Cip, Dfcs, Oca
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CIP, DFCS, OCA Collaborative Meeting 06/02/10
Michelle Barclay, Melissa Carter, Shemeka, Frazier, Christopher Church, Millicent Houston, Rebecca Mason, Colleen Mousinho, Sarah Austin, Susan Denney, Julie York, Ashley Willcott, Elizabeth Williamson, Lee Biggar, Isabel Blanco Akilah Heslop,
I. Open discussion (additional topics to be discussed) Isabel Blanco
II. CIP Michelle Barclay
1. Update on the PIP
2. Cold Case Project (restart) Signed contract with Casey. Ashley Willcott will continue to review cases. Waiting on a case listing from John Roach. DeKalb County. Susan to follow up on with John Roach
Millicent has the red flagged cases to address for permanency issues.
What about interviewing children? Mary Herman has interviewed two of the children who indicated they did not want to be adopted to review their outcomes and what emancipation really meant. They have both have changed their mind and now want to be adopted.
Interviews of the children when appropriate will continue if there is a TPR. AG office has been asked to file an “amicus” as some of the interviews are being contested as being illegal search and seizure.
Mrs. Perdue Michelle went to the EmpowerMEnt Breakfast. Met with Ms. Perdue discussed the case of “Donald”. He has grown up in foster care since he was 7. Teacher sent in a letter asking to please help him. Ms. Perdue would like to have role in her last 6 months. Agency has noted that children that are part of the cold case files have not had the opportunity to be engaged in normal extracurricular activities. Ms. Perdue could host a meeting with providers or the Fulton County Leadership or maybe with the Inter-faith leadership. Ashley indicated that if children are in the institution the majority of them are not engaged in external activities.
Houston case? Elizabeth has placed calls to the SAAG and has not yet heard from them.
NGA presentation (can we see agenda?) SIII_GB_Action2R_Exhibit1_Agenda060210
Have 3 youth from EmpowerMEnt who are excited to be a part of the presentation. Act out some of the cold case points. Crystal Williams wants to have a part. First draft of the role play was given to Isabel. Fro lasting expression of the arts for foster children is there a place we can secure for them to allow them to express themselves. Center for Puppetry Arts, Dad’s Garage, Aldi Whole Foods.
July CIP Presentation-did you make travel arrangements? Bring Registration
July 22 and 23
Acting out Cold Cases Presentation at the NGA
3. Appellate Law summaries and how they impact policy Ten cases dating back to January. Father was given a non-reunification plan which was over turned as a procedural. Required a preponderance of the evidence as opposed to clear and convincing when it is anything other than a deprivation. Significant finding in regards to the burden of proof. Interest of JN March 5 2010.
In the interest of TC March 8, 2010. Juvenile Court TPR’d and checked boxes etc. Appellant filed motion to dismiss the TPR. 3 days after the petition Juvenile Court checked a box indicating working case plan. Appellant court up held due to the other evidence
In the interest of AR March 8, 2010. Mother had severe MH issues. To parent she would require around the clock assistance. Likelihood of harm was so great that they TPR’d.
In the interest of VD March 26, 2010. Removed 2 days after birth. Mother Mentally Ill refusing care. Family has history in SC and Ga. Father has not been involved at all. At the TPR dispositional hearing father came and stated living with mother filed petition to legitimate. Father petition denied. Even though here now absent much of child’s life. Claimed due process rights were violated as he was not at the due process hearing for the original removal.
Interest of JS Feb 2010. Custodial Grandparents were given custody of the children after being deprived. GP filed TPR. Putative father given notice and he filed petition to legitimate. Juvenile Court heard legitimation petition. Said father had no standing.
ZHT Feb 22, 2010. Mother lost custody in 2005. Mother completed part of her case plan. Mother was uncooperative/defiant and reluctant to work with the Department. Children acknowledged they had no desire to be reunited with the mother.
KB Jan 14 2010. 11 month old taken to hospital died. 2-month old in the home. Issues were evidentiary. Mom claimed not sufficient evidence as it was hearsay. Court found testimony of single witness was sufficient
TB Jan 26 2010 dad died, Mom living in hotel. Son got into a fight with sister (19). By hearing time mom had housing, job etc. Deprivation at the time of the case was found by the court. Perfect case for diversion perhaps. In care Feb 09. Gwinnett SIII_GB_Action2R_Exhibit1_Agenda060210
GAM Jan 2010 Mom failed to complete case plan goals. Standard language of past behavior indicative of future behavior. No after care treatment for substance abuse.
DMK Jan 29 2010. TPR that was affirmed. Boyfriend beat the child. Failed to complete case plan over 2 years. Past behavior, concealed injury, failed to protect.
4. Camden Cty Cold Cases Mental Health has reviewed “Ethan’s” pharmaceutical. Parents have worked their case and has taken one sibling back but left him. This action had significant adverse impact on him. He has been in care since 7 and he is and A/B student.
Tyler is a 13 year old who also needs to have a review of his medications
5. Proposal for Fulton to have a retreat Sent to community foundation
6. Legal Academy class-can we schedule a class about the CFSR/PIP? Dates for class Isabel and Andy or Christopher or all 3 September
7. SAAG training Will be happening. OCA will contract for it. Last week of October
8. Upcoming summits
Rockdale June 30
Alapaha July 29th
Middle September 2
III. Child Advocate Updates & Concerns Melissa Carter
OCA completed investigation in Floyd County. Reflection of seeing certain
patterns of work and the practice involved.
IV. CIP Updates & Concerns Michelle Barclay
V. DFCS Concerns Isabel Blanco
Practice package move forward with the maltreatment definitions. Work around
safety resourcing, guardianship practice, differential response to take current SIII_GB_Action2R_Exhibit1_Agenda060210
family support practice to another level and align with practice. Special
investigation unit to have a specialized approach to maltreatment in care.
Working with Casey to develop a safety and risk practice framework. Simplistic
parental capacity to protect, child vulnerability, imminent harm and risk of harm.
Efforts around documentation, tools, quality of the work. Legislation introduced
Senate Bill 292 which includes the definition of maltreatment in care. Look at
safety and how we manage it. Would like to be engaged but not lead the
discussion of the opportunity to have a community of practitioners to discuss and
define changes through facilitated conversations.
What action items do we tackle next as current issues are addresses by ASFA and
Educational attainment
Stable Family Like Setting
Placement Stability
Medication Management
Substance Abuse Mental Health Domestic Violence
Community Building (possible Casey project)
Public Safety/Prevention/Restorative Services
VI. Progress on action plans from previous meeting
Michelle will inquire as to the case plan including visitation plans for the Courts review.
Michelle will provide list of Red Flagged case contact for DFCS staff follow up. Provided to Isabel and Kathy at a previous meeting and then again to Millicent today.
Based on the review, DFCS will also monitor great case work through looking at those cases marked “stepping up No further Review” which is indicative of “achieved permanency”. SIII_GB_Action2R_Exhibit1_Agenda060210
The CIP and DFCS will work together to track the number of Child CASA/GAL contacts. Court to request contact and types, ask PEAS to add to the interview questionnaire, Millicent to interview children to inquire.
Impending Appellant Law changes…..*ensure policy and training are at next CIP June 2nd. Completed
SAAG Indicators Invite Carla Simms to the June 2nd
Kathy and Collen to develop plan for agency also being able to track the CIP red flagged cases. Still pending
AG office invited to the National Governor’s Association which is coming to Ga. June 23rd kickoff for the entire delegation (Atlanta Historical Society (1-5) 24th workshops. Judge Key present…Commissioner
VII. Next Steps & Action Plans
August 4th, 2010
Make the “Practice Package” a regular agenda item for this meeting Family Centered