PHIL 105F Introduction to World Religions

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PHIL 105F Introduction to World Religions

PHIL 105F Introduction to World Religions Dr. Bryce Gayhart Tuesday 6:50-10 pm Course: 20973 Room 117

PHIL 105 F 3 Units World Religions Transfer: CSU, UC Credit Limitation This course is a comparative examination of the beliefs, world views, rituals, ethics and social systems of the major religious traditions throughout the world. This course satisfies the Multicultural Graduation Requirement. Students who receive credit in this course may not receive credit in PHIL 105HF.

Required Materials: Estimated costs $5 or less (if you purchase Used texts)

The World’s Religions by Huston Smith This is a standard paperback – any edition will suffice – original was 1958. Many updates and revisions. It is a popular easy-read that covers Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Confucianism, and Primal Religions. Available new in our bookstore; Used online – use;; Barnes and Noble; etc. Used copies should be easily available for under $5.

Materials from my Website.\bgayhart

Fullerton College Student Learning Outcome

Social Sciences Standards for Phil 105 Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 105 F World Religions, students will be able to identify and explain at least two aspects of the world-views held by at least three of the major religious traditions. Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 105 F World Religions, students will be able to explain at least two major events in the development of at least three of the major religious traditions. Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 105 F World Religions, students will be able to compare and contrast at least two of the major religious traditions, focusing on an ethical aspect and on an aspect of worship.

EXAMS There will be five exams in our course. Your lowest exam score will be dropped –if you are absent on the day of an exam, I will count that as your drop exam. Most exams will be a mixture of objective questions (50%) and one essay question (50%). I will distribute the essay question the week prior to the exam and I always preview an upcoming exam. You will need to purchase Fullerton College Blue-Books and Scantron 882-ES forms. The last exam is not a cumulative exam—YOU MUST TAKE THE LAST EXAM OR FAIL COURSE!

You will be graded not only on your command of the material (content) but also on the quality (grammar, and writing ability). So remember: your grade is not only about 1 WHAT you know; but on how well you EXPRESS yourself in writing and how well you follow instructions.

Homework=JOURNAL Half of your course grade will be to write a continuing journal that will be handed in by the last lecture—MAY 12 ** No late journals accepted (turn it in early to be sure). Incomplete Journal = D for course No Journal = No Credit for Course

To receive credit for the course, you MUST use a lined Composition notebook. They are under $1 and available in the bookstore, Walgreen’s, CVS, etc. It will function as your assigned “homework” during the semester. In your journal, you will keep a diary- style record of your interaction with the material presented. Write only on ONE SIDE of the journal. All 6 assignments must be numbered and in order. All 6 must be handwritten (not typed or stapled to the pages unless you check with me first). The absolute DEADLINE is: MAY 12

A journal: have at least 3+ pages (page = one side) per reading assignment B journal: Have at least 3 pages (page = one side) per assignment C journal: have at least 2 pages (page = one side) per assignment

You must have between 5-8 words per line of your journal. Anything less than 5 words per line is NOT acceptable. But remember: it is not the LENGTH that is crucial—it is the QUALITY. The journal Assignments are listed in the lecture outline below. The deadline for the journal is:

“But Dr. Gayhart, I wrote 3 pages on all of my journal entries… why did I not receive a B??? … You said “3 pages!! And I did the best I could.” Answer: I am pleased that you performed to the best of your ability and I appreciate that you met the length requirement of 3 pages…. BUT your grade is a reflection of the quality of your work – your grade is my evaluation of your writing ability for this class. 3 pages per assignment QUALIFIES for a B – but does not GUARANTEE it. B = LENGTH + QUALITY.

“OK, fair enough -- so Dr. Gayhart, what is a “B” level journal grade??? And how do I earn it??”

For a C Journal: you must have met the basic length requirement of 2 pages per entry for all 6 entries. You have followed instructions --you have turned in a composition notebook and I received it by the deadline of May 12. Your notebook is in ORDER and contains all 6 entries (no entries out of order or sloppy). You made an honest “Average” attempt to interact with the reading assignment – you did not produce a messy, hard to read, “last-minute” hurried, entry. ALL of your assignments are there. Your journal is on par with other “average” students. 2 For a B Journal: I expect the requirements for a C to be met. PLUS – I now expect a longer length per entry. At least 3 pages per entry. PLUS – I expect a deeper “Above Average” level of interaction with the assignments. A more accurate word-choice (college level vocabulary); fewer writing mistakes (grammar/spelling/word usage); I expect higher quality of interaction.

For an A Journal: Both of the above PLUS a superior command and effort all around. Each entry must show a sustained and consistent “superior” attempt to grapple with the reading material. I am now looking for ‘”depth” and “reflection” in your responses—how well you make connections and a deeper insight. Any hurried, sloppy, or short entries will not be rewarded with an A journal. You must show consistency and higher quality throughout.

“Dr. Gayhart: What and how do I write a journal?” Answer: Purchase an inexpensive Composition journal. Write in either in pen or in pencil. No typing unless you approve it with me. You are not to summarize your reading – I want you to INTERACT with it. You must not merely “copy” material into the journal taken from reading, web, or elsewhere. If the material does not come from YOUR INTERACTION, it will be marked as “incomplete” or “missing assignment.” I do not want any “filler”--Please!!!!

For Example, write along the following lines:

Do you understand what you are reading? Does the author clear up your personal questions? Does the reading provoke an emotional reaction in you? Are there more questions that are left unanswered? Does it lead you to desire to learn more?

Journal Deductions are for: (1) wrong journal book; your entries are too short and sketchy—did you really take the time to read/reflect upon the text throughout the semester—or did you decide to wait the end of the semester to begin???; (2) your journal is sloppy and poorly written—entries are out of order and confused: did you do it all in the last week? If you merely “copy” text into the journal from our reading, you will not receive any credit. I want to read YOUR WORDS – no one else, OK?

If still confused…. See me and I will show you former journals by students. Or check with me during the semester after you have done some entries and I will read them and let you know how you are doing.


JOURNAL Writing 1 Why are you taking a class in world religions? What about “religion” interests you? What do you hope to receive from this class?

JOURNAL Writing 2: Judaism Chapter 7. What does it mean to be a JEW? What do Jews believe about God? Why have Jews suffered so much? Jews have many, many RITUALS or practices. Why?? What is the point??

JOURNAL Writing 3: What does it mean to be a Muslim? The Media delight in portraying Islam as a VIOLENT religion and speak of “Holy War”? What is your view after reading the chapter?? We discussed the Quran on the discipline of disobedient wives from the passage in the Koran. What do you think?

JOURNAL Writing 4: We watched Pastor Fred Phelps Minister of hate Westboro Baptist Church on He claims to be faithful to the Bible. Is that church typical of Christianity? Would you support their view??? Why do Christians speak about love so much? What do Christians believe about Jesus? How is Jesus said to be “God”?

JOURNAL writing No. 5: What is your impression of “reality” shows that track the Paranormal such as Ghost Hunters? In many of my classes, numerous students have related chilling tales of personal encounters. What do you think of the Paranormal??

JOURNAL Writing No. 6 React to Website:Deepak Chopra on Reincarnation and NDEs (Near Death Experiences). Do you agree with Buddhists and Hinduism on Reincarnation? Should Americans learn to become ‘detached’ as Buddhists and Hindus assert? What would that mean for you?

Responses by former students:

“I left my journal at work before I came to class--can I get it to you later in the week?” “My cousin is going to the hospital and I need to give him a ride so I have to miss class and cannot turn in journal” “I caught the flu last week and need more time” “I did not attend class when we covered that topic so I had to skip it” “I did not understand the material so I skipped it” “My hand is sore from baseball so I couldn’t do it” “I was unclear about the length and meant to ask you first” “My dog chewed up the book and I am trying to find another and start over” “My husband was robbed at gunpoint and I am so traumatized that I 4 cannot finish the journal” “I am in the hospital with a 104 degree fever and I need more time to finish and I need to find someone to bring it to you” “My hard drive crashed and I cannot extract my journal files” “I am confused… where ARE the journal assignments anyway???”

----although I sympathize with you, and truly feel compassion for your situation -- my question will always be: “Why did you wait so long to turn it in? Why did you not turn it in EARLIER than the deadline? Why did you risk by waiting until the deadline??? If I make an exception for you, how is that fair to other students???

GRADE Your course Grade will be based upon:

50% 5 Exams (I will drop your lowest score except for the final exam which is not an optional drop exam. If you are absent on the night of an exam, I will count it as your drop exam)

50% JOURNAL—6 assignments INCOMPLETE JOURNAL = D for course NO JOURNAL = No Credit for Course

Spotty attendance can result in a D for course also. You must attend at least 70% of the classes in order to receive credit. After your 3rd absence, you may be dropped without warning or notice. Attendance is taken by signing your name on a sheet that is passed around toward the end of the evening.

Typical Questions: “What if I have a job conflict and I need to miss your class?” “What if my job changes my work hours? What if I have to travel out of state for work? What if I have a family situation that arises? (funeral; travel; etc). (See Me!!) My writing skills are so poor—is it possible to pass your class? (Yes!! I will help you improve)

CONTACTING INSTRUCTOR I prefer to be contacted by email, which I check every day: [email protected] Communicate with me about special situations!!!!

MY WEBSITE:\bgayhart

5 Course Outline

JAN 27 “Why Take a Class in Religion?” Overview of topics covered. Introducing the course and signing-in students. Questions answered. ------

FEB 3 “What is the Difference between Religion and Spirituality?” Terms and Definitions. Where does Religion come from? What does religion involve? What about the “new age” religious communities seen in the Whole Earth Catalogues?? Huston Smith: the Primal Religions—“The Primal World”; “Symbolic Mind” “Conclusion” of Chapter 9: Primal Religions (pages 374-382)

My Website—"WHAT IS RELIGION AND WHAT IS SPIRITUALITY?" %20105%20S%202010.doc

DVD: “Riding Giants” Big Wave Surfer Laird Hamilton and friends. Is this a “spiritual” activity?? How do they deal with fear? Why are they risking death?? Is Surfing a “Primal” Religion? Do surfers and beach-goers actually “worship” the ocean/waves???

……………. FEB 10 “Do we Need God in order to be Good? Part I The 7 Deadly Sins – Punishment and Reward in Religion. Heaven and Hell. Are “unbelievers” going to Hell??? Does Hell exist?? Can a Loving God “send” persons to Hell?? Is punishment ETERNAL?? What about Purgatory?? Where is Heaven? Dante’s INFERNO and Seven Deadly Sins entries from Wikipedia. We will also watch some short animations of the video game “Dante’s Inferno” and how animators envision the afterlife.

Dante’s Inferno: the First Circle LIMBO Dante’s Inferno: the Second Circle: LUST Dante’s Inferno: the Fourth Circle: GREED Dante’s Inferno: the Fifth Circle: ANGER


6 “The Kids of Haight-Asbury” (Illustration of Alienation and/or Sloth??) “Fabulous Life Of Filthy Rich - Billionaires HD Official” v=UwxP_OZWWRg&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=9 “Krazy Kardashian Clan” (illustration of Avarice and Materialism??) v=AlzmUVCeDAQ&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=9

………. FEB 17 “Do we Need God in order to be Good? Part II Bill Maher travels to the Holy Land Experience theme park in Florida where he attends a Passion Play and talks to the actor playing Jesus. Are religious people addicted to judgment and even ….. hate??? Would society be better off if ALL religions and religious people just went away and stopped bothering others--as Cynics and Skeptics like Bill Maher assert??? Is there too much crass Commercialization in the world of Religion? Controversial Bible verses Web Site.


DVD: “Super Size Me” Watch as a normal guy decides for one month to eat nothing but McDonalds for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Guess what happens after 30 days! An example of Gluttony? Corporate Deception? Also available as full movie on at Watch one of the most hateful, outspoken group of “religious” folk in America--who detest American soldiers; the entire country of Australia (!), homosexuals, and just about anyone else who does not belong to their “church.” Can you believe it???!!! Strong stuff for sure! “Pastor Fred Phelps Minister of hate Westboro Baptist Church” v=HuR22urjfP4&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=8

DVD: Bill Maher “Religulous” Holy Land Theme Park in Florida. Example of Commercialization in the world of Christianity? Cameras and Applause at the Passion of Jesus???!.... Wealthy Ministers??? What is the role of Wealth for Spiritual Persons??

………. FEB 24 Exam No. 1 Please bring Scantron 882-ES and a Blue-Book 7 ………..

MAR 3 JUDAISM Chapter 7 Jews as “Chosen People.” Biblical background. Father Abraham and descendants. Basic beliefs and practices. Anti-Semitism. Does the Bible teach the “destruction” of nonbelievers? Is it the case that “God commanded” the destruction of heathen Men Women and Children??? DVD: “Protocols of Zion” What is the root of anti-Semitism? Is there a “world-wide conspiracy” of the Jews to control the corporate sector? Watch filmmaker Mark Levin as he travels to NY and listens to the claim that “no Jews died in 9/11” ---and then goes to a Hollywood screening to see “The Passion of Christ” and speaks with Evangelical Christians who claim that “Christ is the only way for salvation.”

DVD: “Defamation” Why have Jews been so persecuted? Watch as high school students from Israel travel to Poland and confront the Holocaust at concentration camp Auswitch. Also available on at: v=TOUlJLrQ3sQ (Watch segment of film at 1:20:50 (1 hour: 20 Minutes) at the end of the film)

………….. MAR 10 ISLAM Chapter 6 Muhammad and the Submission to Allah. Muslim striving. Right belief and conduct. The Five Pillars of Islam. We will watch a portion of the DVD “JERUSALEM” of the National Geographic Society and witness how Judaism, Islam, and Christianity rest uneasily in that sacred but troubled city. Also we will examine controversial passages in the Koran regarding the treatment of disobedient wives and unbelievers from my website: %20105%20Judaism%20and%20Islam%20and%20Wife%20Treatment.pdf

Website: PHIL 105: DR. GAYHART LECTURE NOTES ON ISLAM 105 Lecture 3 on Judaism F 2008.doc “The Hajj - Saudi Arabia” 25 min v=FFqkDftesCU&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=6

We will also look at skeptic, Bill Maher’s Religulous as he interviews members of Islam in Jerusalem, travels to the Netherlands to interview a Muslim rap artist, and speaks to a Dutch political official who brands Islam as a “dangerous religion.”

8 …………………… MAR 17 Exam No. 2 Please bring Scantron 882-ES and a Blue-Book

……………………. MAR 24 Christianity Chapter 8 Christian beliefs. The Trinity. Doctrine of Sin and Forgiveness. One-time Christian, Bill Maher, is now an agnostic. He visits a minister in Chicago and ridicules him for displaying his wealth; he visits an Hispanic minister in Florida who claims to be the living INCARNATION of Jesus; he travels to the Holy Land Experience Park in Florida and interviews the actor who plays Jesus in their Passion Play for Easter; and he visits a small church for truckers in the South—who try to convert him!!! … Is Maher fair ….. or mean-spirited?? Also we will view a rockin’ Pentecostal revival—Church of God-- meeting in Virginia on v=IviOGt68ipk&index=3&list=PLy2K6UMvbP7pgv5fTPn-NLhljTVFJT09h We also we raise the issue: Is there too much commercialization in Christianity?? We will focus on Chick Tracts as evangelistic tools and mail-order products in the video: Jesus Junk—Trinkets Galore NLhljTVFJT09h&index=2 and Chick Tracts (Christian Comics) found at: NLhljTVFJT09h&index=1

What do other religions say about the person and mission of Jesus??? Website- Phil 105: Christianity-- "Jesus as Seen by Other Religions" excerpt from "Historical Jesus for Dummies" Jesus as Seen by Other Religions.pdf

DVD: Religulous “Follow political humorist and author Bill Maher as he travels around the globe interviewing people about God and religion. Known for his astute analytical skills, irreverent wit and commitment to never pulling a punch, Maher brings his characteristic honesty to an unusual spiritual journey” from Bill Maher is at it again! -- with segments on affluent “gospel of wealth” ministers, homophobic evangelicals, and liberal priests. Watch him as travels to the South and enters a rural church filled with truckers who try to “convert” him! ………………….

MAR 31 NO CLASS Spring Break

9 APR 7 Judaism, Islam, Christianity Evolution vs Creationism We will now examine the topic of Evolution and Creationism. I will present both sides of the debate fairly. First, we will present the side of Naturalistic Science. How old is the Earth and how do scientists date it? (class handout) Next, we will present the side of Theism as represented by Creationism. We will look at the opening chapter in the book of Genesis and then we will look at a reply from literalist fundamentalism. Creationist chemist John Pendleton will try to convince us that scientific dating of fossils and rocks is not reliable and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. We will also watch Evangelical speaker and Creationist Ken Hamm as he speaks against the dangers of Evolution at a church in Ohio. We will also take a peek at the film released in 2014: NOAH with Russell Crow

WEBSITE: “Web Summary of Evolution” Scans/What is Evolution Web Collection 3 pages.pdf John Pendleton: “The Earth is 6,000 Years Old” v=l1msS71xL00&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=5

WEBSITE: Reply from the Creationists and Book of Genesis Chapter 1,2 Scans/Phil Evolution Genesis 3 pages.pdf

WEBSITE: “What Evolution Is” by Mayer Scans/What Evolution Is by Mayr 5 pages.pdf. “ PBS Nova Evolution Episode 7-- What About God?” v=UQNZHwAKpYM&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=2 (if this episode is currently blocked on, simply do another search – it will be there for viewing)

APR 14 EXAM No. 3 Christianity and Evolution/Creationism Please bring Scantron 882-ES and a Blue-Book

…………………. APR 21 The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal I

What about the realm of the supernatural in the world of religion? Are there hidden 10 powers? Are there Spirits and Ghosts? How have religions wrestled with the Paranormal?? What about films such as “the Exorcist (1973); ‘Blair Witch Project” (1999); “Paranormal Activity 4” (2012)—“the Conjuring”: are they credible? How do we explain the fascination with the Paranormal?? We will watch popular Paranormal Compilation videos and we will “rate” the credibility of each entry. … I always round out the evening by allowing us all to share our “paranormal” experiences and work towards how to process them.

Website: “Magic and Occult” packet Scans/Magic and the Occult 12 pages.pdf

Website: “Words to Know and Video Rating Sheet” %20Rating%20Sheet%20and%20Words%20to%20Know.doc “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 1 v=deoJUBW9CI8 “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 2 v=6OwaafssECo


APR 28 The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal II

Tonight we will look at a more “scientific” response to the paranormal and discuss the current craze of “Ghost Hunting”

Website: “Magic and Occult” packet Scans/Magic and the Occult 12 pages.pdf

Website: “Words to Know and Video Rating Sheet” %20Rating%20Sheet%20and%20Words%20to%20Know.doc “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 1 v=deoJUBW9CI8 “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 2 v=6OwaafssECo

11 Watch Michael Schermer on “Why People Believe Weird Things.” Watch Amazing Randi as he debunks Peter Popoff Faith Healer and exposes Mentalist Uri Geller on

Website: “Wikipedia on Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter” Phil 101 and Phil 105: "Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter" From Wikipedia .pdf file

DVD: “Ghost Hunters.” We will watch an episode of the popular Sci-fi original series “Site of the Charles Manson Hollywood Murders” and raise questions about their methodology and conclusions. ------

……………………….. MAY 5 Exam No 4 Mystical and the Paranormal Blue Book and Scantron 882-ES required

READ only the section in Huston Smith Chapter 3 “Basic Buddhist Concepts” READ only the short section in Chapter 2 “Coming of Age in the Universe” ------

MAY 12 Buddhism and Hinduism

Journals Due Tonight No Late Journals accepted after tonight!!!

Reality and Maya. Karma and Reincarnation. And we will look at the involvement of former Beatle, George Harrison, with Hinduism and study some of his lyrics. We will then read a dialogue with Ramana Maharishi as he explains the Eastern notion of “God.” (I will pass out the Harrison song lyrics and the dialogue with Ramana Maharishi in class) Finally we will watch a short recording of a living Hindu Master speaking to college students. I will handout summaries of both Buddhism and Hinduism. George Harrison “The Art of Dying” George Harrison “Awaiting on You All” YouTube - “Enlightenment“: Himalayan Yogi Hamasa speaking to college students. A written Transcript of this is on my website: Phil 101, 105 Dr. Gayhart Transcript of YouTube Hindu Yogi with College Students

NOTE: EMI often blocks these music videos on If you wish to watch them again, just do a search on They appear as often as

12 they are blocked. ……………………….

……………………… MAY 19 Exam No. 5 (Same time; Same classroom) You must attend the Final in order to receive credit for the class. Don’t Forget!!!!! NO SHOW = Fail for Course


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