In the Heat of Arafah

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In the Heat of Arafah



By Ninie G. Syarikin

Never before have I felt heat so intense as this in an open field; with the sky the only canopy with the mirage enticingly in sight continuously playing tricks, imposing a tantalizing vision of an oasis mocking at my thirst.

Oh, where is that cool stream flowing through the mountain rocks that I used to sit near by the forest? listening to its rhythmic music gluk gluk gluk gluk. The waterfall with its melodious sound ck ck ck ck caaah ck ck ck ck caaah when reaching the stream beneath with its foamy bubbles. Where was that? When was that?

Oh, where is that big river running deep calmly to the ocean meeting at the bay, where I used to stroll on the bank barefoot among the pebbles with the whisper of the sea wind caressing my ears, werrrrrrrr werrrrrrr werrrrrrrr. Where was that? When was that?

In the heat of Arafah, all of that became like an illusion at the culmination of day. All I felt was the still air, 2 hanging, motionless, trapped in a huge space with the horizon painted with countless white tents, and millions of white pilgrims spreading beautifully like the blanket of the winter snow. Except that this was burning!!!

Oh, Lord! It’s true that You have created this empty stretch of barren desert for nothing save to worship You! Even those rocky mountains and sandy earth seemed anxious to reflect back the extreme heat of the sun, as if unwilling to contain it and reluctant to carry the mandate, or be the medium to test the human strength and will, physically and spiritually. Except that they must.

“Had We sent down this Qur’an on a mountain, verily, you would have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of God. Such are the similitudes which We propound to mankind that they may reflect.”

Oh, where else could it be hotter and harsher than this, but the hell fire to burn the infidels?

“Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter. And protect us from the torment of the Fire!”

Only those who worship Him steadfastly would be able to bear this heat, solely hoping for the reward of Allah! 3

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la syarika laka Labbayk! Innal hamda wanni’mata laka walmulk La syarika lak.”

“I have come to respond to Your call, ya, Allah! Here I am! There is no partner with You. Truly the praise and the provisions are Yours, And so is the dominion and sovereignty. There is no partner with You.”

I was walking alone slowly. Amongst rows upon rows of tents. Amidst waves and waves of pilgrims.

Observing Reflecting Pondering Wondering. Under the scorching sun of Arafah,

And, yet, in that heat of Arafah, I witnessed lines of donkeys, rows of cars, and chains of overloaded buses, letting out throngs and throngs of pilgrims, who were walking and walking endlessly, and tirelessly, coming to stand ‘wuquf’ at Arafah!

“And proclaim the Pilgrimage unto mankind. They will come to you on foot, and mounted on every kind of camel, made lean, on account of journeys through deep and distant ravines.”

I saw no faces frowning or complaining, but radiating with gratitude, for the honor to be the guests of Allah! To each, they smiled and greeted simultaneously, competing with one another to convey a better and more complete salam: 4

“Assalamu’alaikum” “Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullah” “Peace be upon you” “And upon you peace and Mercy of Allah” “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah” “Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” “Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you” “And upon you Peace and Mercy and Grace of Allah”

I cast my eyes around me. Everyone was absorbed with whatever they were doing. Some were performing their prayers Some were sitting, reciting the Al-Qur’an in a whispering tone. Some were standing, lifting up their hands, as if willing, wanting, or ready to receive whatever is given with their faces looking up to the sky, as if searching for God in the far outer space high above! Little did they seem to remember then, that Allah is as near as their jugular vein!! Allahu Akbar!!! God is Great!!!

“It was We Who created man, and We know what he whispers to himself, for We are closer to him than his jugular vein.”

Occasionally, I would catch tears rolling down their cheeks, with their eyes red, and I would also hear their sobs quietly. Wahai! For whatever reason, I wonder! Whatever were they asking for, with their earnest moving lips?

Was it a job? a career? a post graduate degree? more wealth? better health? a recognition? inheritance? 5 repentance? forgiveness? a higher social status? a crave for fame? a protection from shame? a husband? a wife? a child? a grandchild? the hope of pious children? the hope of pious grand children? a stronger marriage? saving a marriage? to acquire a long-searched love? a shield from danger? taking refuge from fear? freedom from suffering? And another zillion invocations! Wallahu ‘alam, only Allah knows best!! And, yet, He is the Most Abundant, Most Giving, Most Generous.

“When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed very near to them; I listen to their prayer, whenever they call upon Me.”

Then I remembered my colleagues and friends who had asked me to make du’a for them at sacred places throughout my hajj rituals. I certainly took pleasure in their requests, and totally understood their desire. So, I began mentioning their names one by one, and stated what each of them wanted me to convey to God:

“Please call my name there!” asked a seemingly affluent man friend to me, in the hope that Allah would call him, too, to make his hajj, one day! As if he forgot that Pilgrimage is, first and foremost, a duty mankind owes to Allah! 6

“Please invoke Allah to protect me and my family from the influence of black magic,” a woman friend had asked me gravely. I had thought that her request was a bit too peculiar, but I politely responded to her, without showing any curiosity, that I would do as she wished. And that only long after my hajj, that I had a clue why, when another friend innocently related to me that her husband had taken a young wife! Secretly!! And a friend, a housekeeper, implored: “Please pray to Allah for me, to give me a green card!”

Everybody had a wish, and to everyone of them I had served, when I recalled a young man whom I had met at the Washington airport, asking me to mention his name, knowing that I was leaving for hajj. “Please call out my name there, Sister!” “All right,” I responded loudly, as my parents and I were already walking through the gate towards the airplane. Then I suddenly realized that I didn’t even know him! “What’s your name, Brother?” I shouted hurriedly, while continuing to pull my luggage. “Mahmud Ayyub,” he shouted back excitedly, looking at me full of hope. “Where are you from?” I again made sure. “Pakistan,” he answered eagerly. “All right,” I promised truthfully, moved by his earnestness. “Assalamu’alaikum,” said I to close our brief encounter. 7

“Wa’alaikum as-salam, have a safe trip,” he replied, while waving his hand to us again and again until we no longer could see him, and probably would never see him again. And, so here I was, on this dusty desert, invoking to the Creator: “Ya, Allah! Please invite Brother Mahmud Ayyub from Pakistan to be your honored guest, in this Holy Land, soon.”

“And Your Lord says: ‘If you beseech Me, I will respond to you.’”

Oh, Allah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, Indeed! Thou art the Most Kind, Most Gracious! I absolutely have no reason to despair and doubt Your Mercy. Even my presence here, wouldn’t be possible without Your will.

Here, on the plain of Arafah! Around the little hill of Jabal Rahmah, Mount of Mercy. On the ninth day of Dzulhijjah Under the extreme heat of Arafah Humanity prevails! Pilgrims converge from all spots of the globe, including me. All are in a state of dedication and devotion, worshipping the One and Only God, Allah! When the multitude stands erect before Him, forming the most spectacular sight on earth, when as far as eyes can see are horizons covered with a moving carpet of humanity, like waves and waves of the white sea. 8

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la syarika laka Labbayk! Innal hamda wanni’mata laka walmulk La syarika lak.”

“I have come to respond to Your call, ya, Allah! Here I am! There is no partner with You. Truly the praise and the provisions are Yours, And so is the dominion and sovereignty. There is no partner with You.”

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la syarika laka Labbayk! Innal hamda wanni’mata laka walmulk La syarika lak.”


Washington, DC, Friday, January 29, 2000 9


1. Wuquf: Standing alert ‘before God’ at Arafah plain on the ninth day of Dzulhijjah. Arafah is normally a dusty empty stretch of desert about ten miles from Makkah. In it stands a little hill called Jabal al-Rahmah, Mount of Mercy. However, for one day every year, more than two million pilgrims gather and make one of the most spectacular sights on earth. It is the greatest gathering of people in one place, at one time, and for one purpose, the world has ever seen.

2. Al-Qur'an: The Holy Book revealed to Prophet Muhammad, SAW, as the guidance for the Muslims.

3. Wahai: An exclamation of wonder in Indonesian language, both for happy and sad feelings, equivalent with 'oh,' 'lo' or 'hi,' used to show surprise or call attention to something or someone.

4. Du'a: An Arabic word for 'prayer' or 'supplication.'

5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to the Ka'bah, the House of Allah, in Makkah (Mecca) Saudi Arabia, during the prescribed season, and perform some rituals. It is the fifth pillar of the Islamic religion. This worship is required from every Muslim, at least once in a life time. A Muslim man who has made his hajj is called 'Hajji' and a Muslim woman who has made her hajj is called 'Hajjah.'

6. Dzulhijjah: The 12th month in Islamic calendar, which is the hajj season.

7. “Assalamu’alaikum” “Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullah” “Peace be upon you” “And upon you Peace and Mercy of Allah” “Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah” “Wa’alaikum as-salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh” “Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you” “And upon you Peace and Mercy and Grace of Allah”

In Islam, the person who greets first receives more reward from Allah, then the other person who receives the greeting. Similarly, the person who gives a better and more complete ‘salam’ will earn more reward than the person who does not. 10


1. “It was We Who created man, and We know what he whispers to himself, for We are closer to him than his jugular vein.”

(Page 4: Al-Qur’an, Surah Qaf -- Chapter Qaf -- 50:16)

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