Bolen, J. S., (2003). Crones don’t whine: Concentrated wisdom for juicy women. York Beach,

ME: Conari Press.

Bstan-zin Rgya-mtsho (Tenzin Gyatso), the 14th Dalai Lama. (2006). How to see

yourself as you really are (J. Hopkins, Ed. & Trans.). New York, NY: Simon

& Schuster.

Collins, T. K. (1996). The western guide to Feng Shui: Creating balance, harmony, and

prosperity in your environment. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.

Finegan, R.F., Flanigan, K.R., Tragedy to Triumph: Lessons of recovery and hope, Indiana, Prairie View Publishing, 2004, revised 2007.

Fredrickson, B.L. (2009). Positivity: Top-notch research reveals the 3-to-1 ratio that will

change your life. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press.

Hawkins, D. (2007). Dealing with the crazymakers in your life: Setting boundaries on unhealthy

relationships. Eugene, OR: Harvest House.

Keith, K. M. (2001). Anyway: The paradoxical commandments: Finding personal meaning in a

crazy world. New York, NY: The Berkley Publishing Group.

Krech, G. (2002). Naikan: Gratitude, grace and the Japanese art of self-reflection. Berkley, CA:

Stone Bridge Press

Lipsky, L. V. D., & Burk, C. (2009). Trauma stewardship: An everyday guide to caring for self

while caring for others. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Madigan, T. (2006). I’m proud of you: My friendship with Fred Rogers. New York, NY: Gotham


Neff, K. (2011). Self-compassion: stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind. New

York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. This is just a short list of references used in the Resiliency Project and this presentation. If you have a suggestion on a book you’ve found useful, we’d love to add its wisdom and yours to this list. Email it to [email protected] Oxenhandler, N. (2008). The Wishing Year: A House, A Man, My Soul. New York, NY: Random


Patterson, K., Greny, J., McMillian, R., & Switzler, A. (2002). Crucial conversations: Tools for

talking when stakes are high. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Robbins, S.L., (2009). What if? Short stories to spark diversity dialogue. Boston, MA: Davies-

Black, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-

being. New York, NY: Free Press.

Yeshe, L. T. (2008). The essence of Tibetan Buddhism. Weston, MA: Lama Yeshe Wisdom

Archive. (Original work published 2001)