SECTION a 9:30-10:45 TR, Mcgowan 223

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SECTION a 9:30-10:45 TR, Mcgowan 223

MARKETING MANAGEMENT MKT480 - SPRING 2010 SECTION A – 9:30-10:45 TR, McGowan 223 SECTION B – 2:00-3:15 TR, McGowan 223 3 CREDITS

Instructor: Dr. Sandra Loeb Office: MC 318 Phone: 570 208-5900, extension 5695 Office Hours: 12:30 -2:00 MW 1:15-2:00 TH and by appointment E-mail: [email protected] Webpage:

RECOMMENDED TEXT: About any Marketing Management text would be useful, though.

REQUIRED: Registration for the Markstrat Online at



COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of marketing problems of the firm through case studies (in the form of simulations). Emphasis is placed on the identification of problems and the choosing of appropriate alternative solutions. Senior status required.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: To apply what you have learned in your previous classes in a marketing framework. To learn to analyze available information and make marketing decisions based on that information

EVALUATION POLICY: Your grade will be based on exams, a project, as well as attendance, and perhaps participation. The percentage breakdown will be determined in the first few classes.

GRADING SCALE: A = 96 and above 93 ≤ A- < 96 70 ≤ C- < 75 90 ≤ B+ < 93 65 ≤ D < 70 86 ≤ B < 90 F < 65 82 ≤ B- < 86 79 ≤ C+ < 82 75 ≤ C < 79

EXAMS: Exams will comprise multiple choice and essay questions. Questions will be drawn from material covered in class and the simulation, and will be primarily short answer in nature. Tentative dates are indicated below, however, these might change(although unlikely). Except in the case of unexpected school closures changes will be noted at least one week in advance. Exam 1 will cover primarily the details of the simulation (manual), the practice situation in the simulation as well as your team’s initial situation. The sections to be covered will be detailed in class. This exam might be primarily multiple choice.

Exam 2 will primarily deal with your team’s strategy and activities. This will include essay questions regarding team strategy.

Students are expected to notify the professor at least 15 minutes prior to the exam if they will miss the exam, or as soon as possible after. Unless you’re in the hospital or jail, there really is no excuse not to notify me prior. Notification should preferably be made via phone either directly, or to the departmental secretary. E- mail is considered acceptable though. In either case, your contact information should be provided. Make- ups will be administered only in the case of verifiable emergencies. This means a doctor’s excuse must be provided or verification of another cause for missing the exam. The difficulty of the make-up exam will likely increase with the ‘invalidity’ of the excuse.

PROJECT: The project for this class will be a marketing simulation. As a matter of fact, this is pretty much the whole class. You must register for this simulation as soon as possible. If you have financial constraints, and are unable to register immediately, we can work out a payment plan. We will determine in class whether to randomly assign teams, or allow teams to form themselves. Teams will comprise 3 to 4 individuals, with the preference given to 3.

Each team will be expected to turn in a decision by 3:30 on the 11 dates noted (10 real decisions, as well as one practice). You will be responsible for a ‘practice’ decision on the 27th or 29th of January.

Your first exam will cover basics regarding the simulation and your team’s situation. This will take place on Feb.24. Preparation of the report on the 19th, as well as examining the student manual should provide preparation for this exam.

The reports on Feb. 18 and March 23 will include: 1. A corporate mission statement (revised, if necessary, on the 23rd) 2. An environmental analysis for your company – particular emphasis in the second report should be to the paid to competition 3. A complete SWOT analysis 4. Objectives/Goals for you company for its first year, as well as for years 2 and 3. These should include competitive goals as well as goals for corporate growth (financial, market, and other). Revisions, as necessary, for second report. 5. Financial position. 6. An analysis of the Marketing Performance (market share, product leadership, profitability of products, inventory management, sales productivity, productivity of distributors, etc.) of your firm 7. More may be added/subtracted as we progress.

With each decision I expect explanations of what you have done. Each member of the team will be responsible for one portion of the report, with the entire team responsible for an overall explanation. 1. Explanation of Market research results from previous decision, and rationale for marketing research for next decision. Also, a competitive analysis including major changes which have taken place in the form of threats and opportunities. 2. Discussion of current Products and new Product Development. Also, the distribution and communication strategies. 3. Discussion of changes in target market as well as new and potential target market. A financial analysis for the team.

The team will submit a brief overview of the strategy and any other relevant aspects of the decision. During finals week each team will be required to make a professional presentation summarizing what their firm accomplished. Because of this, a common final with be scheduled. Attendance for the entire session will be expected.

The first decisions will consume a significant amount of time and effort – if you are to do well.

Individuals will be evaluated the basis of what they turn in with each decision (an individual component) as well as the performance of the team. The breakdown of team/individual will be determined by the class.

Team evaluation will comprise: Final stock price – one fifth of the team evaluation Team strategy reports – two fifths of the team evaluation (these are the reports due Feb. 18 and March 23). I will consider completeness of the support, how logical the decision is (i.e. if you tell me you are targeting budget conscious consumers with an extremely expensive car – I will think you are not that logical, unless, perhaps, you discuss that you are promoting a 20 year warranty, and allowing the customers to spread payments out over a long period of time (which, I’m not really sure would be logical)). Decision summary reports – one fifth of the team evaluation Final presentation – one fifth of the team evaluation

Individual Evaluation – primarily the reports you turn in. Again, the completeness of the report, consistency with the decision, timeliness, professionalism, and whether or not there are any complaints regarding your performance by team members will be considered. A further ‘individual’ component will be exams, as exams are conducted individually, and cover your knowledge of the simulation.

Schedule for decisions provided below. ALL DECISIONS DUE AT 3:30 on the dates noted.

I will try to give you feedback after each decision. Also, I would like to periodically meet with teams to discuss their performance.

Presentations will include: What you tried to do; did it work – and why or why not. They are to be formal in nature. More on these later.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: University policy will be followed in terms of reporting absences, however, an attendance policy will be determined by the class.

ACCOMODATION FOR LEARNING AND/OR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS: Any student who has a learning disability or a physical handicap should meet with the instructor during the first week of class to discuss accommodations for the classroom and/or assignments and examinations. Accommodations will be made according to college policy.


Week beginning Tuesday Activity

January 19 Intro to simulation

January 26 Introduction to simulation, continued – forming teams

Feb. 2 Development of initial team strategy; Practice decision on 4th Feb. 9 Decision 1 on the 9th and discussion of results

Feb. 16 Decision 2 on the 16th ; major paper on the 18th

Feb. 23 Exam 1

March 2 Decision 3 on the 2nd

March 8 Break – woo hoo

March 16 Decision 4 - Tuesday

March 23 Second major report March 23

March 30 Decision 5 - Tuesday Easter recess on April 1st

April 6 Decision 6 – Thursday, April 8

April 13 Decision 7 – Thursday April 15

April 21 Decision 8 – Thursday April 22

April 27 Decision 9 – Thursday April 29

May 4 Exam 2 on Tuesday; Decision 10 – At the beginning of the final exam time – to be determined.

Finals Week: Common final time, during which team presentations will be made

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