2004 INBF Northeast Classic Bodybuilding & Fitness Application
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2017 INBF Monster Mash Saturday November 4, 2017 – PRO PORTION Sunday November 5, 2017 www.inbfmonstermash.com Email [email protected] North High School 140 Harrington Way Worcester, MA Prejudging Show begins at 10:00 AM RUNNING STRAIGHT THROUGH Host Hotel – Residence Marriott Plantation St. Worcester
Entry fee for all amateur classes $80.00 . Pro Classes $ 150 (*Competitors will pay the polygrapher directly for testing $60 CASH.) -. Crossover Fee $50.00 All entry fees are payable to NANCY ANDREWS. The application due date is October 23, 2017. Any application received after October 23, 2017 will require a late fee of $50. Email or call to schedule your polygraph test. All late applications fees must be paid with cash, bank check or money order. We will have sites in Danvers, Worcester, Quincy and Northborough. Additional sites may be added so check the website. *All fees are non-refundable* Figure, Master's, Novice Men and Novice Women will be split based on entries. Classes will be determined on the day of the show. Crossovers will be allowed ($50 crossover fee). Exception - No crossovers from Novice to Open Classes. Women may do bodybuilding, fitness and figure, bikini and Ms Fit Please fill your height in exactly. DO not round it off. If you are 5’4 ¾” put it that way. Do not round up to 5’5”. WNBF Super Pro Qualifier COMPETITION TANNING – Elite Bronzing – [email protected] Sign up for you tan on the Elite Bronzing website DO NOT SEND US MAIL THAT REQUIRES A SIGNATURE! Check Class: __ Open Women LBodybuilding Weight ______MEN’S CLASSES __ Master's Women Bodybuilding - over 40 years __ Teenage Men BB (19 years and under) __ Novice Figure Height ____ ft ___ in __ Junior Men BB (Under 24 Years old) __ Open Figure - Height _____ ft ____in __ Men's Novice BB Competition weight ______Master's Figure - over 40 years Height ______Open Bantamweight Under 150 lbs BB ___ FIGURE CLASSIC – Over 50 Years Height______Open Men LW - 150.25-165 lbs BB ___ NOVICE BIKINI Height ____ ft ____ in __ Open Men MW – 165.25 to 176 lbs BB ___ OPEN BIKINI Height ___ft __ in ___ MASTER'S BIKINI (40 yrs and over) ____ ft ____ in __ Open Men LHW – 176.25 to 190 lbs BB ___ Classic Bikini Over 50 Years Old Height ______Open Men HW - 190 lbs and over BB ___ Ms. Fit Body Height ____ ft ____ in __ Master's Men - over 40 years BB ___ Ms. Fit Body Master’s (40 yrs and over) __ Grandmaster's Men - over 50 years BB NEW CLASS __ Men's Physique Height ______Junior (Under 24) Men’s Physique Height______Master's Mens Physique 40 Years+ ______
Name ______Address ______City ______State ______Zip ______Phone (___) ______Email ______MANDATORY Weight ______DOB ______Gym you represent ______Trainer ______Titles______Waiver: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I hereby intend to be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and waive and releases any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against International Bodybuilding Federation Inc. (INBF), Worcester Public Schools – North High School, World Natural Bodybuilding Federation (WNBF), Nancy Andrews and any sponsors, agents, representatives and assigns for any and all injuries and/or losses suffered by me as a result of my participation and/or attendance at the 2017 INBF Monster Mash on November 4, 2017.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Signature of parent or guardian (if under 18):______
Complete this form, print it, and mail it along with signed Banned Substances sheet to: Nancy Andrews, 2 Guinevere Circle, Shrewsbury, MA, 01545 SUMMARY OF FEES
Name: ______
Entry Fee - $80+ $50 Crossover ______
WNBF Amateur Membership $ 60 ______
TICKETS can be purchased at the door. WNBF Shirts – Please circle the color and indicate the size. You will get the shirt when you check in. These need to be prepaid.
Heavyweight T shirt $25 ______Size ______Black, Gray
Hooded Sweatshirt $45 ______Size ______Black
Men’s Dri Fit Short Sleeve $ $40 ______Size ______Color: Black
Men’s Tanks $25 ______Size ______Colors: Black, Navy, Gray
Women’s Bella Fitted Cap sleeve $25______Size______Black, Red, Royal, Fuchsia, Navy, Teal, Purple
Women’s Bella Tank $25 ______Size ______Colors: Black, Fuchsia, Teal, Light Orange, Royal, Red
Black Embroidered Baseball Cap $ 30 ______