Jasper Independent School District
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Jasper High School
Jasper Independent School District
2016-2017 Campus Plan
Principal: Lydia Bean
“Teaching Tomorrow’s Leaders Today” JASPER HIGH SCHOOL Missi o n The Mission of Jasper ISD is to provide an excellent education for all students.
Visio n The Vision of Jasper ISD, in partnership with parents, and the community, is to educate with compassion and dedication so that every child can be successful.
2014-2015 Campus-Wide Educational Improvement Counci Chairperson: Lydia Bean
Grades 9-12 Campus Ter Expires m
Linda OBrien Jasper High School 2 years 2017 Cameron Cammack 2 years 2018 Jennifer Herrington 2 years 2017 Jeff Hicks 2 years 2018 Joe Molina 2 years 2017 Aaron Wueller 2 years 2017 John Kinnear 2 years 2018 Joe Salvagio 2 years 2018 Debbie Smith 2 years 2018 Steve Smith
Campus Based Non-Teaching Campus Ter Expires Representatives m William JHS Assistant Ongoing Davis Principal Ongoing Ongoing Natasha JHS Assistant Simmons Principal Ongoing Special Programs Teaching Campus Term Expires Representatives Tracy DOI-Special 2 years 2017 Armstrong Programs District Level Representative Campus Term Expires Stacy DOI Woolems Ongoing Ongoing Board Member Campus Expires Representatives Term Josh Hadnot Board 2 2017 Member years Parent/Community Campus Term Expires Representatives
JASPER ISD 2 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
Mamie Aplon Business 2 years 2018 Reuben Business 2 years 2018 Metcalf Parent 2 years 201 Nathena Parent 2 years 8 Hafford Community 2 years 2018 Monica Bevil Community 2 years 2018 Kay Lane 20 Jim Slaydon 18
Goal I: Academic Achievement Performance/Technology
Goal II: Attendance / Drop-out Prevention
Goal III: Safe and Positive School Environment (Operations)
Goal IV: Parent and Community Involvement
Goal V: Staff Relations
The Current State of Affairs at Jasper High School in Academic Performance STAAR
STAAR Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019
Algebra I 81% 81% 90% 69% Biology 81% 87% 97% 56% ELA I 67% 66% 70% 55% ELA I 53% 66% 70% ELA II 80% 68% 70% 51% ELA II 47% 68% 70% U.S. History --- 69% 100% 37%
JASPER ISD 3 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
JASPER ISD NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR 2015-2016 DEMOGRAPHICS Jasper ISD currently serves about 2,50 5 students from pre-kindergarten to grade 12 as on 9/15/16. The overall district enrollment has steadily decreased over the past 14 years.
ENROLLMEN ENROLLME ENROLLMENT SCHOOL GRADES T GRADES GRADES NT (10/4/14) (10/4/13) (9/9/16) Jasper High 9th – 689 9th – 684 709 9th – 12th School 12th 12th
Breakdown by ethnicity and special programs 15-16
SCHOOL HIS AF AM WH Two BIL ESL CTE Free GT SP DY Home At Risk ECD or Lunch ED less More
High School 104 294 294 7 0 15 612 396 56 101 28 10 425 476 DISTRICT 42 1039 94 66 80 99 61 1665 13 27 90 68 1503 1875 9 3 2 9 3
Staff Demographics and Ratios Campus Tota Stude African Whit Hisp Tota Studen Africa Whit Hisp l nt/ Am e l t/ n Am e Staff Teach Staff Teache er r Ratio Ratio 2014-2015 2015-2016 High 87 12.1 15 67 4 74.2 12.1 15.8 55.4 3 School Interpretation:
Teachers by Years of Experience Campus Number Beginning 1-5 6-10 11-20 Over 20 of Teachers Years Years Years Years Teacher Experience Experience Experience Experience s High 68 6 14 10 19 19 School Interpretation:
JASPER ISD 4 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Jasper High School uses DMAC data software that enables all teachers to view test data on all their students and summary data from which they can compare their students to the campus, the district, and the state, including item analysis. It also enables teachers to get nearly instantaneous results on unit tests. Teachers are able to use the data to drive instructional decisions on a daily basis to target and improve results in areas of need. The main source of data used to identify needs at the district level was STAAR and STAAR EOC scores. Individual campuses identify individual student needs using many sources including:
. STAAR, STAAR EOC scores . Advanced Placement tests taken and passed . Renaissance data . Parental volunteers and involvement . TELPAS for LEP students . Professional development . Discipline referrals and consequences . Etc - Others. . Referrals to special education . Grades and Percentage of credits earned at high school
JISD and all campuses received the highest academic rating possible from TEA in 2016. Jasper ISD overall district rating is Met Standard. All Jasper ISD Campuses - Jasper High School, Jasper Junior High, Parnell Elementary, and Few Primary are all Met Standard. JISD also earned 1 designated distinction from TEA for 2016 results. Few Primary earned 1 Distinction – 2nd year in a row to earn this distinction and 2nd year for STAAR on this campus. o Top 25% Closing Performance Gap
Each campus and district in the state of Texas is issued an accountability rating of Met Standard, Improvement Required, or Not Rated. For a district or campus to receive a met standard rating, they must meet or exceed the target score in all 4 indexes: Index 1 - Student Achievement, Index 2 - Student Progress, Index 3 - Closing Performance Gaps, and Index 4 - Postsecondary Readiness. A campus can also earn distinctions.
Index 1: Student Index 2: Student Index 3: Closing Index 4: Achievement Progress Performance Gaps Postsecondary Readiness 5th Percentile District 5th Percentile District / HS – 60 Standard 60 – 22 HS – District – 28 HS– MS – 13 EL - 12 17, MS – 30, EL - 32 30, MS–26, EL-28 JISD 60 32 28 72 District High School 63 17 35 73 Rating All Met Standard All Met Standard All Met Standard All Met Standard
JISD DISTRICT EOC CLASS OF CLASS OF CLASS OF CLASS OF CLASS OF STAAR SCORES 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 ALGEBRA I 89% 81% 81% 90% 73% ENGLISH I 68% 67% 66% 70% 58% ENGLISHREADING I 50% 53% ENGLISHWRITING II --- 80% 68% 70% 54% ENGLISHREADING II --- 47% WRITINGBIOLOGY 91% 81% 87% 97% 82% US HISTORY ------69% 100 77% JASPER ISD 5 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
STUDENT STRENGTHS The tables above describe results from Accountability 2016, STAAR EOC. There are areas of strengths as evidenced in the above tables. Jasper High School is above the state average in three of the five areas, and we have made great strides in the area of English I and English II. The biggest new challenge is the transition from STAAR End of Course (EOC) at high school. Rather than focusing here on specific strengths, listed above are areas where passing percentages are below 70%, with the strengths being all the rest of the objectives where student passing rates were above 70%.
Curriculum E1 E2 All Students 58% 70% African American 44% 48% Hispanic 64% 81% White 71% 83% ECD 52% 59% Special Education 23% 18% At Risk 50% % LEP 33% 0% STAAR Demographics by Curriculum – MATH
Curriculum ALG I All Students 73% African American 58% Hispanic 91% White 82% ECD 68% Special Education 19% At Risk % LEP 70% STAAR Demographics by Curriculum – SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES
Curriculum Biology Curriculum US History All Students 82% All Students 77% African American 75% African American 73% Hispanic 88% Hispanic 85% White 85% White 80% ECD 81% ECD 75% Special Education 51% Special Education 35% At Risk % At Risk % LEP 64% LEP 100%
SCHOOL CULTURE AND CLIMATE High School Discipline Incidences Campus 15-16 15-16 Total 14-15 14-15 13-14 13-14 Total Number of Total Total Total Total Number Populatio Discipline Populatio Number of Population of Discipline n Incidences n Discipline Incidences Incidences High School 715 785 720 383 725 928 JASPER ISD 6 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
DISTRICT TOTALS 2,505 3,119 2,715 2,310 2,839 2,935
Safety Information Jasper ISD has a School Resource Officer (SRO) to serve the entire district for immediate safety concerns. All district buildings conduct the required preparedness drills including Fire Drill, Lockdown, Severe Weather, Shelter in Place, and Reverse Evacuation.
Facilities Jasper High School consists of the main building with two floors, competition gym, shell gym, a fine arts wing that includes and auditorium. CTE is in the Carl Morgan Career Tech Center. Our campus also includes the new athletic complex as well as the tennis courts, a new building trades building, agricultural building, and greenhouse.
STAFF QUALITY, RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Training and staff development opportunities are plentiful and well attended districtwide. More training is needed on how to work with our ever increasing socio-economic and diverse population and on varied levels of student achievement. Teacher turnover rate is high in the district. Mentor programs are implemented on each campus to improve teacher retention along with an annuity match incentive program for all employees that sign up.
Jasper High School uses the DMAC program utilizing the T-TESS section to provide feedback on teacher performance to teachers. Principals perform walkthroughs based on a teacher tier system based on effective instruction in DMAC and teachers can access at any time.
A recruitment plan is in place on all campuses along with each principal given the opportunity to attend job fairs to speak with prospective applicants. An interview committee is made up on each campus following a recommendation process.
New Staff Support and Building District Capacity Each new teacher is assigned a mentor teacher. Each campus sends a weekly communication to keep new and seasoned staff members informed of the campus information. At the district level CORE team members from each campus participate in a curriculum meeting and then communicate the information back to their campus/ subject area in order to vertically align instruction and assessment.
Staff Development A survey is given to all district employees to determine staff development wants and needs. The survey along with assessment data is used to formulate a staff development schedule for all employees. The survey helps gather data for a large group staff development and teacher walks, evaluations and assessment results by teacher help determine individual training needs. The type of staff development ranges from instructional practices, assessment strategies, technology to required trainings such as confidentiality and disability harassment. Follow-up is important to the implementation of the program and campus walks provide data on individual training evidence.
CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT Jasper High School utilizes the TEKS Resource System (TRS) to outline the curricular foundation. The TEKS are clearly searchable and identifiable in the program guidance documents. TEKS Resource System is a comprehensive, customizable, user-friendly curriculum management system. (Provide specifiy). The key component of TEKS Resource System is vertical alignment. Vetical alignment through academic language, core road map emphasis, and coordination to keep everyone on track. There are 4 components of the JISD Curriculum Management Plan: Curriculum Design Framework, Curriculum Delivery Direction, Curriculum Monitoring Consistency and Curriculum Evaluation Effectiveness. TRS consists of Unit Assessments at the conclusion of each unit and is assessed at each grade level in our DMAC data system for easy disaggregation. Teachers meet at the conclusion of every six weeks to evaluate the results from the Unit Assessment to make informed decisions on spiraling objectives.
There is evidence through the common planning meetings that each department is discussing and evaluating the needs of all learners through discussion. Agenda and sign-in are submitted as documentation of these meetings.
Assessments are clearly designed to a higher rigor to prepare students for the STAAR exam. The assessments are aligned to the blueprint of the STAAR to help examine what area of weakness a student needs remediation, tutorials and/or TIER time during the day. District wide we have an assessment calendar that includes STAAR assessments, progress monitoring and MOCK testing dates. MOCK tests give campuses a look at what the real day may look like and give a pre-assessment to work from for remediation. MOCK assessment data is reviewed district wide to see trends and gain knowledge of teacher effectiveness.
JASPER ISD 7 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
FAMILY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT High School has active parent organizations. A parent volunteer list is maintained at the administrative office. More parental involvement is always desired, especially at the higher grade levels. Parents and community members are involved in the decision making process on all campuses during the campus / district improvement planning sessions. Services available to support families, community members and students:
Lunch n Learns – Title I Meetings Staff Webpages
Curriculum Focus Nights Jasper Newsboy Press Articles
Jasper ISD Facebook Page JISD Board Meetings
Jasper ISD Website & Campus ESL/ Bilingual Family Literacy Night Websites Skyward Parent Emails Jasper ISD Marquees KJAS Radio Campus Newsletters District Parent Night Skyward Family Access Open House
JASPER ISD 8 Jasper High School CIP 2016-2017
Families that speak languages other than English – How does the school communicate?
Communication is sent home in both English & Spanish.
Community partnerships:
Local businesses support campus events by providing various resources. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION Jasper High School communicates the belief that all students can learn and met standard is expected by all campuses. Achievement of the highest ranking and individual campus distinctions are encouraged on a regular basis. Celebration and commitment to the goals for the next school year is discussed at convocation. At each campus individual needs are met through 90 min blocks, activity/ intervention times, tutorials and classroom interventions such as small groups. Teachers serve on the district committee and the campus committee each year for a 2 year cycle to provide a voice in decision making. All campus principals have an open door policy for teachers to feel comfortable sharing their concerns, ideas and/or solutions. At the district level, the Superintendent, Executive Director of Curriculum, State and Federal Programs Coordinator and Special Programs Coordinator are available for assistance in meeting the challenges in education today. Assessments are viewable through the TEKS Resource System (TRS) program for teachers to teach with the end in mind. Unit assessments are used from TRS and can be added to for a better look at the grade level tested. School expectations are important and each principal sets the tone by involving key stakeholders in the goal setting of the campus. TECHNOLOGY Most classrooms have been updated to include my classroom standard. That standard is (1) teacher computer, (1) student computer, (1) document camera, and (1) projector. We do not formally measure this information district wide. We do have a measurement on our 8th grade students taken during the 2014-2015 school year. According to that measurement. Below Basic – 8% Basic – 35% Proficient – 54% Advanced – 4% Goal I: Academic Achievement Rationale: Performance Technology JHS believes that focusing on data driven instruction A review of the STAAR information, and objective raw score that targets the use of ongoing EOC percentages show achievement and improvements in in monitoring of various areas. instruction can increase Not all EOC tested subjects scored at or above the performance for all students. state average on STAAR objective percentage JHS students in the ALL students category and in each comparison. population subgroup will master the state assessments The areas of science, math, reading/ English, and social studies by scoring above the state average. will be targeted for improvement. Special education students will meet or exceed Improvement for students in the African American, expectations on the state test recommended Economically Disadvantaged, At-Risk, and Special by their Education subgroups will also be targeted. ARD committee. With the wealth of technology resources available JHS believes that student success is measured in many in the district students and teachers should use the ways. Student learning is systematically measured and technology resources and tools available to them to reported in a variety of ways, including traditional the highest level possible for student learning. state required tests, along with other oral and written processes and products, including career and tech projects. Academic planning will be based on all relevant data, and instruction will be adjusted accordingly. JHS will afford every student the opportunity to be college and/or career ready, through the AVID System and programs that prepare them for higher education, career/technical school, military service, or direct entry into the workforce upon graduation. JHS believes in offering a well-rounded education that encourages the development of problem solving skills, a positive attitude, self-confidence, adaptability, team building, and a strong work ethic. JHS teachers and students will use technological knowledge and skills to facilitate and maximize learning. Evaluation: Correlation to Sstate Objective(s): A comparison will be made between the 2012 - 2016 state assessment scores by demographics. Benchmarking and other formative assessments will be evaluated by campus level staff for each student to determine progress toward mastery of Student Expectations to determine instructional needs and strategies. Correlation to State Academic Goals: Correlation to State AEIS: All core subjects will implement TEC#1: State assessment by grade level and programs to provide high- subject area Quality education which will enable all students to meet the State student performance standards Correlation to Federal Education Goals, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Performance Goals#1, 2, 3, 5-All students in reading/language arts and math, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers and all students will graduate from high school. JHS will implement and utilize the TEKS Resource System as stated in the District Act Curriculum Plan (Continue)Component 2
Local, Region 5 Res
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Principal Res
August 2016- Ongoing Ti
Document implementation of TEKS Resource through lesson plans and other document Me
Principals and teachers will receive additional TEKS Resource training in summer Act workshop as well as throughout the school year. (Continue)Component 4
Local, Region 5 Res
Principal, Academic Coordinators, Core teachers, Executive Director of Curriculum and Res Instruction
August 2016 - Ongoing Ti
Documentation of sessions offered and number teachers/administrators participating Me
Principal/Assistant Principals will conduct and document classroom walk-throughs each Act week focusing on effective instructional methods, classroom management, effective implementation of TEKS Resource. (Continue) Local Res
Principal, Assistant Principals, Executive Director of Curriculum Instruction Res
August 2016—Ongoing Ti
Number of classroom walk-throughs Me
JHS will implement Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) in all core STAAR Act Testing areas several times each six weeks period to ensure students success, examine alignment of curriculum and assessment practices. JHS core teachers will also engage in cultural collaboration planning periods planning for implementation of best practices. Local Res
Principal, Assistant Principals, Academic coordinators, Teachers Res
August 2016 - Ongoing Ti
Chairperson will provide sign in documentation as well as minutes of meetings, DMAC Me data and spreadsheets.
JHS will work with the Special Education Department to develop an integrated plan to Act address Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System Stage 3 deficiencies(Deficient areas are CTE Special education STAAR passing rate, special education least restrictive environment, recommended High School Plan Diploma Rate, special education representative special education DAEP placements, special education out of school suspensions). (Continue)Component 10 2014 PBMAS Report Data ,Time Res
Principal Assistant Principal, Core Team, Coordinator Special Education Res
Fall 2016 Ti
Integrated Report—Implementation of desired actions Me
Action JHS core teachers will use DMAC software to disaggregate data from benchmarks and state test to identify students in need of assistance for tutorials, activity periods: focusing on the identified target list of students. Campus Administration will redesign activity periods, intervention activities and remediation throughout the year based on student need. (Continue)Component 8 Resourc Local es Respon Principal, Assistant Principals, Academic Coordinators, Teachers, sible Person Timelin August 2016 - Ongoing e Measur DMAC Data ement Evaluat ion Action Students not demonstrating mastery as measured by benchmark tests will receive targeted instruction in all academic areas, specifically problem solving and critical thinking. (Continue) Resourc Local, SCE es Respon Principal, Academic coordinators, teachers, Assistant Principal sible Person Timelin August 2016 – Ongoing e Measur Number of students below grade level, list of targeted instruction programs, ement number of students participating. Evaluat ion Action JHS will increase the enrollment of special ed students in CTE department provide and expand quality Career and Technology classes through qualified staffand training for students to experience real world careers and skills. (Continue) Resourc CTE funds, Carl Perkins grant, Local es Respon Principal, HS Counselors, CTE Department Chair sible Person Timelin August 2016 – Ongoing e Measur PEIMS CTE course coding and student enrollment in CTE classes including ement certifications and licensures Evaluat ion Action JHS will continue to increase the rigor of instruction by incorporating an inclusion teacher for special education students in order to improve achievement on the state mandated testing specified by their IEP. (Modified) Resourc Special Education funds, Local es Respon Special Education Director, Executive Director of Curriculum / Instruction, sible Principals Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur Special Education coordination, IEP tracking each six weeks, STAAR/ EOC test ement results Evaluat ion Action UIL academic participation will continue to be emphasized in 9-12 and 10. participants will compete at the district, area, regional and state levels. (Continue) Resour Local ces Respon Principals, UIL campus coordinators, sible Person Timeli August 2016 – May 2017 ne Measu UIL participation numbers, UIL placing results rement Evalua tion Action Emphasize integration of technology within the instructional process through 11. professional training provided by the Department of Technology on the use of Promethean Boards, multimedia technology, web-based materials, and the use of document cameras, mimeos, CPS clickers, etc. in all classrooms. (Continue) Resourc Department of Technology Technology funds, Grants, Special Education es Funds, SCE, Respons Principals, Technology Director, Special Education Coordinator, Federal/ State ible program Coordinator Person Timelin August 2016– May 2017 e Measur Technology inventory, campus walk-through’s ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School ELA teachers will increase the rigor by initiating and 12. utilizing AVID-WICOR System and writing intensively to increase Scores. They will use higher level questions and higher level thinking skills (TEKS Resource And Writing Academy Component 4 Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, ELA Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School Science teacher will increase the rigor by initiating and 13. utilizing AVID-WICOR System and, by using the TEKS Resource System and more hands on activities and labs. Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, and Science Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School History teachers will increase the rigor by initiating and 14. utilizing AVID-WICOR System and, by using the TEKS Resources System. They will increase the students’’ higher order thinking skills through active lessons focusing on engagement for the entire class. Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, and History Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School Math teachers will increase the TEKS Resource System 15. by initiating and utilizing AVID-WICOR System and. They will increase the students’ higher order thinking skills and use interactive notebooks. Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, and Math Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School will focus on creating a vocabulary showcase by 16. introducing the vocabulary in class and displaying the words on hallway bulletin boards, in classrooms. They will focus on words used on the tests. (Modified) Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, and ELA Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School will recognize and provide incentives for students 17. participating in tutorials, perfect attendance (Continue) Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal ible Person Timelin August 2016 – May 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School will implement and utilize activity period for the purpose 18. of reviewing, preparing and tutoring students who were unsuccessful on the EOC Testing (Continue) Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, Counselors, JHS Teachers ible Person Timelin October 2016-December 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores, EOC results ement Evaluat ion Action Jasper High School will promote and utilize AP, ACT, SAT testing strategies 19. in an activity period for students who were successful on the EOC test. The purpose is to enlighten, encourage and prepare college readiness. Resourc Local es Respons Principals, Assistant Principal, Counselors, JHS Teachers ible Person Timelin August 2016 - July 2017 e Measur DMAC, State Assessments, and Unit test scores, EOC results ement Goal II: Attendance/Drop Out Rate Rationale: JHS will exceed the campus attendance rate for JHS maintains a 94.6% attendance rate. 2015-2016 of 94.6% Continued improvements strategies will be implemented to JHS will meet the state expectation of a minimum dropout increase attendance rate. rate of 5% or less in the major population groups of grades JHS dropout rate was 1.5% over a two year 9-12. period JHS will meet or exceed a completion rate of 92.9%. Evaluation: Correlation to State Objective(S) A comparison will be made between the 2014 - 2016 AEIS TEC#3-Parents with educators in the report from TEA regarding JHS attendance. educators in the education of their children. The JHS dropout rate will be compared to the state average. Students will be encouraged and challenged The campus completions rate will be comparable to the state to meet their full educational potential. completion rate. Correlation to District Goal: TEC#2-The district will meet or exceed the state expectation of a 96% attendance rate in grades 1-12 Correlation to Federal Education Goals, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 TEC# 1,2,3,5—Performance Goals --- All students including limited English proficient students will reach high standards in reading/language arts and math, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers, and all students will graduate from high school. A The JHS attendance officer will make contact with students and parents after c excessive absences. Truancy proceedings will be filed on students who have t excessive absences. (Continue) i o n R Local e s o u r c e s R Principal, Truancy Office, PEIMS Clerk e s p o n s i b l e P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e li n e M Attendance rate increases to exceed 94.6%, Monthly attendance check and monitor e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will design and implement a plan to provide incentives to reward students for c 96% and above attendance. (Continue)Component 9 t i o n R Local, activity fund e s o u r c e s R Principal, Assistant Principals, Attendance Committee e s p o n s i b l e P e r s o n T October 2016 —May 2017 i m e li n e M Documentation of campus attendance plan and campus attendance rates as compared to e the state. a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A Identify JHS students who are credit deficient and offer credit recovery options to c remediate their academic gaps through the Credit Connection Lab. (Continue). t i o n R Time e s o u r c e s R Counselors, Principal, Assistant Principals, Recovery Teacher e s p o n s i b l e P e r s o n T August 2016 – July 2017 i m e li n e M Meetings, agenda, Credit Recovery log, Documents, student assessments e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A Utilize state program options of Pregnancy Related Services and Comprehensive c Education Home Instruction (CEHI) for students who are at risk of dropping out of ti school because of pregnancy. (Continue) o n R Local e s o u r c e s Counselors, Principals, Parent Liaisons R e s p o n si b le P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m el i n e M Meetings, agenda, minutes/or Counselors log e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a ti o n 5. Action High School counselors will make contact with No Show students prior to the school start window date in August (Continue) Resources PEIMS Data Responsible Person Counselors Timeline August 2016 – May 2017 Measurement Number of contact and documentation of re-enrollment success. Evaluation A Identify at risk students in danger of dropping out of school and provide appropriate c in school programs, services and interventions (Continue) ti o n R Time e s o u r c e s Counselors R e s p o n si b l e P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 (upon receiving AEIS results) i m e li n e M Dropout/ graduation rates compared to the state. e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a ti o n A The students name will be placed in a drawing each six weeks for perfect attendance c for a prize. (Continue) ti o n R Student Activity Fund e s o u r c e s R Principal, Assistant Principals, Attendance Clerk, and Counselor e s p o n si b l e P e r s o n T September 2016- May 2017 i m e li n e M Skyward Attendance Record e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a ti o n A Jasper High School will have a Student of the Week to promote good character. c (Continue) ti o n R Student Activity Fund e s o u r c e s R Principals, Assistant Principals, Community Liaison, Student of the week e Committee s p o n si b l e P e r s o n T September 2016 –May 2017 i m e li n e M Teacher recommendation, Student of the Week Committee e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a ti o n A At Risk Counselor will meet with students who are experiencing c homelessness or in the conservatorship of CPS to assist with issues ti of clothing, supplies, hygiene products, and counseling support etc. o (Modified) Component 9 n R Title I, Jasper Community Foundation Funds e s o u r c e s R At-Risk Counselor, Counselor, Principal, Homebound Teacher e s p o n si b l e P e r s o n T Aug. 2016 – June 2017 i m e li n e M Records in May will indicate the number of students served. e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a ti o n Goal III: Safe and Positive School Rationale: Environment JHS will provide a positive, safe, and orderly Feeling safe is a prerequisite to learning. A school environment in which students can learn safe, positive environment is the right of and teachers can educate every student and teacher. Evaluation: Correlation to State Objective(s): PEIMS 425-Title V Discipline Records; Training TEC#8-Provide safe and disciplined environments conducive to learning. Correlation to District Goal: TEC#4-The district will seek to provide a safe and positive School Environment in which students can learn Correlation to State AEIS: TEC#1-Student Performances A JHS campus administration will revise the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct for c the 2016-2017 school year and distribute to all students/parents through the JHS t website and a hard copy will be provided upon request (Continue) i o n R Local e s o u r c e s R Principals e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Documentation of Student Hand books and Code of Conduct, signed receipt from e students as they receive their handbook a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will provide character education to educate students on issues such as conflict c resolution, drug education, dating violence, sexual harassment etc Continue) t i o n R Local, SCE, CTE funds e s o u r c e s R Counselors , Student Council, NHS e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Documentation of campus character education programs e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A Counselors will receive training on bullying, sexual abuse of children, and suicide c prevention as required by legislation. Each counselor will train staff through a delivery system best suited for the campus. (Continue) t i o n R Region 5, SCE e s o u r c e s R Counselors, Principal e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Documentation of training dates e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will practice emergency drills with students as required by law. JHS will have a plan for the c following incidents: fire inclement weather, utility outages, hazardous materials, lock-down, etc. District Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)(Continue) t i o n R Time e s o u r c e s R Principal or Principal designee e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Documentation of Crisis Team meetings agenda minute, sign in e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will have a Crisis Team. All crisis team members will be trained in procedures for c their facility. (Continue) t i o n R Time e s o u r c e s R Principal, Assistant Principal e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Documentation of Crisis Team meetings, agenda minutes, sign-in e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will implement a campus wide discipline plan as part of a district wide initiative to c begin in the 2014-2015 school year (Continue) t i o n R Local e s o u r c e s R Principal, Assistant Principal e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Plans drafted at the District level and adopted with the new information for hand book e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n A JHS will implement and continue to revise annually the campus wide emergency drill c assignments plan during the school year. t i o n R Local e s o u r c e s R Principal e s p o n s i b l e
P e r s o n T August 2016 – May 2017 i m e l i n e M Plans drafted at the campus level e a s u r e m e n t E v a l u a t i o n Goal IV: Parent and Community Involvement Rationale: JISD will increase parent, community, and business Research indicates that parental involvement involvement is critical to the success of students. Parent and community involvement would also In the educational process of children. enhance understanding and support for the programs and policies in our schools. Evaluation: Correlation to State Objective(s): Parent and Community surveys Parent and Community surveys Correlation to Disstrict Goal Correlation to State AEIS TEC#1-Student performance on State Parent and Community Assessment TEC#2-Dropout Rate TEC#3-Student attendance JHS will improve the campus website by providing a revised homepage that is dedicated Act to communicating Campus information to parents and the community at large. (Continue)
Time Res
Technology Website coordinator, Principal Res
August 2016 – Ongoing Ti
Homepage design and the date of launch Me
JHS teachers will be required to create web pages for their classes including, homework assignments, projects, links for help with assignments,syllabus, classroom management Act plans etc. (Continue)
Time Res
Principal, Teachers,/Technology Director, Instructional Technology Coordinator Res
August 2016 – Ongoing Ti
Documentation on PDAS Me
Family Access training will be made available for parents to utilize family access online Act from any computer location. (Continue) Technology funds Res
Technology Res
August 2016 – Ongoing Ti
Family Access numbers/training document Me
A “Meet The Teacher” night of “Open House” will be offered to parents at JHS. Ac Parents will be invited to attend assemblies and programs sponsored by JHS throughout the year. Show case student work and expand on Public School Week with Open House. (Continue)
Local Re
Principals, Parent Liaisons, Federal/ State Program Coordinator, Executive Director of Re Curriculum/ Instruction
August 2016—May 2017 Ti
Attendance at JHS for parent opportunities M
Action Develop strategies to improve parental involvement at the secondary level: expand 5. parental involvement at Fish Camp, host CTE open house, etc. Resources Local ,CTE Responsible Principal, Parent Liaisons, Federal/ State Program Coordinator, Executive Director of Person Curriculum/ Instruction Timeline August 2016 – Ongoing Parent Liaison weekly documentation of parental involvement goals – future follow through with established weekly goals. Sign-in, agenda for all parental campus Measurement activities. Evaluation Action Jasper High School AVID Site Base Team, and coordinator will plan a family AVID NIGHT for the 6. AVID Resources LocalStudents, C TandE parents/guardian (Continue)
Responsible Principal, Parent Liaisons, AVID Site Base team of Curriculum/ Instruction Person Timeline August 2016 – May 2017 Parent Liaison weekly documentation of parental involvement goals – future follow through with established weekly goals. Sign-in, agenda for all parental campus Measurement activities. Evaluation Goal V: Staff Relations Rationale: JHS believes in attracting and retaining a highly JHS struggles with the retention and professional and effective staff. recruitment of certified JHS will recognize and honor teachers at every opportunity, as appropriate throughout the year. teachers in the area of Math, Science, and JHS will actively promote positive communications Special Education throughout the Campus, local government, businesses, and beyond. Media relations, the District Website and all other appropriate avenues
Evaluation: Rationale: JHS will evaluate and compare the recruitment and TEC # 6: Recruit, develop, and retain retention plan as it relates to the campus. qualified and highly effective personnel Act JHS will participate in a monthly staff recognition program to recognize staff members for outstanding performance (212). (Continue) component 3
Local Res
Principals, Superintendent, and Human Resources Res
August 2016 – May 2017 Ti
Number of staff members formally recognized Me
2. Action JHS will implement a staff perfect attendance incentive (Continue) Resources Local, Activity Fund Responsible Principal, Assistant Principals, Attendance committee Person Timeline August 2016 – May 2017 Measurement Number of newsletters and dates of distribution Evaluation 3. Action JHS will utilize a new teacher mentor program, pairing a veteran teacher with a new Teacher (Continue) . Local Re Responsibl Principal Timeline August 2016 – May 2017 Measureme Documentations of end of year evaluations nt Evaluation
Action JHS will improve on staff communications through email, school messenger, faculty 4. meetings, and staff development. (Continue) Resources Local Principal, Academic Coordinators August 2016 – May 2017 Ti Measureme Needs Assessment at end of year, log of communications nt Evaluation Action JHS will appoint a hospitality committee to celebrate Jasper High’s Staff accomplishments, 5. birthdays, and special events. Local Res Principal, Academic Coordinators Res August 2016 – May 2017 Ti Needs Assessment at end of year, log of communications/events Me Evaluation Components below are located within actions Component 2 – Reform Strategies Component 3 – Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers Component 4 – High-Quality Professional Development Component 5 – Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers Component 6 – Strategies to Increase Parental Involvement Component 7 – Transition Component 8 – Teacher Decision Making Regarding Assessments Component 9 – Effective and Timely Assistance to Students Component 10 – Coordination and Integration