Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, P. 3

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Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, P. 3

Request for Proposals: Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum for Behavioral Health

Release Date: Monday, June 27, 2016 Proposals Due: Friday, July 29, 2016, 3:00 p.m. EST


Purpose The purpose of this RFP is to solicit services to develop and complete pre-apprenticeship curriculum for the healthcare industry, specifically Behavioral Health, for opportunity youth (ages 16 to 24, not in- school or fully employed) that will be made publically available for adoption and implemented across opportunity-youth-serving employment and training programs in the Greater Philadelphia region (Philadelphia, Chester, Bucks, Delaware, and Montgomery counties). Pre-apprenticeship programs are a critical step in preparing young people for fulltime employment as an apprentice. This curriculum provides background knowledge and basic skills development for the industry and helps mature participants through development of soft-skills and critical thinking and decision-making. Our goal is reduce the burden on supervisors by delivering an apprentice ready and able to engage fully in their work as an apprentice.

Who is Eligible to Apply Applicants may be either not-for-profit or for-profit organizations.

Term This project will be funded from contract award date (or soon thereafter) until completion.

Scope of Services

Background Information Philadelphia Works is the recipient of a U.S. Department of Labor American Apprenticeship Initiative grant to develop and expand high-quality apprenticeships for opportunity youth in the high-growth, H- 1B industries of Behavioral Health and IT in the Greater Philadelphia region. This grant focuses on developing systems to prepare opportunity youth for employment as apprentices. We intend to demonstrate that properly prepared opportunity youth can be successful and provide return-on- investment to employers through an apprenticeship. Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 2

Service Requirements We seek a partner with expertise and existing relationships with regional healthcare apprenticeship programs and strong links to employers in the healthcare sector to develop and complete standardized, employer-validated pre-apprenticeship curriculum for the Behavioral Health sector. This curriculum will be made publically available for implementation across opportunity-youth-serving organizations in the region, and the awarded entity would be required to provide technical assistance to these organizations in implementing the curriculum. Successful completion of the curriculum should qualify opportunity youth to enter full employment in a Registered Apprenticeship in Behavioral Health.

A database of Registered Apprenticeship program sponsors in the Greater Philadelphia region can be found here:

The contractor will perform the following tasks:

Curriculum Development: The contractor must create and/or adapt pre-apprenticeship curriculum that aligns with regional Behavioral Health employers needs for entry-level apprentices and healthcare industry standards and prepares opportunity youth with the skills and competencies needed to enter one or more Registered Apprenticeship programs in Behavioral Health and related occupations. The curriculum should include:  Awareness of the Registered Apprenticeship model and career pathways for Behavioral Health Technicians, including pre-requisites, entrance exam requirements, length of program, curriculum topics, job vacancies, position duties/responsibilities, wages, etc.;

 Baseline knowledge and skill standards to meet any testing or other pre-requisites/entrance requirements into Registered Apprenticeship programs in Behavioral Health;

 Introduction to core competencies and practical instruction that align with industry standards and regional healthcare Registered Apprenticeship program curricula , specifically focusing on the caring for those with intellectual disabilities, mental health challenges, and drug and alcohol dependencies;

 Attainment of any relevant healthcare industry certifications/credentials;

 Career exposure activities in Behavioral Health, including job shadowing, internships, and/or other work experiences; and

 Lessons and activities on general workplace and personal effectiveness competencies relevant to the healthcare sector, including teamwork, customer focus, planning and organizing, problem solving and decision-making, integrity, professionalism, adaptability and flexibility, and dependability and reliability (for more information, see the Long-Term Care, Supports, and Services Competency Model at Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 3

Curriculum Format: The curriculum must be either competency-based or a hybrid of competency- and time-based. It must be able to be delivered in a face-to-face cohort, but may also include self-paced and virtual lessons. The curriculum should include lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes, and teacher and student guides. It should be delivered in an electronic format, such as Microsoft Word or similar program, so it can be customized and used as needed.

Employer and Partner Validation: The pre-apprenticeship curriculum must be approved and certified by Registered Apprenticeship program partners and/or employers in the healthcare industry. This process must include:  A documented recruitment strategy of the partners and employers that were contacted and their qualifications;

 A review process that details which partners and employers were involved, the number of reviews completed, timeline, outcomes of each review, etc.; and

 Letters from each partner and employer involved that approves of the final curriculum and validates the contents.

Implementation Assistance: The awarded entity must be available, willing, and able to provide technical assistance to opportunity-youth-serving organizations in the region that want to implement the pre- apprenticeship curriculum in Behavioral Health as a stand-alone program or into their current programming. This assistance could include meetings (in-person, phone, and/or virtual), guidance/instructional documents, on-site visits during program operation, troubleshooting, and/or other supports.

Performance Expectations Develop and complete pre-apprenticeship curriculum that aligns with regional Registered Apprenticeship programs and industry standards in healthcare, specifically Behavioral Health; is validated by partners and employers in the healthcare industry; and can be implemented across opportunity-youth-serving organizations in the region.

Application Package

1. Cover page with contact information and signature (Attachment 1 or equivalent)

2. Proposal statement of work describing the organization’s approach to the work and how you plan to meet the expectations of Philadelphia Works for the tasks specified within the scope of work.

3. A timeline for achieving the project’s goals.

4. A description of your organization’s capacity and experience to carry out the proposed activities and meet the goals. Include examples of any similar projects. Include evidence that the Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 4

organization has existing relationships with regional Registered Apprenticeship program partners and employers in healthcare.

5. List of the major person(s) who will deliver services and their roles and qualifications.

6. Proposal budget and cost/pricing rationale. Estimate the costs and pricing to deliver the requested services. Include line item justification. Include any services that you will provide in- kind, with an estimated cost of those services, if possible.

7. A short organizational history and mission including the number of years in business.

8. Organization and compliance information (Attachment 2).

Deliver one copy of these materials either electronically or in unbound hard copy by Friday, July 29, 2016, 3:00pm to:

Mark Genua, Apprenticeship Program Director Philadelphia Works 1617 JFK Blvd, 13th floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 Email: [email protected]

Proposals may be judged nonresponsive and removed from further consideration if the proposal is not received timely in accordance with the terms of this RFP and/or the proposal does not follow the specified format.

Questions about the RFP or requests for more information are required to be directed to Mark Genua, Apprenticeship Program Director, at [email protected] with the subject line “Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum for Behavioral Health RFP” by Friday, July 15, 2016, at 3:00pm. All answers to questions about the content and/or process of this RFP will be posted on our website at by Wednesday, July 20, 2016.

Evaluation Criteria and Process

Proposals will be evaluated by an Evaluation Team consisting of fair and impartial Philadelphia Works staff members and external partners based on the criteria below. Philadelphia Works contemplates award of the contract to the responsible bidder with the highest total points.

Philadelphia Works may, at its discretion, request presentations by or meetings with any or all bidders, to clarify or negotiate modifications to the bidder’s proposals. However, Philadelphia Works reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposals submitted. In addition, it reserves the right to: 1. Contact any bidder to clarify responses. 2. Contact current or past customers of the bidder. Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 5

3. Select the bidder it feels best meets the needs of the project, regardless of whether the proposal has the lowest cost. 4. Reject any proposal that the evaluation team and / or Chief Financial Officer believes is not in the best interests of Philadelphia Works. 5. Waive any defects in a bidder’s proposal provided that it is in the best interests of Philadelphia Works to do so, and that action will not cause any material unfairness to other bidders. 6. Accept or reject all or any part of any response, waive minor technicalities, and select a bidder that best serves the goals of the project, and these actions will not cause any material unfairness to other bidders. The project narrative should describe the organization’s proposed approach to the work and its experience and capacity to achieve the goals, as describe in the Scope of Services section, above. Please complete this in 8 – 10 pages double-spaced.

A total of 60 points can be earned. Points are earned in response to the following (please see Attachment 3 for the Proposal Evaluation Form):

1. Approach to the Work (Maximum 20 points)

a. A proposed approach to the scope of work, and a description of necessary elements needed to result in meeting the expectations and goals.

b. A timeline aligned with elements for pre-apprenticeship curriculum development and completion.

2. Experience/Capacity (Maximum 20 points)

a. Proven expertise to develop pre-apprenticeship curriculum that aligns with regional apprenticeship programs and industry standards in healthcare, specifically Behavioral Health.

b. Proven capacity to identify program partners and employers in Behavioral Health to validate curriculum.

c. Any past similar projects.

3. Cost (Maximum 10 points)

a. The proposed costs are reasonable

b. Priority consideration for in-kind services. Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 6

4. Technical, Administrative and Fiscal Capacity (Maximum 10 points)

a. Agree to enable Philadelphia Works to monitor use of funds as required by federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines.

Philadelphia Works, in soliciting requests for proposals, shall not discriminate against any person or organization submitting a proposal pursuant to this Request for Proposal because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnic group, national origin, or other basis prohibited by law.

All funds anticipated to be available to support activities under this RFP are based on availability of federal funding and are subject to change. Philadelphia Works reserves the right to cancel this RFP and the proposals submitted for this award if it determines that no proposal was appropriately responsive Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 7

Attachment 1 - Cover and Signature Page

Name of Organization:

Address of Organization:

Contact Person – Name and Title:

Phone: Fax: Email Address:

Fiscal Contact Person – Name and Title:

Phone: Fax: Email Address:

Signature of Authorized Agency Representative: Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 8

Name: Title: Date: Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 9

Attachment 2 – Organization Information ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Is the organization incorporated as a: ___ For-Profit ___ Non-Profit What is the organization’s federal tax ID number or the name and Federal Tax ID number of the legal entity that will act on behalf of the organization?

Is the organization (or the legal entity identified above) Is the organization minority-owned and/or operated?

certified by the City’s Minority Business Enterprise Council? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Yes ___ No Have any of the applicant’s Federal, State or City contracts or grants ever been terminated or suspended (either

totally or partially) for any reason? Yes (If yes, explain on separate sheet.) No Has the applicant ever failed or refused to complete a contract?

______Yes (If yes, explain on a separate sheet of paper.) No Is applicant in receivership or bankruptcy, or are any such proceedings pending?

(If yes, explain on separate sheet.) ___Yes ___No Has the applicant’s organization ever been cited, fined, or reprimanded for any law or code violations or has any

business license been suspended or revoked? ____Yes (If yes, explain on separate sheet.) ____No Has the applicant agency and its staff or director ever been barred from entering contracts with Federal or State

government agencies? ___Yes (If yes, explain on separate sheet.) ___No Conflict of Interest/Union Concurrence Does the organization have any connection with Philadelphia Works (including its Board of Directors or Youth


L___ist allYe su n(Ifio ynes,s t heatxp mlaiayn onbe aas sseopciaraatteed sheet.with t)his p____rojeNoct. Use separate sheet if necessary.

Does the agency have union approval of the proposed project?

Yes (Attach a copy of written proof.) No

Union approval was not requested. Union approval is not necessary.

Attachment 3 – Proposal Evaluation Form Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 10

Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum for Behavioral Health Proposal Evaluation Form

Proposal Submitted By:

A. Approach to Work = Maximum 20 Points:

1. Proposed Approach Maximum 10 Points Awarded: Review Project Narrative. Does the proposer’s approach to the scope of work seem reasonable? Are the necessary elements needed to result in meeting the expectations and goals clear? Notes: ______

2. Timeline Maximum 10 Points Awarded: Review Project Timeline. Does the proposer’s timeline appear reasonable? Does the proposer’s timeline align with the elements for pre-apprenticeship curriculum development and completion? Notes: ______

A. Total Points for Approach to Work Section (Maximum 20 Points)

B. Experience/Capacity = Maximum 20 Points:

1. Expertise Maximum 10 Points Awarded Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 11

Review Project Narrative. Does the proposer have proven expertise to develop pre-apprenticeship curriculum that aligns with regional apprenticeship programs and industry standards in Behavioral Health? Does the proposal indicate any past projects that are similar to the proposed services? Notes: ______

2. Capacity Maximum 10 Points Awarded Review Project Narrative. Does the proposal indicate the capacity to deliver the proposed services? Is there evidence that the proposer has existing relationships with regional apprenticeship programs and employers in Behavioral Health? Notes: ______

B. Total Points for Experience/Capacity Section (Maximum 20 Points)

C. Cost = Maximum 10 Points:

1. Reasonableness of Costs Maximum 5 Points Awarded Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 12

D. Technical, Administrative, and Fiscal Capacity = Maximum 10 Points:

1. Capacity Maximum 5 Points Awarded

Review Project Narrative and Organization Information Form (Attachment 2). Does the proposer have the technical, administrative, and fiscal capacity to track and maintain records and report outcomes for the proposed services? Notes: ______

2. Compliance Maximum 5 Points Awarded

Review Organization Information Form (Attachment 2). Has the proposer complied with all previous contracts, grants, or other agreements? Has the proposer been cited, fined, reprimanded, or barred from any contracts or agreements? Does the proposer agree to enable Philadelphia Works to monitor use of funds as required by federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidelines? Notes: ______Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 13

D. Total Points for Technical, Administrative, and Fiscal Capacity Section (Maximum 10 Points)

Overall Score (Add A + B + C + D ) Maximum 60 Points

(Type or Print) Reviewed by:



Comments: Behavioral Health Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum RFP, p. 14

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