Proposed Modification on the Resource Management

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Proposed Modification on the Resource Management

1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1

Project IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group

Title Proposed Modification on the Resource Management

Date 2014-01-2117 Submitted

Source(s) Eunkyung Kim, Jaesun Cha, Jae-Joon E-mail: [email protected] Park, Hyun Lee, Kwangjae Lim, Sungcheol Chang

ETRI * Re: In response to Call for Contributions on P802.16q Multi-tier Networks toward IEEE 802.16 Session #89

Abstract Proposal regarding interference management for IEEE 802.16q on Multi-tier Networks, focusing on the Resource Management

Purpose To discuss and adopt the proposed text in Amendment Working Document (AWD) on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks This document does not represent the agreed views of the IEEE 802.16 Working Group or any of its subgroups. It Notice represents only the views of the participants listed in the “Source(s)” field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor(s), who reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, Release and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.16. The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: Patent and Policy . Further information is located at and .

3 1 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2

1 Proposed Modification on the Resource Management 2 Eunkyung Kim, Jaesun Cha, Jae-Joon Park, Hyun Lee, Kwangjae Lim, Sungcheol Chang 3 ETRI 4

5 Overview 6The 802.16q amendment shall be developed in accordance with the P802.16q project authorization request 7(PAR) with its accompanying Five Criteria Statement2. The scope of the resulting project includes “MAC/PHY 8protocol enhancements for cooperation among base stations in multi-tier networks to enhance interference 9mitigation.” All contents regarding interference management included in the 802.16q amendment shall meet 10requirements in 3. Resource Management is defined as one of promised operations for “interference 11management” in the 802.16q amendment working document (AWD)4, including FFR, Time-Division 12Multiplexed Resource Scheduling. 13This document provides the functional modification on the resource management, focusing on the cooperation 14and trigger mechanism. In addition, the resource scheduling is also clarified in 17.3.1.

15 Procedure of Resource Management 16Resource Management may be triggered based on the following procedure (see Figure 1 and Figure 2): 17 - Step1: PHY channel measurement and gathering the info. 18 - Step2: Checking and report the resource usage for resource management 19 - Step3: Decide to configure radio resource 20 - Step4: Data Transmission 21 [Note: PHY channel measurement and data transmission are performed between BS and MS. Other 22 procedure shall be cooperated among multiple BSs, including IM controller.] 23 24Figure 1 shows an example of the procedure of triggering to configure resource management, where the BS 25may compute the resource usage (i.e., Available Radio Resource, Radio Resource Fluctuation). As shown the 26example, “Checking whether to report radio resource usage to configure radio resource” and “Decide to 27configure radio resource” are performed in each BS and the IM controller (or IM coordinator), respectively. To 28decide to configure radio resource, the BS1, BS2, and BS N report the resource usage, if certain condition is 29met. Upon receiving the information, the IM controller decides the resource management. If the radio resource 30needs to configure, the IM controller requests BS(s) (BS1, BS2, BS N in this example) to configure radio 31resource via backhaul interface (using C-IM-REQ/RSP). As the result of cooperation among IM controller and 32BSs, those BSs (S-BS and N-BS(s)) configure radio resource as defined in and/or in the 33P802.16q AWD. 34

3 2 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 BS1 BS2 NCMS MS BS N (S-BS) (N-BS) (N-BS) (IM controller)

P H Y C h a n n e l M e a s u r e m e n t / R e p o r t

R e p o r t ? R e p o r t ? R e p o r t ? No No No Yes Yes Yes

n R e s o u r c e U s a g e R e p o r t o i t a r D e c i d e t o c o n g u r e ( s t a r t /

e fi

p c h a n g e ) R M o o

C C - I M - R E Q / R S P f o r I M

R e q u e s t t o c o n fi g u r e r e s o u r c e

R e s o u r c e M a n a g e m e n t C - I M - R E Q / R S P f o r R M

D a t a T r a n s m i s s i o n

1 2 Figure 1 – Resource Management Procedure (example 1) 3 4Figure 2 shows an another example of the precedureprocedure of triggering to configure radio resource. As 5shown the example, “Checking and decide whether to configure the radio resource” is performed in the BS as 6a result of cooperation amongst BSs (BS1, BS2, and BS3, BS N in this example). To check and decide to 7configure radio resource, the BS1 negotiates with its neighbor BSs (BS2, BS3, and BS N). During the 8negotiation, the neighbor BSs decide whether to configure the radio resource and respond to the BS1 with the 9result (e.g., 1) accept or 2) reject with the reason) via backhaul interface (using C-IM-REQ/RSP). As the result 10of cooperation among BSs, those BSs (S-BS and N-BS(s)) may configure radio resource. 11


P H Y C h a n n e l M e a s u r e m e n t / R e p o r t

D e c i d e t o c o n fi g u r e ( s t a r t / c h a n g e ) R M

I M S p e c i fi c i n f o . R E Q n o i t a r I M s p e c i c i n f o . R S P e fi p

o accept/reject o C

R e s o u r c e M a n a g e m e n t C - I M - R E Q / R S P f o r R M

D a t a T r a n s m i s s i o n

12 13 Figure 2 – Resource Management Procedure (example 2) 14 15 16 17 18 3 3 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1

2 References 3 [1] IEEE Std. 802.16TM-2012, IEEE Standard for Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems, 4 August 2012. 5 [2] IEEE 802.16-12-0394-06-Gdoc, PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.16 6 for Multi-tier Networks), July 2012. 7 [3] IEEE 802.16-12-0020-01-000q, Draft IEEE 802.16q System Requirement Document, May 2013. 8 [4] IEEE 802.16-13-0026-03-000q, Draft P802.16q AWD, November 2013. 9

10 Proposed Text on Amendment Working Document (AWD) of IEEE 802.16q 11[Editorial instruction] 12 . Black text: the text is existing in the base standard 13 . Red text: with strike-through: the texts is removed from the amendment standard 14 . Blue text without underline: the text is added in the amendment standard without underline 15 . Blue text with underline: the text is added in the amendment standard and underline shall be added 16 under the added text 17 18[------Start of Text Proposal------]

19 [Remedy1: Change line#21-29, page 39 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 20 List of Report Attributes: 21 ( 22 Report type, 23 Report Characteristics, 24 Report Period P, 25 Report Threshold for Available Radio Resource RT_RR, 26 Report Threshold for Radio Resource Fluctuation RT_RF, 27 Absolute Report High Threshold for Available Radio Resource ARHT_RR, 28 Absolute Report Low Threshold for Radio Resource Fluctuation ARLT_RF, 29 MS MAC Address 30 )

31 [Remedy2: Change line#52-54, page 40 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 32 Report Threshold for Available Radio Resource RT_RR 33 The threshold value RT_RR shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as the 34 value of the available radio resource to report increases by more than that threshold value or 35 decreases by less than that threshold value. 36 Report Threshold for Radio Resource Fluctuation RT_RF 37 The threshold value RT_RF shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as the 38 value of the radio resource fluctuation to report increases by more than that threshold value or 39 decreases by less than that threshold value. 40 Absolute Report High Threshold for Available Radio Resource ARHT_RR 41 The threshold value RT shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as value of the 42 available radio resource to report is greater than that threshold value. 43 Absolute Report Low Threshold for Available Radio Resource ARLT_RR

3 4 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1 The threshold value RT shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as value of the 2 available radio resource to report is less than that threshold value. 3 Absolute Report High Threshold for Radio Resource Fluctuation ARHT_RF 4 The threshold value RT shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as value of the 5 radio resource fluctuation to report is greater than that threshold value. 6 Absolute Report Low Threshold for Radio Resource Fluctuation ARLT_RF 7 The threshold value RT shall be used by the BS to send another report as soon as value of the 8 radio resource fluctuation to report is less than that threshold value. 9

10 [Remedy3: Change (pp.45-48) in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 1114. Semantics 12 13 C-IM-RSP 14 ( 15 Operation_Type: Action, 16 Action_Type: IM_CT_ConfigureIM_RM_Configure, 17 Destination: NCMS, 18 Attribute_list: 19 Response Type, 20 Response Result, 21 Result Reason, 22 Re-request Time, 23 N_PERMUTATION_ZONES, 24 List of Configuration Attributes: 25 ( 26 N_PERMUTATION_ZONES, 27 for (i=0, i< N_PERMUTATION_ZONES; i++) 28 ( 29 Permutation scheme, 30 Permutation Zone Subchannel Bitmap, 31 Use All SC, 32 DL_PermBase, 33 PRBS_ID, 34 AMC type, 35 OFDMA Symbol Offset, 36 Number of OFDMA Symbols, 37 Subchannel offset, 38 Number of Subchannels, 39 Tx Power, 40 List of Resource Usage Report Attributes: 41 ( 42 Available Radio Resource, 43 Radio Resource Fluctuation 44 ) 45 ) 46 ) 47 List of PHY Report Attributes: 3 5 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1 ( 2 MS MAC Address, 3 Downlink Physical Service Level, 4 Downlink RSSI mean, 5 Downlink RSSI standard deviation, 6 Downlink CINR mean, 7 Downlink CINR standard deviation, 8 Uplink Physical Service Level, 9 Uplink RSSI mean, 10 Uplink RSSI standard deviation, 11 Uplink CINR mean, 12 Uplink CINR standard deviation 13 ) 14 ) 15 Response Type 16 Type of report profiles: 17 Partitioning configuration complete 18 Resource Usage Report 19 PHY Report 20 21 Response Result 22 Indicates the result of the operation indicated by the Response Type parameter included in the 23 received C-IM-REQ primitives. This parameter may include “success”, “failure”, or “re- 24 request” 25 Result Reason 26 Indicates a reason for “failure” or “re-request.” This parameter is included in this primitive 27 only when the “Response Result” in this primitive is set to “failure” or “re-request” 28 Re-request Time 29 Indicates a time to re-request the C-IM-REQ. This parameter may be included in this primitive 30 only when the “Response Result” in this primitive is set to “re-request” 31 32 When Response Type is set to “Partitioning configuration complete” or “Resource Usage Report” and 33 Response Result is set to “success”, following attribute lists are valid: 34 N_PERMUTATION_ZONES 35 Number of radio frame subsections for which the resource partition will be indicated. A value 36 of 1 indicates that the entire DL and UL radio subframe is considered to be a single 37 permutation zone each. 38 Permutation scheme 39 Denotes permutation scheme used in the current permutation zone. The following types are 40 possible: 41 - DL PUSC permutation 42 - DL FUSC permutation 43 - DL Optional FUSC permutation 44 - DL AMC 45 - DL TUSC1 46 - DL TUSC2 47 - UL PUSC 48 - UL AMC 49 OFDMA Symbol Offset 3 6 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1 Denotes the start of the current permutation zone in number of OFDMA symbols (counting 2 from the frame preamble and starting from 0) 3 When Response Type is set to “Partitioning configuration complete”, following attribute lists are valid: 4 Permutation Zone Subchannel Bitmap 5 Indicates the subchannels available for transmission in the current permutation zone 6 Use All SC 7 When set, this field indicates transmission on all available subchannels. For FUSC 8 permutation, transmission is always on all subchannels. 9 DL_PermBase 10 DL Permutation base for the specified DL zone. DL_PermBase field shall be set to the 5 LSBs 11 of IDcell as indicated by the frame preamble. 12 PRBS_ID 13 Values: 0..2. Refer to 14 AMC type 15 Indicates the AMC type in case permutation type = 0b11, otherwise shall be set to 0. 16 AMC type (NxM = N bins by M symbols): 17 - 1x6 18 - 2x3 19 - 3x2 20 Note that only 2x3 band AMC subchannel type (AMC Type = 0b01) is supported by MS 21 Number of OFDMA Symbols 22 Denotes the number of OFDMA symbols used in the current permutation zone. 23 Subchannel offset 24 Denotes the start of the current zone in number of OFDMA subchannels 25 Number of Subchannels 26 Denotes the number of OFDMA subchannels used in the current permutation zone. 27 Tx Power 28 Denotes the maximum transmit power used in the current permutation zone (in dBm). 29 When Response Type is set to “Resource Usage report”, following attribute lists are valid: 30 Available RAdioRadio Resource 31 Percentage of reported average available subchannels and symbols resources (“slots”) per 32 frame. If N_PERMUTATION_ZONES > 1, the indicator covers a permutation zone instead of 33 the entire DL or UL radio subframe. 34 Radio Resource Fluctuation 35 Radio Resource Fluctuation is used to indicate the degree of fluctuation in DL and UL channel 36 data traffic throughputs. If N_PERMUTATION_ZONES > 1, the indicator covers a 37 permutation zone instead of the radio frame. When Radio Resource Fluctuation is set to 0, it 38 implies that the DL and UL data traffic is constant in data throughput. Hence, there is no 39 fluctuation in Available Radio Resource. When Radio Resource Fluctuation is set to 40 maximum value 255, the data traffic is very volatile in nature, which makes the Available 41 Radio Resource unpredictable. The Radio Resource Fluctuation for all traffic models should 42 be in the range of 0 to 255. 43 When Indication Type is set to “PHY report” and Response Result is set to “success”, following 44 attribute lists are valid: 45 MS MAC Address 46 48-bit unique identifier of the MS. 47 Downlink Physical Service Level 48 Channel rate available for the MS calculated as a multiple of 1/32 of nominal bandwidth in the 49 correspondent direction assuming 1 bit/Hz. For example, if DL channel bandwidth is 10 MHz, 3 7 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1 value PSL=4 means 4 × 1/32 ×10 Mbps = 1.25 Mbps. 1 PSL 96 (Number of subchannels in 2 different OFDMA modes is multiple of 16 or 32; highest modulation (QAM64) provides 3 3 bits/Hz) 4 Downlink RSSI mean 5 As specified in 8.1.9. 6 Downlink RSSI standard deviation 7 As specified in 8.1.9. 8 Downlink CINR mean 9 As specified in 8.1.9. 10 Downlink CINR standard deviation 11 As specified in 8.1.9. 12 Uplink Physical Service Level 13 Channel rate available for the MS calculated as a multiple of 1/32 of nominal bandwidth in the 14 correspondent direction assuming 1 bit/Hz. (see definition of Downlink Physical Service 15 Level) 16 Uplink RSSI mean 17 As specified in 8.1.9. 18 Uplink RSSI standard deviation 19 As specified in 8.1.9. 20 Uplink CINR mean 21 As specified in 8.1.9. 22 Uplink CINR standard deviation 23 As specified in 8.1.9.

24 [Remedy4: Change line#54, page 52 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 25 Available RAdioRadio Resource 26

27 [Remedy5: Change line#22-23, page 62 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 28As a result of physical channel measurement and report by an MS, the BS reports the channel measurement to 29the coordinator (e.g., interference management network entity), if certain condition is met as defined in 3017.3.1.3.

31 [Remedy6: Change line#64-65, page 62 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 32In a DL frequency partition zone, the corresponding zone may also be further time-division multiplexed as 33defined in and/or frequency-division multiplexed as defined earlier in this subclause. How to operate is 34FFS.

35 [Remedy7: Change line#22-23, page 62 63 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 36In a UL frequency partition zone, the corresponding zone may also be further time-division multiplexed as 37defined in and/or frequency-division multiplexed as defined earlier in this subclause. How to operate is 38FFS.

39 [Remedy8: Change line#22-2343-44, page 62 63 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] 40In a TDM partitioned zone, the corresponding zone may also be further time-division multiplexed as defined in 41this subclause and/or frequency-division multiplexed as defined in

3 8 1 IEEE 802.16-14-0005-03210-000q 2 1 [Remedy9: Change line#30-36, page 64 in IEEE 802.16q AWD as follows:] Trigger Conditions 3A S-BSserving BS may send the BS_ID(s) to a subordinate MS and request the MS to scan the corresponding 4BS(s). The MS scans and reports the channel measurement result to the S-BS, if certain conditions are met 5serving BS as defined in 6.3.16 and Based on the channel measurement report from the MS, the S- 6BSserving BS and its interfering BS(s) may perform resource management for interference mitigation, as a 7result of cooperation. How to cooperate among BSs is FFS. 8To decide to configure the radio resource as defined in and, the operation procedure of the 9resource management follows the steps below: 10 a) PHY channel quality of serving BS and neighbor BS(s) is measured by the MS. Based on the request 11 from the BS, the MS measures the physical channel quality as defined in 6.3.16 for the downlink CINR 12 operation, and for the scanning procedure. 13 b) The measurement result of the physical channel quality is gathered by the serving BS. The serving BS 14 forwards the gathered information (such as CINR, RSSI, BSID) to the IM coordinator through C- 15 SAP/M-SAP via backhaul link. In addition, the serving BS reports the resource usage, including: 16 - Available Radio Resource: Percentage of reported average available subchannels and symbols 17 resources (“slots”) per frame expressed as a percentage. 18 - Radio Resource Fluctuation: Degree of fluctuation in DL and UL channel data traffic throughput. 19 When it is set to 0, it implies that the DL and UL data traffic is constant in data throughput. 20 The resource usage is reported, if certain any of the following conditions are met as follows: 21 - TIf the C-IM-REQ primitive is received from the NCMS (when Report Period (P) is not included or 22 set to 0) 23 - TIf the Report Period (P) expires 24 - If tThe Available Radio Resource in the serving BSvalue to report increases by more than thatits 25 Report Threshold (RT) value or decreases by less than thatits Report Threshold threshold value. 26 - The Radio Resource Fluctuation in the serving BS increases by more than its Report Threshold value 27 or decreases by less than its Report Threshold value 28 - If tThe value of the resource usage is greater or less than the threshold value. 29 c) Multi-BS cooperation is performed among between serving BS and neighbor BS(s), including IM 30 coordinator through C-SAP/M-SAP via backhaul link. The configuration of the rRadio resource is 31 determined by the IM coordinator to configure based on the gathered reported information. When 32 “available radio resource” of the serving BS is less than pre-defined threshold, radio resource 33 management may be initiated. During the cooperation, the IM coordinator may request to a BS to 34 configure radio resource. In response to the request from the IM coordinator, the BS accepts the request, 35 rejects with the reason (e.g., heavy traffic load), or requests to delay (re-request) the configuration. If 36 the BS rejects the request from the IM coordinator, the IM coordinator shall retransmit C-IM-REQ 37 primitive with a new radio resource information. If the BS requests to delay the configuration, the IM 38 coordinator shall retransmit C-IM-REQ primitive when the Re-request Time timer expires. 39 d) Those BSs (serving BS and neighbor BS(s)) perform the radio resource configuration. 40 41 [------End of Text Proposal------]

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