Instructions – Background for MS 2007

How to Add Page Backgrounds in Word 2007 By K.C. Winslow, eHow Contributor updated: September 20, 2010

Insert a background, such as a color gradient, in Word 2007.

Word 2007 includes the option to add page backgrounds that appear behind the text of a document. Backgrounds are usually used for documents that will be viewed online to add interest to the page, according to the Microsoft Office website. Page backgrounds can be color gradients, pictures, solid colors, patterns or pictures. Difficulty: Easy Instructions

1) Open the document to which you want to add a background in Word 2007.

2) Click the "Page Layout" tab in the ribbon at the top of the window. Go to the "Page Background" group and click "Page Color."

3) Click a color from "Theme Colors" or "Standard Colors" to set a solid color. You also have the option of clicking "More Colors" to select from all available colors. Clicking a color closes the menu and sets the color as the background.

4) Click "Fill Effects" to open the dialog box that includes all of the other page background options.

5) Go to the "Gradient" tab to set a background that transitions between the colors you choose. Click the "Texture" tab to choose from available textures. Go to the "Pattern" tab to select a graphic pattern for the background. Click the "Picture" tab to choose an image from your computer. Click "OK" to close the menu and set the