Application Pack for Supported Volunteering Worker
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Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations
Dear enquirer Application Pack for Supported Volunteering Worker
Thank you for your interest in the post of Supported Volunteering Worker Please find enclosed: Job description Person specification Basic terms and conditions Monitoring form (used for equal opportunity monitoring purposes only) Application Guidance Notes Application form General information about HAVCO
The equal opportunities monitoring form is included as part of the application form. It will be detached upon receipt and the information used only as part of a monitoring process – not part of the selection procedure.
Applicants will be short listed according to how well they meet the criteria in the person specification. When completing the application form, you should show clearly how your experience and skills match the criteria. Please explain how and when you gained any relevant experience – you can include experience and skills gained in your home life or through other voluntary or unpaid work, any training courses or work experience. Please do not send in your CV– we only consider completed application forms.
The deadline for applications is: 9am, Wednesday 17 th June 2015 Late applications will not be considered.
Please send your completed application to: Cameron Fitzwilliam-Grey – Volunteer Centre Manager HAVCO, Unit 38, 639 Enterprise Centre, 639 High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AA OR Email: [email protected]
Interview date: Tuesday 23rd June 2015
We are sorry that we do not have the resources to inform unsuccessful applicants or to return application forms.
Yours faithfully
Cameron Fitzwilliam-Grey Volunteer Centre Manager
Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations
Supported Volunteering Co-ordinator Supported Volunteering Project
Job Description
Job Title: Supported Volunteering Project Worker Salary: £23,406 pro rata (incl. OLW) Contract term: 6 month fixed term contract Hours: 18 hours per week (over 3 days) Location: Haringey, London Responsible to: Supported Volunteering Coordinator Responsible for: n/a
To provide assistance to potential volunteers who access the Supported Volunteering Project and support them into volunteering placements in the community. The Project aims to provide volunteering opportunities to vulnerable Haringey residents to develop their skills and improve their life chances, whilst supporting local Voluntary and Community Organisations.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
1. Manage a caseload of potential volunteers (including disabled, learning difficulties, mental ill health, long term unemployed, refugees, substance misuse recovery, ex- offenders and other barriers) on a one to one basis to establish their goals, interests and access needs with regards to volunteering. Encourage potential volunteers to identify their skills and qualities.
2. Identify suitable volunteering opportunities for each individual and liaise with organisations to progress volunteers into placements (E.g. arranging interviews, discussing access requirements etc.)
3. Ensure volunteers are supported through the application process and into the placement. (E.g. help with application forms and CVs, accompanying to interviews, follow up after first day etc.)
4. Conduct regular follow up with placed volunteers to ensure that they are supported and encouraged to maintain their placements. Assist with resolving any problems that arise within their placements.
5. Assist with other aspects of the project, as and when required (including the delivery of project events, such as volunteer workshops, training courses, coffee mornings and volunteer celebration events) 6. Complete administrative tasks, including detailed record keeping using our internal volunteer database and excel spreadsheets.
7. Help ensure that equality of opportunity is integral to every aspect of HAVCO’s work and, in particular, that the needs and interests of black and minority ethnic and other marginalised groups are fully recognised.
8. Work flexibly as part of the HAVCO staff team, attending meetings, liaising and interacting with team members and making a positive contribution to the organisation.
9. Attend supervision sessions and appraisals and undergo training as required.
10. Respect confidentiality in all aspects of the work.
11. Work occasional weekends and evenings as required, with time off in lieu.
12. Exercise responsibilities under Health & Safety legislation.
13. Act at all times in accordance with the organisation’s aims, policies and guidelines.
14. Undertake other duties commensurate with the post and the needs of the organisation. Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations
Supported Volunteering Worker Supported Volunteering Project
Person Specifications
It is essential that in your application you give evidence or examples of your proven experience, knowledge and skills in each of the following competencies.
Method of Personal Skills/Characteristics Essential Desirable Assessment AF/I/R/T/C Qualifications A good educational standard above A levels AF Experience Experience of working in the voluntary/community AF/I/R sector Some experience of working with vulnerable people AF/I/R from the relevant target groups, i.e. people with learning difficulties, disabled people, people living with mental illness, people who misuse drugs, alcohol and other substances; ex-offenders; and refugees Experience of developing relationships with other AF/I/R organisations in a service delivery/service promotion context Experience of working with/supervising volunteers AF Knowledge Up-to-date knowledge of good practice in volunteer management, including barriers to volunteering AF/I/R Good knowledge and understanding of Equal AF/I/R Opportunities Policy and sensitivity to equality issues Understanding of the needs and aspirations of the target groups of this project. AF/I/R Skills Ability to communicate effectively, both in writing and AF/I/R verbally, with people at all levels Patience, listening skills and the ability AF/I to demonstrate empathy with service users Ability to AF/I negotiate placement of volunteers in host Method of Personal Skills/Characteristics Essential Desirable Assessment AF/I/R/T/C organisations Well organised, able to keep accurate records and AF/I/R manage a varied case load Skills to be self AF/I/R servicing to a significant extent, including use of ICT
Key: AF = Application form. I = Interview. R = Reference. T = Test. C = Certificate
Basic Terms and Conditions
1. SALARY £23,406 pro rata (incl. OLW)
2. PROBATIONARY PERIOD The appointment will be confirmed after 8 weeks, subject to satisfactory probationary assessment. This period may be extended by mutual agreement to allow improvements in performance where this is considered appropriate.
3. HOURS OF WORK This is a part time post and your normal weekly hours will be 18 hours over 3 days. Some flexibility in working arrangements will be necessary to meet essential needs of HAVCO. The actual working hours will be flexible to meet both personal needs and the needs of HAVCO. Overtime will not be paid.
4. ANNUAL LEAVE 25 days excluding bank holidays per annum (for 36 hours per week) pro rata.
5. LOCATION OF WORK The HAVCO office is based in Haringey. The current office is Unit 38, 639 Enterprise Centre, 639 High Road, Tottenham, London, N17 8AA, which is wheelchair accessible and has accessible toilets and dedicated car parking facilities. You will also be required to work with groups in other areas of the borough.
6. PENSION SCHEME You will be able to join the selected Stakeholder Pension Scheme after your probationary period, with the option to back-date payments to the date you started employment with HAVCO. HAVCO will not pay contribution to pension.
7. LENGTH OF CONTRACT This is a 6 month fixed term post. 8. ABSENCE FROM WORK Sick leave, special leave, parental leave etc. will meet, as a minimum, existing statutory provisions. Anything above this will be at the discretion of the Board of Trustees and will depend on funding available.
9. UNIONS HAVCO recognises the rights of all employees to belong to a trade union if they wish.
10. OTHER CONDITIONS Smoking is not allowed in our offices or meetings. Every employee must comply with our health and safety policies and procedures. HAVCO is working towards being an Equal Opportunity Employer. Every employee must act at all times in accordance with equal opportunities legislation and HAVCO’s equal opportunity codes of practice. As an equal opportunities employer, HAVCO is committed to monitoring the effectiveness of its employment policies. This is endorsed by the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality. All stages of the recruitment process are monitored to check that unfair discrimination is not taking place. The information you provide below will be treated in strict confidence unless indicated otherwise. Categories marked with a † will only be available to HR and used for statistical monitoring purposes.
Post title: Supported Volunteering Worker
Surname: Initials:
Title: Other Miss/Ms/Mrs/Mr/Dr AGE Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
GENDER Male Female
ETHNICITY What is your ethnic group? (please tick one box from the appropriate section)
White Asian or Asian British British Irish Greek / Cypriot Indian Pakistani
Turkish Gypsy Turkish / Cypriot Bangladeshi East African Asian
Kurdish Irish Traveller Any other Asian background
Any other White background
Black or Black British
Caribbean African
Mixed Any other Black background
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African Chinese or other ethnic group
White & Asian Chinese Any other ethnic background
Any other mixed background Other please specify
RELIGION † What is your religion? Buddhist Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Jewish Rastafarian None Prefer not to say
SEXUALUALITY †I Bi-sexual Lesbian Gay man Heterosexual Prefer not to say Harin gey Asso ciatio n of Volu ntary and Com munit y Orga nisati ons Mo nit ori ng For m
Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations
Application Guidance Notes
General Information Thank you for your interest in this vacancy. You will find enclosed a job description and person specification, background information on HAVCO, a summary of the terms and conditions for the post and application form. The information you provide in your application is the only information we will use in deciding whether or not you will be shortlisted for an interview.
Job Description and Person Specification The vacancy advertised is based on the job description, which lists the main duties of the post. The person specification describes the skills, experience and knowledge we are looking for. In accordance with our Equal Opportunities policy, we shortlist candidates on the basis on which they meet the criteria set out in the person specification. Please read these carefully so that you know what the job involves and the range of expertise required.
Application Form Please ensure you make a note of the closing date and time stated in the covering letter. Application forms should be filled in as completely and clearly as possible. Please do not substitute a CV as this will not be considered. The important thing is to tell us about your relevant skills, knowledge and experience to do the job. Please give examples to illustrate these, providing us with actual evidence, and be as specific as possible. Give details, and explain how you have gained the experience we are looking for and demonstrate your skills and knowledge. Please ensure that you complete all sections of the form, and that the information is correct. We can only consider applicants who have a right to work in the UK and we will ask you to bring evidence to the interview. We prefer application forms to be completed and returned electronically. Where this is not possible, please type or use black ink and print/write clearly. Short listed candidates will be asked to sign and date their application form at interview if it has been emailed.
Equal Opportunities monitoring form This will be detached from the application before short listing and will be used solely for monitoring purposes. Alternatively it may be returned separately.
Short listing and Interview The recruitment panel will be assessing candidates on skills and experience demonstrated. After the closing date, all applications will be considered by the panel to see how each candidate’s skills and experience relate to the job requirements. Applicants who meet these requirements will be invited for interview. The interview panel will normally be made up of between 2 to 4 people who will be asking set questions of each candidate, covering key aspects of the job, which are intended to allow the candidate to expand on his/her application and to show the panel how far they meet the requirements of the post. Candidates will have an opportunity to ask questions about the job, HAVCO, conditions of employment, etc. They may be asked to complete a test/task or give a presentation as part of the interview, which will be confirmed at the invitation to interview stage. There may also be second interviews for some candidates if necessary. The panel will keep a record of their assessment of each candidate so that the reasons for their decision are clear, consistent and justifiable. Candidates will be informed about the outcome of the interview as quickly as possible. All job offers are made subject to receipt of satisfactory references. Once these have been received, the offer will be confirmed. Haringey Association of Voluntary and Community Organisations
Application form Reference Number (internal use only):
Job applied for: Supported Volunteering Worker
PERSONAL DETAILS (BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE) Title (Mr, Mrs Surname/Family Name First Name Ms)
Correspondence Address
Contact Tel Number/s
Email Address
National Insurance Number
Do you require a work permit?
Where did you see the job advertised?
WORK RECORD (Including waged and unwaged activities)
Name of current or most recent employer:
Post held:
Date started: Date finished:
Reason for leaving:
Brief description of duties:
Salary: Notice required: PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT/EXPERIENCE Please list all relevant jobs and describe your duties. This includes paid and unpaid work. (Attach an additional sheet if necessary)
From Name and full address of Post Title/Brief outline of Reason for To employer duties (including leaving Salary/Grade) EDUCATION Please give details of all secondary, further or higher education
Period Name and location of Main subjects Qualifications From To School/College/University
TRAINING Please list relevant training courses completed or being undertaken SUPPORTING STATEMENT Please show how you meet the requirements shown in the Person Specification for this post, and how your previous experience and present skills will enable you to undertake the duties of the post as described in the Job Description (Please do it with headings). (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary but applications with more than two additional A4 pages will not be considered.) CRIMINAL CHECK Do you have any unspent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974? YES/NO (It is our policy not to discriminate against people with criminal convictions unless these are relevant to the post. If you answer Yes to this, you will be questioned about it before any offer of employment.)
REFEREES Please name two referees who may be approached (relatives/partners should not be included). One should be your current or most recent employer.
Name: Tel (home)
Organisation: Tel (work)
Position held:
Organisation Address:
Please specify in what capacity they know you: REFEREE 2
Name: Tel (home)
Organisation: Tel (work)
Position held:
Organisation Address:
Please specify in what capacity they know you:
Please contact us if you need the application form in an alternative format or if you need any adjustments for the interview.
DECLARATION I hereby confirm to the best of my knowledge the details given in this application form are true:
Signed Date:
PLEASE RETURN to: Cameron Fitzwilliam Grey Volunteer Centre Manager HAVCO Unit 38, 639 Enterprise Centre 639 High Street Tottenham LONDON, N17 8AA Or, you can return it by email to [email protected] General Information
What is HAVCO? HAVCO is the umbrella organisation (or Council for Voluntary Service) for Haringey, and exercises strategic leadership for the voluntary and community sector Vision: The VCS is recognised as a vital and resilient sector, and delivering the best outcomes for local people through: Enabling communities Strengthening civil society Improving policy Partnering for services Mission: To support, challenge, and inspire Haringey’s voluntary and community sector Values: Trusted · Responsive · Inclusive Operating principles Transparent · Accountable · Can-do attitude · Staff our greatest resource Communication is core · Reflect member needs · Continuous improvement & innovation Professional Strategic priorities 2013 - 2016 Objectives Activities Promote and develop the sector’s Diversify funding solutions resilience Support individual VCOs to build capacity and sustainability Provide platforms for peer support and exchange Improve the quality & quantity of Develop a strong and sustainable volunteering volunteering infrastructure Increase volunteering across Haringey Target new and emerging communities to use volunteering as a resource Strengthen the sector’s impact on Champion Together North London as local policy and service delivery a credible and viable provider option Direct participation in statutory and strategic partnership boards Strengthen the sector’s independence of voice
General Information What is the Volunteer Centre? Haringey Volunteer Centre is hosted by HAVCO and is the accredited volunteer centre for the borough. What does it aim to do? Haringey Volunteer Centre promotes and develops volunteering in Haringey by: Providing a Brokerage Service Marketing Volunteering Developing Good Practice Developing Volunteering Opportunities Policy Response & Campaigning Strategic Development of Volunteering What is the Supported Volunteering Project? The Supported Volunteering Project is a 5 year project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. It aims to improve access to volunteering for vulnerable members of the community by providing them with additional, tailored support. Through volunteering, participants have the opportunity to increase their skills and experience, grow in confidence, improve their wellbeing and increase their employability. Since the project began in October 2011, over 150 people have been supported into volunteering placements by the project. Staffing Please refer to the organisation chart included to see how this position fits in.