Senate Agenda: December 12, 2011 5:30 P.M. Room 2106 of Ed II North

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Senate Agenda: December 12, 2011 5:30 P.M. Room 2106 of Ed II North

Senate Agenda: December 12, 2011 5:30 p.m. Room 2106 of Ed II North

Welcome and Announcements – next meeting will be January 9

President Announcements Board of Regents – hearing regarding Memorial Hospital purchase in Colorado Springs. This will bring about a branch campus for the SOM. Roll out later for other disciplines to have their students have training rotations as well.

Further discussion regarding RTD for AMC - 2043 is the closest date with RTD for light rail.

Discussion with Chancellor Wartgow and Lilly Marks – BRANCH Community Garden – lots of reasons why not allowed. Location/soil is contaminated and remediation needed, logistical issues identified. Will follow up with BRANCH.

Finish date for off ramp from 225 to AMC – north and south – unknown as VA may interfere with use once it begins their own building process. .

Holly Hamilton (HH)/Mark Earnest, MD (ME)/Jason Williams, PsyD (JW) IPE/REACH /SACs / Senate discussion ME IPE/REACH questions? 1999 Institute of Medicine report – how organize and communicate in clinical care is a factor in overall patient care. AMC has been interested in developing interdisciplinary programs so that our students train up knowing each other as people AND as respective roles in health care provision. Priority of AMC during its design – facilitiation of opportunities to come together/learn together, etc. Develop curricular activities that will prepare how to work together in your professional lives. Funded with grants through Fall 2013. Discussing means to sustain funding in the future – met with Deans this a.m., so NO fee for students. Commitment by Deans to not go with fee this year..however, no guarantee that never be a fee.

All accreditation bodies are looking for InterProfessional education – so schools are developing this for future accreditation status/mandates. Goal of IPE is to see the IP programs succeed – rarely do first attempts succeed, especially without student input. IPE has had 3 sessions – piloted with now second years, after feedback to modify things – gone forward with large scale effort with first year health care professionals this year.

Call for Questions this year - Senate Question Portal for REACH is confusing, what steps are you taking to remedy? IPE Answer: ECommons is now linked to Blackboard – is actually a Sharepoint platform but linked through BB with templates being worked on for usability. How Respond to and Collect Feedback? SOM Senator – feedback hasn’t been dealt with as far as the MS1s have seen. Survey identified several issues that they haven’t heard back about – JW feedback did go back with student reps – perhaps there is a disconnect? SOM Student Point: SOM wants to know specifics vs. general broad stroke. 1st years were very deliberate on choosing folks who wanted REACH to work…so the students aren’t taking this lightly.

Senate Question: What other changes looking at beyond 2013? ME – work that is involved doesn’t demand problem solving / functions of healthcare professions? Working with a curriculum they purchased/modeled needs to be strengthened beyond what they originally modeled. They are listening to requests that they take out elements that add time pressures/hustle bustle busy work…they have ideas for 2012-13 for future curriculum/activities.

Focus groups – what has come up? JW – curriculum too compressed, not enough time with mentors, facilitators not prepared, too much testing time taking up time, how program is going to be funded in the future (already addressed by ME). Health mentors is just one part of the overall IPE program . Steering committee which represents all schools/programs- development curriculum committee so is more engaging and interactive for participants. Need for more meaningful orientation activities, why this has to do with their professional education. Next two sessions with groups will focus more on curriculum issues and testing the curriculum with the 2nd year pilot students (re-visit from last year’s input). Designing an AMC curriculum from what they had originally started from..

SOM Senator Question: IPE to meet more regularly with all student/program reps? Answer: Sessions and rep meetings will be consecutive.

SACs – ME – SACs/show of hands on who has a clear idea of the SACs? (few, mainly former SAC Liaisons) History: Groups of students across professions across common interests – students were polled for topics/areas of interest – topics were assigned a space. Now after the move – space isn’t really driving the SAC concept. Get back to the core of what the vision was – provide opportunity to lower barriers that are required organizationally for groups to gain a SAC space – what will this look like? IPE – school specific student orgs are not eligible necessarily. Interdisciplinary student orgs – use a simple process to have a SAC – formalize the process of recognition. Physical location for the student org? assign them a sac? Ajay – infrastructure – have speakers – etc. Build on existing interprofessional groups, allow some student orgs to go IPE.

ME – build on what works for students/SAC collaboration. CAG – fund the educational components of the student orgs while leaving student org’s own activities as students’ own initiatives/club activites.

What happens to the space? - perhaps the same, without the signage.

Encourage Grand Rounds participation? Are students participating in the grand rounds across 17th Avenue? Any sort of barrier needs to be removed from students who want to participate? Holly is building a calendar/ecommons board to get all activities. Calendar of all events – cluttered with other announces – get just the activities. HH trying to figure out categories in a ebulletin (blackboard/ECommons).

Courtney VonBergen – Melomania (AMC Orchestra) – Student Org Update (tentative) - paperwork turned in – 2nd year as president. 11th year for the orchestra – David Brussel is director (2nd French horn in CSO). Dues fund the organization for new music, reception, materials, printing materials, etc. Rehearse once/week work around student schedules. All students/staff/faculty/community at large – instruments/skills vary. Accessible extra curricular activity. Some trouble for student turnover…1st and 2nd years strong..then clinics get folks out there. Low voice instruments are hard to find…trying to work with Boulder and their school of music,

SAO Announcements SAO follow up – copier in Senate SAC

Update! Student Academic Commons – Coffee Cart will open January 9, 2012.

RTD Stickers for Spring available 12/16 – students must be registered for Spring 2012 to get the new sticker. Fall 2011 stickers are good through 1/15/2012.

Committee Sessions Committee Reports Diversity – Galen Hartenberger Finance – Leah Schulz Legislative Affairs – Henri Jupille Philanthropy – Nicole Keenan Student Life and Academic Affairs – Christopher Walker


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