Career Springboard Apprenticeship
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Press Release
Career springboard apprenticeship
Six new apprentices at Bachmann
As of September 1, 2015, six new apprentices started their training at Bachmann electronic in the professions electronics and operating logistics. In total, 21 adolescents currently complete their apprenticeship at Bachmann headquarters in Feldkirch.
A “get to know each other” workshop within a three-day outdoor training in Bregenzerwald helps the young people to enter into professional life. Next to specialist know-how, especially personality development and the enhancement of social skills are key components of the apprenticeship at Bachmann. Special personality workshops but also adventure trips and other team building events shape the character of the adolescents and support the team spirit within the group.
Since 1985, Bachmann trains apprentices with great success. In line with the principle of rotation, the trainees work their way through different departments. Therefore, the content of teaching can individually be adapted to performance potentials, skills and interests. In the apprenticeship the mediation of a broad knowledge is of primary importance, the specialization takes place after the apprenticeship within the relevant departments. Qualified employees after finishing the apprenticeship are in great demand within the respective fields of application.
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Picture caption: be_2015_new_apprentices.jpg Apprenticeship as career springboard - Bachmann welcomed four electronics and two operating logistics apprentices in the beginning of September: Jonas Walser, Laurin Lang, Josua Egle, Laurin Simma, Carmen Bertel and Nikolai Aberer (from left to right)
Picture credits: Bachmann electronic
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Corporate Headquarters: Legal form: Bank connection: Bachmann electronic GmbH Private Limited Company Sparkasse Feldkirch Kreuzäckerweg 33 Registered company: Feldkirch Account-No.: 0400-001525 A-6800 Feldkirch, Austria FN 75348g Commercial Register Routing-No. (BLZ): 20604 P +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-0 Feldkirch F +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-188 VAT-No.: ATU36410905 [email protected] Taxpayer's reference No.: DVR 0591653 Press Release
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Bachmann electronic GmbH Kreuzäckerweg 33 6800 Feldkirch, Austria P +43 (0)55 22 / 34 97-0 E-Mail: [email protected]
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Corporate Headquarters: Legal form: Bank connection: Bachmann electronic GmbH Private Limited Company Sparkasse Feldkirch Kreuzäckerweg 33 Registered company: Feldkirch Account-No.: 0400-001525 A-6800 Feldkirch, Austria FN 75348g Commercial Register Routing-No. (BLZ): 20604 P +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-0 Feldkirch F +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-188 VAT-No.: ATU36410905 [email protected] Taxpayer's reference No.: DVR 0591653