Reflective Listening: a Strategy to Facilitate Transition Into Practice and Improve Retention
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REFERENCE LIST Reflective Listening: A Strategy to Facilitate Transition into Practice and Improve Retention 2nd Annual Research and Evidence Based Practice Symposium November 5, 2010 4:15-4:45 pm Ellen B. Ceppetelli, MS, RN, CNL Beyea, S., Slattery, M.J., von Reyn,L.(2010).Outcomes of a simulation-based residency program. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 6, e169-e175. Beyea, S., von Reyn,L., Slattery, M.J. (2007).A nurse residency program for competency development using human patient simulation. Journal of Nursing Staff Development, 23(2),77- 78. Benner, P., Sutphen, M., Leonard, V. & Day, L. (2010). Educating nurses: A Call for radical transformation. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement for Teaching: Stanford, CA. Benner, P., Sutphen, M., Leonard-Kahn,V. & Day, L. (2009a). Formation and everyday ethical comportment. American Journal of Critical Care, 17 (5), 473-476. Benner, P., Tanner, C., Chesla, C. (2009b). Expertise in nursing practice, caring, clinical judgment & ethics. 2nd ed., Springer Publishing Co.: New York. Boychuk-Duchscher, J. (2008). A Process of becoming: The stages of new nursing graduate professional role transition. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39 (10), 441-450. Bradbury-Jones, C. Coleman, D., Davies, H., Ellison, K., Leigh, C., Raised emotions: A critique of the peshkin approach to reflection. Nurse Education Today 30(2010),568-572.
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