Company or organisation name

Contact name

Contact position

Contact email

Contact phone number

Contact alternative phone number

Please confirm that your company or organisation has applied to join the DWP’s Disability Confident initiative.

Further information can be found at

Please demonstrate how your company has met one or more of the criteria for each of the Key Priority Areas Priority Area 1: Creating and sustaining employment for local people

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since April 2016

Use the services of Walsall Works, DWP and its partners to select and shortlist unemployed or underemployed candidates from the local area

Advertise vacancies or recruited local unemployed people through Job Fairs and recruitment events organised by Walsall Works, DWP and its partners

Use the provision of innovative recruitment solutions for local unemployed people, such as Group Information Sessions, Pre-Employment Training or Sector Based Academies

Be registered on the Walsall Healthy Workplaces Initiative

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since April 2016 (200 words maximum) Priority Area 2: Helping local people to increase their skills and improve their employability

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since April 2016

Take on Walsall residents as Apprentices and / or Trainees through local training providers

Progress existing Apprentices through to at least a Level 4 qualifications

Access additional training for existing staff through public funded programmes, such as Adult Education Budgets, European Funding

Provide accredited non-mandatory training opportunities to staff in areas such as leadership and management

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since April 2016 (200 words maximum) Priority Area 3: Creating more opportunities for local companies through supply chains

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since April 2016

Significant investment brought in to enable the company to expand its local workforce, including capital and revenue sources – such as for property, machinery and business improvement / growth initiatives

Provision of mentoring or active support to existing and new start businesses in Walsall, particularly in areas such as finance, HR, legal advice, exporting and business planning

Setting and achieving targets for increased investment in local supply chain businesses

Engagement with strategic bodies such as the Walsall Economic Board and Walsall Employment and Skills Board to improve access and advice on how to attract new contracts

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since April 2016 (200 words maximum) Priority Area 4: Supporting Walsall’s most vulnerable residents to improve their health and wellbeing

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since November 2016

Have provided targeted recruitment initiatives which focus on recruiting individuals from specific vulnerable groups within Walsall such as care leavers, homeless, over 50s, those with a disability

Have employed Walsall people from vulnerable groups as part of their regular recruitment

Have created relevant work placements or work trials for Walsall people from vulnerable groups

Have provided employability and mentoring support targeted at individuals from vulnerable groups within Walsall

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since September 2016 (200 words maximum) Priority Area 5: Helping local schools to raise aspiration and improve educational attainment

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since November 2016

Providing relevant work experience placements to school or college students

Supported schools or college students with their employability through mock interviews, career events

Giving talks or providing site visits to school or college students to promote key business sectors

Provided curriculum support to local schools or colleges to increase the relevance of core subjects or studies aligned to the needs of the local workplace

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since September 2016 (200 words maximum) Priority Area 6: Supporting community-managed facilities and developing community based initiatives

Please tick which of the following criteria you have delivered or achieved since November 2016

Given some staff time or resource towards developing and delivering local community projects

Encourage employees to participate in volunteering or sponsorship of local projects or events

Established commitment to one or more voluntary organisation, including staff time or funding

Close working relationship with organisations such as One Walsall or Walsall Council to engage with community and voluntary organisations

Provide details about how you have delivered on each of the ticked criteria since September 2016 (200 words maximum)