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American College





Preamble...... 3 Mission Statement...... 4 ACOFP Strategic Goals...... 5 Board of Governors...... 6 Membership...... 6 Standing Rules For Meetings...... 8 Awards...... 10 Other Appointments...... 10 Executive Committee...... 11 President...... 13 President-Elect...... 15 Vice President...... 16 Immediate Past President...... 17 Secretary...... 17 Treasurer...... 18 Duties...... 18 Accounting Protocols...... 18 Executive Director/Executive Secretary...... 20 Committees...... 23 Membership Committee...... 23 Education/Program/Convention Committee...... 23 Long Range Planning Committee...... 23 Awards Committee...... 23 Auditing Committee...... 23 Constitution and Bylaws Committee...... 24 Public Information Committee...... 24 Governmental Legislation & Liaison Committee...... 24 Undergraduate FP Chapter Liaison Committee...... 25 Nominating Committee...... 25 Pharmaceutical Committee...... 25 P.A.C.E.R. (Presidential Advisory Committee of Ex-Ramrods)...... 25 Family Practice Resident Liaison Committee...... 25 Texas Delegation To The ACOFP Congress Of Delegates...... 26 Texas ACOFP Resolutions...... 27 Reimbursement Policy...... 28

2 Preamble

This document has been approved by the Board of Governors. These guidelines have been complied after several years’ study, research, conferences and committee meetings and is an administrative handbook only.

Certain parts of it are taken directly from the TEXAS ACOFP Constitution and Bylaws. It is also based on resolutions, traditions, actions, policies and directives from the minutes of the Texas ACOFP Board of Governors meetings, the Texas ACOFP annual business meetings, and the ACOFP Congress of Delegates.

This document is updated every three months in accordance with changes, which have occurred based on the previous statement.

A copy of this document will be supplied yearly to each officer, trustee and committee chairman, and to any Texas ACOFP member or affiliated organization who requests a copy from the Executive Director/Executive Secretary.

3 Mission Statement

To attain and maintain the highest state of mental, physical, and psychosocial well being for all citizens of the State of Texas.

4 ACOFP Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal #1: Increase the number of students selecting Osteopathic residency programs.

Strategic Goal #2: Increase the size of the ACOFP membership via retention and recruitment.

Strategic Goal #3: Increase the communication between ACOFP and the Osteopathic colleges and between ACOFP and the Osteopathic Postdoctoral Training Institutes.

5 Board of Governors

1. The Board of Governors shall be the administrative and executive body of this Society.


1. The Board of Governors shall consist of:

A. President

B. President-Elect

C. Vice President

D. Immediate Past President

E. Secretary

F. Treasurer

a. Six (6) Full-Voting Governors

b. Three (3) Non-Voting Governors:

i. TCOM Observer ii. Family Practice Resident Liaison iii. TCOM student Zeta Chapter Representative

c. Five (5) Ex-officio Members:

i. Parliamentarian ii. Liaison to the National ACOFP iii. Editor iv. President Emeritus Superus v. Executive Director/Executive Secretary

d. Invited Observers - Texas Society ACOFP members who are on the Board of the ACOFP or the AOA and Past Presidents.

G. The Board of Governors is authorized to conduct the business of the Society between meetings of the general membership. It is responsible to the membership in all matters.

6 H. The Board of Governors shall have the overall responsibility of the finances of this Society.

I. The Board of Governors may employ and direct the Executive Director/Executive Secretary in his/her duties according to his/her contract. The Texas ACOFP Board of Governors will provide guidance and timeframes for the Executive Director/Executive Secretary to accomplish specific tasks.

J. The Board of Governors may act upon any matter by conference call, fax vote, e- mail, or mail vote, and as such the vote shall be by majority as specified by the Bylaws, except that the total membership of the Board shall be used to determine the majority specified. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary and the Society Secretary shall issue, establish return dates, and canvass all votes of the Board. In the event the vote is not returned, it shall be classified as an abstention. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary or Society Secretary shall promptly report the results of such a vote to the board and the results shall be read into the minutes of the Board at its next meeting.

K. The Board of Governors shall have the power to dismiss any employee without cause by a two-thirds vote.

L. The Board of Governors shall have the power by a two-thirds vote, after careful investigation, to remove any officer or Board member of this Society for incompetency, immoral, unethical or unprofessional conduct, failure to perform duties of his/her office, felony conviction or for due cause.

M. The Board of Governors shall authorize out-of-pocket expenses for officers, committee chairmen and committee members upon submission of expense voucher for reimbursement.

N. The Board of Governors shall authorize per diem expenses of the Texas Society ACOFP Delegates to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates.

O. The Board of Governors shall be the sole authority for creating and regulating budgets of the Society.

P. The Board of Governors shall have the Power to revoke membership of anyone in this Society as provided in Article XIII, Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Texas Society ACOFP Bylaws.

Q. The Board of Governors shall approve any expenditures or check in excess of $2500.00 prior to its being issued.

7 Standing Rules For Meetings

1. The Board of Governors shall adhere to the Board of Governors Standing Rules as follows at all meetings:

A. An invocation shall be given.

B. A written agenda shall be followed.

C. A parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President. Such appointee shall determine that the Constitution and Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order are consistently followed.

D. A Sergeant-At-Arms shall be appointed by the President, such appointee to have usual duties of that office.

E. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall serve as secretary of the Texas ACOFP at all board meetings, business meetings, and committee meetings. In his/her absence the Secretary of the Society shall fulfill those duties as secretary.

F. Audience shall be granted before this Board to anyone who has applied for such audience well in advance of the meeting, having stated the nature of their business so that ample background review and full consideration of the subject may be possible.

G. At the request of the speaker before this Board, recording equipment or transcription shall be stopped with the stipulation that at the conclusion of the discussion, a resume of pertinent points may be made and recorded.

H. Meetings shall be open to any member of the Texas Society ACOFP except during Executive Sessions. Such guests to be present without vote but with voice if so granted by the Chair. Members are encouraged to attend such meetings.

I. Executive Sessions may be held at which all full-voting members of the Board of Governors shall be expected to attend along with the Executive Director/Executive Secretary, unless he/she is excluded. Action taken during an Executive Session shall be without authority until read into the record of the meeting in open session and affirmed by vote of the Board as being the accurate transaction.

J. Written reports which have been supplied to Board members prior to meeting will not be read to the Board unless requested by a majority of the Board members present.

8 K. The Board of Governors shall call for revisions in the Administrative Handbook and approves all revisions.

L. Officers, with the exception of Governors, shall be elected annually. Each year:

a. Two of the six (6) Full-Voting Governors shall be elected for three (3) year terms of office or until a successor is elected and installed.

b. In the same manner of election, vacancies shall be filled to complete unexpired terms.

M. A simple majority of the Board of Governors voting members shall constitute a quorum.

N. All committee appointments made by the President shall be subject to the approval of this Board. The President Elect shall present his/her choice for annual Program Chairman-elect to the Board for approval.

O. Any committee requesting an increase in budgetary allowance must submit to the Executive Director/Executive Secretary at least thirty days in advance of board meeting, a general written record of requirements, disbursements, and projected needs.

P. Minutes will not be distributed outside the Board of Governors until approved by the Board.

Q. All meetings of the Board of Governors shall be of annual, special, or called type.

a. Meetings may be called by the President, or they may be called by petition of the majority of the voting members of the Board of Governors to the Executive Director/Executive Secretary.

b. The Board of Governors shall meet at least three times a year.

R. This Society shall not extend official endorsement upon any new specific service or item, or outside company.

S. When a member of the Board of Governors fails to attend two (2) meetings of the Board in one year, or one (1) annual meeting of the Society without proper cause, then that position may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the remaining quorum of the Board of Governors.

T. A vacancy occurring on the Board of Governors shall be filled by Presidential appointment with the approval of the majority of the remaining voting members of the Board. The successor shall serve until the next annual meeting of the

9 Society. The Society membership shall fill the remainder of the unexpired term by majority vote.

U. The Board of Governors has the ultimate responsibility for the annual convention through the Executive Director/Executive Secretary.

V. Ex-officio members of the Board of Governors shall include but not be limited to the three (3) Non-voting Governors, and this category of membership shall have voice but not vote on the Board of Governors. They shall attend all meetings of the Board of Governors and Annual Business Meeting at the Annual Session.

W. The Board of Governors shall present to the Society at its regular Annual Business Meeting and Session and to the Board of Governors of the ACOFP, an annual summary of the activities of the Texas Society of ACOFP.


1. The Board of Governors may, if it finds a suitable candidate, annually bestow a

A. Texas Osteopathic Family Physician of the Year Award.

a. The recipient of this award will automatically be the nominee to the Board of Governors of the ACOFP for their similar annual award.

B. T. R. Sharp Scholarship Award.

a. The qualifications to receive this award will be set by the Texas ACOFP Board of Governors.

C. T. R. Sharp Outstanding Service Award.

a. The qualifications to receive this award will be set by the Texas ACOFP Board of Governors.

Other Appointments

1. May appoint a member of the Society as an ex-officio co-signer of all checks greater than $2500.00, which will require 2 signatures, with either the President or the treasurer, to expedite Society business.

2. May appoint a registered Lobbyist in Texas to represent this Society.

10 Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of:

A. President

B. President-Elect

C. Vice President

D. Immediate Past President

E. Past President

F. Secretary

G. Treasurer

H. Executive Director/Executive Secretary (Ex-officio, non-voting member)

2. The Executive Committee may transact business of the Board of Governors between meetings of the Board except that it may not exercise the power of the Board of Governors regarding membership issues or grievance matters.

3. The Executive Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Governors.

4. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to authorize necessary expenditures, except expenditures of amounts exceeding $2500.00 shall require approval of the Board of Governors.

5. The Executive Committee shall have additional duties as described in the Bylaws of this Society.

6. The Executive Committee shall establish relations when to appropriate with other professions to the end that the public health will best be served and all such contacts with other professional groups shall be made or authorized by this committee.

7. The Executive Committee cannot discuss amalgamation or other dilution or dissolution of this profession or Society and cannot participate in or continue to attend any meeting where such matters remain the subject or purpose.

8. All meetings of this Committee shall be special and may be called by the:

A. President B. The Board of Governors C. By petition of a majority of committee members.

11 9. The Executive Committee shall serve as the Auditing Committee.

10. The Executive Committee shall recommend to the Board of Governors a member in good standing as ex-officio co-signer to assist the President or the Treasurer in signing checks requiring 2 signatures to expedite business.

12 President

1. The President shall preside at all meetings of this Society.

2. The President shall be Chairman of the Board of Governors, Executive Committee, Auditing Committee, and the Texas Delegation to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates.

3. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Texas ACOFP, shall attend such committee meetings as feasible, and shall have authority to cause such meetings to be held. Shall assume temporary chairmanship of a committee whenever there is a potential conflict of interest between a chairman and an issue under discussion until such time that the issue is resolved.

4. The President shall have other duties as may be prescribed in the bylaws or by directive from the Board.

5. The President shall appoint Committee Chairmen and Committee Members, with the concurrence of the Board of Governors at the first Board of Governors among at which he/she presides.

6. The President may make appointments, to fill any vacated office, though such appointments must be approved by the Board of Governors at its next regular meeting, or else they are negated.

7. If a vacancy occurs on the Board of Governors, it shall be filled by Presidential appointment with the approval of the majority of the remaining voting members of the Board. The successor shall serve until the next annual meeting of the Society. The Society membership shall fill the remainder of unexpired term on the Board of Governors by majority vote.

8. The President shall consult with the Executive Committee or Board of Governors for advice and consent on major special projects he/she expects to accomplish during his/her term of office.

9. The President shall call upon the Executive Director/Executive Secretary for any assistance required for the smooth execution of presidential duties.

10. The President shall co-sign with the Treasurer, all checks in an amount exceeding $2,500.00, except payroll checks (other than the Executive Director/Executive Secretary’s), business emergencies, governmental units, tax deposits, taxes, government checks, IRS, business necessity, bank notes, etc. Any check issued in excess of $2500.00 shall have prior approval of the Board of Governors.

11. The President may seek advice of the Texas ACOFP legal counsel and initiate a response within Society policies and programs.

13 12. The President shall work with the Executive Director/Executive Secretary on the preparation of an agenda for each meeting of which he/she is Chairman.

13. The President shall be furnished with expense vouchers to itemize reimbursable expenses to be sent to the Central office for reimbursement.

14. The President shall be alert to initiate timely recommendations for appointments of the Texas ACOFP members to board, commissions, bureaus, advisory committees, and other bodies of the State of Texas and allied health agencies. Such recommendations to be subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.

15. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian, a Liaison to the National ACOFP, an Editor and a Texas ACOFP President Emeritus Superus annually to the Board of Governors. These appointments shall be subject to approval by the Board.

14 President-Elect

1. The President-Elect shall serve as a member of: A. The Board of Governors B. Executive Committee C. Auditing Committee

2. The President-Elect shall ascend to the Office of the President in the event of that officer's permanent incapacity to serve.

3. The President-Elect shall prepare himself/herself through study, observation, and advice for his/her term as President.

4. The President-Elect shall ascend to the Office of President when installed at the Presidential Banquet.

5. The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

15 Vice President

1. The Vice President shall serve as a member of: A. Board of Governors B. Executive Committee C. Auditing Committee

2. The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the President-Elect.

16 Immediate Past President

1. The Immediate Past President shall serve as a member of: A. The Board of Governors B. Executive Committee C. Auditing Committee

2. Immediate Past President shall be available to advise from the benefit of his/her experience. Secretary

1. The Secretary shall with the assistance of the Executive Director/Executive Secretary maintain the records of the Society.

2. The Secretary shall with the assistance of the Executive Director/Executive Secretary serve all required notices to the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee, or to the membership.

3. The Secretary shall maintain a complete roster, specifying official position and classification of each member.

4. The Secretary shall perform all duties, which are generally ascribed to, or pertain to this office, and any, other, such duties that may be required by the membership.

5. The Secretary shall be responsible for coordinating and producing minutes of all Board meetings, committee meetings, and the Annual Business meeting of the Membership.

6. The Secretary shall be authorized to delegate such details in his/her absence subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.

17 Treasurer


1. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Society.

2. The Secretary shall with the assistance of the Executive Director/Executive Secretary request and receive dues and assessments, and control and disperse the funds of the Society as directed.

3. The Secretary shall prepare an annual financial statement to submitted to the membership at the annual meeting.

4. The Secretary shall prepare and process an annual budget to be presented at the meeting of the Board of Governors prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year; such budget, including, alterations, to be adopted by the Board of Governors at a regularly scheduled meeting.

5. The Secretary shall have an annual audit of the finances of this Society, as approved by the Board of Governors.

6. The Secretary shall furnish the Board of Governors and members attending the Annual Session a copy of the annual audit and also present those bodies a report of the financial condition of the Society.

7. The Secretary shall co-sign with the President, or appointed Ex-officio Co-signer, all checks in an amount exceeding $2,500.00. Any check in excess of $2500.00 shall have prior concurrence of the Board of Governors.

8. The Secretary shall perform all duties, which are generally ascribed to pertain to this office and any other duties that may be required by the membership.

9. The Secretary shall be authorized to delegate such details to the Executive Director/Executive Secretary subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.

10. The Secretary shall execute a bond to insure fidelity of employees. Cost of the bond to be defrayed by the Society.

Accounting Protocols

1. The Secretary shall follow the following Accounting Protocols adopted by the Board of Governors March 2002:

2. The TOMA receptionist receives all mail.

18 3. The receptionist logs in all checks received for TXACOFP on a daily log sheet.

4. Bookkeeper/Treasurer deposits checks and enters data into QuickBooks.

5. Deposit information is given to staff to enter into membership database program.

6. Deposits for meeting funds are given to staff to enter into meeting database program.

7. Accounts receivable and payable are kept in a filing system approved by the accounting firm.

8. All disbursement checks are signed by the treasurer, or president or the president's designee, copied, receipt or invoices attached, and filed in the proper accounting file.

9. Bank statements are received by the treasurer and reviewed.

10. Bank statements are forwarded to the bookkeeper, and reviewed by both treasurer and bookkeeper. The TXACOFP bank accounts are reconciled monthly by the bookkeeper after receipt of the bank statements.

11. There are no active TXACOFP credit cards or bank cards.

12. On a quarterly basis, all accounts in the database programs, which includes membership and meetings databases, are compared and reconciled.

13. An independent accounting firm has been engaged to prepare the annual tax returns and assist with TXACOFP past tax returns.

14. Timely audits, if fiscally feasible will be conducted by a separate, independent accounting firm.

19 Executive Director/Executive Secretary

1. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary may be employed by and responsible to the Board of Governors, that body to determine the amount of salary he/she shall be paid.

2. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall keep a record of all business of this association and its Board of Governors including the Annual Session.

3. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall serve as secretary to the Board, Executive Committee, and the Finance committee and see that minutes of all other committee meetings are recorded.

4. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall be the custodian of and shall preserve carefully, all records and papers of the Texas ACOFP; shall keep on file an accurate record of all transactions of the Central Office, such records to be subject to examination by the President or the Board of Governors.

5. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall:

A. make all collections and be responsible for all mailings to the members

B. have the authority and responsibility to prepare checks for authorized signatures, or may utilize personal checks or personal credit cards for Society business, with prior authorization by the President, Treasurer, or the Board of Governors for reimbursement.

6. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall be allowed the necessary budget for the smooth execution of the duties and functions of the Central Office.

7. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall direct and manage the activities and personnel of the Central Office as authorized by the Board of Governors. Such personnel to be employed by him/her under his/her direct supervision and authority. The execution of the duties of the Central Office are his/her sole responsibilities.

8. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall have recorded and distributed within a reasonable length of time, minutes of meetings of the Board of Governors, and to those persons designated by policy.

9. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall, with the President approve meetings of committees before they are called, insuring the necessity and effectiveness of such meetings.

10. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall work closely with the President at all times and shall serve under his/her immediate direction.

20 11. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary, with the concurrence of the President may seek advice of the Texas ACOFP legal counsel and initiate necessary responses within Society policies and programs.

12. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary may be a registered lobbyist in Texas for this Society under the direction of the Board of Governors and, as such, shall work with TOMA in areas of mutual legislative activities in order to promote and protect the professional interests of Texas Osteopathic family physicians.

13. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall, at a date no later than forty days before the annual session of the Congress of Delegates of the ACOFP, furnish the Executive Director of that Association a list of the Texas ACOFP’s duly elected delegates and their alternates to the Congress of Delegates of the ACOFP.

14. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall be a member of any committee to which he/she has been appointed and shall attend committee meetings whenever feasible. Shall be an ex-officio member (with no vote) of all other committees.

15. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall perform certain functions for committees as outlined and included herein.

16. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall have additional duties as prescribed by his/her contract and other documents of this Society.

17. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall be responsible for the production of a Texas ACOFP newsletter/web page to be distributed to the membership; and place appropriate ads in newspapers, medical journals, etc. regarding Texas ACOFP official business such as the Annual Seminar/Symposium, etc., as affordable and directed by the Board of Governors.

18. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall, at the end of his/her employment, deliver to this Society, all minutes, books, papers and other property belonging to the Society.

19. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary may be responsible for all aspects of the annual convention including the selection of the Annual Program Chairman-Elect (with the advice and consent of the President-Elect) and pre-convention discussions with the President and President-Elect regarding the agenda and their professional and social obligations as well as those of the Society, and as directed by the Board of Governors.

20. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall assist with compilation, revisions, and updates to the Texas Society of ACOFP Constitution and Bylaws, and Administrative Handbook.

21 A. The purpose of this handbook shall be to incorporate in a single document, many of the functions and duties of committees officers and employees as stated by the Board of Governors and Constitution and Bylaws.

B. All changes in this handbook must be approved by a simple majority of the Board of Governors.

C. An updated copy of this Handbook shall be furnished yearly to each elected officer, Governor and committee chairman, and to affiliated organizations or Texas ACOFP members upon request to the Executive Director/Executive Secretary or Secretary of the Society. Any Officer or Governor solicited for a copy may transmit these requests to the Executive Director/Executive Secretary or Secretary of the Society for appropriate action.

21. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall work with the President and chairman of standing or Ad Hoc Committees of the Texas ACOFP to prepare written agendas for each official meeting of this society.

22. The Executive Director/Executive Secretary shall execute a bond to be approved by the Board of Governors for the faithful performance of his/her duties; cost of said bond to be defrayed by this Association.

22 Committees

1. Standing Committees shall be established and abolished upon the recommendation by the Board of Governors and approved at the Annual Business Session.

2. Special Ad Hoc Committees: The President may establish a committee for a special function or purpose. Such committee shall upon completion of its assigned duties, or at the President's tenure, cease existence unless otherwise specified.

3. Standing committees of this society are as follows:

Membership Committee

4. The Membership Committee shall promote programs to attempt to increase the membership of this society. It shall make positive recommendations to the Board of Governors about proposed applicants or nominees for all classes of membership.

Education/Program/Convention Committee

5. The Education/Program/Convention Committee shall be the responsibly of this committee to create vital postgraduate programs for the practitioners of this Society and to inform those practitioners that such programs have been planned in such a manner as to encourage their attendance.

Long Range Planning Committee

6. The Long Range Planning Committee shall develop short term and long term goals for the Society, to be approved by the Board of Governors. All its functions and duties being directed towards long range planning for osteopathic family practice in Texas.

Awards Committee

7. The Awards Committee shall research and recommend to the President and the Board of Governors, names to receive such awards as the Society desires to confer.

Auditing Committee

8. The Auditing Committee shall audit the annual report that is prepared by the Treasurer prior to its being presented to the Board of Governors for consideration within thirty (30) days to the annual meeting. This committee shall make positive

23 recommendations to the Board of Governors concerning such financial statements and shall consist of the:

A. President

B. Immediate Past President

C. Past President

D. President-Elect

E. Vice-President

F. Secretary

G. Treasurer

9. The Auditing Committee shall be responsible for an annual audit of the financial condition of the Society.

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

10. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall keep the bylaws under review and submit amendments and revision to the members at the annual session when necessary; and make recommendations for correction of areas conflicting with the AOA or the ACOFP Constitution and Bylaws.

Public Information Committee

11. The Public Information Committee shall have the responsibilities implied by its name. All its functions and duties being directed toward the final result of a philosophy regarding health care.

Governmental Legislation & Liaison Committee

12. The Governmental Legislation & Liaison Committee: Shall be responsible for keeping the Board of Governors and the Society informed of legislative matters

24 affecting Texas osteopathic family physicians, encourage TXACOFP members to donate to TOMA-PAC and work closely with TOMA on legislative issues of mutual concern.

Undergraduate FP Chapter Liaison Committee

13. The Undergraduate FP Chapter Liaison Committee shall act as liaison between this society and the undergraduate chapter of ACOFP at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Nominating Committee

14. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President and the President Elect; and shall annually recommend to the membership of the society, names of qualified members to be voted upon to serve as officers and trustees of the society.

Pharmaceutical Committee

15. The Pharmaceutical Committee shall be responsible for liaison with pharmaceutical interests to seek financial support for CME and other special functions sponsored by their society.

P.A.C.E.R. (Presidential Advisory Committee of Ex-Ramrods)

16. The P.A.C.E.R. (Presidential Advisory Committee of Ex-Ramrods) Committee shall be an advisory committee consisting of all former presidents of this Society. This committee shall advise the current President on any matter giving him the benefit of their wisdom and experience.

Family Practice Resident Liaison Committee

17. The Family Practice Resident Liaison Committee shall act as liaison between family practice residents in Texas and this Society.

18. Standing committees shall be established, revised, and abolished upon recommendation by the Board of Governors and approval by the membership.

25 Texas Delegation To The ACOFP Congress Of Delegates

1. The chairman of the Texas Delegation to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates shall be the Texas Society of ACOFP President.

2. Elected delegates who are certified to the ACOFP shall be required to attend the conference meeting of the delegation to be held in advance of, and in the same city as the opening of the Congress of Delegates meeting.

3. Specified assignment of subject matter to be reported on by each delegate shall be made at the conference meeting of the Texas Delegation before the Congress of Delegates meeting.

4. At the Annual Business Session of the Texas Society of ACOFP, the elected delegates to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates may receive special instructions including whether or not each delegate is to follow unit rule.

26 Texas ACOFP Resolutions

1. Resolutions can submitted at any time by individual Texas Society of ACOFP members who are in good standing.

2. Resolutions can be pulled by the original author up to the time final action is taken by the Texas Society of ACOFP Board of Governors.

3. The Texas Society of ACOFP shall adopt as their own all resolutions published in the directories of the AOA, the ACOFP, and TOMA unless otherwise specified by its Board of Governors.

4. Each Texas ACOFP policy statement (resolution) which is not also included in the directories of the AOA, the ACOFP, and TOMA will be reviewed on a yearly basis and reaffirmed, revised, or deleted by the Texas ACOFP Board of Governors.

5. Resolutions that have been passed by the Texas ACOFP membership prior to each Annual Business Session of the Society will be voted on during this Annual Business meeting as to whether or not they shall be sent to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates for their consideration and approval.

6. The Texas Delegation to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates will consider all known ACOFP resolutions, including all of those from Texas, in their conference committee meeting, prior to the opening session of the ACOFP Congress of Delegates.

27 Reimbursement Policy

1. Only travel authorized by the President, Executive Committee or the Texas Society of ACOFP Board of Governors is eligible for reimbursement as applicable.

2. All air travel is authorized as coach. If available, supersaver should be used.

3. Ground transportation (in conjunction with air travel) is reimbursable.

4. Car rentals (compact or midsized) are reimbursable for only one day of each day of the Board meeting.

5. Travel by private auto is reimbursable at the prevailing IRS maximum allowable amount, not to exceed the authorized airfare.

6. Texas ACOFP Delegates to the ACOFP Congress of Delegates receive a per diem of $100.00.

7. Board of Trustees can be reimbursed for overnight expenses up to $150 per night.

8. Anyone pre-approved for reimbursement must submit an expense voucher and/or other required documentation to the Texas ACOFP office within 60 days of the date the travel expense is incurred. Bills submitted after 60 days will not be paid.

9. When the Texas Society of ACOFP Board of Governors meetings are scheduled in conjunction with a TOMA Meeting, coordination of payment for out-of -pocket reimbursable expenses will take place between the two organizations so that there will not be duplication of payment for the same reimbursable expenses.

10. Texas Society of ACOFP is a non-profit organization, so try to keep reimbursable expenses to a minimum.

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