Aylesbeare Parish Council s3

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Aylesbeare Parish Council s3

908/16 AYLESBEARE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 5 April 2017. The Meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.

PRESENT Cllr Ken Chun (Chairman) Cllr Noel Finegan (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Mark Branson Cllr Mark Fisher Cllr Peter Williams

Clerk: Mrs L Parker Others Present: District Cllr Paul Carter and 7 members of the public

PART A 1. Apologies of Absence Apologies were received from County Cllr Christine Channon who was attending another meeting.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda Personal Interests were declared from Cllrs Mark Fisher and Peter Williams who are members of the new Steering Group entitled Steering Group (B). This interest will remain on the table for Cllr Peter Williams for all future Parish Council meetings, whenever the Neighbourhood Plan is discussed.

3. Minutes The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 8 March 2017 were confirmed to be correct after a slight correction on the number of attendees.

4. Matters Arising Cllr Peter Williams has spoken to the transport company delivering to the new Solar Farm at Great Houndbeare Farm. Vehicles should not gain access via Tipton Cross due to the narrow lanes which is stipulated on the planning conditions.

5. Police Report There had been no crimes reported.

6. Reports of District Councillor District Cllr Paul Carter had attended a recent meeting of the Blackhill and Venn Ottery Quarries Liaison group. At Blackhill all mineral processing operations ceased last year. The selling off of stock will be finalised at the end of this year when all plant will be gone. The ground will be restored to hardstanding and heathland. The planning application for Straitgate Farm is ongoing with the results possibly due in July. The second phase of recycling, which is currently being rolled out in Exmouth, will be with everyone in June. We will be informed in due course. The major planning application for Queens Drive, Exmouth is due to be considered at Development Management Committee next week. This is to change the appearance of the seafront landscape and buildings. Another major topic is the relocation of the EDDC offices from Knowle to Exmouth and Honiton.

7. Chairman’s Report The Chairman had reservations on the widow sizes and shapes being erected on the new Aylesbeare Inn property. He did not feel they reflected the representation on the illustration that had been publicised until just recently. He would contact the Enforcement Officer. The matter of 909/16

levelling the play area to be more suitable for sports is still rumbling on. There have been communications to and from EDDC but nothing has been finalised as yet. This was Cllr Chun’s last Parish Council meeting. He had enjoyed his time with the Council and reflected how things have changed. More responsibilities are being handed down to Parish Councils who are expected to do much more work now. Thanks were given to all his Councillors and he wished those leaving the very best of luck.

8. Clerk’s Report The committee has met regarding the Parishes-Together allocations for this year. The noticeboard for the parish has been given the green light so the order has been made. Delivery of the community board should be within 4 weeks. Broadband has now been installed in the Village Hall and the direct debit is being set up for the regular payments. The playground inspection has been carried out. The Clerk had a telephone call from Nick Adams as he was concerned about a wooden panel lying on the ground from the play lorry and an exposed nail. This has all been dealt with. The full report is due to be received. The Clerk confirmed that, with regret, she had received resignation letters from Cllr Gill Hichens, Cllr Noel Finegan, Cllr Mark Fisher and the Chairman Cllr Ken Chun. She had visited Cllr Hichens, who has not been in the best of health, and left her some flowers from the Parish Council.

9. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies Cllr Peter Williams: Village Hall Management Committee 9 March 2017 This had been a routine committee meeting. The accounts showed a modest income over expenditure which was good news. A wish was conveyed that the Parish Council supports the sustainability of the Village Hall through the Parishes-Together fund which the Clerk will look into. The electricity bill had appeared to be very high but after adjustments was OK. A smaller kettle will be purchased to avoid using the larger water urn. It is hoped that some speakers can be obtained through last year’s Parishes-Together funding. Cllr Mark Branson will look into this, together with suitable cables and the tidying of the Broadband router wiring. The Clerk will enquire from BT the insurance implications of the router.

10. Finance Payment of the following invoices was approved: Cheque No Payee Amount 000990 L Parker: Parish Clerk £266.62 000991 EDDC: Cutting bank in Village Way in 2016 £120.00 000992 Devon Assoc Local Ccls: Annual Subscription £130.86 Neighbourhood Plan 000993 Aylesbeare V Hall: Hall hire for meetings £60.00

11. Neighbourhood Plan An update was received from Cllr Peter Williams on events so far. The new Steering Group (B) has currently 4 members who met on 30 March. Modified Terms of Reference were put in place and general discussion took place regarding the way forward. A Draft timeline was outlined culminating in submitting a draft plan to the Parish Council for review in October 2017. The parish will be kept informed of progress via the website and Topics.

12. East Devon District Council: Greater Exeter Strategic Plan Consultation The Consultation, which closes 10 April 2017, was considered. This plan is a joining-together of the local authorities of East Devon, Exeter, Mid Devon, Teignbridge and DCC. The objective is to provide overall spatial strategy and level of housing and employment land up to the year 2040. It was decided that one key issue which could have an impact on this parish is if the catchment area for The King’s School shrinks due to increased housing. Should this be the case then potentially the choice of education for the children of Aylesbeare could be affected. The Clerk would respond accordingly. 910/16

13. East Devon District Council: East Devon Villages Plan – Proposed Submission The document (forwarded electronically to all Councillors) was considered. Whilst it was not felt that any response was necessary it was noted that there was mention of the possible expansion of Greendale Business Park. It was quoted that ‘if there were potential for expansion it could be on small-scale parcels of land, well screened by existing planting. This would offer greater scope for what would be limited further business use development.’ District Cllr Paul Carter said that a separate strategy would be drawn up to give the business premises room to grow and advised that the public should be pro-active with this venture.

14. Correspondence Received TRIP Community Transport: Update and publicity material Glasdon: Street furniture booklet Clerks & Councils Direct: March 2017

15. Dates of Next Meetings Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 24 April 2017 at 7 pm AGM of the Council followed by Parish Council Wednesday 3 May 2017 at 7.30 pm

16. The Chairman moved that: Under Section 100(a) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press are excluded from the Meeting as exempt information is likely to be discussed.

PART B 17. Parish Councillor Co-option Councillors spoke to all the invited residents who had registered an interest in being co-opted as Parish Councillors. A silent election then took place which resulted in the selection of Helen Baugh, Denise Dyer, Jenny Meredith and Bill Pearson. The Chairman would speak to all candidates with the intention that those that selected will join the Parish Council at the May meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.05 pm.

……………………………………………… Chairman

……………………………………………… Date

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