Intervertebral Discs: Annulus Fibrosus; Nucleus Pulposus

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Intervertebral Discs: Annulus Fibrosus; Nucleus Pulposus

What to Know:

Skull: frontal; parietal; maxilla; mandible; zygomatic; lacrimal; ethmoid; temporal; sphenoid; palatine; nasal; vomer; occipital; coronal suture; sagittal suture; lambdoidal suture; zygomatic process; temporal process; squamous suture; mental foramen; mastoid process; occipital condyles; crista galli; sella turcica; foramen magnum; external occipital protuberance; mandibular foramen; external auditory meatus, optic foramen; foramen ovale; foramen spinosum; carotid canal; jugular foramen; zygomatic arch; infraorbital foramen; supraorbital foramen; styloid process; incisive foramen; palatine bone; olfactory foramina; cribriform plate; hyoid bone; coronoid process; condylar process; angle/body/ramus of the mandible; internal auditory meatus; hypoglossal canal; pterygoid processes; all sinuses.

Vertebral column: spinous process; transverse process; lamina; body; vertebral foramen; transverse foramen; dens; facet and demifacet; cervical vertebrae; atlas; axis; thoracic vertebrae; lumbar vertebrae; sacrum; coccyx; median sacral crest; lateral sacral crest, sacral canal; sacral hiatus; sacral foramina; superior articular process; bifid spinous process; coccyx; numbering of vertebrae.

Intervertebral Discs: annulus fibrosus; nucleus pulposus.

Ribs: head; neck; tubercle; shaft; facet; true ribs; false ribs; floating ribs; costal cartilages.

Sternum: manubrium; body; xiphoid process; suprasternal notch (jugular notch); sternal angle.

Scapula: acromion process; coracoid process; glenoid cavity; spine; inferior angle; vertebral border; axillary border; superior border; supraspinous fossa; infraspinous fossa; subscapular fossa.

Clavicle: sternal end; acromial end.

Humerus: head; greater tubercle; anatomical neck; surgical neck; lesser tubercle; lateral epicondyle; medial epicondyle; capitulum; trochlea; olecranon fossa; coronoid fossa; deltoid tuberosity.

Radius: head; neck; radial tuberosity; styloid process.

Ulna: olecranon process; trochlear notch; radial notch; styloid process; coronoid process.

Coxal Bones or Os Coxae (Hip Bones): pubis; ischium; ilium; iliac crest; acetabulum; pubic crest; obturator foramen; greater sciatic notch; lesser sciatic notch; symphysis pubis; ischial tuberosity; true pelvis; false pelvis; sacroiliac joint; pubic arch; pubic crest; anterior superior iliac spine; anterior inferior iliac spine; male vs. female pelvis.

Femur: head; neck; fovea capitis; greater trochanter; lesser trochanter; lateral epicondyle, medial epicondyle; lateral condyle; medial condyle; intercondylar fossa; patellar surface; gluteal tuberosity.

Patella: sesamoid bone; base; apex.

Tibia: medial condyle; lateral condyle; tibial tuberosity; medial malleolus; intercondylar eminence.

Fibula: head; lateral malleolus.

Hand: capitate; hamate; pisiform; lunate; scaphoid; trapezium; trapezoid; triquetrum; carpals; metacarpals; phalanges.

Foot: talus; calcaneus; navicular; cuboid; cuneiforms (medial, intermediate, lateral); tarsals; metatarsals; phalanges.

Fetal Skull: anterior fontanel; posterior fontanel; anteriolateral fontanel; posterior fontanel; the dates at which they fuse (close).

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