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August 2010

 For best viewing results save this file to your PC, then Ctrl+Click on the hyperlinks.  This monthly current awareness service, produced by the NFER Library, highlights recent reports, publications and useful documents from prominent educational research-related websites. Details of publishers’ websites can be downloaded from the NFER website.  Items are arranged by keyword and some items may appear more than once if more than one keyword has been used. Clicking on a hyperlinked index term will redirect you to the document(s) indexed with that term; clicking on [index] at any point in the list will return you to this page.  Copyright of items listed in ontheweb remains with the copyright owners of the websites listed. It is not meant to be exhaustive and inclusion is not an endorsement of an organisation's website.  If you find this service useful, have any comments or are aware of useful websites, please contact [email protected] who will add them to our list for review.

Achievement (1) Fostering (1) Secure accommodation(1) Attainment (1) Foundation Stage (1) Service delivery (1) Autism (1) Health (1) Single parents (1) Budgets (1) Higher education (1) Skills (3) Childhood (1) Higher education reform Social care (1) Children missing from (1) Special educational needs education (1) Independent education (1) (1) Children's attitudes (1) Inspection (1) Student finance (1) Children's centres (1) Intervention (1) Taxation policy (1) Children's rights (1) Justice system (2) Teacher training (1) Children's services (4) Labour market (1) Teaching profession (1) Children's workforce (1) Local authority role (1) Teaching strategies (1) Crime (1) Looked after children (1) Training (1) Curricula (1) Mental health (1) Transition (1) Data collection (1) Neglect (1) Transition to work (1) Disabilities (5) Not in education, Vocational education and Drug and alcohol use (1) employment or training training (1) Early years education (1) (NEET) (2) Welfare (1) Education policy (1) Online learning (1) Wellbeing (2) Educational standards (1) Parental attitudes (3) Widening participation Emotional literacy (1) Poverty (1) (HE) (2) Employability (1) Public policy (1) Young offenders (1) Employment (2) Research (1) Young people (5) Equality (1) Safeguarding (3) Youth justice (1) Families (1) School admissions (1) Youth participation (1) Family support services School buildings (1) Youth support (1) (3) School leaving age (1) Financial literacy (1) School libraries (1) Achievement Humphrey, N. and Squires, G. (2010). Achievement for All Evaluation: Interim Report, May 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: RR028.doc [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Attainment Passy, R. and Morris, M. (2010). Evaluation of Aimhigher: Learner Attainment and Progression. Bristol: HEFCE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)


Autism McConkey, R. (2010). Transitions and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jordanstown: University of Ulster [online]. Available: %20Final%20Report%20January%202010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland


Budgets Prabhakar, M., Thom, G. and Johnson, R. (2010). Individual Budgets for Families with Disabled Children: Interim Report 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Childhood Statham, J. and Chase, E. (2010). Childhood Wellbeing: a Brief Overview. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Children missing from education Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Children Missing from Education. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20education.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Children's attitudes Mariathasan, J. and Hutchinson, D. (2010). Children Talking to ChildLine about Parental Alcohol and Drug Misuse. London: NSPCC [online]. Available: 78112.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)


Children's centres Marangozov, R. and Stevens, H. (2010). Work-focused Services in Children's Centres Pilot: Interim Report. London: DWP [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)


Children's rights Willow, C. (2010). Children's Right to be Heard and Effective Child Protection. Bangkok: Save the Children Sweden [online]. Available: %20Protection/Right%20to%20be%20heard%20and%20effective%20child%20protection.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Save the Children Sweden


Children's services Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Admission and Discharge from Secure Accommodation. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20from%20secure%20accommodation.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Children Missing from Education. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20education.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Conducting Unannounced Inspections of Contact, Referral and Assessment. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20unannounced%20inspections%20of%20contact%20referral%20and%20assessment.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Outstanding Local Authority Children's Services 2009. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20children's%20services%202009.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Children's workforce Machin, S., McNally, S. and Ou, D. (2010). The Children's Workforce: a Data Scoping Study. London: LSE, CEE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Crime Pease, K. (2010). Prison, Community Sentencing and Crime. London: Civitas [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Civitas: the Institute for the Study of Civil Society

[index] Curricula Education Review Office (2010). Working with the National Standards within the New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: ERO [online]. Available: Standards+within+The+New+Zealand+Curriculum+August+2010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Education Review Office (ERO) – NZ


Data collection Porter, J., Daniels, H., Martin, S., Hacker, J., Feiler, A. and Georgeson, J. (2010). Testing of Disability Identification Tool for Schools. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Disabilities Grant, C. and Hamlyn, B. (2010). Parental Experience of Services for Disabled Children: Technical Report for Years One and Two. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

Humphrey, N. and Squires, G. (2010). Achievement for All Evaluation: Interim Report, May 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: RR028.doc [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

Polidano, C. and Mavromaras, K. (2010). Participation in and Completion of Vocational Education and Training for People with Disability. Victoria, NSW: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research

Porter, J., Daniels, H., Martin, S., Hacker, J., Feiler, A. and Georgeson, J. (2010). Testing of Disability Identification Tool for Schools. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

Prabhakar, M., Thom, G. and Johnson, R. (2010). Individual Budgets for Families with Disabled Children: Interim Report 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Drug and alcohol use Mariathasan, J. and Hutchinson, D. (2010). Children Talking to ChildLine about Parental Alcohol and Drug Misuse. London: NSPCC [online]. Available: 78112.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)


Early years education Brooker, L., Rogers, S., Ellis, D., Hallet, E. and Roberts-Holmes, G. (2010). Practitioners' Experiences of the Early Years Foundation Stage. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE) [index]

Education policy TNS-BMRB (2010). Parents Panel: Summary Reports of Meetings Held from January 2009 to March 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Educational standards Education Review Office (2010). Working with the National Standards within the New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: ERO [online]. Available: Standards+within+The+New+Zealand+Curriculum+August+2010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Education Review Office (ERO) – NZ


Emotional literacy Bazalgette, L. (2010). Life in All its Fullness: Towards a Capabilities Framework for Measuring Young People's Development. London: YMCA [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)


Employability Margo, J. and Grant, E. with Longford, D. and Lewis, M. (2010). Access All Areas. London: Foyer Federation [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Foyer Federation


Employment Gingerbread (2010). Changing the Workplace: the Missing Piece of the Jigsaw. London: Gingerbread [online]. Available:! [August, 2010]. Website: Gingerbread

Marangozov, R. and Stevens, H. (2010). Work-focused Services in Children's Centres Pilot: Interim Report. London: DWP [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)


Equality Altbeker, A., Hay, M. and Bernstein, A. with Schlemmer, L. (2010). Poverty and Inequality: Facts, Trends, and Hard Choices. Johannesburg: CDE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) – South Africa


Families Prabhakar, M., Thom, G. and Johnson, R. (2010). Individual Budgets for Families with Disabled Children: Interim Report 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Family support services Cordis Bright (2010). Family Information Service Survey 2010: Assessment of Family Information Service Performance against the Information Duty in the Childcare Act 2006. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

Grant, C. and Hamlyn, B. (2010). Parental Experience of Services for Disabled Children: Technical Report for Years One and Two. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

TNS-BMRB (2010). Omnibus Survey: Responses to Questions on Parents and Families, January 2009 to March 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Financial literacy McQuaid, R. and Egdell, V. (2010). Financial Capability - Evidence Review. Edinburgh: Scottish Government [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Scottish Government


Fostering Clarke, H. (2010). Bursting at the Seams: Impact on Fostering Services of the Rise of Children Going into Care 2009-10. London: Fostering Network [online]. Available: f [August, 2010]. Website: Fostering Network


Foundation Stage Brooker, L., Rogers, S., Ellis, D., Hallet, E. and Roberts-Holmes, G. (2010). Practitioners' Experiences of the Early Years Foundation Stage. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Health McConkey, R. (2010). Transitions and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jordanstown: University of Ulster [online]. Available: %20Final%20Report%20January%202010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

[index] Higher education Universities UK (2010). The Future of Research. London: UUK [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Universities UK


Higher education reform Thomson, B., Mawdsley, G. and Payne, A. (2010). Power to Learn. Edinburgh: Reform Scotland [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Reform Scotland


Independent education Schirmer, S. with Johnston, S. and Bernstein, A. (2010). Hidden Assets: South Africa's Low-fee Private Schools. Johannesburg: CDE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) – South Africa


Inspection Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Conducting Unannounced Inspections of Contact, Referral and Assessment. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20unannounced%20inspections%20of%20contact%20referral%20and%20assessment.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Intervention Blackburn, F., Murphy, M. and Long, T. (2010). The Pinnacle Project Final Report. Salford: University of Salford [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Action for Children


Justice system Pease, K. (2010). Prison, Community Sentencing and Crime. London: Civitas [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Civitas: the Institute for the Study of Civil Society

Shelupanov, A. and Ali, R. (2010). Turning the Corner: Beyond Incarceration and Re-offending. London: Young Foundation [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Young Foundation


Labour market Cheung, S.Y. and McKay, S. (2010). Training and Progression in the Labour Market. London: DWP [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) [index]

Local authority role France, A., Munro, E.R. and Waring, A. with Beckhelling, J., Manful, E., Meredith, J., Padley, M., Phung, V.-H., Sandu, A. and Soper, J. (2010). The Evaluation of Arrangements for Effective Operation of the New Local Safeguarding Children Boards in England: Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Looked after children Clarke, H. (2010). Bursting at the Seams: Impact on Fostering Services of the Rise of Children Going into Care 2009-10. London: Fostering Network [online]. Available: f [August, 2010]. Website: Fostering Network


Mental health Atkinson, M., Lamont, E. and Wright, B. (2010). The Role of Primary Mental Health Workers in Education. Slough: NFER [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)


Neglect Hicks, L. and Stein, M. (2010). Neglect Matters: a Multi-agency Guide for Professionals Working Together on Behalf of Teenagers. London: DCSF [online]. Available: %20for%20professionals%20working%20together%20on%20behalf%20of%20teenagers %20%28March%202010%29.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Not in education, employment or training (NEET) Gracey, S. and Kelly, S. (2010). Changing the NEET Mindset: Achieving More Effective Transitions between Education and Work. London: LSN [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Learning and Skills Network (LSN)

Margo, J. and Grant, E. with Longford, D. and Lewis, M. (2010). Access All Areas. London: Foyer Federation [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Foyer Federation


Online learning Goold, A., Coldwell, J. and Craig, A. (2010). An Examination of the Role of the E-tutor. Figtree, NSW: ascilite [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology


Parental attitudes Grant, C. and Hamlyn, B. (2010). Parental Experience of Services for Disabled Children: Technical Report for Years One and Two. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

TNS-BMRB (2010). Omnibus Survey: Responses to Questions on Parents and Families, January 2009 to March 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

TNS-BMRB (2010). Parents Panel: Summary Reports of Meetings Held from January 2009 to March 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Poverty Altbeker, A., Hay, M. and Bernstein, A. with Schlemmer, L. (2010). Poverty and Inequality: Facts, Trends, and Hard Choices. Johannesburg: CDE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) – South Africa


Public policy Altbeker, A., Hay, M. and Bernstein, A. with Schlemmer, L. (2010). Poverty and Inequality: Facts, Trends, and Hard Choices. Johannesburg: CDE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) – South Africa


Research Universities UK (2010). The Future of Research. London: UUK [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Universities UK


Safeguarding France, A., Munro, E.R. and Waring, A. with Beckhelling, J., Manful, E., Meredith, J., Padley, M., Phung, V.-H., Sandu, A. and Soper, J. (2010). The Evaluation of Arrangements for Effective Operation of the New Local Safeguarding Children Boards in England: Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

Rees, G., Gorin, S., Jobe, A., Stein, M., Medforth, R. and Goswami, H. (2010). Safeguarding Young People: Responding to Young People Aged 11 to 17 who are Maltreated. London: Children's Society [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Children's Society

Willow, C. (2010). Children's Right to be Heard and Effective Child Protection. Bangkok: Save the Children Sweden [online]. Available: %20Protection/Right%20to%20be%20heard%20and%20effective%20child%20protection.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Save the Children Sweden


School admissions Smith, N. (2010). Unlocking the Gates: Giving Disadvantaged Children a Fairer Deal in School Admissions. Ilford: Barnardo's [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Barnardo's


School buildings Brody, G. (2010). Capital Investment in Schools. Cardiff: Wales Audit Office [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Wales Audit Office (WAO)


School leaving age Isos Partnership (2010). Raising the Participation Age (RPA) Trials: Phase 1 Evaluation Final Report. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


School libraries Streatfield, D., Shaper, S. and Rae-Scott, S. (2010). School Libraries in the UK: a Worthwhile Past, a Difficult Present – and a Transformed Future? Main Report of the UK National Survey. London: CILIP [online]. Available: groups/school/Documents/full-school-libraries-report.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)


Secure accommodation Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Admission and Discharge from Secure Accommodation. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20from%20secure%20accommodation.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Service delivery Prabhakar, M., Thom, G. and Johnson, R. (2010). Individual Budgets for Families with Disabled Children: Interim Report 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Single parents Gingerbread (2010). Changing the Workplace: the Missing Piece of the Jigsaw. London: Gingerbread [online]. Available:! [August, 2010]. Website: Gingerbread

Skills Gracey, S. and Kelly, S. (2010). Changing the NEET Mindset: Achieving More Effective Transitions between Education and Work. London: LSN [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Learning and Skills Network (LSN)

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Admission and Discharge from Secure Accommodation. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20from%20secure%20accommodation.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Children Missing from Education. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20education.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


Social care McConkey, R. (2010). Transitions and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jordanstown: University of Ulster [online]. Available: %20Final%20Report%20January%202010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland


Special educational needs Humphrey, N. and Squires, G. (2010). Achievement for All Evaluation: Interim Report, May 2010. London: DfE [online]. Available: RR028.doc [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Student finance Thomson, B., Mawdsley, G. and Payne, A. (2010). Power to Learn. Edinburgh: Reform Scotland [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Reform Scotland


Taxation policy Browne, J. and Levell, P. (2010). The Distributional Effect of Tax and Benefit Reforms to be Introduced between June 2010 and April 2014: a Revised Assessment. London: IFS [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)


Teacher training New Zealand Government. Education Workforce Advisory Group (2010). A Vision for the Teaching Profession. Wellington: NZ Government [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: New Zealand Government


Teaching profession New Zealand Government. Education Workforce Advisory Group (2010). A Vision for the Teaching Profession. Wellington: NZ Government [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: New Zealand Government


Teaching strategies Goold, A., Coldwell, J. and Craig, A. (2010). An Examination of the Role of the E-tutor. Figtree, NSW: ascilite [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Australasian Journal of Educational Technology


Training Cheung, S.Y. and McKay, S. (2010). Training and Progression in the Labour Market. London: DWP [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)


Transition McConkey, R. (2010). Transitions and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jordanstown: University of Ulster [online]. Available: %20Final%20Report%20January%202010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland


Transition to work Gracey, S. and Kelly, S. (2010). Changing the NEET Mindset: Achieving More Effective Transitions between Education and Work. London: LSN [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Learning and Skills Network (LSN)


Vocational education and training Polidano, C. and Mavromaras, K. (2010). Participation in and Completion of Vocational Education and Training for People with Disability. Victoria, NSW: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research


Welfare Browne, J. and Levell, P. (2010). The Distributional Effect of Tax and Benefit Reforms to be Introduced between June 2010 and April 2014: a Revised Assessment. London: IFS [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS)


Wellbeing Bazalgette, L. (2010). Life in All its Fullness: Towards a Capabilities Framework for Measuring Young People's Development. London: YMCA [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)

Statham, J. and Chase, E. (2010). Childhood Wellbeing: a Brief Overview. London: DfE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)


Widening participation (HE) Office for Fair Access (2010). Access Agreement Monitoring: Outcomes for 2008-09. Bristol: OFFA [online]. Available: outcomes-report-for-2008-09.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Fair Access (OFFA)

Passy, R. and Morris, M. (2010). Evaluation of Aimhigher: Learner Attainment and Progression. Bristol: HEFCE [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)


Young offenders Blackburn, F., Murphy, M. and Long, T. (2010). The Pinnacle Project Final Report. Salford: University of Salford [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Action for Children


Young people Hicks, L. and Stein, M. (2010). Neglect Matters: a Multi-agency Guide for Professionals Working Together on Behalf of Teenagers. London: DCSF [online]. Available: %20for%20professionals%20working%20together%20on%20behalf%20of%20teenagers %20%28March%202010%29.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Department for Education (DfE)

McConkey, R. (2010). Transitions and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jordanstown: University of Ulster [online]. Available: %20Final%20Report%20January%202010.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Supporting Young People: an Evaluation of Recent Reforms to Youth Support Services in 11 Local Areas. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20people.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) Rees, G., Gorin, S., Jobe, A., Stein, M., Medforth, R. and Goswami, H. (2010). Safeguarding Young People: Responding to Young People Aged 11 to 17 who are Maltreated. London: Children's Society [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Children's Society

Ward, L. and Hearn, B. (2010). An Equal Place at the Table for Children and Young People: National Participation Strategic Vision. London: NCB [online]. Available: %20Place%20at%20the%20Table_jun10.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Participation Works


Youth justice Standing Committee for Youth Justice (2010). Raising the Custody Threshold. London: SCYJ [online]. Available: [August, 2010]. Website: Standing Committee for Youth Justice (SCYJ)


Youth participation Ward, L. and Hearn, B. (2010). An Equal Place at the Table for Children and Young People: National Participation Strategic Vision. London: NCB [online]. Available: %20Place%20at%20the%20Table_jun10.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Participation Works


Youth support Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (2010). Supporting Young People: an Evaluation of Recent Reforms to Youth Support Services in 11 Local Areas. London: Ofsted [online]. Available: %20people.pdf [August, 2010]. Website: Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted)


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