Viii. Action on Old Business s2

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Viii.	Action on Old Business s2

Onaga-Havensville-Wheaton BOARD OF EDUCATION UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 322 Pottawatomie County, Kansas


I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Handley, Board President, called the January 12th regular meeting to order at 7:00PM following a photo session of the Board by Molly Stambaugh, OHS Journalism Photographer.

ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Beverly Figge Rusty Helget Rex Green Kenneth Melvin Mike Handley Merrie Pinick Paul Zidek

Others Present: Superintendent Dr. Fred Marten, Clerk Janell Schmidt, OHS Principal Roger Stumpf, OGS Principal Sandra Zahn, Michelle Reisinger, Susan Magnett and Jo Harris.

II. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Helget moved to amend and approve the agenda with the following additions: NB9 Luke Baxter, Asst. HS FB Resignation, NB10 Judy Kocher, School Nurse Resignation, and NB 11 Ginger Gudenkauf, HS FB Cheerleading Sponsor Resignation and move NB6 to the end of New Business. Melvin seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

III. BOARD REPORTS 1. Superintendent’s Report; Dr. Fred Marten  Attended a Legislative Luncheon where discussion on how State revenue shortfalls will effect schools.  Reminder that Noon, January 27, 2009 is the deadline to file with the Pottawatomie County Election Officer for Board Positions #4, #5, and #6.

2. Onaga Grade School Principal’s Report; Sandra Zahn  In addition to her written report, Mrs. Zahn reported that student groups visited the assisted living center and nursing home; the band played for the seniors and the 2nd graders made gingerbread houses with the residents.  “KCA” is a new acronym for “Kansas Computerized Assessments”.

January 12, 2008 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 1 Official Minutes 3. Onaga High School Principal’s Report; Roger Stumpf  No written report was presented.  Updated the Board on several HS activities; 1) TVL basketball tourney begins this weekend in Washington and each team is guaranteed three games, 2) December weather caused the loss of 2 HS games plus Bern did not show for the scheduled home game and they have agreed to pay for the officials that were contracted, 3)HS has been working on their 2010 class schedule, 4) Onaga WR Classic was held and Onaga won, 5)14 students were treated to a pizza party for perfect attendance, 6) he has requested a change in the north gym seating arrangement (no visitor side bleachers will be down) in order to consolidate the crowd, 7) Vocational agriculture teacher Keith Figge has been working on an articulation agreement with Highland Community College that will cover the cost of books and tuition for students. Wade Talley will be working on an agreement for the vocational business program also.

4. Update on Technology Projects for January; Mark Haefke (written report). Board members stated their desire to have a technology budget set annually. Supt. Marten will make it his goal to create a line-item technology budget.

5. Parents As Teachers Update; Becky Nider, Parent Educator (written report).

IV. BILLS AND TREASURER’S REPORT Melvin questioned the invoices for filter replacement and the large purchase of rock salt. Helget moved to approve the bills and December 2008 Treasurer’s Report as presented. Figge seconded. Motion carried 6-1 (Handley).


1. Michelle Reisinger  She is serving as the schools’ Site Council Chairperson and the Council will try to have a representative present at each Board meeting.


1. Susan Magnett  After 31 years as Onaga Grade Office Manager, Susan will retire at the close of this school year. She wanted to “plead her case” to the Board that they should fill her position. She does not feel that it is in the best interest of the students or staff that the position be absorbed by the central office clerical staff and the HS office manager. Susan stated that consistency is needed in the office from enrollment to the close of a school year for students and staff. If the position will be filled, she asks that it be done in the near future so that she can have time to train her replacement.

2. Jo Harris  Jo was in attendance to support Susan’s position on the replacement of the OGS Office Manager.

January 12, 2008 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 2 Official Minutes VII. OLD BUSINESS None


1. Approve Minutes of November 10 and December 8, 2008 Board Meetings Helget moved to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2008 Board meeting as presented and to amend and approve the minutes of the December 8, 2008 Board meeting adding to Board Reports Mike Handley’s recognition of the OHS FFA team and Ryan Falk’s accomplishments at the national convention. Zidek seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

2. Negotiations; Executive Session Helget moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss negotiations to protect the public interest in negotiating a fair and equitable contract. Melvin seconded. Motion carried 7- 0. The Board and all administrators were in closed session from 7:45-7:55pm. No action was taken.

3. Personnel Executive Session No action was taken.

4. Personnel; Superintendent’s Evaluation Green moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel matters to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Helget seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session from 7:55-8:15pm. Green moved to return to executive session to continue discussing non-elected personnel for 40 minutes. Helget seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session from 8:15-8:55pm. Superintendent Marten joined closed session from 8:20-8:55pm. The Board returned to open session at 8:55pm. No action was taken.

5. Personnel; Bus Driver Resignation Zidek moved to accept the resignation, due to health reasons, of LaVern Wrosch as a bus driver. Melvin seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

January 12, 2008 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 3 Official Minutes 6. 2009-2010 Budget Planning (Moved to the end of New Business) Superintendent Marten presented a budget reduction plan recommended by the administration. Possible action for the 2009-2010 school year:  Reduce one bus route  Reduce one secretarial position  Eliminate the full-time Nurse position  Voluntary reduction of 7.5% in the Superintendent’s contract  Close the Interactive Distance Learning classroom  Change uniform purchasing to a 5-year rotation  Extend one year to textbook adoption rotation  Reduce one elementary teaching position  Reduce one secondary teaching position  Eliminate Parents as Teachers Program  Switch to Onaga Community Hospital for athletic trainer services  Reduce music programs by 12.5 percent Possible action for the 2010-2011 school year and beyond:  Reduce one administrator position  Close the District Office  Fill school office manager position with district office staff  20 percent personnel reduction in other areas  Implement a four-day school week

Green moved to go into executive session for 40 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel matters to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Helget seconded. Motion carried 5-1(Zidek)-1(Figge Abstained). The Board was in closed session with the administration from 9:20-10:00pm.

The Board returned to open session at 10:00pm. No action was taken.

7. BOE Representative, 2009-2010 District Calendar Team Zidek moved to appoint Rusty Helget to serve as Board Representative on the 2009-2010 District Calendar Team. Green seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

8. Gift Donation Melvin moved to accept a monetary donation from the Onaga Grade School Parents’ Organization of $2,165.63 to be used to purchase 17 classroom laser printers for Onaga Grade School. Discussion ensued on the future costs to the district to operate and maintain the equipment. Green seconded. Motion carried 5-2 (Pinick, Zidek).

9. Personnel; Supplemental Resignation Helget moved to accept the resignation of Luke Baxter as OHS football assistant coach effective immediately. Green seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

January 12, 2008 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 4 Official Minutes 10. Personnel; School Nurse Resignation (Retirement) Helget moved to accept the resignation, due to retirement, of Judy Kocher as School Nurse effective at the close of the 2008-2009 school year. The Board extended their gratitude to Nurse Kocher for her 35 years of meritorious service to the children of USD322. Figge seconded. Motion carried 6-1 (Green).

11. Personnel; Supplemental Resignation Green moved to accept the resignation of Ginger Gudenkauf as OHS football cheerleading sponsor effective immediately. Helget seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, President Handley adjourned the meeting at 10:00PM.

______Board President

______Date Approved Clerk of the Board

January 12, 2008 USD 322 Board Meeting Page 5 Official Minutes

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