Dear Parents/Guardians and Students s3
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August 25, 2014
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
I am looking forward to teaching communications applications/speech again this year. This will be my fifteenth year to teach it here at C.H.S. Here are some of my expectations.
Course description In communication applications, students will learn about the importance of communication, especially in the work force. The will analyze and evaluate how they and others communicate. They will be required to give speeches almost every week throughout the semester. The intent of the class is to provide students the opportunity to practice effective communication skills so that they can actively take part as a citizen of our society and so that they may gain the skills to obtain as well as maintain a job.
Classroom Policies 1. Students must bring their supplies to every class. These supplies will include paper, and a pen or pencil. I do not allow pink, red, yellow, orange, or green ink pens to be used on assignments. Students who must leave to go their locker to get supplies will be counted tardy. 2. Students must be inside the classroom when the bell finishes ringing; otherwise, they will be tardy. They will also be counted tardy if they were absent the previous class and do not have an admit slip. Any student who is late due to another teacher must bring a note from that teacher when they come to class, or they will be counted tardy. They may not leave to go get a note. 3. Late assignments including speeches will result in a zero. 50 points will be deducted from the grade. This does include speeches which are test grades. 4. Students with absences due to extra-curricular activities must get their assignments before their absence. These assignments will be turned in when they return to class the next period. This also includes tests and speeches. Students must take tests and turn in assignments when they return as well. All of my power points for speech to complete the worksheets are on my staff page listed on the school’s website. 5. Students, who are absent for reasons other than extra-curricular activities, have the number of days absent plus one to make up assignments, tests, or speeches. I will enter a “M” in the grade book on the computer after three days if a student has not made up homework, a speech, or a test. Every “M” is averaged in the computer grade book as a zero. Once the work is made up, I will enter the grade into the grade book. 6. When you are absent, YOU are responsible for getting your assignments that you missed. 7. Students will not leave the classroom for any reason unless it is an emergency. 8. Mrs. Cockrell dismisses you. The bell does not! 9. No food, drinks, gum, hats, caps, scented lotions, or distracting objects are permitted in the classroom. Five points will be deducted from a speech grade if a student is chewing gum during a speech. 10. During any group work, you must do your part in making the group successful. Anyone, who does not do their fair share, will have points deducted from their grade. 11. Students who misbehave when a substitute is present will be punished with an office referral.
Grading Policies 55% of the six weeks average is from test grades. The remaining 45% will be from daily grades. Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero. Students who are caught cheating will be referred to the principal’s office, and parents will be called. Test grades will be given for major tests and projects. Daily grades will be given for daily worksheets, outlines, and class participation.
Required Speeches (* denotes speeches completed with a partner) Autobiographical Bag Speech Demonstration Speech Extemporaneous Speech Sales Speech Impromptu Speeches Informative Speech Radio Program * Pet Peeve Speech Favorite American Speech Acceptance Speech* Testimonial Presentation Speech* Telephone Speech* Interview* Cell Phone Information The school has a new program called This cell phone service allows students and parents to sign up to receive information from a teacher in the form of a text message. I will only send out notices to remind students about speeches and tests. This also allows students or parents to ask me questions at any time without anyone else seeing your questions. Your cell number will not be visible to anyone, and the service also keeps a complete record of all texts to protect all group members. You can also remove yourself from the speech text group by emailing or texting me at any time. This is just another way to stay informed of upcoming assignments. Follow the steps below if you wish to join the group. Please call if you have any problems.
1. Begin a new text and type 23559 as the telephone number 2. In the message box, type @CHSKCockrellSpeech and press “SEND”. (This is case sensitive, so some letters must be capitalized.) 3. You will then get a message to enter a user name. Please enter your first name then your last name with no spaces. You should then get a standard text from me letting you know that you have joined a group.
Quizlet Information This year, I am going to put some of the reviews on Students can access this from a computer with internet capabilities, or students can download a FREE App onto a smart phone to study for the speech tests. . Once on Quizlet, students need to search Cliftoncubs and choose “Speech”. Quizlet reviews include flashcards, a review game, and quizzes to check for mastery. Students can study from any location with their smart phone if they do not have their review with them.
My greatest desire is to have all of my students succeed. I am available to help any student before or after school and during tutorials. If you or your child has any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. You may also contact me if you wish for your child to attend tutorials.
I look forward to having a great semester!
Kjersten Cockrell
Conference Period Email Address: [email protected] 1:55-2:45 Monday-Friday Phone: 675-2827 – Extension 4507 Please sign and return. Student Name (printed):______
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Date______Home phone #______Work or Cell phone # ______
Email address ______
Students will get a 100 daily grade for returning this signed. Students may also skip a worksheet of their choice if they bring a BOX OF TISSUES for the class to use.