American Society of Safety Engineers s2

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American Society of Safety Engineers s2


1. C a l l t o O r de r

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Richard A. Pollock, Chair and President of the American Society of Safety Engineers.

2. R e fl ec ti o n

There was a moment of silence in memory of distinguished Society members who passed away during the past year.

3. W e l co m i n g R e m a r k s - I n tr oduc ti on s

Rick Pollock welcomed the delegates to the House of Delegates Meeting, and introduced the 2012-2013 Executive Committee as follows:

Richard Pollock – President Kathy Seabrook – President-Elect Patricia Ennis - Senior Vice President Stephanie Helgerman – Vice President of Finance Fred Fortman – Executive Director and Corporate Secretary

Mr. Pollock recognized the Credentials Committee as follows:

Powell Stevenson, CSHM, Chair Vicki Allen- Buglisi, CSP Andrew Cuthbert, CSP, CHMM Daniel G. Hopwood, M.P.H, ARM, CSP Russell Payton, CSP, ARM Tamra Stevens, CSP

4. Q uo r u m

Fred Fortman, Corporate Secretary announced that a minimum of 116 members are required to have a quorum and there are 171 delegates in attendance in addition to the 14 members of the Society Board of Directors. A quorum was established.

House of Delegates/Membership Meeting Standing Rules as approved by the delegates were reviewed and Rick Pollock stated that these rules will be followed.

5. A ppo i n t m en t/ A pp r ova l o f P a rli a m en t a ri a n

Without objection, Chair Pollock appointed Gail Knapp, a Professional Registered Parliamentarian, as official parliamentarian for the meeting.

6. M i nu t e s o f Jun e 3 , 2012 H ous e o f D e l ega t e s M ee ti n g House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 2

Minutes from the last House of Delegates meeting held June 3, 2013 in Denver were reviewed and approved by the Minutes Committee. Copies of those minutes were sent to all delegates and chapters presidents.

7. A ppo i n t m en t o f M i nu t e s C o mm itt e e

Rick Pollock appointed a House of Delegates Minutes Committee as follows: Matthew Olphin as Chair, Albert Bressler and Thomas Lyons.

8. R ecogn iti o n C e r e m on i e s

a. Mine Safety Appliances Outstanding Student Section Award for 2012-2013 was presented to the Central Washington University Student Section, out of the Puget Sound Chapter in Region I.

b. Members who achieved membership in ASSE President's Court were asked to stand to receive recognition. Member of the President’s Council, President’s Cabinet, President’s Crew, President’s Circle, and President’s Club were recognized on screen.

The top three student member recruiters were: Albert Condello, Gary Morris and Hardik Patel.

Winners of the chapter Challenge were recognized as follows:

January – June Small: Ecuador Medium: Kuwait Large: Southwest

July – December Small: Egypt Medium: Kuwait Large: Southwest

c. The Chapter Stars Recognition program recognized 75 chapters this year.

This year’s Chapter of the Year recipients are:

Audubon Chapter for small category

Alaska Chapter for medium category Orange County Chapter for large category

d. Winners of 2012-2013 Region Safety Professional of the Year Awards were introduced as follows: House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 3

Region I Marianne Thomas, Long Beach Chapter Region II Rick Callor - Snake River Chapter Region IV Steve Willis, Alabama Chapter Region V Diana Stegall, Northwest Chapter Region VI Dave Wenzel, Northern Virginia Chapter Region VII Mark Frye, Southwestern Ohio Chapter Region VIII Walter Beattie, Philadelphia Chapter

e. The Charles V. Culbertson Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service was presented to three individuals:

Gail House - is a member of the PDC Planning Committee where she serves as the Chair of the Logistics and General Arrangement Sub Committee. Gail has also led efforts to develop high quality programing that has impacted thousands of SH&E professionals at our conferences.

John Mroszczyk - was the editor and author of portions of the publication “Safety Engineering, 4th Edition.” Also, John was the task force chair for ASSE's “Prevention through Design” virtual symposium.

Ken Wengert - has been highly active in Society's Professional Affairs Initiatives since 2009. He serves on the Council on Professional Affairs, the Framing of the Profession Task Force, and the Business of Safety Committee. Ken's track record with planning and strategy for COPA-related initiatives has made him a highly demanded and valued member of the team.

f. The ASSE NAOSH Champion Award recipients, those that went above and beyond not only this year but also in the past:

Catherine Benjamin from the Worcester County Chapter. For holding a rally at each school and recognizing every child that she sponsored for the “Safety on the Job” poster contest.

Phil Goldsmith from the National Capital Chapter. He gave a tour of the National Gallery of Art to the participants of the NAOSH Kick-Off events.

Mike Wolf from the Chesapeake Chapter. Mike rallied his Chapter along with the National Capital Chapter to support NAOSH Kick-Off Events.

g. The Diversity in the Safety, Health and Environmental Profession Award was presented to Heather Earl who has been an ASSE member and volunteer for more than 15 years. As a Central Florida Chapter leader, she has drawn in a diverse group of future leaders, partnered with safety and health organizations to cross- pollinate a diversity of thought, and has mentored WISE members, young professionals, and SH&E practitioners. Heather has also been an advocate for the safety profession through her promotions of NAOSH Week. Heather has a passion for embracing diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and thought for the profession and for ASSE.

h. The ASSE Professional Paper Awards were presented to first-place winners House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 4

Bruce Lyon and Bruce Hollcroft who co-authored “Risk Assessments: Top 10 Pitfalls & Tips for Improvement,” which was published in the December issue, second-place winner Tracey Cekada for her article, “Training a Multigenerational Workforce: Understanding Key Needs & Learning Styles,” which appeared in the March issue, and third-place winners James Harris and Richard Current. They co- authored, “Machine Safety: New & Updated Consensus Standards,” which appeared in the May issue.

i. The four President’s Award recipients were:

Mary Goranson, in appreciation for her dedicated service to the ASSE Foundation, Donors and Recipients.

Hafiz Mustayev, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, of the Rovshan Oguz Group for vision, leadership and courage in hosting the 1st International Safety Leadership Conference in Azerbaijan, December 14, 2012.

Del Tally, in appreciation for his leadership in mentoring young members, and helping Rick Pollock develop and become ASSE President.

Dewey Whitmire, in appreciation for all that he has done at ASSE to further the education and development of SH&E Professionals.

9. R epo rt s t o D e l ega t es / M e m be r s

a. P r es i den t' s R epo r t - S t a t e o f t h e S oc i e t y – Richard A. Pollock

As President of the Society and Chair of the House of Delegates, Mr. Pollock presented the State of Society report and is attached.

State of Society 2013.docx

b. F i nanc e R epo r t – Stephanie Helgerman , V i c e P r es i den t o f F i nanc e

Report was presented and attached.

Financial Report 2013.docx c. Founda ti o n R epo r t – Fa y Feeney , Founda ti o n C ha i r

Report was presented and attached.

Foundation Rep;ort 2013.docx 10. N e w B us i nes s House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 5

The Society has one official new business item. This was communicated to the delegates of record in a memo dated April 26, 2013, that was also posted on the delegates' webpage.

The new business item involves revisions to Nominations and Elections SOGs.

The Nominations and Elections Committee conducted an extensive review of their SOGs. To summarize the proposed changes:

The original 36 pages of Nominations and Elections SOG documentation was significantly streamlined by removing language redundant within existing SOGs and Bylaws.

Operational items were also removed such as specific nominations forms. Removing operation items gives the committee some added flexibility.

The language requiring a paper ballot option was removed. We continue to see a decline in the demand for a paper ballot option and it may make sense in the future to go exclusively with an electronic balloting option.

For the same reason the requirement for an in-person Tellers Committee meeting was removed.

Language around rules for campaigning was simplified while maintaining the overall intent of the SOG.

And finally, the deadline for regional nominations was backed up from November 1st to October 1st.

The Society Board of Directors and Bylaws Committee have unanimously approved these changes.

It was moved to approve the Nominations and Elections revisions to: SOGs 6.31, 6.32, 6.33, 6.34, 6.35 and 6.36.

M o ti o n app r ove d

11. O t he r B us i nes s

a. N o m i na ti n g an d E l ec ti on s R epo rt/I ns t a ll a ti o n o f 2013-2014 O ffi ce r s

Five Board members retiring from service this June were recognized:

Tom Cecich, who has served four years as Vice President, Professional Affairs.

Martin Jeppeson, who has served four years as Vice President, Region 1.

Maribeth Anderson, who has served four years as Vice President, Region 5. House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 6

Scott Cole, who has served one year as Vice President, Region 7.Rick Pollock, outgoing Society President.

Mr. Pollock installed the 2013-2014 Board of Directors and Area Directors as follows:

Regional Vice Presidents:

Region I Erike Young Region II Mike Lorenzo Region III Alan Brown Region IV Pam Perrich Region V Scott Huberty Region VI Vince Miller Region VII Tara Falin Region VIII Eric Stager

Council Vice Presidents:

Practices & Standards Jeff Camplin Professional Affairs James Smith Professional Development Christine Sullivan

Executive Committee:

President Kathy Seabrook President-Elect Trish Ennis Senior Vice President Mike Belcher Vice President of Finance Stephanie Helgerman Exec. Dir./Corp. Secy. Fred Fortman

Ms. Norris then announced the 2013-2014 Area Directors:

Region 2 -Area A – Janet Gallup -Area B – Dustin Richartz

Region 4 -Louisiana Area – Lance Roux -Mississippi/Alabama Area – A special election is currently in process to fill this open position -South Florida Area – Karen Metz - North Florida/Georgia Area – Stephen Brown

Region 6 -Northern Area - Frank Cruice -Southern Area - Horace Rozier House of Delegates June 24, 2013 Page 7

Region 8 -New England Area – Eric Clouthier -Empire State Area – Brett Carruthers -Keystone Area – Aaron Cameron -Metropolitan Area – Frank Gesualdo

b. Aw a r d i n g o f P as t P r es i den t' s P l aque / P ass i n g o f t h e G ave l Kathy Seabrook awarded the Past President's plaque to outgoing President Rick Pollock. Mr. Pollock reciprocated by passing the gavel of Society leadership to Ms. Seabrook for 2013-2014.

12. A nnounce m en t s

The next meeting of the House of Delegates is planned for Sunday, June 8, 2014 in Orlando, Florida.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm, by Rick Pollock, Chair of the House of Delegates.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred J. Fortman Executive Director/Corporate Secretary

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