1. Fig. 1 Shows Three Situations Involving a Charged Particle and a Uniformly Charged Spherical

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1. Fig. 1 Shows Three Situations Involving a Charged Particle and a Uniformly Charged Spherical

1. Fig. 1 shows three situations involving a charged particle and a uniformly charged spherical shell. The charges are given, and the radii of the shells are indicated. Rank the situations according to the magnitude of the Fig. 1 force on the particle due to the presence of the shell, greatest first.

2. In Fig. 2, four particles form a square. The charges are

q1 = q4 = Q and q2 = q3 = q. (a) What is Q/q if the net electrostatic force on particles 1 and 4 is zero? (b) Is there any value of q that makes the net electrostatic force on each of the four particles aero? Explain. Fig. 2

3. In Fig. 3a, a particle 1 (of charge q1)

and particle 2 (of charge q2) are fixed in place on an x axis, 8.00 cm apart. -19 Particle 3 (of charge q3 = +6.00×10 C) is to be placed on the line between Fig. 3 particles 1 and 2 so that they produce

a net electrostatic force F3,net on it.

Fig. 3b gives the x component of that force versus the coordinate x at which

particle 3 is placed. The scale of the x axis is set by xs = 8.0 cm. What are (a) the

sign of charge q1 and (b) the ratio q2/ q1?

4. Fig. 4 shows two disks and a flat ring, each with the same uniform charge Q. Rank the objects according to the magnitude of the electric field they create at points P (which are at the same vertical heights), greatest first. Fig. 4

5. Fig. 5 shows an electric dipole. What are the (a) magnitude and (b) direction (relative to the positive direction of the x axis) of the dipole’s electric field at point P, located at distance r >> d? Fig. 5 6. In Fig. 6, a nonconducting rod of length L = 8.15 cm has a charge -q = –4.23 fC uniformly distributed along its length. (a) What is the linear charge density of the rod? What are the (b) magnitude and (c) Fig. 6 direction (relative to the positive direction of the x axis) of the electric field produced at point P, at distance a = 12.0 cm from the rod? What is the electric field magnitude produced at distance a = 50 m by (d) the rod and (e) a particle of charge –q = –4.23 fC that replaces the rod?

7. In Fig. 7, an electron is shot at an initial speed of 6 v0 = 4.00×10 m/s, at angle 0 = 40.0 from an x axis. It moves through a uniform electric field

E  (5.00 N /C) ˆj . A screen for detecting electrons

is positioned parallel to the y axis, at distance x = Fig. 7 3.00 m. In unit-vector notation, what is the velocity of the electron when it hits the screen?

8. Fig. 8 shows a closed Gaussian surface in the shape of a cube of edge length 1.50 m. It lies in a region where the nonuniform electric field is given by

E  (3.00x  4.00)iˆ  6.00 ˆj  7.00kˆ N /C , with x in meters. Fig. 8 What is the net charge contained by the cube?

9. Fig. 9 is a section of a conducting rod of radius R1 = 1.30 mm and length L = 11.00 m inside a thin-walled

coaxial conducting cylindrical shell of radius R2 =

10.0R1 and the (same) length L. The net charge on the -12 rod is Q1 = +3.40×10 C; that on the shell is Q2 = -

2.00Q1. What are the (a) magnitude E and (b) direction (radially inward or outward) of the electric field at

radial distance r = 2.00R2? What are (c) E and (d) the Fig. 9

direction at r = 5.00R1? What is the charge on the (e) interior and (f) exterior surface of the shell? 10. In Fig. 10, a small, nonconducting ball of mass m = 1.0 mg and charge q = 2.0×10-8 C (distributed uniformly through its volume) hangs from an insulating thread that makes an angle  = 30 with a vertical, uniformly charged nonconducting sheet (shown in cross section). Considering the gravitational force on the ball and assuming the sheet extends far vertically and into and out of the page, calculate the surface charge density  of the sheet. Fig. 10

11. Fig. 11 shows two nonconducting spherical shells fixed in place on an x axis. Shell 1 has uniform surface charge density +5.0 C/m2 on its outer surface and radius 0.50 cm, and shell 2 has uniform surface charge density -2.0 C/m2 on its outer surface and radius 2.0 cm; the centers are separated by L = 6.0 cm. Other than at x = , where on the x Fig. 11 axis is the net electric field equal to zero?

12. A spherical drop of water carrying a charge of 30 pC has a potential of 500 V at its surface (with V = 0 at infinity). (a) What is the radius of the drop? (b) If two such drops of the same charge and radius combine to form a single spherical drop, what is the potential at the surface of the new drop?

13. The smiling face of Fig. 12 consists of three items: (1) a thin rod of charge -3.0 C that forms a full circle of radius 6.0 cm; (2) a second thin rod of charge 1.0 C that forms a circular arc of radius 4.0 cm, subtending an angle of 90 about the center of the full circle; (3) an electric dipole with a dipole moment that is Fig. 12 perpendicular to a radial line and has magnitude 1.28×10- 21 Cm. What is the net electric potential at the center? 14. Fig. 13 shows a thin plastic rod of length L = 13.5 cm and uniform charge 43.6 fC. (a) In terms of distance d, find an expression for the electric

potential at point P1. (b) Next, substitute variable x for d and find an expression for the magnitude of

the componet Ex of the electric field at P1. (c) What

is the direction of Ex relative to the positive Fig. 13

direction of the x axis? (d) What is the value of Ex

at P1 for x = d = 6.60 cm? (e) From the symmetry in Fig. 13, determine Ey at P1.

15. In Fig. 14, a charged particle (either an electron or a proton) is moving rightward between two parallel charged plates separated by distance d = 2.00 mm. The

plate potentials are V1 = -70.0 V and V2 = -50.0 V. The particle is slowing from an initial speed of 90.0 km/s at the left plate. (a) Is the particle an electron or a proton? (b) What is its speed just as it reaches plate 2? Fig. 14 Ans. 1. b and c tie, then a (zero).

2. (a)Q/ | q |= 2 2 , or Q/ q = - 2 2 = - 2.83. (b) we are unable to construct an equilibrium configuration with this geometry. 3. (a) positive-valued charge (b) 9.0 4. a, b, c  1 qd  5. (a) |Enet |3 . (b)  j direction 4pe 0 r

-14 -3 6. (a)  = -5.19×10 C/m (b) |Ex |= 1.57 10 N/C (c) –x direction (d)

-8 -8 |Ex |= 1.52 10 N/C (e) |Ex |= 1.52 10 N/C

7. v = (3.06  106 m/s) i (1.71  105 m/s) 8. 8.85  1011 C 9. (a) |E |= 0.214 N/C. (b) inward (c) 0.855 N/C (d) outward (e) –3.401012 C (f) – 3.401012 C 10. 5.0×10-9 C/m2 11. 3.9 cm 12. (a) 0.54 mm (b) 790 V 15. (a) proton (b) 65.3 km/s

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