PROJECT: Leonardo S Mechanical Invention

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PROJECT: Leonardo S Mechanical Invention

PROJECT: Leonardo’s Mechanical Invention

Student Name ______Invention______Category 4 3 2 1 Teamwork/Individual The group/Indivi. The group/indiv. The group/Indiv. Some members functioned functioned pretty functioned fairly of the During Video & Internet exceptionally well. Most well but group group/indiv. were well. All members was dominated by often off task Preparation members listened to, one or two AND/OR were listened to, shared with and members. The overtly shared with and supported the group / Individual disrespectful to supported the efforts of others. was sometimes others in the efforts of others. The group / off task. Group group/class The group / individual was member/individual AND/OR were individual was almost always on made some typically almost always on task! One distractions to disregarded by task! Zero distraction group/class other group distractions made members. Use of Class Time Used time well Used time well Used some of the Did not use class during each class during each class time well during time well to focus During Preparation period. Focused period. Usually each class period. on the project on getting the focused on There was some AND/OR often project done. getting the focus on getting distracted others Never distracted project done and the project done AND/OR not others never distracted but occasionally ready to present others. distracted others. on required date Internet Use During Successfully Usually able to Needed some Often needs uses search use search terms suggestions of assistance Preparation plus terms, and internet links search terms to and/or search Source Citations passwords & to find locate internet terms and /or internet links to information and links to find password and/or find information navigates within information and supervision to and navigates these sites easily navigates within use internet links within these sites without much these sites easily and/or to easily without assistance. + without much navigate within much assistance. Source citations assistance. + these sites. No + Source Source citations Source citations citations Four Views or more of Top Down, Top Down, front Lacks one of Lacks two of Front, side, and one side required 4 views required four Model other side, back views, mechanics and/or one day views and/or two views, all on or before after due date or more days mechanics all due date after due date. on or before due Zero, if never date turned views in. Detailed Blue Print of Blue print Blue print Lacks one of Lacks two of mechanics, includes required required three Model – includes dimensions, dimensions, aspects of blue aspects and/or mechanics, dimensions, scale, colors, scale, print and /or two or more proportions and mechanics, scale, proportions and one day after days after due additional proportions, date. Zero, if colors information. It is colors. It is due date. turned views in. turned in before turned in on due two or more days due date. date. late Journal of Typed Journal Journal entries Sloppy looking Some journal with dates and for internet journal entries for entries and/or Construction and List entries for research as well internet research list of materials & of Material & Tools Internet as construction as well as tools used in research as well process. Also list construction construction Needed during as construction of materials and process. Also list process. Zero Construction process. Also tools used/ in of materials and for not turning neat complete list construction tools used/ in these or only part of materials and construction of these in at tools used/tried time of in construction presentation Readiness to Present Ready to present Not ready to on required date present on required date – 0 Model Construction High quality Good quality Fair quality Poor quality workmanship, workmanship workmanship with workmanship much historical with several a number of and/or with little detail present, minor defects, flaws, some historical look accurate and historical detail historical look and/or labels neat labels. present and and limited mostly lacking accurate labels. labeling. or none Model Construction & High quality Good quality Fair quality Poor quality workmanship, workmanship workmanship with workmanship Ingenuity of Materials much historical with several a number of and/or with little detail present, minor defects, flaws, some historical look accurate, neat historical detail historical look, and/or labels labels, materials present, accurate limited labeling, mostly lacking used suit very labels, & supplies material variety or none, supplies well their use. adequate. sparse & limited used to meager Information in Oral Lots of accurate How it works Information Information has description with and mechanics relates to model, little to do with Presentation: 1. What is many supporting description with its working and its the Leonardo’s going on, 2. description how to details and lots 1-2 supporting usage, but lacks Invention, make model work/problem of information details and detail and working and its solving, 3. modern applications about its modern information about examples. Most modern usage. application. modern usage information accurate Photographs of Large quality Copies of A copy of Small copies of color copies of Leonardo’s Leonardo’s design Leonardo’s design Leonardo’s Design and Leonardo’s design & modern & a copy of & modern usage Modern Usage with design, modern usage from modern usage with the student usage from several views with the student model. Note, if Student Constructed several views with student model no pictures with Model with student model model then zero model looking points accurate Preparedness When Student is Student seems The student is Student does not completely pretty prepared somewhat seem at all Delivering Presentation prepared and but might have prepared, but it is prepared to has obviously needed a couple clear that present. rehearsed more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking Listens to Other Listens intently. Listens intently Sometimes does Sometimes does Does not make but has one not appear to be not appear to be Presentations distracting noises distracting noise listening but is not listening and/or or movements. or movement distracting has distracting noises or movements Respectful During Other Listens intently Listens intently Sometimes does Sometimes does behaviors. Does behaviors but not appear to be not appear to be Presentations not make has one listening but is not listening and/or distracting noises distracting noise distracting has distracting or movements or movement noises or movements Presentation Student uses Student uses Difficult to hear Difficult to hear strong voice, normal speaking student speaking, student speak, Performance occasional voice, makes reads from reads from reference to some ref. to notes, limited notes, very notes, faces notes, mostly class eye contact limited class eye class, and class faces class and and class contact, and class behaviors find it class behaviors behaviors show behavior shows interesting. find it ok. many lack most lack interest. interest Time-Limit Presentation is Presentation is 1- Presentation is 30 Presentation is 2-4 minutes long 2 minutes long or sec. - 1 minute less than 30 sec., longer than 4 long or longer or longer than 6 minutes than 5 minutes min. Total Points (64 Possible) Project Grade Points (200 Possible)

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