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Orem City Council met in regular session, Tuesday, May 27, 1975, at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers. Those present were: Mayor James E. Mangum, Chairman; Councilmen: Merrill Gappmayer, Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, LeRoy Walker, and Glen R. Zimmerman; Earl Wengreen, City Manager; Frank Butterfield, City Attorney; Russ Brown, City Engineer; Alan Homer, Finance Director; Jack Jones, Public Works Director; Randall Deschamps, Community Development Director; Jim Simmons, Police Chief; Wally Baird, Zoning Administrator; and Chris Moores, Secretary.

Others present were as listed:

Maria Smith Daily Universe Richard A. Brewer General Interest Dennis Cambridge Orem Geneva Times Stan Moores General Interest Alan L. Dixon Review of Budget Ron Allen General Interest Jim Hales Central Utah Alcoholism Council Ed Shriver Central Utah Alcoholism Council

The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Zimmerman.

Miss Springville, Becky Knight and Cindy Lowe, 1st Attendant presented the Council with stationery and invited them to Springville Days on June 4, 5, 6, 1975.

Mrs. LeRee Bristow introduced the Strawberry Festival Queen and Attendant and the Rodeo Attendants who presented the Council with jars of strawberry jam and the Mayor with tickets to the rodeo. The royalty wore: Joy Tucker, Miss Strawberry Days, Nancy Folmer, 1st Attendant, Mindy Barrett, Miss Rodeo 1st Attendant and Debra Wilkins, Miss Rodeo 2nd Attendant.

Mr. Dan Croft from the Daily Herald, who has been covering Orem City as a newspaper reporter, introduced his replacement, Lynn Tilton, to the Council.

Mr. Ed Shriver, Chairman and Jim Hales, Director of the Central Utah Alcoholism Council met with the Council to give them the opportunity to designate the unit that will have Orem's name In the Alcohol Recovery Unit. The Council approved having Orem's name on the Honor Dormitory.

Mr. Zimmerman moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Gillman reported on negotiations with Max Gardner on 800 East. Mr. Gillman moved to accept the recommendation of the City Manager and proceed to raise the garage floor and driveway and move the fence for Mr. Max Gardner on 800 East and to transfer the funds, approximately $1400.00, from the Contingency Fund. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the nation which carried.

The Mayor presented Mr. Wally Baird, Zoning Administrator with a beautification award from the Utah County Bi-Centennial Beautification Committee for his participation in the Countywide Beautification Project which was held May 9, and 10, 1975. The City also received a beautification award for their participation.

Mr. Gappmayer reported that he has been contacted by a group of citizens interested in a pedal lighting district. Mr. Gappmayer asked Mr. Wengreen what the procedure was in setting one up. Mr. Wengreen responded that the procedure is as follows:

1. a petition needs to be signed by a majority of the property owners 2. contact Utah Power and Light to have them design the system 3. authorize the City Engineer to get the property description for the assessment rolls 4. proceed with the Notice of Intent and establish a date for the public hearing

Mr. Walker stated that the Council should go on record that 7000 lumen mercury vapor lamps would be used in future lighting districts.

Mr. Gillman moved to authorize the City Manager to proceed to contact Utah Power and Light to design the system and proceed to create the district as soon as the City receives the petition. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Walker asked for a report of the status of the Storm Drain located near Green Grove Press. Mr. Jones, Public Works Director said there had been 4-6 inches of water accumulate there the day of the heavy rain last week. He also reported that a drain needs to be designed. Mr. Walker asked Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown, City Engineer to prepare a proposal on the costs and the design.

Mr. Gillman reported that Marv Lloyd on 2000 South and Main Street had contacted him about the ditch by his property. The City has cleaned the drains on Main Street but his wan missed. The Public Works Director was advised to take care of the problem. Mr. Gillman also reported he has had calls about citizens abusing the garbage permits. The Mayor said he would talk to the County Commissioner to see what could be done.

Mr. Zimmerman has been contacted by a businessman that needs his garbage dumped more often than it is. Hr would be happy to take it of the dump but they would charge him $1.00 every time. Mr. Jones, Public Works Director reported that the City can provide additional pick up at the established rates If he wants them. Mr. Wengreen presented the Affirmative Action Program to the Council for discussion. Mr. Walker recommended that it be tabled for one week.

The Council discussed the proposed Engineering Services. Mr. Walker moved to accept the recommendation of the committee and adopt the delineation of duties as they concern the Engineering Department, Community Development and Public Works as they have been amended durin g the discussion and that a copy be attached to the official minutes. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried. (Memo attached on next page)

The Council reviewed the recommendations on the CETA Program. Mr. Gillman moved to approve the request to transfer money for the two laborers previously approved, and be used instead to hire one carpenter. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Wengreen reported on the acquisition of State property at 1300 South and 400 West. The State Highway Department can lease the parcel to be used for park purposes to the City on a long term lease if a sign is posted advising passerbys of the park location available for public use. Mr. Gappmayer moved to authorize the City Manager to write a letter to the State Highway Department regarding the property at 1300 South stating that if the State leases the property to the City, the City will install a sign when the park is finished or that the City will buy the land if used for other purposes. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

The Council reviewed the proposed 1975-76 Budget. Mr. Walker moved to instruct the City Manager to adjust the budget per findings that were recommended on the automobiles. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Gappmayer moved to include the recommendations on wage grade reclassification to include the Public Works Director - from 16 to 18, Data Processing Manager - from 12 to 13, City Treasurer - from 6 to 8, and the Deputy Animal Control Officer - from 4 to 6 providing that there is no reduction to salary; if so, that they be increased to the next step that will be an increase In salary. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Zimmerman moved for the Council to start considering funding for proposed projects as recommended by Mr. Walker and Mr. Wengreen. Mr. Walker seconded the motion which carried.

Hr. Zimmerman moved to have the Senior Citizens get the figures to complete their building and to get an approximate coat of utilities for budget consideration. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Gappmayer moved to include the Chamber of Commerce's request for $5,000 in the budget rather than the prevent $3500. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Zimmerman moved to have the Senior Citizens get the figures to complete their building and to get an approximate coat of utilities for budget consideration. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Walker moved to adjust the budget in programing engineering costs as per changes made during Council meeting. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

The Council set a meeting to review the City Manager's recommendation on manpower for Thursday, May 29, 1975 at 6:00 AM. Mr. Jones, Public Works Director said he wouldn't be ready with a recommendation on 2000 South and Main Street Improvements until next week. Hr. Jones proposed that the City lower the drains and correct the drainage problem on 1000 South with funds from the Street Department. Mr. Walker moved to authorize the Public Works Director to proceed with proposed recommendations at 1000 South State. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.


TO: Mayor James E. Mangum FROM: City Manager Earl Wengreen DATE: May 23, 1975 SUBJECT: Engineering Services


The purpose of this memo is to make recommendation for engineering services.


Three weeks ago the Council assigned Russ Brown, Jack Jones and I to review the services and activities involving engineering on the Public Works and Community Development areas and make recommendation back to the Council.


1. Transfer the public works inspection function from the Engineer's office to the Public Works Administration.

2. Transfer the following activities and functions from Engineering and Community Development to the Public Works as follows:

3. Hire a graduate and/or licensed engineer as the public works inspector to be responsible for the functions and activities noted below.

Service Area Present Recommended Comments Assignment Change Engineering Processing Final Plats No Change Includes checking plats for accuracy, location of monuments, closures on description of property, lot sizes, conformance to zoning and subdivision regulations, etc Engineering Public Facility plans and No Change Includes checking grades, profiles elevations for streets, sidewalks, curb and gutters, water and sewer lines, drainage, etc. Community Dev. Compute cost of bonds Assign to PWI Processing of bonds, collecting “ “ Collect bonds, fees, etc. Assign to PWI fees, inspections and release of “ “ Signatures on plats, etc. Assign to PWI bonds is an administration “ “ Public facilities insp. Assign to PWI function more closely “ “ Final Insp. & bond associated with getting the release Assign to PWI improvements installed to city specs and releasing bond when completed. Engineering Inspection of all Transfer to PWI inspects all work off-site public facilities in PWI in subdivision & city streets subdivisions & city except contract work streets, including tracts authorization by city. Engineer authorized by city. inspects contracted projects. Some aspects of inspection such as density tests & extraction tests would still be done by engineering but would be coordinated with PWI. In addition, PW & Engineer would make recommendation on special projects as to who would handle inspections at time project was authorized by council. Engineering Maps & plat revisions No change This function could be & recordings transferred to PW as our people become familiar with city and as personnel could be approved by council. Engineering Contract Administration Transfer to PW The engineering and design, call for bids, recommendations for awarding bids, recommendations for awarding bids would be handled by engineering. Once the contract was authorized, PW would coordinate work schedule, inspections, review and approve progress billings, coordinate problems with citizens and contractor. Engineering Engineering design No Change Surveying & drafting could be “ Surveying No Change transferred to PW as “ Draftine No Change knowledge and expertise is gained by Public Works Inspector. Engineering Permits Transfer to PW Engineering Routine Engineering No Change This includes problem solving, inquires from public, providing plats, surveys, deeds, etc., on routine projects, and engineering consulting on all facilities of city operations relative to engineering. Engineering Metropolitan Water Transfer to Mt. The Engineer has been Board Water Board providing services to the “ really no Metro. Water Board. This change” should be reviewed and maybe transferred to the Metropolitan Water Board. Engineering Representation on other No Change Engineer presently serves as Boards and Committees member of UVATS technical Committee, County Sewer Study Committee, and exofficio member of Shade Tree Commission, etc.

Memo - Mayor James E. Mangum - 3 - May 22, 1975

I have discussed the above recommendations individually with Russ Brown, Jack Jones and Randy Deschamps. We also met as a group to discuss the pros and cons of each of the recommendations and have concluded that the recommendations will provide us with a workable and effective organization.

I have asked Rues Brown to provide us with a cost figure fir Engineering based on the above recommendations. If tire permits, he will have the information available to go out with the Agenda. If not he will have it for Tuesday night. Mr. Jones reported that he had met with Carl Clegg and Mr. Evans Iris Clegg Realty in regards to the bills that had been presented to the Council a couple of reeks ago on the improvements to 1030 West and 230 North Streets. Mr. Larson moved to authorize payment of S1374 to Mr. Clegg, and authorize the Public Works Director to install blacktop on the streets, and transfer funds from the Contingency. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Jones told the Council that he had received a phone call about having a Memorial Service at the cemetery on Memorial Day. The Council responded that they thought it was a good idea to plan for next year.

Mr. Deschamps, Community Development Director reviewed the BOR applications with the Council. The applications include the following three projects: l. The tennis courts at Sharon Park. 2. the purchase of Geneva Elementary School Park, and 3. the improvements on the east ride of the City Center Park. This application will be submitted this Friday. May 30, 1975. The application requires preliminary plans for the parks which Mr. Deschamps showed to the Council. The Council felt that the restrooms in Geneva Park shouldn't be as secluded as planned. Mr. Deschamps informed the Council that Mr. Rowley, with whom the City is negotiating on the Geneva Park Land purchase, is asking $12,000 an acre. The land has been appraised for $11,000 an acre. Mr. Walker moved to authorize offering Mr. Rowley $11,000 an acre for the land and if he doesn't accept the offer to proceed to condemn and BOB pay what the court decides. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Zimmerman moved to accept the preliminary plans for the Orem City Center and Geneva Parks. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Gappmayer moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the BOR applications and authorize the community Development Director to submit the applications. Mr. Larson seconded the action which carried.

Mr. Larson moved to approve the following plats and authorize signatures: Palisade Park, Plat I; Southgate Park, Plat 1; Gappmayer Subdivision. Plat C; T & T Industrial Park. Plat A; Cottage Heights, Plat C; and North Park Manor, Plat D. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Zimmerman moved to release the following mortgages: the bond for Victory Heights Subdivision. Plat B; the bond for North Park Manor, Plat B. Mr. Larson seconded the motion which carried

Mr. Brown, City Engineer discussed the programing of Collector Funds on the 400 North Project. Mr. Gillman moved to accept the recommendation of the City Engineer and program funds [or 400 North giving priority over Center Street. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried. Mr. Walker moved to authorize the Mayor, Councilmen Larson and Zimmerman to sign the CR-10 to request the transfer of $5.135.52 from the Collector Road Trust Account to the general operating account. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Butterfield. City Attorney made his recommendation on the claim from American Western Contractors to deny the claim. Mr. Larson moved to accept the City Attorney's recommendation and deny the claim from American Western Contractors. Mr. Gillman seconded the motion which carried.

Mr. Gillman moved to authorize Mr. Deschamps to submit a request to the State Highway Department for access to 1300 South at the 200 East intersection and authorize the mayor's signature. Mr. Gillman seconded the notion which carried.

Mr. Walker moved that the meeting adjourn. Mr. Gappmayer seconded the motion which carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

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