Have the Right Perspective - You Are Doing Them a Favor, You Represent the Solution To

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Have the Right Perspective - You Are Doing Them a Favor, You Represent the Solution To


Have the right perspective- You are doing them a favor, you represent the solution to many dilemmas today. They will be glad you shared the solution with them.

Have your Calendar ready- This is your business, you control it. Decide when you will work and book around your schedule. Use highlighters to organize your calendar. (e.g. - pink-family, yellow-work, blue-college, orange-events, green-show dates.) Work your business in the “Nooks and Crannies” of your life. Choose your days & FILL them! Even overbook if possible, hold multiple parties on Saturdays.

Bookings- What do you want from this season? How much do you need to sell to get it? If you have six $2000.00 parties over the next three months, you will sell $36,000 in product. That is $3,600 in commissions! That does not include your Q’s and down line sales. Set your goals so you know where you are headed.

Booking Calls- Making it fun, escaping the chaos, take a break from the madness. “How long has it been since you have had a chance to take a break and have a night off with friends?” Know what you are going to say…prepare a sample script. Calls should only be 3-4 minutes long. 1. Introduction-“This is Michelle with Shelf Reliance.” 2. Permission-“Is this a good time to talk”, reschedule if it is not. You do not want to be mentally linked to a bad experience 3. Purpose-“I’m calling to tell you about…” 4. Benefit-“If you host a party you could earn that shelf you wanted.” “Hosting a party would give you the much needed down time with friends, you mentioned.” 5. Objections-There will always be objections, the more prepared we are the easier it is to handle them. Use the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique to resolve concerns. (I know how you feel, I have other hostesses that felt the same way, but what we found was…” 6. Close-Set the date while you are on the phone, do not wait to schedule later. “Mary, it doesn’t matter what day you choose; there will always be people that can come and those that can’t. Pick a day that works best for you and your schedule.” Set a day and time to call back for host coaching.

Hostess Coaching- Remind your hostess during hostess coaching how much fun, or how nice it will be to have down time. Train your hostess to tell their guests the same thing. Help your hostess create a diverse guest list so bookings are more howithrive.net Michelle Yance [email protected] Consultant #1263 possible by having different groups present. Remember F.R.A.N.K- Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, people you know through your Kids. Mix it up if you can “your sister and your sister’s friend.” The more you coach your host, the more success she will have at her party, and the more bookings you will get. It is worth the time investment.

During Party- Remind them “This is their special time,” plant seeds that give your guests an idea that this is a break and we are not working. This is the consultant’s break as well. Use party bags, or Shelf Reliance themed party cards that plant seeds that this is easy and fun (I have created my own.) Make the parties FUN, 511 parties, use theme parties, raffle prizes, drawings, etc. Play booking games, like the dice game.

Booths or Events- If you decide to do these, don’t sell your product. Your goal is to get the bookings. Say “I’m sorry I don’t have that available to purchase today, but better yet you could get it free by sharing our awesome products with your busy friends.”

Out and About- Listen. People will tell you why they need your business, if you are listening. Wear Logo apparel, bags, nametags, etc. Draw attention that causes others to ask questions. Ask people what they do; the natural tendency is to ask you the same question. Be prepared with a quick commercial for your business. Don’t be afraid to approach people.

I believe success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination. ~ Zig Ziglar

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. ~Walter Bagehot

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein

I can do anything for a short period of time. ~Shari Hudspeth howithrive.net Michelle Yance [email protected] Consultant #1263 Recruiting Recruiting Mindset- The two main factors that prevent success are your perceptions and fears. Change your perception of your business. You have something that can improve the lives of many. Why wouldn’t you want to share that?

1. Recruiting is helping someone get what they want out of life. 2. You get to share something you believe in with someone who will benefit from it. 3. Focus on them- if you are nervous or afraid to ask, you are focused on the wrong person. 4. Our job is to offer –their job is to accept.

Hostess Coaching-Hostess coaching begins with a packet. See Packet contents below. Suggest she review the Opportunity brochure tonight while she is going through her hostess packet. You will contact her at this time on this day. On your second contact mention the opportunity casually “I hope you are thinking about joining my team” and move on to coaching. At the party, suggest she watch what you do and see how easy it is. Have your hostess take orders of friends that can’t come before the party. This allows you to close the party that night and tell her how much she would have earned if she was the consultant, as well as the bookings she would start her business with. When she signs up, give her the parties her friends have booked. This will boost her confidence and reduce conflict. If you have a strong calendar already, this part of recruiting should not be an issue.

Make it look EASY-Don’t pack too much, make one trip in and one trip out. It should look quick and easy. Don’t be too knowledgeable or perfect. Give tickets to customers if they can find the answers to questions in the catalog or their folders. If you make mistakes your prospects can think, “I could do this better than her.” Good, let them prove it. Make your job look easy to everyone. Don’t over dress or under dress. You don’t want them to think they have to spend more money on nice clothes. You don’t want them to question your success because you are under dressed. Make it fun and easy…you never know who you are training at your show.

Have your recruiting antenna up- Be set up and ready before guests begin to arrive. Build rapport from the moment they arrive. Be the greeter; ask questions get to know them a little. Listen for their needs or wants (second car, break from kids, travel, and fun) that you can resolve with the business. Make mental notes of howithrive.net Michelle Yance [email protected] Consultant #1263 their Hot Buttons. When they arrive give them a folder, pen, and a name tag. People love to hear their name. Use them throughout the night. Match their tone and speed. You want them to feel comfortable with you.

Plant Seeds-Plant recruiting seeds. Give extra tickets just because, tell them they are “so fun, I just love getting out of the house with folks like you“. That seed tells them you are taking a break while making money! Use pictures of convention, free trips you won, or the soccer game you were able to pay for in your display. Let them ask you about them. Give a quick commercial close to the middle of your presentation. Mention all four of these points, what attracted you, what made you nervous, how your life is better, what you love about your business. Then open the floor for questions. Give double tickets for any questions asked. Start them off with suggestions. They will usually ask the things you suggested. Some suggestions might be… “How much to get started, how many days a week, is there a quota, incentive trips, how much I earn…” Make a group offer to join the business, “Any of you can try this business for a couple of weeks, if you like it, GREAT! You can keep making money, if not; the worst thing that can happen is you got a lot of great food you will eat anyway.

Making the Offer- Never leave the room at the end of a show. Mingle, work with them on their orders, and answer questions. Ask at least three people at a party that you will offer the opportunity to. If you can’t decide, then choose the lady on the far left and the one on the far right, and your hostess. If you have done effective hostess coaching, your sales will take care of themselves. If you are presenting a fun, attractive party, with a booking game…the bookings will come. Effective hostess coaching and a good party with booking seeds and booking games will leave you free to focus on recruiting. Offer the business opportunity first, follow by host offer, and then take their order. This order will seem like you are letting them off the hook with each question instead of building up. Compliment him/her. Mention the Why they should, and why they could. “Cindy you were so helpful tonight with your willingness to help others you would be an awesome consultant. Your natural helpfulness will actually help you earn enough money to buy that second car you were wanting.” When they are interested, say “That’s great, what part are you excited about?” Give recruiting packet and stop talking. You don’t want to overwhelm them. Write down what her hot buttons were (what she was excited about) for your follow up call tomorrow. FOLLOW-UP within 24 hours! Don’t overwhelm them. Resolve concerns, or objections, using “feel felt found,” and use an understanding tone of voice. Ask her to “make a list of friends and we’ll talk more tomorrow about what to say and how to set up your party.” Get the yes first, and then work on training howithrive.net Michelle Yance [email protected] Consultant #1263 another day. You do not want to overwhelm them. There is a lot to learn, there is plenty of time. Invite them to team meetings. Maybe they will meet someone with a similar personality. It is nice to make connections with people you can relate to. This is the best opportunity for that to happen. Meetings allow them to get caught up in the excitement.

Host Packets- I take at least 5 of these to every party. These are large envelopes with 2 catalogs, one of each brochure, 20 invitations, the SR hostess letter changed to read "I" instead of "your consultant"-I also typed my name and contact information at the bottom and signed it. I also put in a 40 guests in 4 minutes sheet, and at least 5 order forms. I paid my 11 year old $5 to put them together. I just laid the pages out in the order I wanted, and she put them together. Now I just grab them and go.

Consultant Packets- One Catalog, one opportunity brochure, and one DVD (with a label that reads: Return to Michelle Yance, [email protected], so I can get it back when they are done.)

Party Cards- I got the idea of the Party cards from Shari Hudspeth, her website is averagetoexcellence.com. I have customized them to fit Shelf Reliance products and. There are two sets of cards. One set to pass out to the guests and a consultant set of ten to remind you what to say or keep you on track. They are not difficult to make, but if you have them printed like I did you will have to buy 100 of each card. They look professional and I give them to my down line to help duplicate what I do. There are at least four booking seeds and three recruiting seeds in them.

Dice Game- I got the details of the dice game from Shari as well. Guests may roll the dice for a chance to win a prize or book a party. I use a cookbook as the grand prize and only cheap one dollar prizes for the small prizes. After everyone has rolled and has an envelope, I offer a second chance. I say, “I will give you each a chance to get the cookbook. If you go ahead and book a show without opening your envelope, I will give you the cookbook when I come do your party.” It is very easy to make and play. If they rolled and kept their envelope, they have to take what they got. If they got “Book a Party” they have to book a party. If they back out, I let them off the hook. It isn’t worth the hassle to argue, and she wouldn’t make it worth your while anyway. Focus on the ones that say yes and enjoy yourself. Do one thing every day that scares you. ~Eleanor Roosevelt howithrive.net Michelle Yance [email protected] Consultant #1263

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