VHQA November 2011 Education Session

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VHQA November 2011 Education Session

Audit… why, using what and for what purpose?

Venue School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Monash University Level 5, Alfred Centre 'B' Lobby (via Centre Lane) 99 Commercial Road Melbourne Vic 3004 Date/time Friday 22nd March 2013 8.50am – 3.00pm Cost* $75.00 for VHQA members 130.00 for non-members *Cost includes welcome tea/coffee + Lunch Clinical audit is a continuous cycle of reviewing and measuring performance against agreed criteria, refining practice and re-measuring. It is an extremely valuable tool for quality improvement but the trick is knowing what to measure, how to do it and strategies to embed it in clinical practice. The National Standards demand that quality managers and clinical leaders have good knowledge of tools and techniques for audit, and how to incorporate it in a clinical governance framework. After this education session we anticipate that you will have enhanced skills to determine what needs to be audited and how to go about it. Speakers Margaret Banks Margaret Banks joined the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care at its inception in 2006 and currently holds the position of Senior Program Director. In this time she has worked with stakeholders, consumers and jurisdictions on the development of National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and a program of systematic accreditation reform for the implementation of the Standards. Prior to this appointment she worked with the Department of Health and Ageing, the Australian Health Workforce Advisory Committee and the NSW Health Department on matters relating to workforce. She has also worked for nine years as a physiotherapist in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Sepehr Shakib Dr Sepehr Shakib is Director of Clinical Pharmacology, and Director of the Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Consulting Service within the Central Adelaide Health Service. He has been passionately involved in quality improvement for many years, at one point resigning from a hospital consultant position, because of the barriers imposed on clinical audit. He has written Auditmaker, which has been downloaded over 3000 times in more than 25 countries, has completed a National Institute of Clinical Studies fellowship, and is currently involved in SA Health's electronic health record program (EPAS). Robyn Brumpton Robyn Brumpton is the Nursing Director Quality and Safety for the South West Hospital and Health Service in Queensland. The South West Hospital and Health Service is a large rural health service, servicing an area of 319,870 square kilometres. As Nursing Director Quality and Safety, Robyn leads the clinical governance framework, risk management framework, research program, medico-legal process, mortality review process, and clinical performance reporting for South West. Andy Kattula Dr Andrea Kattula is currently employed as Leader Clinical Practice Improvement at Alfred Health. Andrea is an Anaesthetist by background and has extensive experience in patient safety and quality activities. She has a Masters in Quality Improvement in Healthcare from the University of Newcastle in NSW. She has been involved in organisational mortality review for the past ten years. She was also a co-developer and lead trainer in the Victorian Statewide Root Cause Analysis Program. Kylie Lambert Kylie Lambert joined Peninsula Health in 1995 and completed her Graduate Diploma of Nursing Critical Care in 1996. Kylie worked in the Intensive Care Unit until 2011. In 2011 she joined the Quality Department in the role of Clinical Risk Support Officer. Her role includes the management of the VHIMS system and involvement in the Consumer feedback IPad project including development of complex reports. Sharee Daniels Sharee Daniels graduated as a Heath Information Manager from Latrobe University in 1992 and has worked in the acute, subacute and rural health sectors as a Manager of Health Information Services and predominantly as a Risk and Quality Manager. In 2007 she joined RiskMan as the Implementation Manager. During employment with RiskMan, Sharee developed the RiskManQ quality module and associated reporting registers that are used by clients across Australia and New Zealand. David Potter David Potter has been a Strategic Risk and Quality Consultant for nearly 20 years and currently assisting clients in Victoria and Queensland. He has held senior nursing positions in NSW; was responsible for Management Education at the former College of Nursing and worked for the ACHS Education Department when EQuIP was launched in the late 1990s. Formerly a Director of Improve.IT. David now contributes to the product’s continued development as a high end user and is currently developing a suite of indicators designed to support both client care and human resource management using Improve.IT; his view being that audits and audit results are a lynchpin to meaningful business improvement and risk mitigation in any sector. Program Speaker Topic 08:30 REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 08:50- Dr Sue Evans Welcome 09:00 09:00- Prof Margaret NQSHCS: expectations of audit 09:45 Banks 09:45- Audit 101: things you really must know before Dr Sepehr Shakib 10:30 embarking on audit 10:30-11:00 MORNING TEA 11:00- Robyn Brumpton Queensland Health experience: the Bedside audit and other useful tools 12:00 12:00- Andrea Kattula Mortality audit 13:00 13:00-13:45 LUNCH 13:45- Kylie Lambert Peninsula Health: sharing our experience with clinical 14:15 audit 14:15- Showcasing tools for audit 15:00 Sharee Daniels RiskmanQ Sepehr Shakib Auditmaker David Potter Improve.IT 1500 CLOSE TAX INVOICE / RECEIPT ABN: 37464230458 Audit… why, using what and for what purpose?

Friday 22nd March 2013 – 08:50- 15:00  Please note there is a limit of 100 places.  No refunds for cancellations


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All payments include lunch – please provide special dietary requirements below** AAQHC / VHQA member $ 75.00 *Please note, membership number must be provided for

Membership number * this option Non member $130.00

GST (not required) $ 0.00

TOTAL amount of payment $


Cheque enclosed made payable to VHQA Inc. Send to: PO Box 55, East Melbourne VIC 8002

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