Curriculum Crosswalk for Oregon Benchmarks for 1St Grade Start Smart Eating & Reading

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Curriculum Crosswalk for Oregon Benchmarks for 1St Grade Start Smart Eating & Reading

Curriculum Crosswalk for Oregon Benchmarks for 1st Grade Start Smart Eating & Reading

Arts Create, present and perform Activities Create, present, and perform AR.03.CP.01 Use experiences, imagination, essential elements and Breakfast Feeds Your works of art organizational principles to achieve a desired effect when creating, Brains; Finger or Stick presenting and/or performing works of art. Puppets; My Own Fruit Bowl; My Bone Building Book Express ideas, moods and AR.03.CP.03 Create, present and/or perform a work of art that Finger or Stick Puppets; feelings through the arts and demonstrates an idea, mood or feeling. My Own Fruit Bowl; My evaluate how well a work of Bone Building Book; art expresses one’s intent. Vegetables for Breakfast, Food Samples where students create something Understand how events and AR.O3.HC.01 Identify an event or condition that influenced a work of art My Own Fruit Bowl conditions influence the arts. (favorite breakfast foods, what they ate for breakfast, etc).

English Language Arts Reading Activities Concepts of Print: Analyze EL.01.RE.01 Identify letters, words, and sentences Story- Rabbit Food; All Aboard for words, recognize words, and Breakfast; My Bone Building Book learn to read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas. EL.01.RE.02 Match oral words to printed words. Story-Rabbit Food; Breakfast Mix & Match Game EL.01.RE.03 Recognize that sentences start with capital letters and Story- Rabbit Food; All Aboard for end with punctuation such as periods, question marks, and Breakfast exclamation points. Decoding and Word EL.01.RE.11 Generate the sounds from all the letters and letter Breakfast Mix & Match Games- Recognition: Analyze words, patterns, including consonant blends and long-and short-vowel Food Groups and Make a Complete Breakfast recognize words, and learn to patterns, and blend those sounds into recognizable words. read grade-level text fluently across the subject areas. EL.01.RE.12 Use letter-sound correspondence knowledge to sound Breakfast Mix & Match Games- out unknown words. Food Groups and Make a Complete Breakfast Listen to and Read EL.01.RE.21 Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of grade- Stories from SSER lessons Informational and Narrative level informational and narrative (story) text including children’s Text: Listen to, read, and magazines and newspapers dictionaries, other reference materials, understand a wide variety of online information, classic and contemporary literature, and poetry. informational and narrative text across the subject areas at school and on own, applying comprehension strategies as needed. EL.01.RE.22 Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex Stories from SSER lessons; text through discussions. Breakfast Feeds Your Brains EL.01.RE.25 Understand, learn, and use new vocabulary that is Stories from SSER lessons; From introduced and taught directly through orally-read stories and Mouth to Brain: Maze; Breakfast informational text as well as student-read stories and informational Feeds Your Brains; All Aboard text. for Breakfast EL.01.RE.27 Classify categories of words (e.g., concrete collections of Breakfast Mix & Match Games; animals, foods, toys). Stories from SSER lessons; My Bone Building Book Read to Perform a Task: Find, EL.01.RE.29 Read written directions, signs, captions, warning labels, Breakfast Feeds Your Brains; understand, and use specific and informational books. Complete the Breakfast: Mix & information in a variety of Match Cards, Grains from Seed texts across the subject areas to Bread; My Bone Building to perform a task. Book EL.01.RE.30 Locate the title, name of author, name of illustrator, and Stories from SSER lessons table of contents EL.01.RE.32 Read and understand simple one-step written directions My Bone Building Book; Grains From Seed to Bread; From Mouth to Brain: Maze EL.01.RE.33 Obtain information from print illustrations Stories from SSER; Activities from each SSER lesson Informational Text: Develop EL.01.RE.37 Make connections and discuss prior knowledge of topics Breakfast Feeds Your Brains; My an Interpretation: Develop an in informational texts. Bone Building Book interpretation of grade-level informational text across the subject areas.

English Language Arts Literature Activities Listen to and Read Literary EL.01.LI.01 Listen to text and read text to make connections and Stories from SSER lessons Text: Listen to text and read respond to a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature text to make connections and —including poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and drama—from a variety respond to a wide variety of of cultures and time periods. literature of varying complexity. EL.01.LI.02 Demonstrate listening comprehension of more complex Stories from SSER lessons literary text through discussions. Literary Text: Demonstrate EL.01.LI.03 Describe roles of authors and illustrators Stories from SSER lessons General Understanding: Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level literary text. EL.01.LI.04 Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the Discussion about stories from school year. SSER lessons EL.01.LI.05 Retell the main events of the story describing the Stories from SSER lesson beginning, the middle, and the end. EL.01.LI.06 Sequence the events in the story Stories from SSER lesson- Discussion Literary Text: Develop an EL.01.LI.07 Relate prior knowledge to the story Stories from SSER lessons Interpretation: Develop an interpretation of grade-level literary text. EL.01.LI.08 Predict and justify what will happen next in stories Stories from SSER lessons Literary Text: Examine EL.01.LI.09 Distinguish fantasy from realistic text Stories-Little Red Hen, A Fairy in Content and Structure: the Dairy, and Rabbit Food, I Examine content and Will Never Not Ever Eat a structure of grade-level Tomato literary text

English Language Arts Speaking and Listening Activities Speaking: Communicate supported ideas EL.01.SL.01 Recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories Finger Puppets; High Speed across the subject areas using oral, visual, Hand Washing- sing ABC song or and multimedia forms in ways appropriate Happy Birthday song; Grains to topic, context, audience, and purpose; from Seed to Bread organize oral, visual, and multimedia presentations in clear sequence, making connections and transitions among ideas and elements; use language appropriate to topic, context, audience, and purpose; and demonstrate control of eye contact, speaking rate, volume, enunciation, inflection, gestures, and other non-verbal techniques. EL.01.SL.02 Stay on topic when speaking Discussions led by EPA regarding review, summarization of lessons, and information from lesson. Teacher led discussions. Finger puppet activity EL.01.SL.03 Retell stories using basic story grammar and Stories from SSER lesson relating the sequence of story events by answering who, (partner or small group retell what, when, where, why, and how questions. activity); Finger Puppet EL.01.SL.06 Speak clearly Discussions and review; Retell of stories; Finger Puppet EL.01.SL.07 Look at listeners Finger Puppet; Discussions and review Listening: Listen critically and respond EL.01.SL.08 Listen attentively. All teacher/EPA directed appropriately across the subject areas. instruction including: stories, lesson content, directions, etc. EL.01.SL.09 Ask questions for clarification and High Speed Hand Washing; All understanding. handout/activities; directions on how to get food samples; Discussions EL.01.SL.10 Give, restate, and follow simple two-step High Speed Hand Washing; Song directions time directions; Activities and Handouts

Health Education Promotion of Healthy Eating Activities Demonstrate self-management, HE.03.HE.01 Recognize the importance of variety and Food Samples; Introduction and analyzing influences, goal-setting moderation in food selection and consumption. lessons on nutrition; Stories and advocacy skills while from SSER; Breakfast Mix & understanding the components Match games; All Aboard for of healthy eating. Breakfast HE.03.HE.02 Choose a variety of foods to eat from different food Food samples; Introduction and groups. lessons on nutrition; Breakfast Mix & Match Games HE.03.HE.03 Advocate for more fruits and vegetables at school Breakfast discussions; Breakfast and Lunch Menu Discussion Physical Education Expressive and Efficient Moving Activities Demonstrate knowledge of a PE.03.EE.01 Demonstrate mature form of basic locomotor Dance, run in place, High Speed variety of motor skills patterns: run, gallop, slide, horizontal jump, hop, leap, and skip, Hand Washing starting and stopping on command and in control. PE.03.EE.03 Demonstrate three different step patterns and Dance combinations of movements into repeatable sequences. PE.03.EE.04 Demonstrate three different step patterns and Song and Dance combinations of movements into repeatable sequences.

Physical Education Self-Management and Social Behavior Activities Understand appropriate and PE.03.SM.01 Identify rules, procedures, and etiquette in a High Speed Hand Washing, positive behavior management specified physical activity. Dance (social skills) and respect for all individual differences, including gender, ethnicity, and physical ability during physical activity. PE.03.SM.02 Identify positive ways to resolve conflict Food Sampling, Breakfast Mix & Match Game, dance, High Speed Hand Washing Science (2009) S1.1 Structure and Function: Living and non-living things can be Activities classified by their characteristics and properties. Structure and Function: Living 1.1P.1 Compare and contrast physical properties and Little Red Hen Story; Food and non-living things have composition of objects Samples: Mangos and Cheese characteristics and properties. 1.1L.1 Compare and contrast characteristics among individuals Little Red Hen Story; My Bone within one plant or animal group. Building Book Science (2009) S1.2 Interaction and Change: Living and non-living things Activities undergo changes that involve force and energy. Interaction and Change: Living and non- 1.2L.1 Describe basic needs of living things. SSER lessons and stories; Finger living things interact Puppets; Vegetables for Breakfast; My Bone Building Book

Social Sciences Analysis Activities Define and clarify an issue so that SS.03.SA.01 Identify an issue or problem that can be studied Breakfast Every Day Discussion its dimensions are well understood. SS.03.SA.04 Identify how people or other living things might be Story- The Hatseller and the affected by an event, issue, or problem Monkeys, Breakfast Every Day Discussion SS.03.SA.05 Identify possible options or responses; then make a Breakfast Every Day Discussion choice or express an opinion

Social Science Geography Activities Compare and analyze physical (e.g., SS.03.GE.04 Identify physical characteristics of places Mango-food sample (where do landforms, vegetation, wildlife, climate, and compare them. they grow) and natural hazards) and human (e.g., population, land use, language, and religion) characteristics of places and regions. SS.03.GE.05 Understand how peoples’ lives are affected The Hat Seller and the Monkeys by the physical environment © 2010 Oregon State University OSU Extension Service cooperating Glenda Hyde, Family and Community Health Faculty/Instructor, Deschutes County Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials without discrimination based on age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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