Chapter 3: Testbank Questions

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Chapter 3: Testbank Questions

Chapter 3: Testbank Questions

1. The Internet is ______.

a an internal communication system for businesses large netwo rk of netwo rksthe same as the web

a communication system for the U.S. military

Answer: a large network of networks

2. The concept of the Internet was developed in response to the ______War.

GulfC Korean old


Answer: Cold

1 3. The World Wide Web was based on a protocol developed by ______.

the Microsoft U.S. gover nment Tim Berne rs-Lee


Answer: Tim Berners-Lee

4. The "fathers" of the Internet are Vinton Cerf and ______.

Rober Robert Cailliau t Kahn Bill Gates

Tim Berners-Lee

Answer: Robert Kahn

2 5. Software that enables you to display and interact with text and other media on the web is a web ______. brows client erage nt


Answer: browser

6. The web is based on the ______Protocol.

Hyper Hypertext Transfer text Transl ateHy pertex t Trans mit

Hypertext Trade

Answer: Hypertext Transfer

3 7. A computer connected to the Internet that asks for data is a ______.

aggre server gators urrog ate


Answer: client

8. The unique identification number assigned to your computer when you connect to the Internet is known as all of the following EXCEPT ______. IP dotted quad addre ssdott ed decim al


Answer: path

4 9. A(n) ______system requires a program, such as Microsoft Outlook, to be installed on your computer, and when the program is opened, your e-mail is downloaded to your computer. busin web-based e-mail ess- to- consu mer (B2C) consu mer- to- consu mer (C2C)

e-mail client

Answer: e-mail client

10. ______is a professional, business-oriented social networking site.

Linke Flickr dInTw itter


Answer: LinkedIn

5 11. Which of the following is NOT a social networking site?

iTune Facebook sLink edIn


Answer: iTunes

12. All of the following are tips for professional e-mail etiquette EXCEPT ______.

includ be concise and to the point e a meani ngful subje ct lineus e abbre viatio ns such as "u," "r," and "BRB" to keep the e- mail messa ge shorte r

use spell-checker and proofread before sending

6 Answer: use abbreviations such as "u," "r," and "BRB" to keep the e-mail message shorter

13. Which of the following is NOT a proprietary instant messaging (IM) service?

YahooAIM ! Messe ngerG oogle Chat

LinkedIn Messenger

Answer: LinkedIn Messenger

14. A ______allows visitors to add, remove, or edit its content.

chatbl wiki og


Answer: wiki

15. Which of the following are personal video journal entries posted on the web?

Blogs Podcasts Vlogs


7 Answer: Vlogs

16. A ______is a personal journal posted on the web.

webcablog stwiki


Answer: blog

17. Podcasts enable you to ______.

edit deliver audio/video files via RSS video files over the webco mmun icate with friend s in real time

post journal entries on the web

Answer: deliver audio/video files via RSS

8 18. A(n) ______is a usually a live broadcast of audio or video content.

Webc Podcast astIns tant messa ge


Answer: Webcast

19. Adobe Reader, Flash Player, and QuickTime Player are examples of software programs called ______.

brows aggregators ershel pers


Answer: plug-ins

20. ______media are continuously fed to your browser so you do not have to wait for the entire file to completely download before listening to or watching it. Tagge Top-level dHype rlinke d


9 Answer: Streaming

21. All of the following are types of e-commerce business EXCEPT ______.



Answer: C2B

22. A subset of e-commerce that uses social networks to assist in marketing and purchasing products is known as social ______. comm business ercee nterpr ise


Answer: commerce

10 23. Which of the following is NOT a precaution to take when shopping online?

When Pay with a debit card, not a credit card. placin g an order, make sure you receiv e a confir matio n numb er.Avo id makin g online transa ctions on a public comp uter.

Shop at well-known, reputable sites.

Answer: Pay with a debit card, not a credit card.

24. The "s" in "https" stands for ______socket layer.

social semantic server


Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

11 Answer: secure

25. A Microsoft ______account allows you to store and share files in the cloud.

Drive iCloud OneDr ive


Answer: OneDrive

26. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the most popular web browsers?

Thum Pinned tabs bnail previe wTack ed brows ing

Session restore

Answer: Tacked browsing

12 27. The browser feature where tabs are independent of each other is known as ______.

privac pinned tabs y brows ingfre e tabs

tab isolation

Answer: tab isolation

28. The unique address for a particular website is the ______.

URLcl protocol ient

domain section

Answer: URL

29. In the URL, the portion labeled ".com" is the ______.

protocdomain name oltop- level domai n


13 Answer: top-level domain

30. In the URL, the portion labeled "surface" is the ______.

top- protocol level domai npath

domain name

Answer: path

31. In the URL, the portion labeled "http" is the ______.

top- protocol level domai npath

domain name

Answer: protocol

32. Which of the following top-level domains identifies a degree-granting institution?

. .gov info.e du


14 Answer: .edu

33. A(n) ______is a navigation aid that shows the path you have taken to get to a web page or where the page is located within the website. cooki index e trailbr eadcr umb trail

navigation bar

Answer: breadcrumb trail

34. Which of the following is a feature of Live bookmarks?

Broad Enables you to pin your favorite website images casts webin arsStr eams live televis ion progr ams

Adds RSS technology to bookmarks

Answer: Adds RSS technology to bookmarks

15 35. AND, OR, and NOT are examples of ______operators.

keywoBoolean rdrelat ional


Answer: Boolean

36. A computer that receives a request and returns data is a(n) ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. server

37. Facebook and Twitter are popular examples of ______networks.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. social

38. E-mail is ______, which means users do not have to communicate at the same time.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. asynchronous

39. -based e-mail is managed by a browser and enables access to e-mail from anywhere that has Internet access.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Web

16 40. E-mail ______are software programs such as Microsoft Outlook that run on your computer and download messages to your computer.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. clients

41. is a popular collaborative online encyclopedia.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Wikipedia

42. A(n) ______locates all the RSS series to which you have subscribed and automatically downloads new content.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. aggregator

43. A(n) ______consists of a series of audio or video content that are distributed over the Internet.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. podcast

44. A(n) ______is usually a live broadcast of audio and video content over the Internet.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. webcast

45. video continuously feeds a video file to your browser so you can watch large files as they download.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Streaming

17 46. To hear and view some multimedia files in a browser, you may need a special program called a(n) ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. plug-in

47. The temporary storage place for previously visited websites is called the ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. cache

48. Internet Explorer's ______feature makes it easy to return to a specific web page.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Favorites and b.Bookmark

49. The top-level domain suffix used by non-profit groups such as the American Diabetes Association is ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. .org

50. When businesses buy and sell goods to other businesses, it is known as ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Business to Business and b.B2B

51. URL stands for ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. uniform resource locator

18 52. .jp is an example of a(n) ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. top-level domain and code

53. The ______list shows all of the websites and pages you have visited over a certain period of time.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. History

54. Another term for social bookmarking is ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. tagging

55. When performing searches, the asterisk (*) is used as a(n) ______.

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. wildcard

56. The Internet was developed to ensure faster delivery of communications such as mail.

a true

false b

Answer: a. false

57. All popular social networking sites have privacy policies but you still need to follow certain precautions when using their sites. a true

false b

19 Answer: a. true

58. E-mails are completely private.

a true

false b

Answer: a. false

59. With a client-based e-mail account, you are able to view your e-mail only from the computer on which the client program is installed. a true

false b

Answer: a. true

60. A universal chat client allows you to chat with users who are using a different IM service than you are.

a true

false b

Answer: a. true

61. Wikipedia is a good reference for a research paper.

a true

false b

Answer: a. false

62. iphones and iPads use Flash to play videos.

a true

false b

20 Answer: a. false

63. When shopping on the web, it is better to pay for your purchase with a debit card rather than a credit card. a true

false b

Answer: a. false

64. Using the browser feature tab isolation, you can drag an open tab away from its current window and open it in a new window. a true

false b

Answer: a. false

65. You can use breadcrumb trail to see the path you have taken to get to a web page, or where the page is located within a website. a true

false b

Answer: a. true

66. Tagging enables you to share your favorite websites with others.

a true

false b

Answer: a. true

67. A browser's bookmark feature makes it easy to return to a specific web page.

a true

false b

21 Answer: a. true

68. A metasearch engine searches other search engines.

a true

false b

Answer: a. true

69. When evaluating a website, testing the relevancy of a site means checking to see whether the information on the site is current. a true

false b

Answer: a. true

70. A subject directory is an outline of websites organized by topics.

a true

false b

Answer: a. true

71. Match each of the following terms to its definition:

a. host location that maintains the computers that store the website files b. browser application program used to view the web c. e-mail electronic communication d. Internet large network of networks e. search engine tool used to locate information on the web

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. location that maintains the computers that store the website files/b. application program used to view the web/c. electronic communication/d. large network of networks/e. tool used to locate information on the web

22 72. Match each of the following domains to the site that would use it:

a. .com Apple b. .edu Harvard c. .gov White House d. .org Red Cross e. .ca Ontario Government

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Apple/b. Harvard/c. White House/d. Red Cross/e. Ontario Government

73. Match each of the following terms to its definition:

a. Internet Explorer Microsoft's browser b. Firefox open source browser c. Safari Apple's web browser d. Chrome Google's browser e. Mosaic the first browser to display graphics as well as text

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. Microsoft's browser/b. open source browser/c. Apple's web browser/d. Google's browser/e. the first browser to display graphics as well as text

74. Match each of the following terms to its definition:

a. HTTP protocol that allows files to be transferred from a web server b. C2C transactions between two individuals c. FTP protocol that allows files to be transferred over the Internet d. B2C transactions between a company and its customers e. URL website address

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. protocol that allows files to be transferred from a web server/b. transactions between two individuals/c. protocol that allows files to be transferred over the Internet/d. transactions between a company and its customers/e. website address

23 75. Match each of the following terms to its definition:

a. IM program that enables you to communicate in real time with others online b. webcast live streamed broadcast c. blog personal journal posted on the web d. podcast uses RSS to deliver an audio or video file e. wiki website that allows site visitors to change its content

Scoring Attribute: System Scorable

Answer: a. program that enables you to communicate in real time with others online/b. live streamed broadcast/c. personal journal posted on the web/d. uses RSS to deliver an audio or video file/e. website that allows site visitors to change its content


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