Andreas Feldmann Pietsch

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Andreas Feldmann Pietsch

ANDREAS E. FELDMANN Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Institute of Political Science Catholic University of Chile Avenida Vicuña Mackenna 4860 San Joaquín, Santiago de Chile [email protected]

Previous Appointments

Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Science, Catholic University of Chile (2006-2009).

Post-Doctoral Fellow-Instructor, Human Rights Program, Center for International Studies, the University of Chicago (2003-2005).

Adjunct Instructor, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame (2002).

Education Ph.D. Political Science Department, University of Notre Dame (2002).

Dissertation Self-Serving Generosity: International Responses to Internal Displacement Emergencies in the Americas. Advisors: Gil Loescher and Alan Dowty; members of the committee, Juan E. Méndez, Robert Johansen, and Chris Welna.

M.A. Political Science Department, University of Notre Dame (1998).

B.A. (Licenciatura) Social Communication and Journalism, University of Chile, Santiago (1992).

Research Interests Population uprooting, internal displacement and refugee affairs; Armed conflict, guerrilla movements, and terrorism; International human rights, international humanitarian law; International Organizations, Geographic Area of Specialization, Latin America



2012. Chile in the Age of Globalisation: Dialogue with India. New Delhi: Manak Publications (with Abdul Nafey and Eugenio Guizman)

2010. La Experiencia Chilena en Haití: Reflexiones Sobre el Rol de Chile en Materia de Cooperación Emergente. Santiago de Chile: LOM (with Esteban Montes).

Articles 2011. “Lost In Translation: The ABC Cooperation Efforts for the Reconstruction of Haiti.” Journal of Peacebuilding and Development (with Miguel Lengyel, Bernabé Malacalza and Antonio Ramahlo) 6 (3): 45-62. 2009. “Haití: Huracanes en un Año de Calma.” Anuario Revista de Ciencia Política 29 (2): 453-470 (with Esteban Montes y Sandra Piraces).

2009. “Terrorism in Colombia: Logic and Sources of a Multidimensional and Ubiquitous Political Phenomenon.” Terrorism and Political Violence 21 (1): 42-61 (with Víctor Hinojosa).

2008. “Die-Offs at the Border.” Migración y Desarrollo 10 (1): 11-34 (with Jorge Durand).

2008. “Raíces del Desplazamiento Interno y su Vínculo con la Intervención Humanitaria.” Revista de Ciencia Política 28 (3): 61-94.

2008. "Haiti: Tribulations of a Failed State." Revista de Ciencia Política 28 (1): 245 – 264 (with Esteban Montes).

2006. Roninger, Luis y Mario Sznajder “El Legado de las Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos en el Cono Sur". Revista de Ciencia Política XXVI (1): 241-243 (book review).

2005. “A Shift in the Paradigm of Violence: Non-Governmental Terrorism in LA since the End of the Cold War.” Revista de Ciencia Política 25 (2): 3-35.

2005. “New Formulas, Old Sins: Human Rights Abuses Against Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees in the Americas,” Beyond Law 28 (11): 66-85 (with Helena Olea).

A previous version was published in 2004. Human Rights From the Margins: Critical Interventions, Neve Gordon, ed., 129-59. Lanham, MD.: Lexington Books.

2004. “Reassessing the Causes of Non-Governmental Terrorism in Latin America.” Latin American Politics and Society 46 (2): 101-132 (with Maiju Perälä)

Early draft issued as “Nongovernmental Terrorism in Latin America: Re-examining Old Assumptions,” Kellogg Institute Working Paper # 286 (July 2002).

1997. “The Changing Status of Children in Latin America: Issues in Child Health and Children’s Rights.” Kellogg Institute Newsletter 29: 5-7 (with Carlos Guevara-Mann).

1996. “The Rule of Law and the Underprivileged in Latin America.” Kellogg Institute Newsletter 27: 1-3 (with Carlos Guevara-Mann).

Book Chapters

2012. The Security Scenario in Contemporary Latin America. In Chile in the Age of Globalisation: Dialogue with India Abdul Nafey, Eugenio Guzman, and Andreas Feldmann (eds.), 28-57. New Dehli: MANAK Publications

2012. La Sociedad Internacional. Dictionary in Political Science, Inés Picazo (ed.). Santiago: Universidad Catolica Press (with Lorena Oyarzún) (forthcoming).

2011. Información de País de Origen en Determinaciones de Estatuto de Refugiado: Lecciones de un Proyecto de Cooperación Inter-institucional en Chile (Paula Lekanda, Alexandra Galvis y Mauricio Ortegón) Buenos Aires ACNUR (forthcoming).

2007. “Algunas Estrategias para Potenciar el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.” In El Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos en países Andinos, ed. Comisión Andina de Juristas, 39-57. Lima: Comisión Andina de Juristas. 2006. “The Interest of the European Union in Security Issues in Latin America in the 21st Century.” In Franc Kernic/Walter Feichtinger (Hrsg.), Transatlantische Beziehungen im Wandel: Sicherheitspolitische Aspekte der Beziehungen zwischen der Europäischen Union und Lateinamerika, 53-65. Vienna: Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management.

2006. “International Standards of Due Process for Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees.” In Human Rights, Refugees and Displaced Persons in Process: Essays in Honor of Joan Fitzpatrick and Arthur Helton, ed. Anne Bayefsky, 459-476. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers (with Juan Méndez and Helena Olea).

2006. “Panorama de Seguridad en América Latina y El Caribe.” In Seguridad y Cooperación: Aspectos de la Seguridad y las Relaciones entre la Unión Europea y América Latina, ed. Franz Kernic and Tomás Chuaqui, 45-76. Vienna: Defense Academy Press (with Sebastián Briones).

2005. “El Derecho Internacional y los Derechos Laborales de los Trabajadores Migratorios.” In Rumbos del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: Homenaje a al Profesor Antônio Cançado Trindade, Renato Ribeiro Zerbini ed. Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris Editors (with Juan Méndez and Helena Olea).

2004. “New Formulas, Old Sins: Human Rights Abuses Against Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees in the Americas.” In Human Rights From the Margins: Critical Interventions, Neve Gordon, ed., 129-59. Lanham, MD.: Lexington Books.

Work in progress

Books The Evolution of Terrorism in Colombia: The Routinization of Inhumanity (under preparation for submission)

Articles and book chapters:

The "Insecurity" of Security: How State Efforts to Curb Non-state Violence Inform a New Human Rights Crisis in Latin America (under preparation for submission).

“Examining the Root Sources of Violence in Haiti: Tracing the Relation between Structure and Contingency”(with Roody Reserve) (under preparation for submission).

“The Role of the Afflicted State and Humanitarian Intervention: The Missing Link,” (under preparation for submission)

“Colombia’s Reticent Neighbors: The International Ramifications of the Oldest existing conflict in Latin America” (under preparation for submission).

Teaching Experience

Catholic University of Chile, Assistant Professor (2005-). Courses taught: International Relations and Human Rights; Armed Conflict and the Politics of Humanitarian Action; Introduction to International Relations, International Organizations (undergraduate program),International Human Rights (MA Program); International Security (Doctoral Program).

Universidad Del Salvador, Argentina, Visiting Professor (2008-). Courses taught: International Security. International Relations and Human Rights (MA Program). University of Chicago (2003-2005). Courses taught: International Relations and Human Rights; Armed Conflict and the Politics of Humanitarian Action; Human Rights in Latin America (Undergraduate and MA Programs).

University of Notre Dame (2002). Courses taught: Armed Conflict and the Politics of Humanitarian Action (undergraduate program). Honors, Grants, and Fellowships

Nucleus Milenio for the Study of Stateness and Democracy in Contemporary Latin America (NS100014) (with Juan Pablo Luna, David Altman, Rodrigo Mardones, Anthony Pezzola, Valeria Palanza, Casssandra Sweet.

Chilean National Research Council (FONDECYT) (Number 1110565) (FONDECYT) 2011-2014. State Institutions in Latin America: Cross Nacional and Subnacional Patterns (with Juan Pablo Luna and Rodrigo Mardones).

Chilean National Research Council (FONDECYT Number 11060277). Research Fellowship Project International Responses to Internal Displacement Emergencies in the Americas: A Comparative Study Between El Salvador, Peru and Colombia (2007-9).

Center for Latin American Studies, The University of Chicago, Visiting Researcher (June-August 2007).

Institute for the Study of World Politics Dissertation Fellowship (May 2000). Award to support dissertation research.

Zahm Travel Grant, The Graduate School, University of Notre Dame (March 1999). Traveling award to conduct dissertation field research.

Kellogg Seed Money, Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame (April 1999). Award to undertake dissertation field research.

Project Latin American 2000 Fellowship provided by the Coca-Cola Company (August 1995-99). Four-year scholarship provided by University of Notre Dame in conjunction with the Coca-Cola Company to Latin American students who have shown promise of an outstanding career in the academic or professional fields.

Organization of Professional Conferences

Lessons of the Chilean Intervention in Haiti, Catholic University of Chile, December 2008. Conference endorsed by the Catholic University of Chile and the International Development Research Center The final product will be an edited volume (with Esteban Montes).

Migration and Human Rights in the Age of Globalization: The Case of the North American Corridor, October 2007, the University of Chicago. Conference supported by Tinker Foundation and the Center of Latin American Studies of University of Chicago. Published in a special issue of the journal Migración y Desarrollo First Semester (2008) (with Jorge Durand and Susan Gzesh)

Professional Conferences and Invited Lectures

2012. Measuring the Colombian Success Story. Stateness in Contemporary Latin America, Instituto de Ciencia Política, UC Santiago de Chile, March (

2011. Armed Conflict in Contemporary Latin America: A comparison between Mexico and Colombia New Delhi, Observer Research Foundation, December.

2011. The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the United Nations in Perspective. Social Science Research Council, New York. 2011. The "Insecurity" of Security: How State Efforts to Curb Non-state Violence Inform a New Human Rights Crisis in Latin America, American Political Science Association Meeting, Seattle, USA, September.

2010. The Security Scenario of Latin America in the New Millennium: A New Configuration of Violence, Chile India-Dialogue, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Dehli, India, September.

2010. The Role of Chile in ABC Countries, Latin American Studies Association Conference, Toronto Canada, September.

2010. Chile’s Human Rights Policy under the Concertación Governments. Workshop Comparative Foreign Policies Canada-Chile-Argentina. La Plata, Argentina, University of Laval, and Universidad Nacional de la Plata, October.

2010. The Political Consequences of the Earthquake in Chile. Center for Latin American Studies, The University of Chicago, April.

2009. Examining the Root Sources of Violence in Haiti: Tracing the Relation between Structure and Contingency, Trabajo presentado en la conferencia “Arms, Violence and Politics in Latin America: Past, Present, and Future,” University of Calgary, Latin American Research Centre, May 17.

2008. The Politics of Forced Migration in the Americas. Paper delivered at the Second Workshop on Migration and Development, Develpment and Human Movement Agenda and Transnational Civil Society, Caracas, Venezuela April 23.

2007. Death at the Border: The perils of border control in North America. Paper Delivered at the University of Chicago, October 13.

2007. The International Ramifications of the Colombian Internal Armed Conflict. Paper Delivered at the conference of the Latin American Studies Association (ISA) Montreal, September 10, 2007.

2007. New trends of Terrorism: The Case of Colombia. Lecture Delivered at the University of Reno, March 7, 2007.

2007. The International Ramifications of the Colombian Internal Armed Conflict. Paper Delivered at the conference of the International Studies Association (ISA) Chicago, IL February 2007.

2005. Terrorism in Latin America after de end of the Cold War. Lecture delivered at the conference Beyond the US War on Terrorism: Comparing Domestic Legal remedies to an International Dilemma, University of Virginia, February 11.

2004. Terrorism in Colombia: Logic and Sources of a Multidimensional and Ubiquitous Political Phenomenon. Paper Delivered at the conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Las Vegas, Nevada, October 14

2003 Humanitarian Challenges and the War in Iraq. World Affairs Series, Center for International Studies, The University of Chicago, Chicago, April 15.

2001 Neo-Humanitarianism in the Americas: International Involvement in Internal Displacement Crises in Peru and Colombia. Paper delivered at the conference of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) in Washington. D.C. August 7.

2000. Internal Displacement in the Americas. Lecture delivered at the Institute of Ibero-American Studies, University of Helsinki, October 14. 2000. Rational Ambivalence: UNHCR Responses to Internal Displacement Emergencies. Paper delivered at the International Studies Association (ISA), Los Angeles, CA March 8 .

1999. Non-Governmental Terrorism in Latin America: Changing Patterns in the 1990s? Paper delivered at the International Studies Association (ISA), Washington, D.C. February 17

1998. Structural Patterns of Violence in Latin America and Their Impact on Terrorist Activity. Paper delivered at the Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, MA. November 18

Professional Experience

Special Consultant, International Development Research Centre. (IDRC). Emerging Cooperation and the promotion of North-South-South development in the Americas: Latin Americas involvement in Haiti (2006-)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Project for the provision of Country of Origen Information for Asylum Seekers in Chile (2008-2009)

Assistant to the Special Rapporteur on Migrant Workers and Their Families, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Organization of American States (2001-2007).

Professional Memberships Latin American Studies Association, International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Chilean Political Science Association.

Language Skills Spanish (native ability), English (fluent), German (advanced), French (basic).

Citizenship Chilean/Austrian

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