What Should You Get out of This Class?

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What Should You Get out of This Class?

ART SYLLABUS Teacher: Ms. Kent Email: [email protected]

Welcome to a new year of visual arts!This year in Art we will explore, understand, and produce quality artwork. Units in Elements of Art and Principles of Design, Color Theory, Drawing, Printmaking, Painting, Photography, and 3-D Design will be covered.

What should you get out of this class? Upon completion and in order to receive credit, you will be able to exercise creative thinking and problem solving skills using elements of art and principles of design and different art mediums.

Course goals

1. Demonstrate basic skill building in drawing and painting production, applying the fundamentals of the elements and principles of fine art and design. 2. Experience not only art production, but also artistic philosophy, art criticism, and art history. 3. Analyze and make critical assessments about artworks. 4. Respond appropriately to a variety of inquiries related to the curriculum. 5. Produce artwork that shows individual creativity and problem solving ability. Course Objectives 1. Students will design individual artworks based on design elements and principles as well as responses to historical, philosophical and cultural prompts. 2. Students will utilize appropriate vocabulary terms for both verbal and written art analysis. 3. Students will participate in historical and cultural discussions about the philosophy of art. 4. Students will create artwork of acceptable quality using the following techniques: charcoal drawing, graphite drawing, pen and ink, colored pencil, water color, tempera, multi-media collage, ceramics, 3-d media, and acrylic paints (Oil Paint art 3&4 only) Grading: Grade this semester will be based on a 60/40% split. 60% of your grade will come from major projects and tests and 40% of your grade will come from daily participation, sketchbooks, and minor quizzes. There will be a midterm and final exam that will factor in as 10% of each semester average. More details on this will be given to you as we near the end of the semester. Each student is graded on an individual basis. No cross-class comparisons will be made. Work will be grade on expectation and demonstration of your growth as an individual. Your projects will be graded with the following criteria in mind:

Effort- It must be evident in your work that you are striving for your personal best Craftsmanship- the submitted work shows that you have taken your time and done a careful, tidy job Creativity/Originality- you have developed your own ideas and not copied someone else's Demonstration of Knowledge- you have met the criteria outlined for the assignment and cumulative knowledge of art has been utilized and applied to your work. A = Excellent, outstanding effort, exceeds expectations; “WOW!!!” B = Strong work, very good C = Fair, adequate, looks finished. D/F= work does not demonstrate knowledge or has had little to no effort put into it Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 75-79 D = 70-74 F = 69 or Below

Academic Dishonesty:

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please give credit to those who deserve it. Do not claim a piece of art as yours unless you did it! Do not draw for someone else. Do not take art that is not yours.

Late Work: Late work will only be accepted one class period after assignment is due and the maximum credit awarded will be 70 points. There will be plenty of time to work on assignments in class, so I encourage you to use your time wisely so that you do not face a penalty for not having the work finished on time.

Make-up Work: If you are absent it will be your responsibility the next day you are present to find out what you missed in class. Depending on the assignment and how many days you were out, I will give you an appropriate due date. If the work is not completed by the given date the Late Work policy will apply.

Classroom Expectations:

1. I will be open minded. 2. I will be positive. 3. I will be respectful. 4. I will be responsible. 5. I will be on task.


● Be respectful of all people in the classroom. Each student will be respectful of the teacher and will not impede classroom instruction through disruptive behavior or tardy entry to class. Be respectful of other students, and treat others in a mature and thoughtful manner.

● Language. Any and ALL foul language will not be tolerated in class.

● Electronic Devices. CELL PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN MY CLASSROOM!!! You will be able to use your Chromebook for assignments and research on the days that I determine or when you are finished with a project and you are working on your website, digital portfolio or you weekly APP assignment (more information will be given about this later.) If you misuse the chromebook or violate the cell phone policy, it will result in lowering your weekly participation grade or a referral. The use of headphones for music will be limited to permission base only. Do not wear them unless I have specifically said that you may on the given day.

● Be respectful of the art materials. Respect all art materials. They are to be treated in a professional manner. Take proper care of the brushes. Do not be wasteful of paint and paper. Do not write on the tables. You will sign a supply contract and will be held accountable if supplies are damaged in any way.

● Effort. Students are expected to participate fully in all classroom activities. No student is expected to be an accomplished artist upon entry into the class. The expectation is that the student will develop skills, through practice, during the year. Students will use all class time for ART class work only.

● Horseplay in the classroom. No horseplay of any kind will be tolerated in the Art classroom. Horseplay endangers students and those around them as well as putting creative endeavors at risk.


Only water bottles with a screw on lid will be allowed in the classroom. No fast food cups (the lids are not sufficient enough for protecting from major spills)

● Preparation. You will bring your Sketchbook, Chromebook, art kit, and a PENCIL to class everyday.

● Communication. If you are having a problem with this class do not assume that I know. It is your responsibility to communicate with me, so that you will have a successful experience. I cannot help you if I do not know what you need.

● Class Dismissal. You are dismissed by the teacher only after all supplies and materials are accounted for, stored properly and the room is cleaned. IF YOU LINE UP AT THE DOOR YOU WILL NOT BE RELEASED! THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU…. I DO!

Infractions of Rules

1st offense: Visual/ verbal reminder by teacher 2nd offense: Discussion with teacher about infraction/possible detention 3rd offense: written behavior plan/detention 4th offense: office referral

Attendance: Absences & tardies interfere with your learning & success. Be here, on time. If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed & make it up ASAP.


ATTENTION PARENTS and Art 1,2,3&4 Students!!!****There is an art kit fee required for this class****

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