About a Boy, Ch

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About a Boy, Ch

Chapter 4, About a Boy by Nick Hornby Wiseman

1. Where does Will first see Angie? How do they later meet? 2. As Will and Angie get acquainted at the café, how is Will a little dishonest with her? 3. How is Will conflicted about children at this point in his conversation with Angie? 4. What is the life-changing strategy that Will comes up with? 5. What roles does Will assume in his relationship with Angie? 6. How does Will describe his experience with Angie’s children? 7. How was the sex with a single mom? 8. What made it easy to appear outstanding in this relationship? 9. How was the ending of the relationship a good experience for Will? 10. What was so different about the end of this relationship with the end of others? 11. After his experience with Angie what does Will decide to do?

Chapter 5, About a Boy by Nick Hornby Wiseman 1. What has happened to Marcus’ mother? What has she started doing and why does that disturb Marcus? 2. What was the first advantage of her terrible depression? 3. What is Marcus trying to figure out as he leaves for school? 4. What happened as soon as he walked into school? 5. What is Marcus’ strategy for avoiding the school bullies? 6. What does Marcus think of Nick and Mark? How are they all alike? 7. What had happened in class that the bullies were using to tease Marcus? 8. What strategy did Marcus use when the bullies were teasing him?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 7 Wiseman 1. How did things appear back to normal to Marcus? 2. Who was Lindsey and how did Marcus’ mum feel about her? 3. What happens at the magazine/newspaper shop? 4. Who sympathizes with Marcus? 5. When Marcus gets home, what situation faces him? How does he respond? 6. What does Marcus demand of his mum? Why is this a healthy reaction for a child? 7. What does his mother arrange for him to do on Saturday? 8. Who is Suzie? 9. What realization does Marcus make at the end of the chapter?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 8 1. What is Will trying to do at the beginning of the chapter? 2. What is the lie that Will has concocted? 3. What is Suzie’s advice? 4. When he calls his ex a ‘cow’ what is Suzie’s response? 5. How has he found this whole experience of leading a double life? 6. What are some of the lies that he has told? 7. What is he afraid is going to happen? 8. What story is he reminded of when he thinks about the lies that he has told? 9. How does Will wind up meeting Marcus? 10. How do we finally find out about Will’s father and how he made his money? 11. How did Will’s father make a million? 12. Why does Marcus call out that his mother is nuts? 13. At the picnic what does Will do to compensate for all the lying? 14. When Suzie asks Will whether he missed ‘him’, what is Will’s response? 15. What has happened by the end of this conversation? Why does Will say ‘bingo’ to himself?

About a Boy, Hornby, Chapter 9 1. Why is Marcus criticizing himself? What has he done? What is so ridiculous about this situation? 2. What is floating next to the dead duck? What joke does Will make about this? 3. How does Marcus feel about Will? Why? 4. What does Marcus think about the was that Will handles the situation when the park ranger approaches? 5. Why doesn’t Marcus tell Suzie he thought he saw his Mum? 6. When Suzie drops Marcus off what does she do that was so unusual and why is Marcus glad in retrospect that she has done this? 7. Why was Marcus’ mom lucky that day? 8. What was Marcus’ reaction to this entire experience?

About a Boy, Hornby, Chapter 10 1. What does Will want to do when the ambulance comes? What does he wind up doing? 2. How does Will connect with Marcus on the way to the hospital? 3. How does Suzie try to console Marcus at the hospital? 4. How do you think Marcus feels about his mother’s trying to commit suicide? 5. What is Will’s reaction to this entire episode? Why is that so unusual? 6. How does Marcus entertain himself and the others in the waiting room of the hospital? 7. Who else is in the waiting room? What does Marcus observe about them? Why does he defend his mom? 8. Why does Will think to himself that Marcus has asked the wrong question when he asks Suzie if the hospital will know that his mother is not like the bums in the hospital? 9. Where does Marcus stay that evening? 10. How does Will leave them as they all leave the hospital?

About a Boy, Ch. 11

1. What does Marcus find on the kitchen table the next morning? 2. What does the letter say? How would you feel if you had gotten this letter from your mother? 3. How does Marcus greet his mother Fiona? 4. What concerns does Marcus have about his mother now? 5. What had changed for Marcus? 6. What solution did Marcus come up with to help him and his mother out of this situation? 7. What did Fiona and Marcus do that evening? 8. What movie had Marcus chosen to watch? What alarmed him about the movie? What was weak about the movie, according to Marcus? 9. Why does Marcus stop the video in the middle? 10.What lie does he make up for his mother? 11. What was so confusing to Marcus about his Moms behavior? How was she acting now that she was home? What was her response to the video in which the guy tries to kill himself? 12. What was the test at the end of the chapter? Did Fiona pass or fail?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch 12

1. How has Will made friends over the years? 2. How did Will manage his time? 3. How did Will try to get a job every once in a while? 4. What was his brilliant ploy to impress the potential employee? 5. What idea is tugging at Will? Who does he think about calling? Why? 6. When Will speaks to Suzie, what does he say about Ned? What does he offer to do? 7. Why does Will buy a Time Out? What is he looking for? 8. As Will sits thinking about what to do, what does he think about the possibilities available for children these days? 9. Who call Will as he is sitting there? 10. What does Marcus propose? 11. Why does Marcus insist that his Mum come with them? 12. Why does Will find the use of sarcasm irresistible with Marcus? 13. What does Will buy to convince others about Neds existence? What else does he do to pretend that Ned?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 13

1. What was Marcus underlying motivation for asking Will if he Mum could go with them? 2. What was Marcus big plan? 3. What did he think about his Mums mental state? 4. What had Marcus done to check Will out? what had he discovered? 5. What did Marcus suggest that his Mum do because they were going to Planet Hollywood? 6. How was the initial meeting between Will and Fiona? 7. Why is Marcus embarrassed at the meeting? What does Will think of Planet Hollywood? 9. When they get to Planet Hollywood how is the crowd? 10. How does Will convince Marcus to go to Twenty-eight? 11. What does Marcus think about this restaurant when they get there? 12. What is Marcus trying to do by suggesting that Fiona order the swordfish steak? 13. What is Marcus reasoning about his Mum and Will getting together? 14. How is the dinner conversation going between Mum and Will? What does Marcus do to try to get them talking? 15. What is Mums opinion about marriage? Why didnt she ever get married? 16. What was Marcus confused about? 17. At the end of the chapter why does Marcus dig happily into his pizza?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 14 1. How does Will feel about Fiona? What is his takeon her? 2. What does Will mean by she was just too hippy? 3. What was the most attractive thing about her to Will? 4. What is Will so fascinated with something heavy in a relationship? 5. Why does Will entertain the thought of maintaining a relationship with Fiona and Marcus even though he’s not interested in Fiona? 6. What was the feeling that Will was left with after the visit with Marcus and his Mum? 7. What happened a few days later that changed Wills feelings about having a relationship with Marcus and his Mum? 8. What bothered Will about Fiona’s singing? 9. How does Will describe this experience of singing with Fiona and Marcus? 10. Why does will get drunk after he goes home? 11. What second thoughts is he having as he sits home and thinks about Fiona, children, parenthood? 12. What is he afraid that he might do? 13. Who calls? Why doesn’t Will answer the calls? How does he divert himself in the next few days? 14. Who knocks on Wills door? 15. What is the first thing that Marcus says to Will? 16.How does Marcus threaten Will? How does Will react? Why does he say that he reacted so childishly? 17.What does Marcus guess about Will? 18. What has Marcus done to Will that Will usually does to other people?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 15

1. Why does Marcus claim that he wasn’t ‘daft’? Why would he think that he was> 2. How does he regard the information about Will not having a child or a wife? 3. When Marcus goes back to Will’s what is Will’s initial reception? How does Marcus get Will to let him stay? 4. How does Will feel about Marcus being there? What does he try to get Marcus to do? 5. What does Marcus like about Will’s apartment? 6. What does Will say about Chet Baker and Charlie Parker that Marcus doesn’t really understand? 7. What does Marcus notice about Will’s kitchen? 8. What is Marcus’ rationale about Will’s going to school? 9. What did Marcus explain to Will about being an introvert? 10. What does Will ask Marcus that disturbs him? 11. What does he say that makes Marcus feel good about himself? 12. What empathy and understanding does Will give to Marcus after several visits? 13. What has Marcus been feeling since his mother tried to commit suicide? 14. How is their relationship changing?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 16 1. How was Will’s life changing because of Marcus’s visits? 2. How was Marcus difficult? 3. How did Will cope with the difficulty? 4. Why does Will stay around for Marcus? 5. What is Marcus’ take on the afternoon when Will asked about Fiona? What does he vow not to do? 6. What had Will spent his whole life doing? What is the “real stuff”? 7. Why is Will surprised when Marcus starts to talk about his father? 8. How does Marcus think Will is eccentric? How is this similar to what Will thinks about Marcus? 9. Why does Marcus talk about his father’s quitting smoking, according to Will? 10. What does Will pride himself on? 11. As will is watching Countdown one day, what interrupts him? 12. As Will speaks to the boys outside what is he surprised to find? 13. What is surprising about Marcus’ reaction to the boys’ attack? 14. What breaks Will’s heart? 15. What does Marcus say about his old and new schools? 16. What suggestion does Will make? 17. What do they decide to do? 18. When they get to the sneaker store, what is Will struck by as he passes the mirror? 19. What is Marcus’ reaction to the suggestion that he get Adidas? 20. How does Will think of Fiona? 21. What happened the next day?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 17 1. What made Marcus finally tell Fiona about his sneakers? 2. What was Fiona’s reaction when Marcus told her about Will buying him new sneakers? 3. When Fiona takes Marcus back to Will’s what does she yell at Will about? 4. What does she suggest? 5. When does Will lose his temper? 6. What does Will try to make Fiona see? Does she understand? Why or why not? 7. How does Will’s assessment of Marcus’ school situation make Marcus feel? 8. When Fiona insists that Marcus is doing fine, how does Marcus feel about that? 9. What comparison does Marcus make between his Mum and Will? 10. Why does Marcus yell out the words, “Ow!” and “Cowabunga”? 11. On the way home Marcus and Fiona are talking. What does she forbid him to do? 12. How does Fiona criticize Will? 13. What was Fiona telling Marcus in the car? 14. Why was it scary for Marcus? 15. Why does Marcus start to notice what Fiona is telling him? 16. How does Marcus discover that Fiona is able to get him to do things? 17. What happens with the question about being vegetarian? Why does marcus get angry?

18. How is life at his house different from the way other people live? 19. What does he conclude is the most important difference between him and the other kids? 20. How does Marcus win the argument with Fiona about seeing Will?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 19 1. What worries Marcus about his Mom’s visit to Will’s? 2. What does Marcus say to Fiona’s command that he not see Will? 3. Why did Marcus have to go to the headmistress? Why didn’t he want to go? 4. Who was Ellie McCrae? 5. What does Marcus attempt to do with Ellie? 6. What is Ellie famous? What’s her reaction when Marcus tells her this? 7. What does ellie maintain happened this time? 8. What is she wearing? 9. Who is “Kirk O’Bane?” 10. By the end of the conversation with Ellie, how does Marcus feel about going in to talk to Mrs. Morrison, the Headmistress? Why? 11. Why did Marcus lose his temper with the Headmistress? 12. What conclusion does Marcus reach about the way that Mrs. Morrison feels about him? 13. How does Marcus become a truant? 14. What does Marcus stop himself from thinking about truants?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 20 1. What does Will love about driving? 2. Why does he really want to drive this particular morning? 3. Why does he feel guilty about Nirvana? 4. What does he use rock music for? 5. What does Will experience when he suddenly sees Marcus on the street? 6. What inner struggle does Will go through? Who wins – his conscience or his selfish self? 7. Who rings Will’s doorbell? How does he manage to get inside the apartment? 8. Why does Marcus ask Will to take him to a football game? 9. When Marcus is trying to identify the football player on Manchester United, what does Will tell him? 10. How does Will make Marcus squirm? 11. How does Will get sucked into Marcus’ problems again? 12. What does Marcus want Will to do in this situation? And what is Will’s response? 13. Why does Marcus look up to Will?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 21 1. When Marcus goes back to school the next day, what does he expect will happen? What actually happens? 2. Who does he run into? Describe the encounter. 3. How is this experience different from all his other experiences at school? 4. What is Will’s reaction when Marcus tells him about his talk will Ellie at school? 5. When Marcus wants to invite Ellie over, what does Will tell him? 6. When Ellie and her friend are standing at the vending machine, what does Marcus dare to do? How does his courage pan out? 7. How is Ellie’s reaction to Mrs. Morrison different from that of other kids? 8. What makes Marcus feel a part of Ellie’s inner circle? 9. At lunch, how does Marcus’ life turn around? 10. Why does Marcus ask them to ‘hang on’? 11. Why does he have second thoughts? 12. How does Marcus get some ‘juice’? 13. How does Ellie adopt Marcus?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 22 1. How did Will usually spend Christmas? What was different this year? 2. How does Will describe Marcus and Fiona’s family? 3. How does Will wind up going to Marcus’ house anyway? 4. How does the conversation between Will and Marcus about Christmas dinner go? 5. What does Will observe about Marcus’ personality? 6. What was Will actually thinking about Marcus and Fiona? 7. Who else was at the Christmas dinner? 8. What impression about divorced families does this experience change for Will? 9. How does this get-together give Will a different impression of Fiona? 10. What compromise does Will make with himself about accepting something he didn’t approve of? 11. What presents did they give each other? 12. How does Will reply to the announcement by Marcus that he had lied about being a parent in order to join SPAT? 13. What did Marcus’ dad’s girlfriend give Fiona? What was Fiona’s reaction? 14. What was Will doing as each gift was opened? 15. What does Marcus do that reminds Will of how good a kid he really is? 16. What does Will recognize about himself, something that he sees in Marcus? 17. What kind of ‘good’ is Marcus?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 23 1. What was the positive side of having a mum and dad who each bought different presents? 2. What does Clive do? Who is upset by this? 3. What new response does Marcus try on the family that has worked so well with Ellie? What is the family’s response? 4. How does Fiona finally blow her cool with Clive’s girlfriend? 5. What is Clive’s immediate reaction? 6. How did the fight change things? 7. Who dropped in later and how was this awkward for Will? 8. What does Marcus find to be one of the most exciting events that he had witnessed? 9. How does Will react to Suzie? 10. What happens that makes Will sit back down on the couch?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 24 1. What unexpected event occurs on New Year’s Eve? 2. How does Will describe Rachel? How does he see himself in comparison? 3. How could we say that Will has low self-esteem? 4. What is the 5-minute interview that Will regrets? 5. What does he miss? 6. What answer does Will finally give that really scares Rachel away? How does Will respond? 7. We could say that Will is self-recriminating? What does that mean? 8. As Will is thinking about what to say to Rachel what does he realize about Marcus? 9. How does Will finally get Rachel’s attention? 10. How does Will ‘work’ this conversation with Rachel? 11. What has happened by midnight?

About a Boy, Hornby. Ch. 25 1. At Suzie’s New Year’s Eve party, who does Marcus see? 2. How is it that Ellie has come to Suzie’s party? 3. How is Ellie’s mother? 4. How does Ellie feel about her mother? What about her mother and father’s divorce? 5. What does Ellie insist that Marcus have? 6. Why has Marcus been keeping an eye on Fiona all night? 7. Since Fiona had attempted suicide how has it been for Marcus? 8. What does Ellie bring Marcus to drink? 9. What does Ellie ask Marcus about that makes him choke on his drink? 10. What does Ellie think about suicide? What did she say she would think about her mother committing suicide? 11. What does Marcus marvel over as he and Ellie talk to each other? 12. What panics Marcus? 13. What does Marcus ask Ellie when there is a lull in the conversation? 14. Who does Ellie take Marcus outside to see? What is she doing? Why does Ellie think that this is really disgusting? 15. Why does Ellie call her mom a ‘sad old tart’? About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 26 1. What is Will trying to get Marcus to do at the amusement arcade? 2. What is the explanation that Will gives Marcus for letting Rachel believe that he was Marcus’ dad? What story is he reminded of when he tells Marcus that sometimes you don’t correct people’s mistakes? 3. What does Will say that fascinates Marcus? 4. How does Will know that he is interested in Rachel? 5. What comparison does Marcus draw from his own experience in speaking with Will about Rachel? 6. How does Marcus describe ‘love’? 7. What effect does ‘the less and the more’ have on Will later? 8. What mutual bond had been created between Will and Marcus? 9. How does Marcus decide to pretend to be Will’s son? 10. What conversation do they have on the way to Rachel’s? Why does Marcus keep on ‘miaowing’at the end of the conversation? 11. What is Will’s first impression of Rachels house? 12. When Marcus meets Ali, what does he say that makes Will love him? 13. What happens ten minutes later?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 29 1. How had Marcus’ life changed and what suddenly interrupted his new peaceful existence? 2. What was different this time, however? 3. Who does Marcus turn to for help? 4. What question does Will ask Marcus that surprises him? 5. How does Marcus’ plea for help from Will lead to a rough definition of their relationship? How do they define their relationship? 6. How does Will try to get out of helping Marcus with his mum? 7. On the way home, what makes Marcus question the definition that Will has given their relationship as a friendship? 8. Who does Marcus then turn to for help with his mother? 9. What is Ellie depressed about? 10. What does she say about Kurt Cobain that makes Marcus feel as if he were going to be sick? 11. How does Marcus react to Ellie’s comments? 12. Why does Marcus not go to class? Where does he go instead? 13. Who comes to find him and comforts him?

About a Boy, Hornby, Ch. 30 1. While Marcus is at school, what conflict is Will dealing with? 2. What did he dread about having a conversation with Fiona? Why? 3. What is the danger in discussing ‘the point’ with Fiona? 4. What was life all about, according to Will, and why did he hate people like Fiona? 5. What analogy does Will draw about the dilemma that is facing him of whether to help Fiona or not? 6. Who does Will turn to help him in this situation? 7. How has Will’s relationship with Rachel progressed? 8. What was one sign that he was sexually attracted to Rachel? 9. What happens as Will is trying to tell Rachel about Fiona and Marcus? How does this disturb Will? What signs did he miss? 10. What observation does Rachel make about Will and Marcus’ relationship that made Will do a double-take? 11. How does Rachel help Will begin to look at himself differently? 12. What does Rachel offer to do in the end?

Match Question Items Answer Items - 1. ring up (49) A. sympathetic with B. carried off C. call 2. empathetic (49) - D. acting abilities E. making it a responsibility - 3. obliging (50) F. determined G. required H. conclusion 4. requisite (50) - I. calling up J. tried to find in a hurry - 5. summoning up (50)

- 6. be whisked away (50)

- 7. thespian resources (50)

- 8. ascertained (51)

- 9. scrabbled around

- 10. presumption (51)

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