Fill Feed back form and submit to right authority.( Annexure II)

 “ Reminder” – please report all near miss incidents!

Additional precautions for “on site driving”:

· Hazards associated with on site heavy vehicles, mobile equip and Locos are well understood. · Appropriate driver induction for anyone who drives at Work site of TRF Steel.

· Follow the Stop Look and Go principle while crossing all level crossing

· No mobile phone use if driving - including hands free (focus is on reducing “distractions”).

5.2 Responsibility of Passenger/ Guest:

 Keep little extra time for your traveling

 Keep your luggage secured so that in case of any incident it does not harm you TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 5 followed by 6

Prepared by: Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

 Put On safety seat belt even while sitting rear side.

 Do not force driver to exceed speed limit

 Do not make conversation with driver at busy or critical places

 Do not get down from right side of the car facing traffic

 Do not give any tips(Money) to driver

 Fill Feed back form before getting down. ( Annexure II)

 “ Reminder” – please report all near miss incidents!

1. Traveling safety tips for passenger

Traveling to unfamiliar destinations can bring to you the sort of troubles which you do not want to experience while on the road . Guest often may fall prey to perpetrators because they do not prepare properly before embarking on a trip. Let’s examine some things you should do to prevent your travels from becoming a tragedy: 1. Never list your home address on the luggage tag. If on business, put the company’s address on the tag; if visiting friends you can list their address. Use covered luggage ‘tags as well.

2. Carry important papers ( Ticket, Hotel booking, Training material etc ) with you and ensure it before leaving residence;

3. Keep a small flashlight. You never know when you’ll suddenly be "in the dark" and find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. At night, keep your flashlight by your bed.

4. Make sure that you have taken your medicine 5. Never wear anything that projects affluence. No gold chains, expensive watches and rings, luggage, or other paraphernalia should be in easy view. Better yet: leave your jewelry at home. 6. If possible travel with only one or two credit cards. 7. Women particularly should never accept a drink from a stranger. Keep an eye on your drink at all times.


Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 6 followed by 7

Prepared by: Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

8. Stay in a room near a stairwell. Never take the elevator if a fire or smoke is detected.

9. Do not wear name tags in public. 10.Do not use unmarked taxi cabs. 11.Sit behind the driver so you can see him, but he cannot see you. 12.Pay the driver upon arriving at your destination and while you are still sitting in the vehicle. 13.If you must rent a car, rent only from a reputable company. 14.Discuss with your family what they would do in event of an emergency while away from home, e.g. whom to call, how to contact emergency personnel, etc. 15.Do not discuss travel plans, your room number or any other personal information in public within earshot of strangers. 16.Bring along a basic first aid kit with bandages, iodine, mosquito repellant, sunscreen, alcohol packets, Vomiting, Headache, diarrhea medicine, etc. 17.Familiarize yourself with train and bus schedules before traveling. Have an alternate plan in place in the event your transportation plans change.

18.Do not flash your passport in public. Discreetly show important documents to officials only. 19.Never flash your money in public. TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 7 followed by 8

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Title: Traveling By Road

5.4 Emergency Preparedness

1. During Vehicle Break down / Accident

· Vehicles must be brought on the extreme left of the road.

· Vehicles should be barricaded by placing fluorescents warning boards.

· Switch “ON” the hazard warning signals.

· Alternate arrangement should be made for passenger if defect rectification time is likely to take more time

· Inform to Local Police in case of any accident

2. Passenger suffering from pain ( How driver can help)

· If possible give first aid support to passenger

· Take the passenger to nearest Nursing home / Hospital

 Inform to concerned person TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) OCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 8 followed by 9

Prepared by : Approved by: Issued By:

Title: Traveling By Road

Annexure 1 Check List for Four Wheelers

Vehicle Number

Vendor name

S l . N Criteria W o r k i n g / O K / Y e s Not working/not Remarks proper/needs improvement/No 1 Rear view mirror {Physical condition } 2 Horn {Physical condition} 3 Tyre condition and Air P r e s s u r e { P h y s i c a l c o n d i t i o n w i t h v i s i b l e t r a d e - - m i n i m u m d e p t h o f tread 1.6 mm } 4 Hand brake 5 Main brake 6 H e a d l i g h t { F o c u s s h o u l d b e e q u of the light } 7 Blinker light 8 R e g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r p l a t e a s p e r c e n t r a l M o t o r v e h i c l e R u l e 1 9 8 9 9 C o n d i t i o n o f F r o n t w i n d g l a s s – distinct visibility 10 Wiper blade assembly 11 Seat belt at Front and Rear 12 E x t e r i o r & I n t e r i o r C l e a n l i n e s s 13 First Aid Kit 14 Fire extinguisher 15 Colour of car is white TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION) PCP0015 00

Original Issue Date: Date of Revision: Page 9 followed by 10

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Title: Traveling By Road

 Annexure II

Feed Back Form to be filled by Passenger Yes No

1. Was driver wearing seat Belt

2. Was driving within speed limit

(As displayed inside Works , < 45 in town, < 60 Highway)

3. Was driver talking on mobile while driving

4. Did driver follow all safety rules

5. Did you feel safe while travelling

6. Did driver report you on time

7. Was the driver courteous during journey

Feed Back Form to be filled by Driver

1. Was guest wearing seat belt

2. Did guest force you to drive fast

( Put Tick Mark Only ) PCP0015 00 TRF LIMITED (BMHE DIVISION)

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