Amoral Without Morals Amorphous Without Shape

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Amoral Without Morals Amorphous Without Shape


Unit 1 WEEK ONE a = without Amoral – without morals amorphous – without shape Apathy – without feeling atrophy – without nourishment Atheist – without god person apartheid – without equal dwelling Anonymous – without name

Unit 2 WEEK TWO ab = from/apart Aberrant – from wander abhor – from shudder Abstain/abstinent – from hold absolution – loosen from Abjure – from swear abscond – from store Abduct – from lead

WEEK THREE co/com/con = with/together Confide – with trust concede – with yield Compatible – with suffer (compassion) connubial – with marriage Coalition – with/together grow concise – together cut Cohere – together stick

Unit 3 WEEK FOUR vok/voc = to call Advocate – in favor of call (person) vocation – calling Provoke – for call avocation – away from calling (hobby) Convoke – together call revoke – back call Invoke – forth call

WEEK FIVE fid = faith/trust Confide – with/together trust diffident – away from trust/faith Fidelity – faithfulness/trustworthiness perfidy – wrong trust Infidel – without faith fiduciary – trustee/trusted one Simper fidelis – always/ever faithful bone fide – good faith

Unit 4 WEEK SIX mis/miss/mit = to send Emit – out send premise – before send Emissary – one you send out manumit – send from slavery/bondage Remission – from send missive – sending (message) Transmit – across send

WEEK SEVEN pre = before Precocious – before ripen/mature premeditate – before think/plan Premonition – before warn precedent – before go (something) Preclude – before close (make impossible) predilection – before love Precept – before advise Unit 5 WEEK EIGHT spec/spic = to look/see Perspective – through see spectator – one who sees/looks Auspicious – future look (positive) introspection – within look/see Retrospection – back look/see conspicuous – with see (obvious) Circumspect – around look/see (cautious) despicable – to look down (on)

WEEK NINE esce = becoming Acquiescent – quiet becoming obsolescent – against becoming Iridescent – rainbow becoming luminescent – light becoming Reminiscent – again mind becoming evanescent – vanish becoming (liable to disappear) Coalesce – together becoming

Unit 6 WEEK TEN grad/gress = to step/go Progress – much/big step gradual – (in) steps Graduate – to step/to go retrogress – back step/go Degrade – down step (demote) transgress – across step/go Egress – out go (exit)

WEEK ELEVEN fac/fic/fy = to make/to do Malefactor – bad doer fictitious – “made up” Benefactor – good doer proficient – much do/make Magnify – big make testify – witness make Fait accompli – done (something done that cannot be changed)

Unit 7 WEEK TWELVE in/im/en = in/into Embrace - in/into two arms ingratiate – into pleasing Intrinsic – inner/inward (basic foundation) implicate – into fold (to show involvement) Implore – into weep (beg) incarnate – in/into flesh (personified) Influx – in/into flow

WEEK THIRTEEN pro = much/for Prodigal – squander much (person) protract – much drag (prolong) Proponent – one who is for something proclivity – for sloped (inclined) Proliferate – much life/growth prodigious – “muchness” Progenitor – for beget (ancestor)

Unit 8 WEEK FOURTEEN loc/log/loqu = word/speech Eulogy – praise speech prologue – before speech Soliloquy – alone speech epilogue – end speech Loquacious – speaker (talk a lot) elocution – ability to speak out (ability to speak well in public) Philologist – lover of words

WEEK FIFTEEN nom/nym/nown = name Ignominy – not/against name pseudonym – false name Anonymous – without name misnomer – wrong name Nominate – to name renown – repeatedly name Nom de plume – name pen Unit 9 WEEK ONE cap/cip/cept = to take/to get Capture – to take/get Anticipate – to get/take before Intercept – to take/get between emancipate – to take out (of) Recipient – one who gets percipient - one who gets completely

WEEK TWO ven/vent = to come/to move toward Circumvent – to move/come around contravene – to come/move against Event – to come out intervene – to come/move between Advent – to come (to) convene – to come/move together

Unit 10 WEEK THREE pli/plic/ploy = to fold Complicity – to fold together explicate – to fold out (unfold) Implicate – to fold in inexplicable – to not fold out Replicate – to bold back supple – foldable

WEEK FOUR val = to be strong/to be worth or value Ambivalent – to be strong on both sides equivalent - equal worth Invalid – not strong/not of worth prevail – to be strong before Evaluate – to show the worth out invaluable – without price (priceless)

Unit 11 WEEK FIVE vert/vers = to turn Avert – to turn away divert – to turn apart (di=dis) Invert – to turn in (to reverse in position) revert – to turn back into Vertigo – turning (dizziness) inadvertent – not turned toward (accidental)

WEEK SIX gno= know (Greek) sci=know (Latin) Cognizant – knowing, aware connoisseur – one who knows (any specific area) Prescient – to know before diagnosis – to know through (disease, science) Omniscient – all knowing prognosis – to know before (disease) Agnostic – without knowing (God) conscience – knowing (right from wrong)

Unit 12 WEEK SEVEN bene = well/good mal = bad/badly Benevolent – to wish well/good malevolent – to wish bad Benediction – good saying malediction – bad saying Benefactor – one who does good malefactor – one who does bad Benefit – something good malnourished – badly fed malodorous – bad smelling

WEEK EIGHT ject = to throw/to hurl Inject – to throw into project – to throw forward/forth Reject – to throw back trajectory – to throw across (trans) Dejected – to throw down (depressed) abject – to throw away (miserable, wretched) Unit 13 WEEK NINE dem – people pan – all/every democracy – government of the people demographics - statistics/facts of the people Panacea – cure all demophobia – fear of people (crowds) panorama – see all pantheon – all gods (temple to the gods) Pandemic – affecting all people (epidemic) Demagogue – leader of the people, uses impassioned emotional pleas

WEEK TEN scribe/script - writing/ to write Ascribe – to write circumscribe – to write around Inscribe – to write in prescribe – to write before Proscribe – to write in front of scripture – writing (sacred) Subscript – under writing superscript – above writing

Unit 14 WEEK ELEVEN anthro/andro – man/human gyno/gyne – woman/female Android – man like anthropomorph – change into man/human Anthropology – study of man/humans philanthropist – lover of man/humans Misanthrope – hater of man/humans androgynous – man & woman like Gynophobia – fear of women gynecologist – specialist in female health care

WEEK TWELVE ante – before post – after Postscript – after writing (PS) antechamber – before room, entryway to larger room Postnatal – after giving birth antedated – before in time Postprandial – after a meal, especially dinner antediluvian – after the flood (outdated) Posthumous – after death antebellum – before the Civil War Antecedent – something that goes before (events early in life)

Unit 15 WEEK THIRTEEN pon/posit – to place/to put Composite – to put together disposition – “placement” (one’s mood, arrangement) Imposter – to place in/into (false identity) juxtaposition – place close by (placement to produce unusual effect) Opposition – to place against proposition – to place for (plan suggested for approval) Repository – a place (for storage) supposition – to place below (assumption)

WEEK FOURTEEN polis/polit (Greek) urb(Latin) city Urbane – “city like” sophisticated impolitic – not of the city/citylike (unwise) Metropolitan – pertaining to a major city politician – one of the city (representative of the state) Suburban – under/secondary city policy – plan followed “by a city” Cosmopolitan – universe“city like” (sophisticated internationally) Megalopolis – large city (unified urban area with several cities)

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